urban evil

Chapter 264 Endless Killing Moves

Group B still didn't respond, and the four couldn't help but worry for them.

Didn't complete the task?Or is the communicator malfunctioning?Or was it wiped out by the rebels?

The possibility of not completing the task is relatively high. They must have encountered trouble during the marching and sneaking process.

"What should we do?" Chen Yunfei said anxiously, "There are only 10 minutes left before the explosion. If Group B fails to complete the task in time, they will be exposed as soon as our side explodes!"

"Why don't I go in and complete other tasks!" Luo Lei was not worried at all, and said with a smile, "Even if I can't fill the remaining vehicles with bombs within 10 minutes, I can still blow them all up to the sky!"

"It's too dangerous, not to mention we still don't know what's going on in Group B!" Liu Chenggang was about to say something, when the intercom rang: Group C, Group C, I'm b2, we're in trouble, A few missile soldiers and a dozen infantrymen stayed up all night, playing cards in the position, and we were unable to make a breakthrough. There were also three medium-range anti-aircraft missile vehicles and a command vehicle that failed to load bombs.

Three medium-range missile vehicles plus a command vehicle, this is a complete air defense system, if it can't be done, the helicopter can't fly over to pick them up in time, you have to know that there is a company of enemy troops on the periphery, rely on How can two legs run over other people's wheels?

"Didn't you try a way around it?" Liu Chenggang asked.

"No, there is no way around!" b2 on the other end of the communicator replied: "There is no other option but to attack. There are several people on the other side who are in our shooting blind spot. I am afraid that the battle will not be resolved for a while. Once the enemy Reinforcement troops have arrived, but we are still unable to complete the mission!"

Luo Lei stretched out his hand to grab the communicator, and said, "Send the coordinates right away, we'll find a way!"

A few seconds later, Group B sent the specific situation through the GPS positioning system. Luo Lei took out the laptop he had brought along from the enemy headquarters, and after finding out the location, he immediately had an idea.

"Let's pretend to be members of the Scarlet Blood Mercenary Group, grab a military vehicle and kill them, and use the pretext of catching gambling to deal with those rebels!" Luo Lei said his idea.

"But, I don't understand the language!" The fat man spread his hands.

Luo Lei smiled lightly and said: "This is not a problem. Do you think that the members of the Scarlet Blood Mercenary Group can communicate with the rebels? When I get there, I will speak to them in English and severely reprimand them for their behavior. If there is no one who understands English, they can guess what we do, it would be even better if there is someone who can understand, haha!"

"Well, it's a good idea, then act now!"

The four of them quickly grabbed a military vehicle and pulled out the front and rear license plates. In order to appear more like mercenaries, they deliberately messed up their image, wearing military caps on one side and tops open, at first glance they really looked like soldiers.

The military vehicle drove fast, hitting a dozen or so rebels who were playing cards. Of course, Liu Chenggang stepped on the brakes just in time when he was about to hit them.

For a while, the rebels looked unconvinced at the four men sitting firmly on the military vehicle.

Luo Lei shouted in a voice that overwhelmed everyone: "Who is your chief, come out!"

This sentence was spoken in English, and the rebels looked at each other, but one of the missile soldiers understood it, and hurriedly whispered a few words to a guy with the rank of lieutenant on his shoulder.

The lieutenant threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and walked over with the missile soldier. Needless to say, the guy had to act as an interpreter.

"Who told you to gamble here?" Luo Lei pointed at the lieutenant's nose and scolded, "You fucking don't take the lives of soldiers seriously, what if the enemy's special forces come over, what do you have to contend with the enemy ?”

With a look of disdain on his face, the lieutenant made the missile soldier ask what they were doing.

"I belong to the Scarlet Blood Mercenary Corps!" Luo Lei said, patting his chest.

Hearing the words "Red Blood Mercenary Corps", the lieutenant's expression immediately became awe-inspiring. He quickly took out his cigarette, nodded and bowed to Luo Lei.

Liu Chenggang and the others kept looking down at their watches, the time was coming soon.

"Mr. Mercenary, I'm really sorry!" The missile soldier translated the lieutenant's bird language: "Let's go back to our respective positions immediately!"

"Don't worry!" Luo Lei changed his scolding expression before, and said with a smile: "You all gather around, I have something good to show you, this is the biggest secret of our Scarlet Blood Mercenary Group!"

A group of people surrounded them stupidly, only a few had guns on their bodies, and most of them were just smoking cigarettes.

He winked at the three of them, and the three of them understood that before they came here, they had already loaded the bullets into the chambers of their guns, and each of them held at least two guns in their hands at the same time.

"The secret is..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Just as Luo Lei said a few words, there were explosions not far away, and the rebels subconsciously turned their heads to look.

