urban evil

Chapter 241 1 Arrow 3 Eagles

During the conversation with the driver, Luo Lei and the others learned that several vehicles were delivering supplies to the air combat division. The four of them were overjoyed and worried about how to deal with the still strong Red Fang.

Moreover, the air combat division is very close to the headquarters of the red team, and after cleaning them up, they also cleaned up the headquarters.

In the battle to take down the Raptors, the Secret Service contributed a lot. Afterwards, they went to a place [-] kilometers away from the headquarters to rest. After the rest, they will launch the next round of strikes against the blue team.

In this way, the four guys successfully arrived at the area where the air combat division was located. It was already dark at this time. They lied that they would report back to the headquarters by themselves, and got out of the car before entering the camp. In fact, they still sneaked in.

Before launching the action, the four of them discussed the action plan.

"Let me say that we installed bombs in their combat aircraft, oil depots, and ammunition depots!" Li Dawei said, "We directly reimbursed their air combat bases!"

"Direct enough!" Luo Lei gave a thumbs up. Li Dawei just opened his mouth to laugh, and Luo Lei's upright thumb slowly turned until it faced the ground.

"What's the matter, is my idea bad?" the fat man asked.

Liu Chenggang said: "It's not ordinary bad! Don't you think we're going to kill their air fighters now, and it won't have much impact on the battle situation? Since we want to do it, we have to do it beautifully!"

"That's right!" Chen Yunfei clenched his fists and said.

"It seems that you two have an idea, hehe, let me hear it!" Li Dawei pretended to ask for advice humbly.

"No idea!" The two said in unison, and Liu Chenggang added: "Even if you don't have an idea, it's better than you messing up bad ideas!"

Luo Lei looked at the three people staring at me and staring at you, waved his hands and said, "We have to rely on my brother at the critical moment! You all listen to me, my idea is this, first go in and plant the bomb... you first Don't talk, listen to me before expressing your opinion! Don't you know how to fly a plane? You brag all day that you can handle both helicopters and combat chickens. The bomber must be no problem, right? Mine The plan is like this, let’s blow up their other planes first, leaving only the bomber that can be driven in the dust, and the three of us cover him to take off!”

The eyes of the three of them lit up, and they couldn't wait to know the next plan.

The plan was as follows: After the three of them covered Chen Yunfei's take-off, they made a retreat appearance, and then made a strategic detour, going straight to the red club.

And Chen Yunfei, who was flying the bomber, flew towards the resting position of the Secret Service, bombing them indiscriminately!

After explaining his thoughts, Luo Lei made a final summary: "Three birds with one stone, the air combat division, the special forces and the headquarters were all taken care of by us at once. After this catastrophe, the red team will lose the ability to fight the blue team again! how do you feel?"

The three were silent.

Luo Lei was in a hurry: "Such a good plan, you guys should express your opinions! Could it be that you think it's too bt, or you don't have the guts to do it with me? It shouldn't, it doesn't suit the three of you. Messy character!"

"Wrong!" Liu Chenggang stretched out four fingers and corrected, "It's the four of us!"

"I've been thinking about the environment you grew up in, wolf pot, why is your stomach full of bad water?" Chen Yunfei made a thoughtful look.

The fat man's words were even more extreme: "Wolf pot is not only unscrupulous towards beauties, but also against enemies. I am glad that I am your friend and not your enemy! To be honest, can you do anything to your own people? I am very worried about this!"

"Damn it!" Luo Lei raised his middle finger at the three of them, and said, "Since there is no objection, let's start to divide the work! You can find a bomber that you can handle, and the three of us are responsible for planting the bomb. Assemble here in an hour!"

"Okay!" The three said in unison.


At the blue headquarters, Wang Guanghui sat on a chair with a disappointed expression on his face. Since the drill officially started, his own side has lost more than [-]% of its combat effectiveness, and the desperate beheading operation has also been declared bankrupt. He no longer has the magic weapon to defeat the enemy. It seems that this time it will end in failure again.

Qiao Shenglong walked in and reported: "The two airborne teams of the cadet team have successfully destroyed several radar stations on the red side. I believe their air force will not be so arrogant!"

Wang Guanghui felt a little comforted, and asked, "What is the current situation of the group that voted by mistake?"

"I haven't contacted them yet!" Qiao Shenglong replied, "Based on what I know about them, these four people will definitely not withdraw from the battle due to miscasting! It's just that they are too far away from the place, and it is difficult to enter the battle in a short time!"

Wang Guanghui nodded and said: "I know! Now that I think about it, I really regret it. If I knew that the red side had set a trap, I shouldn't have sent two squadrons there. Let these student soldiers go. There is still great hope of success. Even if you don't succeed, the loss is very small!"

