urban evil

Chapter 276 Occupation

Guessing that the helicopter was about to arrive, Luo Lei rushed out from the basement, holding a gun in his hand and shouting: "This is a trap, shoot!"

The four guys above were already prepared. After hearing this sentence, they immediately stood up and shot at the militants in front of them. The Chinese language that Luo Lei used was not understood by the Lagamon people. , When the heat reacted, the bullets had already roared into their bodies.

The militants who were a little further away began to hastily pull and load their guns. Luo Lei shot left and right, holding an MP5 in his right hand, and charged forward with a Desert Eagle pistol in his left hand. He shot down no less than eight people.

The five of them had wiped out all the enemies within 30 meters before the opponent fired back. The very few who survived completely lost their fighting ability. There were a large number of people, and they were pressing from all directions, quickly occupying the advantage in firepower.

The five people hid behind the bunker, and Liu Chenggang asked, "Lang Guo, what's going on, you've been down here for so long?"

Luo Lei replied: "There's nothing down here. That guy has been stalling for time. He must be trying to steal our money! I struggled to get rid of it, and I'm here to report to you!"

"Fuck, these people are too much, they lied to us!" The fat man said unconvinced.

Chen Yunfei smiled, and said, "Come on, it's called non-payment. Did we bring real money?"

"That's right, this is called the legendary ghost!" The fat man said cheerfully.

Of course, Luo Lei wouldn't say that Lao Tzu has ordered the batch of jade materials, at worst, I will give you some benefits after returning to China, and you are blessed to share!But it's better that you don't know about this matter, so as not to cause complications.

The five counterattacked calmly, and under their precise marksmanship, militants were constantly knocked down.

After a while, the armed helicopters arrived and bombarded the people below indiscriminately, crying for their fathers and mothers; then, ground reinforcements arrived, and except for a small number of guys who voluntarily surrendered, the rest were all wiped out.

Just when the coalition forces were about to interrogate some people on the spot, a rumbling sound came from not far away, and the helicopter pilot in charge of guarding in the air shouted: "The enemy's armored troops and anti-aircraft tracked vehicles are overtaking us at high speed, and there are still people behind us. At least one battalion of mechanized infantry, it is recommended to retreat immediately!"

The pilot's suggestion was immediately agreed by the commander-in-chief, and after the prisoners were escorted into the vehicle, they galloped away.

The guy who was stunned by Luo Lei woke up and stumbled onto the ground. Seeing the messed-up scene, he was dumbfounded. The guy was robbed. What should we do?


After a surprise interrogation, the captives confessed that they were the main members of the smuggling gang. They used the money from buying and selling jade to buy arms from abroad and transported them quietly into Lagamon. Almost all the key members of the gang were killed in the previous firefight. .

"The operation was a success!" The commander-in-chief of the coalition said happily to Fang Yin: "Your team members are really great. Although you failed to capture the upper-level figures in the gang alive, you did a thorough job of annihilating them. Trust the rebels It is difficult to rebuild this smuggling route in a short period of time, and it has played a very good role strategically, so I decided to treat your boys to a drink!"

"Hehe, thank you Commander-in-Chief for your compliment, this is what we should do as soldiers!" Fang Yin played diplomatic rhetoric.

Back in his camp, Luo Lei had been waiting here for a long time, he picked Fang Yin up and let her sit on his lap, and said with a smile: "My little Yinyin looks happy, she must have been rewarded." ?”

"That's right, how can an officer like me, who is so good at commanding, not be rewarded!" Fang Yin said proudly, indeed, Luo Lei and the boys did a lot to save her face.

"Then why don't you reward me too?" Luo Lei stretched out his mouth, waiting for the beautiful woman's kiss.

"It's okay to reward you!" Fang Yin said in a long voice, "How about a kiss and a piece of jade?"

"Ah?" Luo Lei widened his eyes and said, "That's too expensive!"

"Hmph, don't think I don't know!" Fang Yin snorted, "You filled your private pockets with public money, and each of you bought several kilograms of jade. If you don't bribe me well, there's no guarantee that I won't take this jade when I return home." Report the matter to the head of the Military Commission!"

"Uh! Didn't I give you a piece?"

"Too little, not enough to give away when I go back!" Fang Yin stretched out ten fingers and said while counting: "Grandparents, uncles and aunts, including Xiaoyan, you have to give it. The one you gave One piece is not enough to send them, plus some friends who usually have a good relationship..."

"Okay, okay, let's go to the head office soon!" Luo Lei flipped his hand, and a larger and more crystal clear jade appeared in his palm, weighing a whole catty!

