urban evil

Chapter 272 The Real War

The timing of the second long kiss also improved a lot, and it lasted for a long time before the four lips parted reluctantly.

If Fang Yin was a little unhappy before, it is gone now. Although Luo Lei is several years younger than himself, the bravery he showed on the training ground and even on the battlefield is enough to make any strong Women are impressed.

What's more, Fang Yin is a girl with a cold appearance and a fanatical heart. The reason why she appears cold most of the time is because she has not met a man who can give her a sense of security.

Luo Lei was very lucky to be that man, and the tenderness hidden deep in her heart melted, and then it was out of control.

"Little villain, you have taken so much advantage of my sister, and you have taken away my first kiss, and I will be responsible to her in the future!" Fang Yin said softly in Luo Lei's arms, her coquettish tone made people feel numb to the bone, a little No less than the little girl Lin Kexin.

"Hey, don't worry, I will!" Luo Lei hugged the beauty's body tightly with his two arms, and said, "I will protect you, whoever wants to understand a hair of your hair, I will make him pay blood before he acts." price!"

Fang Yin pressed her pretty face against his chest, and nodded slightly.

The two began to enjoy the peaceful feeling after the passionate kiss.

After a few minutes like this, Fang Yin suddenly raised her head, the expression on her face returned to normal, her big eyes stared straight at Luo Lei's.

No, Luo Lei couldn't help but thump in his heart, what does she want to do?

"I'm asking you, you have to answer me honestly!" Fang Yin said, "Does your boy have plans for Xiaoyan?"

Luo Lei shook his head subconsciously, this is not a lie, brother to Mi Yan, it was as simple as an attempt, what we did just now, brother and she have already done it!

"Hee hee, that's good!" Fang Yin pressed her face against his chest again, feeling his fast heartbeat, and asked involuntarily, "What's wrong with you, are you nervous?"

"A little bit!" Luo Lei let out a long breath.

"No!" Fang Yin pouted and said, "Then why Xiaoyan always calls to ask about your recent situation, but doesn't care about my sister at all. Do you dare to say that the relationship between you is innocent?"

Absolutely innocent, cuddling and hugging, pulling small hands and kissing small mouths, this is a very pure relationship between men and women!

"Who made us more attractive!" Luo Lei began to laugh.

"Cut, what's the big deal!" Fang Yin applied for giving him a charming look, and snorted, "It's just a little kid, what charm is there! It's my sister, I was blind for a while, and fell into your hands !"

"Uh!" Luo Lei was very angry, and muttered: "Should we continue to cultivate our relationship here, or go to have supper? If we continue, it's hard to guarantee that those YD guys will not think about it!"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!" Fang Yin jumped up from him, picked up the pistol thrown on the ground while arranging her appearance, and suddenly realized after a few glances: "I said you, a bad boy, can't have With such courage, you already knew that my gun was not loaded, didn’t you?”

"Hey, it turns out that this is not important anymore. Are you willing to shoot me? I'll go first!" Luo Lei ran outside.

Fang Yin stomped her feet angrily, and chased after her.

The variety of supper is very rich, it is cool to stay in an offshore country, there are endless seafood!Domestic lobsters that cost tens of thousands are not much more expensive than beef here, let alone sea cucumbers and squid. In the eyes of the locals, these can only be regarded as ordinary food.

Several bottles of whiskey with the lids opened were divided, and the large glasses were filled with extremely mellow liquor.

"Celebration is celebration, but there is a bottom line!" Fang Yin said before everyone started drinking: "No one can get drunk, otherwise they will be punished, remember?"

"Remember, Big Sister!" Eight people shouted together, this title has been spread, and it is no longer exclusive to Luo Lei.

Fang Yin's hair was black, she turned and stared at Luo Lei.

Luo Lei shrugged his shoulders with a disdainful expression on his face, which clearly said: What can you do to me, we are already like that!

Everyone ate and drank, and after a while, the ground was covered with crab shells and lobster skins.

At this time, Luo Lei suddenly sensed a sense of danger for no reason, and he looked in the direction of the danger, but it was dark and he couldn't see anything.

The old guy didn't find anything within the sensing range, and he couldn't help frowning given that the previous few sensings were very accurate.

"Drink first, fat man, gray pot and steel pot, follow me to the tent to get something!" Luo Lei picked up Li Dawei, who was gnawing on a big lobster, and walked away, throwing it at Chen Yunfei and Liu Chenggang. I shook my head.

"Wolf pot, what good things have you hidden?" The fat man was still holding a lobster in his hand.

"Your sidearms!" Luo Lei said in a deep voice.

The expressions of the three changed at the same time, and they looked at him with questioning eyes.

"I sensed a hint of danger!" Luo Lei said, "It's the same as when we caught a spy in the training camp last time. Do you believe it?"

