urban evil

Chapter 228 The Sad Commander

Luo Lei lay down in the grass and watched for a while. The dawn was just the most sleepy time of the day. Most of the soldiers on the defense line looked sleepy. This was really a good time to sneak through.

While reducing all body functions to the minimum, he used the serpentine technique and crawled towards that side.

The purpose of reducing body functions is to reduce body temperature. If those guys have thermal imaging cameras in their hands, you will be discovered by them even if you hide in the grass.

It took Luo Lei more than half an hour to cover the distance of more than 100 meters. During this period, he did not make any sound. Several people had no idea that the person they were defending had passed.

Continue to crawl forward, until 400 meters away, he slowly stood up from the ground, and said with a long breath: "The difficulty of this task is really not ordinary! The sky is already bright, those who failed to break through the first People on the first line of defense must have a hard time, if they wait until it gets dark, the task time will be shortened by more than ten hours, which is very stressful!"

The old guy didn't speak, he kept concentrating on sensing the surrounding environment.

Although he successfully broke through the first line of defense, Luo Lei was more careful, lest his whereabouts be discovered by secret sentries.

In the "enemy" headquarters, the person sitting firmly in front of the "commanding platform" is none other than Luo Lei's old acquaintance Bao Dazhi. After this guy left the training camp, he has been obsessed with the matter of falling into Luo Lei's hands. Huai, when he heard that Cheng Guilin had also suffered at the hands of that boy, he immediately called him and expressed his willingness to join hands with him to deal with this nasty boy.

It was precisely because of Bao Dazhi's phone call that Cheng Guilin made the training decision for this Lone Wolf operation, arranged for him to be the commander of Luo Lei's direction, and assigned the most elite company to him, and tacitly agreed that he could Increase the defense strength of the headquarters by itself.

After Bao Dazhi got the approval, he immediately contacted several military friends and asked them to come and help.So in addition to the reinforced company assigned to him, he brought in a capable team that was close to a platoon, and these people formed the last line of defense of the headquarters.

Looking at the four lines of defense that he carefully arranged, Bao Dazhi said to himself confidently: "No matter how powerful you are, you can't break through the line of defense built by more than 100 people. Even if you are lucky enough to break through the first three lines, I can't pass the last level!"

Bao Dazhi still has certain accomplishments in the use of tactics. He can think of Luo Lei's slippery personality, and he will never play cards according to the routine, so he did not arrange the defense line according to the routine. The more inconspicuous the place, the more the arrangement Heavy troops!

Also, instead of the usual triple defense approach, he has four.

In the first line, use two platoons of troops to build a defense line eight kilometers away from the command post. One of the entire platoons of personnel is deployed at the most complicated position in the terrain, which is where Luo Lei first encountered a wall, and the other platoon's four The three infantry squads are arranged in the other four directions.

The second line, from the first line of defense to the range of one kilometer close to the command post, three infantry squads of 30 people are scattered everywhere. They either act individually as secret sentries, or in groups of two. One is responsible for observing and the other is responsible for attacking. With luck, Luo Lei will stumble on this line of defense.

In the third line, the remaining platoon and infantry squad have a total of 56 people. They are arranged at a distance of 500 meters from the command post. This is the last line of defense. No matter what method the opponent uses to lure the enemy, they will stick to it. not out.

The fourth way is to hide in the command post. There are two squads of soldiers in the command post alone. The guy who rushed over alone has only one choice to be a living target.

Moreover, Bao Dazhi didn't believe that Luo Lei had the ability to pass through the three front lines of defense by himself. In the past, when this exercise was conducted, the success rate was less than [-]%. That is to say, if ten students participated, one person could complete it. The task is already very good.

In a sense, this kind of confrontation exercise is unfair. As the attacked party, he knew from the beginning that someone was coming to carry out the decapitation operation, so can he not strictly guard against it?

Waiting until almost noon, there was no news from any defense line.

Bao Dazhi frowned involuntarily, wondering if that kid had successfully passed the first line of defense?Impossible, the first line of defense has the most troops, even if he can pass through smoothly, he can't escape the secret sentry behind him!

"Immediately ask the personnel everywhere to confirm that they are all at the designated location!" Bao Dazhi ordered, and the communications soldier immediately followed suit.


Jia County, Rose Garden Villa, there is a volunteer form on the coffee table in the living room.

"I still insist on majoring in economics and trade!" Tian Xi said.

"No, he definitely doesn't like doing business!" Shen Anna said, Murong Hanwei agreed, and then put forward a more pertinent opinion: "Or choose journalism, this is an easy job, and you can rely on journalists Running around with his identity, going abroad, etc., is also very beneficial to his identity as a secret member of the Nine Divisions!"

"This proposal is very good!" Shen Anna nodded.