"Wow, that's great, I love you so much...Bobobo..."

After a while, Luo Lei's face was kissed all over by the extremely excited Fang Yin, tsk tsk!

"By the way, how did you conjure such a big thing?" Fang Yin's eyes lit up, asking questions while thinking about how many bracelets and pendants this piece of jade could make.

"Of course it was prepared a long time ago, so why do you think it came here?" Of course Luo Lei would not tell her about the spiritual soil vessel. This is a secret, a secret only disclosed to his wife.


The smuggling route was cut off. This incident had a great impact on the rebel army. For this reason, a batch of weapons that had paid a deposit was delayed due to the delay in the follow-up payment. The seller regarded the buyer as giving up on his own initiative, and the transaction fell through.

The rebels, who were eager to be replenished, panicked. After discussions, the senior leaders decided to gradually withdraw the remaining forces remaining in Meng State and focus their defense on the capital Hu Bang City. As long as the capital can be firmly in hand, there will be continued The capital to contend with the coalition forces.

After receiving the news, the intelligence department of the coalition immediately mobilized superior forces to encircle and suppress the rebels in Meng State City, cut off their retreat routes, and air strikes became more frequent, with armed helicopters and bombers dispatching more than [-] sorties a day.

Facing the superior attack of the coalition forces, the rebels could only hide in underground bunkers, living a life no different from mice every day.

But this situation did not last for too long before it changed.

Although their retreat was cut off, the coalition forces were unable to wipe them out in a short period of time, which caused the commander-in-chief a headache. Those rebels were very stubborn, and few of them surrendered voluntarily. Drag into street fighting.

Relying on their familiarity with the terrain, the rebels succeeded one after another, and the ground troops of the coalition suffered losses one after another. In the worst case, five tanks were destroyed in one day, with more than 40 casualties, and this was with the support of the air force. Otherwise, the number of casualties will increase.

In the end, the commander-in-chief decided to send an action team to decapitate the enemy's leadership in order to quickly demoralize the rebels and force them to voluntarily surrender.

The task of beheading naturally fell on the special operations team. After careful study, the four-person team was the main attacker. The new member c5 was responsible for the pick-up task. He led a tank team to send them to the designated place and hide them. Bring them back safely.

In terms of the choice of weapons, the four of them remained unchanged. The only change was that Luo Lei, Liu Chenggang, and Chen Yunfei had an extra 80 rocket in their backpacks.

The fat man picked up the bazooka and said with a smile: "This time there are eight rockets in total. No matter how many tanks the enemy has, it will be useless, hahaha!"

Luo Lei glared at him with contempt, and said: "Please, we are going to perform the task of beheading. The lighter the load, the more flexible the movement, and the easier it is to complete the task. You have to carry such a murder weapon, maybe you will be killed when the time comes." become a burden!"

"Hey, no, no, it will definitely come in handy!" said the dead fat man. Thanks to his physique, no one would be able to carry such a heavy weapon on the basis of an m240 general-purpose machine gun.

The four of them flexibly interspersed on the battlefield in infantry fighting vehicles. Not to mention, the driving level of the c5 kid is no less than that of Liu Chenggang. The bulky infantry fighting vehicle is as flexible as a mountain bike in his hands.

Arriving at the designated location, c5 turned around and said, "Brothers, I really want to go up with you!"

"Hehe, there are plenty of opportunities!" The four smiled at him at the same time, then got out of the car, and disappeared from the sight of the crew in a battle formation.

C5 slammed the steering wheel and drove towards a solid bunker. Several people took out the cover and arranged it around the car body. From this moment on, they entered the hiding stage. Even if someone shot at them, they couldn't move.

Besides, the four of them, Luo Lei, moved forward cautiously. According to intelligence, there are four places where the high-level rebels may hide. When they want to target, they must drive out quietly, so as not to startle the snake.

The four of them brought enough drinking water and food for individual soldiers. If all goes well, the task will be completed within 24 hours. If not, God knows how long it will take.

In order to cooperate with their actions and avoid accidental injury, the coalition forces suspended their air strikes and slowed down the advancement of the ground forces. According to the routine, the rebel officers would choose such a rare opportunity to hold a meeting to study the next move.

As expected by the coalition command, the rebels did exactly that.

It's just that the location of their meeting is not among the four target points searched by the special operations team. Instead, their old opponent is resting at one of the points.

That's right, it was the blood ninja who suffered a big loss last time, and Kobayashi's strength reached 16 again, and he was planning how to avenge the last time.

Unbeknownst to either side, they were about to fight a tough encounter.

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