urban evil

Chapter 251 The Scarlet Blood Mercenary

The four formed into scattered formations, carefully searching for every inch of land.

Seeing that this area has been searched, not to mention the pilot, even a rabbit has not been seen.According to the statement given by the Thais: After the plane was shot, the pilot ejected to escape. They received the signal from the ejection seat. The GPS system on the pilot responded well, but after 1 minute, all these signals disappeared mysteriously.

Presumably the rebels blocked the signal in some way, otherwise how could the two signals disappear at the same time?

Since the other party can block your signal, can't they catch your person?Thinking of this, the Thai army hurriedly asked the Huaxia Special Forces to help find it, and must not let the pilot fall into the hands of the rebels.

Several other search teams failed to find any clues, and everyone reported the search situation to each other on the radio.

Fang Yin is still the commander-in-chief, and she is about to complete the search task of an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers. She picked up the phone and said, "Colonel Li, I am the commander of the special operations team, Guan Yin! Please confirm with the Thai side." , Did they get the pilot's landing place wrong, why can't they find it?"

The Thai side immediately sent definite news that the pilots had indeed landed in that area, and they could be accurate to within one square kilometer. The reason why they drew a range of more than ten square kilometers was to be more on the safe side.

"That's strange!" Holding a pencil in his hand, Fang Yin made a circle on the picture, and said to himself, "Could it be that they were caught by the rebels and moved quickly? They shouldn't be so fast. The action was right, our special forces were in place within half an hour of the incident, and no matter how fast the rebels were, it was impossible for them to complete all this in less than half an hour."

Thinking of this, a trace of worry appeared in her heart.

"Attention, team members, don't act rashly when encountering suspicious targets!" Fang Yin said solemnly into the microphone: "The situation there is complicated. I will send a helicopter to pick you up after the search is completed. Try not to come into contact with the rebels who appear. , protecting yourself is the most important thing.”

A few minutes later, one of the squads of the Southwest Theater Task Force arrived in front of a piece of ruins. From the shape of the ruins, it can be seen that it was a small three-story building connected together before it was blown up.

"Captain, the thermal imager shows that there is nothing under this ruin!" a team member reported.

The man who looked like the captain smiled slightly, and said: "Then our mission is complete, and no trace of the coalition pilots has been found! Members, please pay attention, quickly approach me, and let's set off for the evacuation point!"

The five team members quickly approached, and they stood at the left rear of the ruins.

There was nothing under the ruins. More than a dozen heavily armed men were hiding in the basement. In one of the rooms, a man who looked like a pilot was tied up with a rag stuffed in his mouth.

Although the thermal imager has the ability to penetrate buildings, when the three-story buildings were blown up, the water pipes ruptured, so that there was water under the ruins, and a lot of accumulated water stayed between the ground and the basement, seriously affecting the The judgment ability of the imager.

Armed with advanced firearms and wearing tactical bulletproof vests, these armed men are very different from ordinary rebels. They look like well-trained soldiers.

The leader is a man in his 30s with a square face, wearing sunglasses, a hooked nose and a square mouth. There are yellow people, and there are black people.

The only thing they have in common is the expression on their faces, which carries a strong sense of killing.

The square-faced man looked at the task force that was concentrated in one place, and said in a deep voice: "No, what are they doing together? Did they discover our hiding place? The brothers began to prepare for the battle, using the fastest way Kill all these people!"

"Yes!" More than a dozen team members took their positions, aiming at the target with their weapons.

The square-faced man gave an order: "Hit!"

The weapons used by these people all have silencers, and the bullets did not make a loud noise when they were fired.

The team leader had just issued the retreat order, and before he had time to raise his legs, three people around him were shot and fell down. He and two other team members quickly lay down on the ground and shouted into the communicator: "The second team of the special task force suffered Attack, three team members were shot, no trace of the enemy was found! Ask for reinforcements, ask for reinforcements!"

A team member who survived the disaster opened fire at a place where the enemy might be hiding. A burst of random shooting did nothing but expose himself. Just after a shuttle of bullets was fired, he was confronted before he had time to change the magazine. Several bullets hit his head.

"Request for support, one team member died!" The team leader was not quite sure whether the three people who had been shot before were dead.

The special forces scattered around came immediately, including Luo Lei and the others, the first to arrive was the members of Group C, the four of them threw a smoke bomb at the same time, and then dragged and dragged the four members of the squad who had been shot. Get behind cover.