The three of them nodded together, put the weapons of the four people in group b into their backpacks, and carried them over.

"What, so many?" b1 asked.

"Don't stop, listen to me!" Luo Lei held up his wine glass, looking like he was going to toast with his brothers from outsiders, but said: "There is a situation, the bag is everyone's weapon!"

After hearing these words, the eight people suddenly sobered up.

"If I'm not mistaken, those who died here were not people with red blood!" Luo Lei said in a low voice, "They came to die on their own initiative to prepare for the next large-scale attack. Think about it, if The red-blooded people are rushing over now, are we their opponents?"

Everyone, including Fang Yin, had cold sweat on their faces. Everyone calmly took out their weapons and put them at their feet.

600 meters away, a small team leader led sixteen team members lying in the grass. They were waiting for the opportunity to charge when the special forces members were drunk, quickly resolved the battle, and then retreated calmly.

"It's almost time, everyone is there!" The squad leader gave orders: "Leave in 10 minutes, move forward as planned, and absolutely do not shoot within 30 meters, lest the opponents scatter and run away!"

"Yes!" Fifteen team members answered in a low voice.

After 10 minutes, they were divided into three groups, advancing from left, center and right at the same time, forming a pincer formation. Once an attack was launched, bullets could be fired from three directions, forming the densest firepower net.

When these people reached the range of 200 meters, the old guy reminded Luo Lei in time. He shook the bottom of the empty wine bottle off with his palm, and installed a C4 bomb wrapped in a layer of bandages, so that the fat man and the others pretended to be drunk Throw it out in the shape of a bird, and the place where it falls is exactly the only way for the enemy to pass.

The three guys threw it at least five or sixty meters away. Since they pretended to bet on who could throw it farther, they did not arouse the suspicion of the enemy. The only effect was to slow down their advancing speed.

The red-blooded mercenaries are really extraordinary, at least they haven't been spotted by the sentries and surveillance cameras until now, and they have already entered the range of the explosion.A guy bumped his head against the wine bottle, stretched out his hand and copied it, and after a closer look, he thought it was still Scotch whiskey!

Why does the bottle have no bottom? He turned the bottle over, and there seemed to be something stuffed inside, like a bandage used to bandage a wound, and there seemed to be a small red light flashing through the bandage.

Luo Lei took out the remote control and suddenly pressed the biggest red button in the middle.


The flashing red light went off, and a very familiar voice came out from the bottle. He subconsciously shouted: "Bomb..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Several c4s exploded at the same time, and the flames soared into the sky.At least three people were swept up into the air by the blast, and the guy who was studying the bottle was directly blown into a headless corpse, and died when the explosion sounded.

The special forces members picked up the guns on the ground and fired bullets before the enemy woke up from the explosion!

Chokla on the high ground widened his eyes and said loudly: "How could this happen? The enemy is actually prepared! The situation is not good for us. The reserve team hastened to press up and cover the assassination team to evacuate, hurry up!"

He brought two teams over, one was responsible for the assassination mission, and the other was responsible for the fire support during the reception and retreat. He did not expect to send the second group of troops so soon.

In order not to arouse the enemy's suspicion, Luo Lei and the others did not inform the other defenders, nor did they make defensive arrangements through the radio. If the communication signal was monitored by the other party, how would they lure the enemy in?

Luo Lei rushed to the front and killed two mercenaries who had just stood up and were still a little dizzy.

"Ambush in the middle, cover and retreat!" The team leader changed the combat order in time, and led the surviving men to fight back, retreating while fighting once.

Six or two horsepower off-road vehicles rushed towards the barracks, and the large-caliber vehicle-mounted machine guns on them roared, and the special forces members hurried to find cover.

"Md, there is still a group of people hiding!" Luo Lei hid behind a tree stump, winked at the fat man, and said, "I'll cover you, let's shoot!"

Li Dawei nodded, and when Luo Lei fired a swarm of bullets and successfully attracted his attention, he suddenly stood up from the ground and shot a rocket towards a car.


The off-road vehicle was blown up and rolled over, and the occupants of the vehicle were either killed or burned to death, and no one was spared.

The machine guns installed by the coalition forces on the watchtower spouted flames. Although their joining could not cause much damage to the mercenaries, they also successfully blocked their retreat.

Holding a 7.62mm sniper rifle, Fang Yin hid behind a bunker and opened fire. This was her first time participating in a battle, so she missed her boss and fired six shots at a target, but none of them hit.

This made her very annoyed, thinking that after the battle, Luo Lei would definitely boast in front of her how many enemies he had killed, and would also ask "how many did you manage", so he must not let him look down on him.

Fang Yin took a deep breath and aimed at the next target!

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