urban evil

Chapter 290 One shot [1 more]

"Commander-in-Chief, the enemy shows signs of fleeing. They are dismantling the camouflage on the outside of the tank!" The aerial reconnaissance plane reported to the coalition headquarters at the first time, and they clearly saw that the rebels below were hurriedly dismantling the camouflage armor The division was hidden in a civilian area in the east of Hubang City. The tanks were originally parked in an open space. The rebels used various materials to build slums to camouflage. There is no noticeable difference between houses.

At the beginning, the coalition forces wanted to use this place as the main route to enter Hubang City. Fortunately, they learned this information in advance. court death.

"Not good!" The commander-in-chief immediately jumped up from his chair, looked at the sand table and said, "The building structure there is complex, and it is very close to the urban area. Once they disperse, we will have no chance to gather and annihilate them! Where is my mine-laying vehicle, please point it out for me!"

A staff officer came over, pointed to the southeast of the city and said: "Report sir, a rocket Braylian is located here, a total of six!"

"What's their maximum range?" the Commander-in-Chief continued.

"Report sir, the maximum range is 12 kilometers, and a salvo can fire 2208 anti-tank mines..."

"Okay, I got it, and immediately order them to shoot a volley at the enemy's armored division!" The commander-in-chief interrupted the staff officer without thinking, and ordered: "If possible, let them quickly prepare for the second volley! Hold on, when firing the first volley, try to make the mines more scattered, our purpose is not to blow up the enemy's tanks, but to slow down their escape speed and buy time for the armed helicopter!"


A few minutes later, the rocket mine vehicle roared, and rockets loaded with anti-tank mines roared out one after another. After reaching the target, the rockets exploded by themselves, and more than 100 mines fell to the ground like flowers.

At this time, the rebel tanks had basically removed their camouflage, and were about to disperse to the urban area. Seeing the landmines falling from the sky, the tank soldiers were dumbfounded, and some of them got stuck on the tracks impartially, and moved a little It will explode!

No one dared to move, so let's clear the mines quickly. The tank soldiers did the work of the engineers. They carefully lifted the mines and put them together.

Before they could clear a path for the tanks, the armed helicopters of the coalition forces arrived, and the high-altitude fighter jets had already completely controlled the area. Killed.

Chen Yunfei was driving the armed helicopter at the forefront of the team, with 4 Hellfire anti-tank missiles mounted on the two short wings. He quickly locked on a target, opened the cover on the joystick, and pressed the red button without thinking.

"Whoosh..." A missile flew towards a tank with a long tail flame, and exploded ten seconds later, turning the tank into a pile of scrap metal.

"Niucha!" Chen Yunfei continued to say, "It's really enjoyable. I thought I would never have the opportunity to fly a helicopter and fight against enemy tanks in this life!"

"Let me do it too!" Luo Lei couldn't help but seized control of the weapon, used the locking method he had just learned, aimed at a T72 tank that was about to escape, and pressed the launch button before Chen Yunfei could speak.

Due to the short distance, the missile hit the target accurately, and after a burst of fire, the tank was declared scrapped.

"I'm stupid. Fortunately, you hit it. Otherwise, I will never end with you. To be on the safe side, I will fight next!" Chen Yunfei immediately snatched back the control of the weapon, and muttered: "There are only four missiles. But it's gone! Could it be possible to use aerial cannons to deal with the iron bastards on the ground, it is difficult to penetrate their thick armor!"

Other helicopters also fired missiles one after another, and the battlefield became a one-sided massacre. The tank lost its mobility, and it became a target for the armed helicopter. The range of the anti-aircraft machine gun is 6 kilometers, and the range of the anti-aircraft machine gun is less than 2000 meters. When the tank is beaten, the anti-aircraft machine gun cannot reach the enemy at all.

Seeing that the situation was over, the tank soldiers fled from their posts one after another, dropped their tanks and fled for their lives.

In this way, a full regiment, more than 100 tanks were wiped out in more than half an hour, and only a few tanks took advantage of the chaos to break out of the encirclement and hid in the urban area. Has no effect.

Just as the armed helicopters were about to retreat, the rebel battalion of shoulder-fired missiles rushed into place and began to launch missiles into the sky.

The armed helicopters covered each other and fired back with 30mm cannons. The support helicopter that Fatty and Liu Chenggang were riding played a role. A hail of bullets poured towards the rebels. Except for one unlucky guy who was shot down, the rest were all Return safely.