The square-faced man in the basement waved his hand and said: "It seems that an encounter is impossible to avoid, leaving two people to watch the pilot, and the rest rushed out with me to deal with these people! Since it is sent to the door Don’t waste your money, don’t want it!”

These people are indeed not rebels, nor are they from Lagamon, but mercenary organizations from Eastern Europe. In the process of defeating the government forces, these people contributed a lot. The rebels offered them a price of 1500 per day The salary in U.S. dollars is 200 U.S. dollars for every government soldier killed, and 500 U.S. dollars for every coalition soldier killed. As for tanks, tanks and aircraft, the rewards are even higher.

The combat effectiveness of mercenaries is very strong. Most of these people are from the special forces of certain countries in Europe or the Middle East. They have strong battlefield experience. After repelling the government forces, they are given a new task - special operations against the coalition forces , Eliminate the special forces of the coalition forces.

They also shot down that unlucky Thai bomber. It used a new type of individual air-to-air missile. One plane plus one pilot. Team, if it weren't for the wrong judgment just now, the special forces team has already started to retreat!

More than a dozen supporters rushed out of the basement, shooting while running, and the two sides fought fiercely.

Luo Lei and the others headed towards the exchange of fire at the fastest speed, but they were so far away that they were the last to join the exchange of fire.

The four lay on the ground together, and Liu Chenggang asked a member of Group A who was firing: "How is the situation?"

"The opponent's combat power is very strong!" The team member replied, "I fired no less than thirty shots at one of the guys, but I missed it! He also fired dozens of shots at me, and several of the bullets were They flew over with a scratch! The opponent is definitely not a rebel in the general sense, they are brave in combat, have sophisticated weapons, are very skillful in tactical coordination, and occupy more powerful terrain than us!"

In terms of the strength of the two sides, Luo Lei had the advantage, but this advantage was not brought into play, nor did he take advantage of it at all.

"Fatty, give them a shot!" Luo Lei pointed to the 80 bazooka behind Li Dawei and said.

"Okay!" The fat man took off the bazooka, handed the backpack to Luo Lei and said, "Fill it for me later, I still brought four this time! It's enough for those guys to drink a pot, hehe! Cover me!"

Luo Lei raised his gun and fired four 40mm grenades at the opponent's position one after another. The fat man fired a shot at that side with the bazooka on his shoulder.


Stones mixed with soil flew in all directions, and landed on the mercenary's head and body. The square face straightened up and shook the soil on his head, cursing: "They even have rocket launchers, and our individual missiles, fight back!"

A black soldier said with a wry smile, "Boss, those are anti-aircraft missiles, they can't hit ground targets!"

"Fuck, then use grenades to deal with them!" The square-faced man shouted hysterically: "Call the rebels in the city and let them send armored troops over!"

The mercenaries used grenades to fight back, and the fight between the two sides was extremely fierce.

Luo Lei took advantage of the gap of changing magazines and asked the leader of the second squad who had been hit hard: "Where did they come from, and they beat you so hard that you can't fight back!"

The team leader said: "Those bastards hid under the ruins and launched a sneak attack on us! The thermal imaging camera failed to find the target, and several of my team members died miserably!"

Luo Lei rolled his eyes and wondered what these grandchildren were doing in the basement. Could it be that the pilots were also hidden there?

"Steel pot and gray pot, cover!" Luo Lei picked up the fat man and said, "Let's detour to the enemy's back, and give them a sneak attack, and see if we can find the captured pilot!"

"No problem!" Fatty got up from the ground.

"Okay, you guys go, be careful!" Liu Chenggang and Chen Yunfei nodded to them.

In order not to reveal their whereabouts, the two circled a large circle, which was as far as two or three kilometers away.

The enemy's position had already appeared in front of him, Luo Lei said with a smirk, "Fatty man, you are here to cover the fire, and I will be a vanguard, rushing over and beating!"

"Well, no problem!" Fatty nodded. One of the biggest advantages of this guy is that he never questioned Luo Lei's arrangement.

Luo Lei approached from the side, and the dead fat man had already fired. The m240 general-purpose machine gun spewed out flames. The rate of fire of 750 rounds per minute was no joke, and the bullets hit the mercenaries like hail.

There was an attack from behind, a group of mercenaries panicked, and several people were ordered to fight back, but no one noticed Luo Lei who was approaching them.

Luo Lei leaned his back against half of the low wall, took out two photosensitive shock bombs, pulled out the pins and threw them over.


There were two muffled bangs, and a dazzling white light lit up, and the gunshots from the mercenary's side immediately fell silent.

Luo Lei rushed out with a gun in his hand, shooting at a group of blind guys.

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