"It's better than economics and trade!" Tian Xi did not insist on her opinion for the first time.

Wu Wen also agreed. Although Li Qihan hoped that Luo Lei would enter the Department of Economics and Trade with her, after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed not suitable for Luo Lei's personality, so she nodded.

As for the little girl Lin Kexin, she has never had any constructive opinions, so she has almost no say in this matter.

Li Qihan got a good score of 696 points. If it weren't for Luo Lei, a big bt, she would have won the top spot in the college entrance examination!Wu Wen's grades are also very good, with a total score of 681, which is much higher than many provincial liberal arts champions.

As soon as the results came out, the reputation of No. [-] High School in Jiaxian County resounded throughout the province, because the top three liberal arts students in the province all came from here, and there is also a national champion.

In addition, Fatty's grades are also amazing, with 668 points, ranking No.4 in the whole school, and also among the top ten at the provincial level.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's go to the Department of Journalism!" Murong Hanwei was afraid that everyone would regret it, so she quickly took out a pen and wrote "Huadu University" on the first choice block of the support form, followed by the major one. The word "Journalism Department" was written in the column.


Luo Lei was lying on his back behind a bag of dirt. He had successfully evaded three secret sentries, and he was still four kilometers away from the command post. At this moment, the red sun was shining, and it was already noon.

He was highly concentrated along the way, and he didn't feel hungry even though he hadn't eaten breakfast. As soon as he stopped, his stomach immediately quit and made a gurgling sound.

Take out an individual ration and two pieces of chocolate from the rucksack. The ration is the self-heating kind. Tear off the outer packaging, put the food into the heating bag, pour a certain amount of water, the water and the heating bag The chemical substance reacted, and the water vapor came out quickly. When the food bag was torn open, a stench came out, and Luo Lei, who was choking, quickly raised his head.No, no matter how bad the taste is, it shouldn't be a bad smell!

He picked up the packaging bag at his feet, saw the production date, and began to scold his mother: "mbd, it was produced two years ago! The shelf life... I'm sorry, the shelf life is 240 days, and it has expired for more than a year!"

No wonder it stinks!

Picking up the chocolate and looking at it, it was more than a year expired. Luo Lei began to curse Cheng Guilin: "The old guy surnamed Cheng must have done it on purpose. I can guarantee that the other rations are definitely not expired! nnd, fortunately, I have prepared for it !"

With a thought, he flew out bread, milk, ham, and half-dried ginseng cut into strips from the spiritual earth vessel he carried with him. He stuffed two strips of ginseng into his mouth first, and then took a big bite of pure meat ham. The taste is not bad!

After eating and drinking enough, he dug a hole to bury the remaining rations. Since it was something spoiled, there was no need to keep carrying it. Even if he carried it back to find Cheng Guilin's theory, he would definitely give it a go. , why increase your burden!

After a brief rest, he hit the road again.

Before he had gone far, the road ahead was cut off by a small river with a width of more than ten meters. Since it was summer, the distance between the river and the bank was only a few tens of centimeters, and the deepest point should be more than three meters.

Luo Lei hid in a place not far from the river, thinking that it would be difficult to handle, no matter what method he used to cross the river, he would have to be exposed to the sight of the opponent's secret sentry. It is impossible that there is no secret sentry in this important position , probably lying on his stomach in a hidden place on the other side of the river.

"Old man, is there any way?" Luo Lei began to ask for his advice.

"No!" the old guy said: "The best way is to wait until after dark to act, but then the action time will be compressed for several hours, and it is difficult to guarantee that the task will be completed before eleven o'clock!"

"Yeah!" Luo Lei thought so too, and even if he waited honestly here until dark, there was a great possibility of being discovered when crossing the river.

detour?It's definitely a bad idea, because the river is so long that you can't see the end if you look around, and in this kind of place where the birds don't shit, it is impossible to have a bridge on the river. Even if there is, it is the focus of the opponent's defense.

I thought I could reach the headquarters before dark, but I didn't expect to be blocked by a river.

"I thought of it!" Luo Lei had a flash of inspiration, and said to the old guy: "Don't we have a spiritual earth vessel, which can realize short-distance entry and exit. I will enter by the river and exit from the opposite bank!"

The old guy poured cold water on her: "The river bed is so wide, you must be in the middle of the river when you come out, not on the other side!"

"Uh!" Luo Lei became a discouraged ball. It was indeed the case. In terms of the width of the river, it was not enough to directly reach the opposite bank from one side.

Would such a good idea not work?

At this time, a section of dead wood floated on the river surface, and with the action of the current and wind, it slowly drifted from the original central position to the opposite bank.

Having an idea, Luo Lei began to search for wood, and soon found several pieces of suitable size, tied them together with rope, and prepared to cross the river!

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