This is not over yet. The fighter jets performing air control missions at high altitudes launched anti-personnel high-explosive sub-munitions. The parent bombs weighing more than 150 kilograms fell from the sky, and when they were 50 meters from the ground, they scattered into thousands of grenade-sized bullets High-explosive bullets, triggering a series of explosions.

The single-soldier air defense battalion, which had made no achievements at all, was almost wiped out in an instant, and the shattered human body fragments were scattered in all directions, and the scene was extremely tragic.

At the rebel command headquarters, Jiabang Licha, chief of the general staff, yelled at a group of officers angrily: "How could this be? How did the coalition forces learn of the hiding location of our armored regiment? It took only half an hour. More than 100 tanks were destroyed, how will the next battle be fought? Can any of you tell me how to fight? Also, why our side did not take advantage of the electronic countermeasures. Every missile of the enemy can be accurately Hit our target, how to explain?"

An officer whispered: "The electronic countermeasures are in charge of the red blood mercenary group. As for why such a thing happened, we really can't explain it!"

"Then call them immediately!" Jia Banglicha said bluntly: "Use money to do things, since they have taken our money, they should do things for us. If they don't do it well now, they must be held accountable!"

In the coalition camp, the commander-in-chief jumped up happily from his chair after receiving the report of the victory over the enemy. The air force commander-in-chief, who was the deputy commander-in-chief, said with a smile: "Thanks to the intelligence obtained by the special operations team, our electronic warfare The aircraft can suppress their interference and carry out precise strikes on the enemy!"

"That's right, the boys of the Special Forces did a great job!" The commander-in-chief patted the deputy commander on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I am very envious of your country having such capable special forces, please ask your chief to fight me against them Thank you, thank them for sending such capable soldiers to participate in coalition operations, they should be awarded medals, awards and promotions!"

The air force commander smiled lightly, thinking that this might not be possible, their identities are secret, and the entire Huaxia Kingdom knew of the existence of this army, no more than twenty people.They are destined to not be able to get medals, and they have just been promoted to one level, so it is difficult to get a second promotion in a short period of time.

Then, the ground forces of the coalition forces surrounded Hu Bang completely, and they wanted to use the strategy against Jialeto to deal with the rebels in Hu Bang's city.

Then, all kinds of persuasion and psychological warfare were launched. Tens of thousands of leaflets were scattered in the city every day. Support their citizens.

For this, the high-level rebels were even more dissatisfied, and they put pressure on the Red Blood Mercenary Group one after another, and claimed that if their information brigade was not competent, they would immediately hand over the command and let the rebels take over.

Alyssa in black tights and a black hood stood in front of Chokra.

Chokla had just had an interview with Jiabang Licha, and there was a trace of anger on his face. He didn't know whether he was annoyed by Jiabang Licha's attitude or angry with the Black Rose team.

"Miss Black Rose, please explain!" Chokla said in a deep voice, and didn't mean to ask Alisa to sit down.

Alisa raised her eyebrows and said: "There is nothing to explain! The coalition forces dispatch dozens of electronic warfare aircraft at a time, and each aircraft has pods specially used for electronic warfare to suppress interference in various bands. The equipment can only meet the interference of a few bands, what can I do?"

"So, do we have no advantage in electronic warfare at all?" Chokla's face became even uglier.

"There has never been an advantage!" Alisa said: "The reason why we were able to get a little bit of benefits at the beginning was entirely because the coalition forces did not expect that there was an electronic warfare department in the city. Are you as stupid as before? If you want to gain the upper hand in this regard, you must form at least six information brigades, otherwise everything is empty talk!"

In fact, this is not the case. If she hadn’t disclosed the band data to Luo Lei, the coalition forces would have had a headache. It would take a long time just to calculate these data, and actual combat verification is still needed. I don’t know how much it will cost during the period. Woolen cloth.

"Since this is the case, it doesn't really make much difference whether the information brigade is handed over to Jiabanglicha, is it?" Chokla didn't understand electronic warfare at all, so he was easily fooled.

Alisa nodded and said, "That's the fact. My team and the newly recruited personnel have worked hard. They have done their best. No one can do anything about this somewhat helpless result!"

These few words did not lie. The members of the information brigade did not know that the data had been leaked. During the electronic warfare, they tried their best to save the defeat, but they failed.

Afterwards, they still feel lucky. According to the routine, once their own signal is suppressed, the enemy will launch anti-radiation missiles, but the coalition forces did not do this from the beginning to the end.

In the coalition camp, Group C has received a new task.

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