Qiao Shenglong smiled wryly and shook his head, Zhuge Liang, why did you go so early?


The rendezvous time of the four was delayed by a full hour and a half. There was no other way. The number of bombs was limited. To cause the greatest damage, one had to carefully figure out how to make each bomb exert its maximum effect.

The four reported the results, and the results were excellent.

Chen Yunfei said proudly: "I found a domestically produced h6 bomber. Although this aircraft is older than me, it has an astonishing bomb load. It is full of 7 tons of precision-guided bombs. , Enough for those Secret Service boys to drink a pot!"

"Great!" As the planner of the operation, Luo Lei also logically became the leader of the operation. He raised his wrist and said, "Check your watch! It is 23:16 in the evening, and in 14 minutes, it will be 23 Start action at 30 minutes!"

"Yes!" The three of them said in a low voice.

When the time came, the four of them alternately thought about the location of the bomber. The bomber was not placed on the runway, but in a hangar not far from the runway. It took at least 5 minutes to get out of the hangar and take off. time.

The progress went smoothly, and the four of them entered the hangar. Seeing that the bomber had a double cabin, the fat man hurriedly asked, "Can you take off and drop bombs even with an empty seat? Asshole, do you need help?"

"Need!" Chen Yunfei said, "But are you that material!"

"Uh!" The fat man was deflated, Luo Lei and Liu Chenggang laughed, and the three of them pushed the hangar door together. The moment Chen Yunfei started the plane, Luo Lei pressed the detonation button.

Immediately, there was an explosion at the base of the Air Combat Division. Everyone from the commander to the soldiers didn't know what happened. Taking advantage of their panic, Chen Yunfei successfully drove the plane onto the runway.

Under normal circumstances, the aircraft needs to be towed by a tractor from the hangar to the runway, and time is tight, so I can't take care of that much.

The commander of the air combat division was ordering to count the battle damage when he suddenly saw a bomber on the runway and asked in surprise, "Is there a bombing mission tonight?"

"No!" The deputy teacher shook his head.

"Then hurry up and intercept it!" The division commander shouted: "They must use our bombers to escape, they can't let these saboteurs escape, hurry up and arrange it!"

The deputy division commander complained: "The situation of the battle damage has not been calculated yet, who is alive and who is dead, these have not yet been clarified! Who do you want me to send, it is estimated that the higher-ups will judge all of us to withdraw, even if Stopping that plane will also be considered invalid!"

The teacher was helpless, he just wanted to scold his mother!

The bomber took off smoothly. Since it was a plane from the red team, all the ground radars did not give an alarm. Chen Yunfei rushed in the direction indicated by the driver of the military vehicle, and flew at a very low altitude. As long as they saw the rest camp of the Secret Service, they would not be able to escape. up.

In fact, it is entirely possible for this plane to attack the Red Command. The reason why such a decision was not made is because such an approach is too extreme and will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the director department, because under wartime conditions, this The chances of this happening are really small.In contrast, beheading is more acceptable to people.

In the special forces camp, Wang Sanhu was sitting by the bonfire, recalling the actions of the past few days, the blue side was helpless, not only earned face for the red side, but also earned face for himself, this time he should be able to be promoted to colonel Well, Murong Hanwei is already a lieutenant colonel!

At this time, the roar of the plane was heard in the distance. He stood up excitedly, took out the binoculars to look, and was relieved immediately. It was the bomber of the red team, flying very low.

"Let me just say, the blue team's fighter plane was destroyed by someone I led, so how could it come to sneak attack!" He sat down again, and didn't think much about why the plane was flying so low.

The bomber roared past, made a 180-degree turn ahead, and flew back.

Chen Yunfei, who was piloting the plane, had already identified the target. This time, he directly opened the door of the bomb bay, aimed at the target on the ground, and pressed the bomb release button.

Of course, it is impossible for these bombs to come out of the magazine, just practice!

Wang Sanhu looked up at the bomber flying past again, and said to himself: "Why didn't you even forget to close the magazine door, this pilot's nerves are strong enough... No, the action just now was obviously dropping a bomb, could it be... ..."

He jumped up and ran quickly to the tent when the phone rang, and he picked up the receiver, and a voice came from inside: "This is the exercise director's department, and it is our bomber that is informing you that you have been hijacked by the enemy." Attack, all members withdraw from the exercise, please tell your commander...beep...beep..."

Wang Sanhu was stunned, how could this happen?The blue team was able to hijack the red team's bomber. Isn't this a joke? What are our air-to-air radars and missiles for? Let them come and bomb?

Although he was extremely dissatisfied in his heart, Wang Sanhu still gave the order for all members to withdraw. Thinking about it, he was really useless. He fought with the blue elite troops several times without causing serious casualties, but he was confused by others.

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