urban evil

Chapter 234 Scouting

As for whether the spies spoke up or not, and where they were sent, Luo Lei didn't know.He once asked Fang Yin about it, but Fang Yin didn't know it very well, he just knew that after the guy was locked up in the confinement room for a day, someone specially assigned him to escort him away.

Although I was a bit unwilling, but anyway, it was a crisis resolved. It was really uncomfortable to be under the eaves of others. If it was the training camp of the Secret Service, I only needed to say hello to Zheng Nan or Murong Hanwei. The work of interrogation must be entrusted to him. I don't believe that anyone can stand up to brother's silver needle interrogation art!

The rate of elimination is still very high, and now there are only 16 people left. The originally lively student dormitory area has become deserted, and now it is true that there are more instructors than students.

Cheng Guilin stood on the military vehicle, and there were four transport helicopters parked on the training ground not far away. His eyes swept over the faces of each team member, and he said, "The next mission is reconnaissance behind enemy lines! Four people form a team, you can Free combination, free choice of which helicopter to take, they will transport you to a place hundreds of kilometers away from here, where a defensive position of an infantry regiment is arranged, your task is to find out the opponent's troop deployment and weapons and equipment .The time limit is 72 hours, which includes the time required for departure and retreat. The helicopters that will take you there will be nearby and will arrive in time as soon as you give the signal! Of course, that is just an unarmed Transport plane, you'd better call in a safe situation, otherwise you may be shot down by the chasing enemy!"

Regarding the elimination arrangement, all members of the clan with the worst performance will be eliminated. The scoring standard is a full score of [-] points. For each "sacrifice" of a team member during the operation, [-] points will be deducted, and for one person captured, [-] points will be deducted. All points will be deducted.Thirty points will be deducted for those who fail to complete all the investigations but are able to withdraw successfully; those who complete all the investigations but fail to withdraw safely within the stipulated time will be deducted sixty points.

"Understood?" Cheng Guilin asked.

"Understood!" The 16 people shouted loudly in unison.

Needless to say, Chen Yunfei was the one with the four bad friends, and he was the one who knew the helicopter best.

Huiguo immediately fell in love with the best-maintained and up-to-date aircraft. In his words: "The safety performance of the helicopter is very important. If it falls down on the way, we will reimburse you accordingly."

The four of them boarded the plane with their own equipment. Just like the past few actual combat exercises, the equipment was terrible. In addition to the exercise guns, each of them had a pot of water and enough food for two soldiers. This time Luo Lei was the leader. After a careful look, Cheng Guilin did not fool him with expired food.

As the helicopter took off, the co-pilot turned back to the four passengers sitting in the cabin and said with a smile: "You really know how to choose. Among the four planes, ours has the longest travel distance, nearly [-] kilometers!"

The three of them glared at Chen Yunfei, and he quickly asked, "How far are the other three?"

"The closest is about [-] kilometers, and the farthest is over [-] kilometers!" The co-pilot replied.

The three of them were gearing up, pretending they wanted to deal with him, and asked you to pick the plane, and you picked the one with the longest range!Compared with the other three planes, it took more than an hour to make a trip, and it had to be the same when retreating. The sum of them was equivalent to three hours less action time than the others.

"Let me tell you guys, how can I think that the best plane has to fly the farthest distance... No, it's a big deal that I can put in a little more effort when starting the mission!" Chen Yunfei saw that the three were indifferent , hurriedly said: "I'll help you carry the bags, plus contribute my own dry food, this is the head office!"

The three of them nodded together without thinking, and Chen Yunfei began to smile wryly.

After more than three hours of flight, the three of them landed on a rope at the bottom of a valley, but the helicopter never landed. Before taking off, the pilot said: "We will be on standby about an hour away from here. You should seize the time!"

Liu Chenggang made an OK gesture to the two people in the cockpit, and then the three of them got into the nearby bushes and began to study the reconnaissance plan.

Judging from the aerial photos, the defense depth of the mechanized infantry regiment is seven or eight kilometers, and the spread area is about [-] square kilometers.The command post of the regiment should be located on the innermost side of the defense, with the company as the main unit for the construction of fortifications, twelve infantry companies, one reconnaissance company, one guard company, plus an armored battalion, an anti-aircraft missile battalion and a supply battalion , more than three thousand people.

They decided to divide into two reconnaissance teams and conduct reconnaissance from the east and west lines. This has two advantages: first, to speed up reconnaissance. After all, time is limited and the area to be reconnaissance is so large; In one basket, in case of special circumstances encountered on the way, the whole army will not be wiped out.

Liu Chenggang was in a group with Chen Yunfei, and Luo Lei was in a group with Fatty Fatty. They agreed to meet for the first time in [-] hours to summarize the reconnaissance content and study the content of the next action.After clarifying their respective responsibilities, the two groups parted ways.

