urban evil

Chapter 266

When the special forces arrived at the scene of the incident, what they saw was a messy scene. The entire task force was wiped out, and the coalition soldiers in charge of driving were not spared either.

"How could this happen?" Liu Chenggang looked at the tragic situation here, and said in surprise: "What kind of troops did they encounter, they didn't even have the ability to fight back. It is obvious that they had a close fight with the enemy, but they did not stay behind. The corpse of an enemy!"

Luo Lei frowned tightly. Some of the wounds left on the corpse looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them before.

The armor sent by Latom City came late. Their reason was that they encountered anti-tank mines laid by the rebels on the way forward, and the process of clearing them took a lot of time.

"All tmd is an excuse!" Chen Yunfei became angry, and the company commander of the armored company waved his gun and said: "A few small landmines have trapped you on the road. If it weren't for this, what would our comrades do?" Can the whole army be wiped out?"

"Don't be impulsive!" The fatty dragged Chen Yunfei aside gratefully, and said, "It's taboo to point a gun at yourself and admit it!"

"Do they treat us as their own?" Chen Yunfei roared.

"Ashes, it's obvious that this is a long-planned conspiracy!" Luo Lei stopped him who was furious, and said, "It's time for the other party to die, even if the armor rushes over despite the threat of landmines, it's useless! "

"What kind of guys are they? They attack so viciously!" The fat man pointed to the bodies of the wounded who hadn't had time to lift them off the car, and said, "Even the wounded will not be spared. Don't let me find out who the killer is!" Otherwise, eight generations of his ancestors must have been wiped out!"

Liu Chenggang picked up the communicator and made a detailed report on the situation here.

The coalition headquarters was in an uproar. No one thought that the Huaxia Special Service Team would encounter disaster during the retreat. They immediately sent special personnel to analyze the scene, hoping to draw a conclusion earlier.

In the southern city of Mengbang, at the command post of the rebel army, Xiao Lin sat on a chair with his legs crossed. More than a dozen team members stood on both sides. Opposite him was a rebel army with a significantly lower level of military literacy.

The rebel commander said with a smile: "Captain Xiaolin is really clever. He caught the enemy by surprise, and they are special forces with strong strength. If they are dealt with, there is hope for the recovery of the whole city of Meng State!"

"Our team is not interested in recovering the lost ground, because that is not our country at all!" Xiao Lin said coldly: "What I am interested in is to destroy the enemy and kill them all! You prepare dinner for us immediately, I want A whole head of beef, plus some women!"

"Woman?" The commander was taken aback.

"That's right, it's a woman!" Xiao Lin stood up, walked up to the commander, and whispered into his ear, "And it can't be less than [-]! Of course, [-] is fine, but your men will be there early tomorrow morning." The corpses of these fifteen women have to be collected. If there are thirty, I can guarantee that they will survive!"

The commander gasped and said, "You guys want to..."

"That's right, shouldn't I reward my soldiers?" Kobayashi made a reasonable expression and said, "Our big island country was equipped with a special comfort station during World War II. The tradition of our army! In the absence of comfort stations, we need you locals to find a way to help us. If you can’t meet my request, then I will order my subordinates to search for them on the streets and in residential buildings. You Let's see!"

The commander's face turned pale, and he froze on the spot.


At the coalition headquarters, Fang Yin said while playing the tragic photos: "After investigation and research, we have come to the conclusion that the perpetrator of this tragedy is not our old opponent, and has nothing to do with the Scarlet Blood Mercenary Corps." !"

"Who would that be? There is no unit in the rebel army that can beat the task force!" a team member asked.

"It's not clear yet, but I can be sure that this is a helper invited by the rebels. I don't know where the helper was invited!" Fang Yin said with anger on her face, "They brutally killed our 121 A soldier who refuses to let go of injuries, this revenge must be avenged!"

Looking at the pictures continuously played by the projector, Luo Lei felt familiar again. Where did he see it?

He began to think about it, and after a few minutes, he finally remembered, he raised his hand and said: "Instructor Fang, I think you need to contact Director Zheng or Lieutenant Colonel Murong of the Secret Service Bureau of the Ministry of National Security, maybe they can help us Find out the real identity of the murderer?"

"Secret Service?" Fang Yin was taken aback, wondering why Luo Lei said that.

"Yes, Secret Service!" Luo Lei recalled the scene when he dealt with Xiao Lin Zhinan. At that time, he and Murong Hanwei stayed in the computer room for a long time. When he was on duty at night, he casually checked the photos stored in the computer. In the scene after the members of the Ninth Division were killed, they first fought with the low-level werewolf, and after they had settled the werewolf, they were attacked by ghost ninja. The scars all over their bodies were very similar to the ones on the screen.

