urban evil

Chapter 296 Capture a Big Prisoner [5 More]

The old guy told him that the driver was dead. Luo Lei gasped when he heard the news, and looked down at the inconspicuous blowpipe in his hand. Seal your throat!

Thinking of the owner of this thing, Alyssa, he felt a chill rushing from behind to the back of his head. Fortunately, he had already "taken" her, otherwise God knows what kind of assassination method she would use to deal with brother!

"Boy, the guy who buys wine will come out soon!" said the old family.

"Understood!" He nodded, stood up, pretended to be a drunkard, and walked towards the door of the bar unsteadily.

His appearance aroused the vigilance of the two people sitting in the back seat of the car. They drew out their pistols and were ready to attack at any time.

As for Luo Lei, he didn't look at the car from the beginning to the end, and walked straight into the bar door, bumping into the guy with the thermos bucket in his hand.

"Sorry, I didn't see it, hehe! It hurts, I'll help you sit and rest!" Luo Lei looked guilty, and helped the man sit on the chair next to him. No one saw it. There was no look of a living person in his eyes.

Under the collision just now, Luo Lei pierced the man's chest with a steel awl with a diameter of [-] mm, reaching to the heart!

Needless to say, the metal thermos must be filled with freshly made cocktails.

"It's quite enjoyable!" Luo Lei opened the lid and asked, immediately frowned, and said: "Damn it, Jiabang Licha is really strong. The taste of this wine is quite strange. I wanted to try it at first." ,forget it!"

After closing the lid, Luo Lei walked out of the bar with the thermos bucket in hand. The drunkards didn't even know what happened just now, let alone that there was a dead person here.

Walking out of the bar, Luo Lei shook the thermos barrel towards the pickup truck first, and a bodyguard next to Jiabang Licha saw it, stuck his head out of the car window and asked, "What's the matter, what is that kid Rick doing? You have the barrel?"

Luo Lei has already mastered a sentence, and said in standard Lagamonese: "He is still inside, the boss can't change the money, let me bring the wine first! He probably will take a while, or you have some change If you want, just leave it to me!"

"Really?" The bodyguard held a gun in his hand behind the car door.

Jiabang Licha looked up at Luo Lei outside, and winked at the bodyguard.

The two bodyguards began to rummage through the money in their pockets. Seeing this, Luo Lei walked over holding the thermos bucket.

When he was only three meters away from the car, he suddenly threw away the thermos and replaced it with an M9 pistol with a silencer.

"Drive!" Jiabang Licha yelled, and the two bodyguards had just raised their heads, and before they could figure out the situation, they were hit in the head by two flying bullets.

The driver did not respond.

Jiabang Licha was cautious and asked the driver not to turn off the engine as long as he was sitting in the car. In case of an accident, he could drive away at the first time, but he didn't know that Si was dead.

He subconsciously picked up the gun in the bodyguard's hand, but it was a pity that just as that hand touched the pistol, a chilly thing pressed against his forehead.

"Don't move!" Luo Lei said with a sneer, "As long as you dare to move, your brain will explode immediately!"

Jiabang Licha's body began to tremble. He really couldn't understand why there was such a result. It was a temporary decision to go out to buy wine. The entourage was selected a moment before departure, and the route was also random. Before arriving here, No one but him knows what the purpose of this trip is!

You are so careful, how could you be ambushed?

"Hehe, then come with me!" Luo Lei didn't wait for Jiabang Licha to speak, and cut his palm on his neck, and the guy fainted out of cooperation.

Pulling the driver out of the car, he drove quickly to the alternate sewer entrance, where an electric locomotive was hidden.


Two and a half turtles were painted on the fat man's face, Chen Yunfei had two, Liu Chenggang had one, and the three were playing cards.

However, what brought them down to painting turtles on their faces, the reason is simple, because all their money was won by Luo Lei, otherwise how would they pass the time in this way.

"Wolf Pot has been out for a long time!" The fat man looked up at the watch and said, "It's been several hours. You said that if he comes back after midnight, will our idea of ​​going out to drink be realized?"

The three of them were shy and had to drag Luo Lei out every time.

"I don't know, I guess I'll be back soon!" Liu Chenggang said: "The fourth guy is lucky and has a strong fighting quality. Maybe he can bring us unexpected surprises!"

At this time, someone yelled outside: "The special forces have captured the chief of the rebel army's general staff, come out and watch!"

The three rushed out of the tent together, only to see Luo Lei walking over with a bearded rebel with a sullen expression on his face.

"Wolf pot, you really captured their chief of staff!" Chen Yunfei grabbed Jia Banglicha's collar and took a closer look, and said, "That's right, it's this grandson. If it wasn't for him, we would have already Capture Hu Bang City!"