Luo Lei and Fatty were in charge of the western front. It was nearly ten kilometers from the starting point to the enemy's first line of defense, which was enough for them to walk for a while.

The fat man was in charge of opening the way ahead, and Luo Lei was in charge of guarding the surrounding areas. The two marched in coordination with each other. After two hours, they finally reached the enemy's defensive position.

There is only one infantry fighting vehicle in charge of guarding in front of the position. Luo Lei observed through the binoculars for a while, and whispered to Fatty, "These guys are horrible. There is only one vehicle in the open. Tanks, individual soldiers The missiles are well hidden, once you believe that they only have one car, and when you swagger past, the tanks and the people carrying the missiles will catch you off guard!"

"It's scary enough!" Fatty nodded and said, "This is an obvious mobile combat defense system, and the heavy equipment is not placed in the open at all, so as not to be reimbursed by the enemy's air strikes in the first round of attack! Not surprising , The several wars in country m all started with such a blow, and all countries in the world have learned to be smart, and those who know how to hide will be the final winners."

Luo Lei shrugged, pointed at the infantry fighting vehicle, and asked, "What is the range of the vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft missile and the shoulder-mounted individual anti-aircraft missile?"

"The shoulder-mounted ones are a few hundred meters away, and the ones placed on the front line must be vehicle-mounted short-range air defense missiles. The range is only 6000 meters, and they won't hide too far!" The fat man analyzed.

"Okay, let's find them one by one! Md, Cheng Guilin is so stingy, he is not even willing to give a thermal imager. No matter how bad it is, he should give a GPS satellite positioning device. After finding the target, it will be transmitted directly through the satellite Go to the headquarters. What age is it, and you still have to use the method of hand-drawing! There are really good things that I don’t want to use. If a war breaks out tomorrow, we are not familiar with these modern warfare methods, let alone a lower level. There are other combat troops! Letting a group of old guys who stick to the rules as the leader is really the biggest mistake of our army, and they are subconsciously opposed to the new type of combat!" Luo Lei took out the range-finding binoculars and quickly selected A few possible hiding spots, greet Fatty and let him touch them.

The fat man shook his head helplessly, and said, "This has been a habit of our army for decades. I'm afraid you and my generation will not be able to fundamentally change it, so bear with it!"

The two kept their expressions on the ground, sometimes approaching quickly with cats on their backs, sometimes crawling forward, and soon found two nine main battle tanks hidden behind a small dirt bag, plus six infantry combat tanks equipped with anti-tank missiles. car.

Carefully marked on the map, this is the strength of an armored company.

It didn't take long before they found another anti-tank position, with six two-person teams carrying rocket launchers hidden behind a few trenches.

"Wolf pot, why do I feel that these people don't know we're coming?" said the fat man.

"I feel the same way, it's better not to know!" Luo Lei recalled the last act of beheading, and said, "It's better than a bunch of people chasing and blocking! Hurry up, there's more to come!"

The two continued to move forward, and simply ate something during the process. When they came across wild fruits and edible roots and tubers, they collected them and put them in their backpacks. After all, the rations for individual soldiers were not enough for a day.

The situation on Liu Chenggang and Chen Yunfei's side was similar to that on Luo Lei's side. The two successfully entered the enemy's first line of defense and successfully found an anti-aircraft tank position.

Next, they continued to go deeper, and by the time it got dark, they had completely figured out the outer line of defense of the place.

Judging from the situation of the first line of defense, the regiment stationed here is an A-level mechanized infantry regiment with strong combat effectiveness. Except that it is not equipped with aviation, it has all other main battle equipment. There are nearly forty of the latest domestically produced main battle tanks. , There are no less than one hundred infantry fighting vehicles, 155 self-propelled artillery with a caliber of 24mm, and countless howitzers, rocket launchers, and military vehicles with vehicles.

Nineteen hours passed, and before dawn the next day, the four met at the assembly point.

"They seem to be doing exercises!" Liu Chenggang judged: "It is probably a normal field training, otherwise the defense against infiltration cannot be so low!"

"Hehe, Cheng Guilin is quite kind this time!" Chen Yunfei adjusted his breathing and said, "Otherwise, how could we have figured out the deployment of their troops so smoothly. By the way, do you two have anything to eat? Starve to death Already!"

The fat man threw his backpack over and said, "It's all green food, eat it hard!"

"Huh? I thought you could find something delicious!" Chen Yunfei brought his backpack over and said, "Mine is also full, but the taste is not very good! Being in someone else's territory, I have had it several times. The wild rabbits hit Lao Tzu's legs, and I didn't dare to catch them. Even if I caught them, I didn't dare to start a fire!"

The four of them didn't say anything, and one of them held a taro-shaped thing and began to bite.

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