"...Do it!" Luo Lei shouted loudly, picked up the two MP5 submachine guns placed on the seat, and the four of them started shooting together.

The timing is just right, if the action is early, it will attract the attention of the surrounding defenders, and if the action is late, the guys in front of them will react, and shooting at the same time as the explosion is undoubtedly the best choice.

After a burst of rapid gunshots, all the rebels fell to the ground, most of them died on the spot, and those who were not killed took out their pistols and added a bullet.

The four jumped out of the car, quickly installed the bomb, set it to explode after 1 minute, and then drove away in a hurry.

Boom boom boom... The last few explosions sounded, and the anti-air missile positions of the rebel army were completely wiped out. The coalition forces immediately dispatched helicopters to welcome the special forces members who returned in triumph.


Fang Yin walked into the military tent and said to the team members who were sitting: "A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Listen first!" said Raleigh.

"The good news is that all the strongholds of the rebels in the west of the city have been wiped out by the coalition forces!" Fang Yin pointed to the map and said, "The remaining forces can only occupy a narrow area in the south of the city. With the heavy weapons that can be transferred in time, it is only a matter of time to wipe out the Meng State rebels!"

"What about the bad news?" Luo Lei asked, and added: "The news just now is not good news for us. Victory is important, but it also means that there is no battle to fight. How can we be so embarrassing? "

Fang Yin rolled her eyes at him with a charming expression, since you have a lot of things to do, wouldn't it be better not to fight?She went on to say: "The bad news is that the task force was hit hard, they lost almost a third of their troops in the course of the operation!"

Everyone's eyes widened, and Humpty Humpty asked: "Could it be that they have encountered a tough problem, did they have an encounter with the Red Blood Mercenary Group?"

Fang Yin shook her head.

"No?" Everyone was even more surprised, and the fat man rushed to the front and said, "Apart from the red-blooded people, there are still elites among the rebels?"

If it was done by the Scarlet Blood Mercenary Group, it would be better for everyone to accept that the combat effectiveness of the rebel army is only at that level, even if they set up an ambush, it is impossible to cause such a large loss to the task force.

"It's absurd enough to say that the task force encountered the enemy during the mission!" Fang Yin explained: "From the very beginning, they were sniped, and until they withdrew from the battlefield at the end, they didn't realize how many people there were on the other side! "

"Besides being mysterious, it's quite embarrassing!" Luo Lei said lightly, "After losing so many people, he doesn't even know what the enemy looks like. Even a sniper can't hide so deep!"

Fang Yin shook her head and said, "That's the truth! According to the team members who got it back, the opponent's methods are not what they used on the battlefield at all, and there are endless ways to kill people!"

"Killer?" Luo Lei stood up from the chair, and couldn't help thinking of Alisa's beautiful face.

Fang Yin spread her hands and said, "I don't know the details. This matter has already spread among the coalition troops. Although the people in the headquarters tried their best to cover it up, they still couldn't stop its rapid spread."

"What about the members of the Scarlet Blood Mercenary Group? I haven't heard any news about them for a long time!" Luo Lei asked in a deep voice.

"The informant in Hu Bang, the capital of Lagamon, said that people with red blood appeared there many times!" Fang Yin replied: "It seems that they are ready to give up Mon State. Although this is a strategic location, it is not as good as Going to the capital is more important."

Luo Lei would like to reiterate his last opinion. He felt that it was necessary to fight the disabled red blood mercenary group before the end of the battle of Meng State, because after taking Mon State, they would return to the country. According to the consensus reached by the high-level officials, the Huaxia special forces are only responsible for combat missions in the Meng State area.

"The task force will return early!" Fang Yin finally said: "Including the previous loss of personnel, there is less than one squadron left in the two squadrons. The head of the theater is not satisfied with their performance. The reason is mainly because of you guys." The group of boys did a great job, wouldn't they be better? Without you, they would be real heroes!"

Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang.

The task force was sad enough, they were really not defeated by the enemy, in terms of the results of the battle, the number of rebels they killed and injured was several times that of their own casualties.


Alisa was wrapped in a bath towel, and she walked out of the bathroom while wiping her wet hair. She had a perfect body, snow-white skin, more than half of her towering breasts were exposed, and her two straight long legs were covered with water droplets. The inconspicuous lazy look on his face after getting out of the bath is enough to drive men all over the world crazy.

Even a eunuch might be able to lift it up!

Unfortunately, apart from a few female assistants, there were no men around.

"Black Rose, do you like your current mission? I mean treating soldiers as your own assassination targets." The black beauty asked.

Alisa shrugged and said, "It doesn't matter what you like or not. I am a killer in the first place, and I have no right to choose. Besides, killing anyone is not killing!"

In fact, she didn't think so in her heart, otherwise, she would have had the opportunity to wipe out the task force, but she would only have shot and wounded a third of them.

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