urban evil

Chapter 254

According to the intelligence sent by insiders, the senior leaders of the rebel army will arrive in Mengbang City tomorrow evening, and will meet with the local rebel leader at [-]:[-] pm.

After careful analysis, Fang Yin decided to send the twelve team members he brought with him. A four-member team rushed into the building as a vanguard, and the other two teams were responsible for the security and fire support tasks on the periphery.

Undoubtedly, Group C is the best candidate for the vanguard.

Then, she began to assign tasks. During the operation, three team members were dropped on the periphery of the building by a medium-sized transport helicopter, and four armed helicopters were responsible for air security tasks, covering the actions and evacuation of the team members.

"Do you have any questions?" Fang Yin stood in front of twelve special forces members.

"Sister, I have a question!" Luo Lei was the first to speak again.

Fang Yin frowned, and if there is a problem in her heart, there is a problem. Does it have anything to do with the title of Big Sister?You hateful boy, if you dare to call me big sister in front of so many people in the future, my aunt will never stop with you!

"Ask!" Fang Yin said angrily.

"How many enemies are there and what weapons are they equipped with? I think this is very important!" Luo Lei said, "In addition, I don't think we have an advantage in such a surprise attack behind enemy lines. Since it is the senior leader of the rebel army People, the accompanying guards must be indispensable. When they arrive in Meng State, the local bandit leaders will also strengthen their defense level! I think the most reliable way is to find out his route of action, and set up an ambush on the only way. !"

"I thought of this too, but our informant did not find out their course of action!" Fang Yin replied: "The leaders of the coalition forces are unwilling to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so they made the decision to raid !"

"Oh!" Luo Lei nodded, and immediately asked the second question: "What is the identity of that senior leader? Is there a photo? Should we focus on dealing with him, or rush in and beat him hard, leaving no one alive?"

Fang Yin turned on the projector, and a middle-aged man with a big beard appeared on the screen and said, "This is exactly what I want to tell you! This man's name is Jiabang Licha, and his status in the rebel army is equivalent to The position of Chief of General Staff is a veritable No. [-] figure! This man is ruthless and scheming. In the battle with the government army, he has made many surprise moves to win. It can be said that the government army can have today's disastrous defeat, which has a lot to do with this person. Relationship! When you see him, it is best to capture him alive. Of course, in an emergency, you can take measures to kill him. I believe you will make a correct judgment!"

The fat man shrugged his shoulders and said, "Since we are the pioneers in Group C, we can't bring bazookas. I'll apply for a pack of 40mm grenades and a bunch of C4 bombs!"

"Equipment is not a problem, as long as you can move it, you can take as much as you want!" Fang Yin said.

Everyone began to prepare for the battle. During the period before the operation, in order to ensure that the news did not leak out, they were asked not to contact anyone outside the operation.

The four people in Group C have been staying in the dormitory. Fatty got 40 rifle grenades as he wished, plus 60 C4 high-explosive bombs, and they are happily stuffing them into his backpack. The m240 light machine gun is still his first choice weapon. In addition to the self-defense pistol, he deliberately hid two sharp sabers.

Liu Chenggang changed to an Aug assault rifle. In addition to an M4A2 assault rifle, Luo Lei also chose a FNP50 submachine gun with a loading capacity of 90 rounds for close-range combat.

Kicking the fat man's ass, Luo Lei asked, "Are you going to blow up other people's buildings, kid? Bring so many c4s and grenades!"

The fat man smiled and said: "Be prepared! Who knows how many people those guys have hidden in the building. Since I'm gone, I have to wipe them all out. If the opponent's firepower is strong, don't we have countermeasures? hey-hey!"


At [-]:[-] p.m., a transport plane arrived at the designated location under the escort of four armed helicopters. The members of the fully armed ab group descended first by rope, quickly took their positions, and surrounded the target building.

Then came the four bad friends of Group C, who rushed towards the building immediately after their feet landed, and the five helicopters quickly climbed up and left the dangerous airspace.

The four rushed all the way, and the rebels who rushed out of the building were knocked to the ground before they had time to aim.

"c1 is in charge of the left, c2 is in charge of the right, after c3 is broken, c4 breaks through the middle!" Liu Chenggang is the team leader of this mission. After entering the building, the four formed a scattered formation and rushed to the conference room according to the information provided by the informant. The rebel leaders inside should have been warned of the invasion. They must resolve the battle in the shortest possible time, otherwise they will leave the opponent with a chance to escape.

From time to time, armed men rushed out from unexpected places, and most of them were shot and killed by Luo Lei who ran in the front. These people thought that they had hidden well and appeared in time, but they didn't know that they had been exposed long ago. Under the old guy's sensing ability.

