urban evil

Chapter 262 Revenge

Alisa's body rotated at an incredible angle, and then she got rid of Luo Lei's control.

Well!It was the first time for Luo Lei to see such a way of getting rid of, and he couldn't help being surprised.

"Huaguo people, just wait, I will make you pay for this!" Taking advantage of Luo Lei's blank moment, Alisa kicked her legs and jumped forward, the speed was astounding.

By the time he reacted, Alisa had disappeared from his sight, that is, disappeared after a few ups and downs.

"Damn, why are you so careless?" Luo Lei said regretfully, "I knew it would be like this. I should have played with her for a while. This is a beautiful woman who came to my door on her own initiative. I will never have such an opportunity in the future." , Woohoo!"

"Just be content, kid, you've already taken a lot of advantage!" The old guy said, "It can be seen that the foreign girl won't let you off easily, so you'd better be careful!"

"Understood!" Luo Lei stepped back to the bar.

Pushing open the door of the bar, everyone looked at him with "strange" eyes, no need to ask, he must have regarded him as the legendary "fast shooter", and the battle was resolved so quickly!

Many people are thinking that I would be the one who took the beautiful woman out just now, and she must be unable to get out of bed all night!

"Wolf pot, why did you come back so soon?" The fat man said with a look of surprise, "And it doesn't look like you are fighting a battle. What are you doing?"

"Don't think I'm so obscene!" Luo Lei said angrily, "Get out of here quickly, we're being targeted! If my guess is right, it's specifically targeting us special forces, and try to stay out of the barracks as little as possible in the future!"

Seeing that he didn't mean to be joking at all, the three of them nodded, put away the chips they had finally won, went to the counter to exchange them for cash, and left here.

On the way, Liu Chenggang asked: "Wolf pot, what happened?"

Luo Lei shook his head first, then said with a wry smile: "You really think I've had an affair, don't you? It's not like that at all. The moment the blonde beauty came into the bar, I felt something was wrong. She's a killer!"

"Ah?" Fatty's eyes widened. He has always regretted that he did not get Alisa's favor.

"You have so many enemies, fourth!" Chen Yunfei gave a thumbs up.

"Go to hell, what is my enemy? It's the enemy of all of us!" Luo Lei rolled his eyes at him and said angrily, "Do you think she's only targeting me, but I'm the most capable of the four of us." Hit me, of course she will take me as the first target to be dealt with! If I hadn’t found out in advance, you probably would have been dumped into the wilderness!”

Back at the barracks, he told Fang Yin about the matter, who was still furious.


The coalition forces adopted a strategy of gradually encroaching on Mengbang City, sending ground combatants to conduct tentative attacks on multiple locations, and successfully captured some strategic locations, laying the foundation for the next attack.

However, the rebels immediately launched a counterattack, and most of the bridgeheads built by the coalition forces were destroyed, leaving only one in the east of the city.In desperation, the commander-in-chief can only modify the offensive plan that has been formulated, and use it as the starting point of the offensive, hoping to achieve the strategic effect of forming a line with points and forming a surface with lines.

An armored battalion was responsible for clearing the way, followed by two infantry companies in Humvees. Their combat mission was to advance two kilometers forward, occupy the commanding heights, and eliminate rebels within a certain range.

At the beginning, the progress was smooth, and the resistance of the rebels was weak. When they marched 1.5 kilometers, they suddenly encountered the resistance of the superior rebels who had been ambushing here for a long time. Effective counterattack.

"Special forces gather!" Fang Yin gave an order, and the eight team members lined up in a neat queue.

"Our army's attack was blocked, and the commander-in-chief ordered my special forces to go to reinforce it!" Fang Yin said in a deep voice, "Our mission is to enter the battlefield silently, launch an attack from the rear of the enemy's defense line, and catch them off guard. Create an opportunity for the attacking troops in front to break through the defense line, do you understand?"

"Understood!" The eight roared together.

On the runway of the airport, a small transport plane was waiting. Eight people were wearing strangely shaped glider suits, self-defense pistols in their waists, and short MP5 submachine guns on their shoulders.

After boarding the plane, the pilot slammed the joystick forward before the door was completely closed, the engine started to exert force, galloped on the runway, and then flew into the sky.

"The main battle weapon is launched by an armed helicopter!" The captain of the transport plane said to the eight special forces in the cabin: "And it will enter the enemy's defense line first, and it is equipped with a signal transmitter. After you jump out of the plane, Glide according to the source of the signal, get the main weapon as soon as possible after landing, and start fighting the enemy!"

The eight nodded together.

The plane quickly reached the designated altitude, the rear cabin cover fell slowly, and eight people jumped out in groups of two and two.