"Wolf Pot has made a contribution again, shall we go out to celebrate and have a good drink?" Fatty felt that his proposal was very timely.

Roy threw him a barrel-shaped metal bottle and said, "You go and drink it first. I'll send him to the commander-in-chief. I'll talk about it when I come back! This is a good thing, brought back from Hu Bang's bar!" "

The three guys were overjoyed, and returned to the tent while scrambling. There was a small plate of peanuts left over from lunch, and there was a bag of mustard in the dead fat man's backpack, which was just right for drinking!

Chen Yunfei secretly took a big sip while the fat man was looking for pickled mustard and Liu Chenggang was getting peanuts. It had a strange taste. He smacked his lips and said, "The wine is quite strong, and the taste is not good!"

"Fuck, foreign wine, it must taste weird!" The fat man snatched it and gulped it down, grinning and said, "It doesn't taste good!"

"Look at you two tasteless fellows, you're used to drinking liquid liquor and whiskey, you can't drink other wines, right?" Liu Chenggang took a sniff first, pinched his nose and said, "As long as it can make people faint The wine is good wine, no matter what it tastes like! Gulu... Gulu..., I'm so stupid, this taste is really a bit unbearable, like the swill of tmd, this wine maker didn't buy it before. It's tofu!"

No matter how you say it, it's better than nothing. The three guys sip each other, and the big jug of weird-tasting wine will soon bottom out.

After Jiabanglica was escorted to the headquarters, the commander-in-chief immediately asked for an interrogation. The focus of the inquiries was how many ice troops were left in the rebel army, the situation of heavy weapons and air defense units, the location of the headquarters, etc. superior.

However, Jiabang Licha was determined to eat the weight, no matter what method he used, such as coercion and inducement, he didn't say a word.

"Let me come!" Luo Lei volunteered.

"Oh, do you have a way to get him to speak? Tell me!" The commander-in-chief was very interested in his method.

"Hehe, it's really nothing, your interrogation methods are too merciful!" Luo Lei said while gesturing, "Just leave it to me, and I guarantee that he will speak within 10 minutes!"

"No, no, no..." The commander-in-chief waved his hands and said, "No, absolutely not. We are a unit that abides by the "xxxx agreement". Prisoners must be treated preferentially, and violence is not allowed!"

Luo Lei is a little angry, you treat him preferentially, have they treated us preferentially?When they murdered and set fire, did they give preferential treatment to ordinary people?

But he still suppressed his anger and said: "Sir, I know you are an excellent soldier, but have you ever thought about how many casualties the coalition forces can reduce if we can dig out what we want from Jiabanglica's mouth?" On the contrary, we captured a leader with such a high level of enemy, but failed to obtain the desired information from him, how much price should we pay for this?"

"Young man, I admit that your words are reasonable, but I really can't do that!" The commander-in-chief spread his hands and said, "I can't just stand by and watch my subordinates make mistakes. I will order them to continue interrogating with normal methods!"

Luo Lei wanted to say more, but was stopped by Fang Yin.

"It's useless, don't look at our commander-in-chief is a European, but his thinking is more stubborn than our Chinese!" Fang Yin said in a low voice: "Especially on this kind of principled issue, he will never let go !"

"Then let such a good opportunity slip away?" Luo Lei said with staring eyes, "I still want to get information about the blood ninja team from Jiabanglica, so it didn't take long?"

Fang Yin said helplessly: "I can't help it! It's getting late, go back and rest quickly, maybe there are tasks tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Luo Lei agreed, but he didn't give up in his heart.

When it was almost dawn the next day, he sneaked out of the dormitory and walked towards the place where Jiabang Licha was being held.

It was a row of iron cages covered with canvas tents, which were specially used to detain senior generals of the enemy army. Jiabanglica was not the first person to be imprisoned in, but he was the highest-ranking prisoner.

In addition to being heavily guarded on the outside of the iron cage, many cameras were installed inside to monitor the detainees 24 hours a day.

Luo Lei has only one purpose, which is to dig out the situation about the blood ninja from Jiabanglica's mouth.

He successfully touched the outside of the monitoring room, took out a transparent glass bottle, carefully opened a corner of the curtain, and poured the translucent liquid in the bottle in. When the liquid touched the ground, white smoke rose.

The bottle contained ether, a volatile liquid, which could stun a person for a short period of time.

"Puff... puff..."

After a few beeps, several people in the monitoring room were either lying on the table or lying on the ground, all of them were tricked.

Luo Lei, who was wearing a gas mask, was about to go in when a voice suddenly came from behind: "Boy, what do you want to do?"

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