The fat man who was running at the back gave Luo Lei a thumbs up. He fully believed that if he ran at the front, he would have been beaten into a sieve by the enemy by now.

The enemies that Luo Lei couldn't deal with in time were naturally dealt with by the steel pot and the gray pot that followed. The four of them moved very fast, and within a short while they reached the place where they could go straight down the stairs. Below was the meeting room.

"Fatty, come on!" Luo Lei pouted at the fat man.

Fatty understood, and hung the big killer in his arms around his neck, and took out four high-explosive grenades with both hands, while Liu Chenggang and Chen Yunfei each threw a photosensitive grenade, and the three of them threw it down together.

"Boom boom boom... 悾悾..."

The sound of the explosion and the dazzling white light came out at the same time, and Luo Lei rushed down immediately. Under the dual effects of the grenade and the sensory shock bomb, the rebels hiding in the stairwell were absolutely unable to fight again.

"Da da da..." After a burst of shooting, the few guys who were not killed but were flashed by the white light were dealt with by Luo Lei.

He kicked open the door of the underground conference room, and it was empty inside.

The old guy said: "There were still people just now, they must have escaped through the secret passage! The passage is on the fireplace on the background wall, and you can open it by turning the copper eagle on it."

"Okay!" Luo Lei ran to the fireplace, and the three bad friends also came in.

Turning the eagle, a small door automatically opened under the fireplace, and the four of them entered in a file. Those who escaped into the passage had long been out of the old guy's sensing range, and they rushed to catch up.

The exchange of fire outside was much more intense than expected. The rebels swarmed from all directions, most of them driving pickup trucks equipped with large-caliber machine guns, and attacked the special forces hiding place.

"A1 calls the helicopter, asks for support, asks for support!" Group A was so overwhelmed that they couldn't lift their heads.

The two helicopters descended quickly, locked on the target, and fired 57mm caliber rockets. After being shot, the two pickup trucks were blown up and landed burning. None of the tank members survived.

"Swoosh... da da da..."

The individual anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft machine guns fired at the same time, and the two helicopters were unable to dodge. One was hit by the missile, and the other was hit by dozens of large-caliber bullets, and the fuselage was seriously damaged.

"Black Hawk [-] reported that Black Hawk [-] was hit, and I was also seriously injured!" The pilot tried his best to evade, while reporting to the headquarters: "The enemy's anti-aircraft fire is very strong. It is recommended that the other three planes leave this area temporarily. Airspace...the enemy launched missiles at me again, the situation is very critical..."

The pilot began to make evasive actions at a wide angle. In addition to the two missiles flying towards him, the firepower network formed by the anti-aircraft machine gun turned the helicopter into a headless fly, stumbling around and hitting walls.

Fang Yin, who was sitting in the command post, pulled off the headset and said to the other commanders: "Immediately send an additional squadron of armed helicopters to support, how could the enemy's actions be so fast, so many troops participated in the firefight just now! In addition, call me the director of the intelligence department, why is there such a big gap between the defense intelligence he provided and the reality!"

The entire headquarters was in chaos. A squadron of armed helicopters was attacked by anti-aircraft missiles as soon as they entered the airspace of Meng State. They had to use climbing or evasive actions to avoid them. In addition, the location of the incident cannot be approached.

This is a conspiracy!

According to the current situation of the enemy and the enemy, Fang Yin made such a judgment sharply, and the intelligence director's words made her heart sink to the bottom.

"How could such a change happen? My insider said that they were not prepared for air defense!" The director of the intelligence department stared wide-eyed, looking at the battle screen sent back from the theater in disbelief.

Fang Yin said coldly: "It's easy to explain, your informant betrayed you! I have always emphasized the accuracy of the information to you before, but now something happened!"

The director of the intelligence department sat down on the chair, and he had lost his original judgment.

Fang Yin picked up the microphone and said: "Members of the teams, please pay attention, this operation is likely to be a trap set by the rebels. The teams cover each other and withdraw from the firefighting area, and report your current situation to me immediately! "

"Group A reports that one player was shot and injured, and the other three are intact, trying to join the members of Group B!"

"Group B reports that the four players are intact, but they are caught in the enemy's situation, unable to withdraw from the battlefield, asking for support, asking for support!"

According to the usual practice, Group C should report at this time, but Fang Yin waited for more than ten seconds, but still did not hear the voices of the members of Group C.

"Group c, can you hear me? Members of group c please answer after hearing it, and members of c please answer..." Fang Yin shouted into the microphone several times, but still no one answered.

Her expression became very gloomy, Qiao Shenglong stood up from the command position, and said, "I will personally lead the team to the rescue, and I will definitely bring those boys back safely!"

"Okay, Instructor Qiao be careful!" Fang Yin nodded heavily, there was no better way at the moment.

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