Wearing gliding suits, they landed silently to the ground, the signal lights on the helmets lit up, and several goods began to glide towards the location where the weapons were dropped.

The gliding suit is a high-tech special warfare equipment that can meet the requirements of approaching the target silently. The only disadvantage is that during the gliding process, the two arms that control the direction cannot make attacking movements. Once attacked, there is nothing but escape It has no other options, which is its Achilles' heel.

However, the rebels had no idea that there were special forces in the coalition forces who had mastered such skills, and they were not prepared at all.

When the distance from the ground was more than 100 meters, eight people opened their parachutes one after another and landed smoothly.

The place where the weapons were dropped was on the roof of a four-story building. The purpose of this was nothing more than to avoid the possibility of being discovered by the rebels. They couldn't just throw them on the street.

The eight people have a clear division of labor, group c of four is responsible for opening the way, and group b is responsible for breaking the back and covering.

Luo Lei was at the forefront of the queue, and the MP5 submachine gun in his hand fired bullets from time to time, harvesting the lives of the rebels.

The steel pot, the gray pot, and the dead fat man were not to be outdone. Under their crossfire, more than a dozen unlucky rebels had been killed. Many people were hit to the point just by showing their heads.

Soon, they reached the top of the building, and the four of them lifted the boxes containing the weapons down and distributed them with the people in group b.

The dead fat man picked up his favorites - 80mm rocket launcher, four spare ammunition and m240 light machine gun. Everyone quickly loaded and loaded, and then set off towards the designated area.

From boarding the transport plane to going into battle, it took only 4 minutes for the special forces team members, and they are veritable rapid reaction forces.

"Da da da……"


The eight people stabbed the rebel army in the back, and the enemy's position immediately became chaotic. Under the attack of the enemy, many people chose to avoid the battle or run away.

The commander in front ordered the tank troops to assemble and charge in time, and quickly broke through the enemy's defense line.

The rebels began to retreat, and Luo Lei and the others chased after them and continued to fight. Their precise marksmanship made the enemy fearful, and many people chose to put down their weapons and surrender.

The ground troops continued to advance, and the commander-in-chief, seeing that the situation was favorable to his own side, issued an order to continue advancing, and did not stop until he advanced to a position of 3 kilometers, which was less than 5 kilometers away from the city center.

More ground troops were put in to further expand the results of the battle. The coalition forces controlled an area of ​​tens of square kilometers in just one battle, exceeding the sum of the previous operations.

The eight-member team of the Special Forces was highly praised, and the commander-in-chief personally awarded them the Coalition Medal of Courage.

In the next few days, the area controlled by the coalition forces began to develop on both sides, and the area continued to expand. The camp originally located [-] kilometers away only had a quarter of its soldiers, and most of the troops were devoted to the battlefield.

The special operations team is still stationed at the original location, and they always go to the battle when there is a tough battle. The Southwest Theater Task Force has also achieved outstanding military exploits, and has been praised by the high-level coalition forces many times.

With the continuous escalation of ground combat, the frequency of air strikes has gradually decreased, from several bombings per day to once every few days, and most of the attack targets are formulated by ground personnel, which has reduced the air force's air artillery to a certain extent. probability.

As the rebels retreated steadily, their commanders had no choice but to order to shrink their defenses, voluntarily gave up a lot of territory, concentrated their superior forces in the South City and West City, and focused on certain areas for defense.

Moreover, the rebels also organized several counterattacks, two of which caused heavy casualties to the coalition forces, and the two sides entered a stalemate.

After Fang Yin finished the meeting from the headquarters, he organized a meeting for the special forces members.

"Next, our task will be very heavy!" Fang Yin analyzed: "After the enemy and us enter a stalemate, both sides will become more cautious. There should be no large-scale armed operations in the near future, and small-scale special operations will become the most important part of the war. The main event! According to reliable information, the rebels have invited the European mercenary organization—the Red Blood Mercenary Group. Defeat, so in the next mission, everyone must be extremely careful. Destroying the enemy is not our ultimate goal, the ultimate goal is to save ourselves, and only by saving ourselves can we persist until the moment of victory. What do you think? Speak freely."

The first person to speak is always Luo Lei, and Fang Yin's address is still the same: "Elder Sister, I think we should repay him with the same way, last time Red Blood dug a trap for us, It caused a one-third reduction in our staff, and we should avenge the dead comrades!"

"I agree!" The fat man raised his hand and said, "Avenge the seriously injured Instructor Qiao, if we don't do this, we will definitely be looked down upon by the red blood mercenaries, thinking that we will just hide in the camp !"

Fang Yin's face was full of black lines, and she thought to herself that this group of bad boys who are unwilling to be lonely will really give me a problem, let you discuss the next move, but you want to start with Chixue.

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