"Luo Lei, come out with me!" Fang Yin said seriously. The reason why she didn't suspect anything was because Luo Lei just called her instructor Fang instead of Big Sister, which meant that he was sure What clues were found.

The two walked out of the tent and came to a deserted place. Fang Yin asked, "What's going on? Why is it related to the Secret Service?"

Luo Lei thought to himself that this is not something that can be explained clearly in a short while, and he briefly explained: "I have seen pictures very similar to this incident on the computer of Lieutenant Colonel Murong of the Ninth Division. As long as I can contact her, I believe We will find out the identity of the murderer!"

In fact, he really wanted to say that this matter had something to do with the werewolf or the island ghost. After thinking about it, it would be better to say it through Murong Hanwei's mouth.

"Okay, I got it!" Fang Yin said, "I will contact the Military Commission right away, and find out about the situation through the Military Commission to the Secret Service. You go in first, don't tell everyone about this beforehand, and make an announcement when you have a conclusion !"

"Got it!" Luo Lei turned and returned to the tent.

Fang Yin quickly got in touch with the Ninth Division, and both parties were shocked when they explained the situation, because more than a month ago, the secret detention point of the Ninth Division was destroyed by a group of invulnerable people, and an extremely important criminal was killed. Robbery, they are hunting with all their strength, but there is no clue at all.

In the next two days, tragedies occurred in many defensive areas of the coalition forces. Only one lucky guy did not die on the spot. He told the reinforcements that they were a group of invulnerable enemies. They were dressed in black and held large-caliber shotguns. The gun is vicious, and it never relents when it kills people.

The news that there are such powerful troops among the rebels spread like wildfire, and the morale of the coalition forces became depressed.

The rebels who had been suppressed in the south of the city and couldn't hold their heads up also began to counterattack and regained a lot of territory from the coalition forces. The situation between the enemy and us has once again reversed. Air strikes on multiple targets have little effect.

For this reason, the headquarters has equipped the troops stationed on the front line with rapid alarm devices. Once they encounter an invulnerable man in black, they will issue an early warning even if they are desperate. The rapid response troops will set off in time and arrive at the incident in the shortest time. Place.

With the rapid alarm device, the defensive troops under attack were able to send out a distress signal at the first time. The first time reinforcements were sent was a special operations squadron from Thailand. They arrived at the firefighting site within 5 minutes. Fight against the enemy's superior force.

But the result surprised the police. Instead of taking down the attackers, this squadron ended the battle with half of the team members killed and [-]% seriously injured. The enemy retreated calmly, leaving only a few corpses of rebels who cooperated in the battle.

The reason why the special forces headed by Luo Lei was not dispatched was because there were only eight of them, while the opponent had nearly twenty, the disparity in strength was too great.

They were still not used the second time. The one who went up was the Special Air Service Regiment, which claims to be the most powerful in Singapore, and it was also suppressed by a squadron. Because they had made sufficient preparations in advance, their casualties were not too great. It is for the previous losses.

Regarding this, the commander-in-chief was furious and ordered to use armed helicopters to deal with those guys. He also paid a high price for this. Seven planes were shot down and more than a dozen pilots died without causing any meaningful damage to the opponent.

For the fourth time, the commander-in-chief decisively dispatched a special force.

The eight members had long held their breath to avenge their comrades. After receiving the order, they rushed to the scene of the incident as quickly as possible. The one who was attacked was a mine-sweeping unit of the coalition, clearing the anti-personnel mines planted by the rebels. At that time, he encountered the blood ninja team.

The members of the mine-sweeping force hid in the engineering vehicle, and the machine guns on the vehicle counterattacked, but failed to stop the enemy from advancing. Those men in black had a metal shield with a width of 1.2 centimeters and a height of [-] meters in their hands. , the bullets jingled on it, but couldn't penetrate it.

The special forces soon arrived and entered the attack position.

"Group C is at the front, Group B is at the back, and the two groups attack together!" Fang Yin issued orders in the headquarters.

Group B was the vanguard of the attacking formation, and Luo Lei was the vanguard of Group B. He was at the forefront of the formation and shot a string of bullets that accurately passed through the observation hole on the shield of the men in black and hit them.

However, the man in black didn't fall down because of this, Luo Lei cursed: "nnd, it's really invulnerable, I used armor-piercing bullets!"

The man in black continued to push forward, and was about to take down the construction vehicle that was stuck on the road. Luo Lei turned around and shouted: "Fatty, your bazooka is a vegetarian, give me a shot!"

"Oh, then you are responsible for the cover!" The fat man threw away the m240 machine gun in his hand, picked up the bazooka, and fired a rocket at one of the shields.

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