urban evil

Chapter 302

"It's really a handgun, and it's a military transport chicken. I'm a die-hard army fan!" The old student who saw the handgun pointed to the sky and said, "Look, look, something jumped from it, it seems to be personal!"

A few guys had already believed it, but after hearing the latter sentence, they raised their middle fingers again.Because of such a delay, the little girl who had just completed the registration was "robbed" by a few old students from other departments, and the intestines of the few regretful people turned green.

"Look, look, there's a pure girl at table six, even though she's plainly dressed, she's really pure!" a guy shouted.

All the girls turned their heads to look, only to see a thin female voice standing in front of table No. There is no comparison to fashionable girls.

However, the innocent and pure air on the girl's face is not comparable to those fashionable girls.

"What's your name? Where's the notice?" The teacher at table six just stretched out his right hand without looking up, as if the whole world owed him two hundred.

No wonder, a day of enrollment exhausted these people.Sitting at table number six was a 30-year-old male teacher named Wu Xingyang, with a slightly wretched expression on his face. He heard that the school of finance and economics next door had already changed to report in the auditorium, and his heart was burning. Although it is already September, the autumn tiger is in full bloom, and the daytime temperature is almost over [-] degrees. I have been sitting here for almost a whole day, and I have drunk several bottles of water.

"Hi teacher, my name is Le Shan!" The little girl held the notice with both hands and handed it over with a respectful expression.

"Oh!" Wu Xingyang looked up at the little girl, with a contemptuous expression on his face. He saw that she was a girl who had come from the countryside and had never seen the world. Girlfriend, when I brought him home to meet my parents, the whole family said he was worthless, and then I said goodbye to him, so that I am still a bachelor!

"Design is an environmental art major. The tuition and accommodation fees add up to [-] a year. Credit card or cash?" Wu Xingyang snorted.

"Teacher, I want to ask if Huadu University can apply for student loans?" The little girl named Le Shan asked timidly.

"No money?" Wu Xingyang's tone instantly rose an octave, and he said in an extremely contemptuous tone: "You don't have money to go to Huadu University? And it's an art department. The more money you have, the more expensive you are. Have the heads of these rural people been kicked by donkeys, and they have no money to leave!"

As we all know, the tuition fee of the art department is far higher than that of other departments, and the daily expenses are also much higher.

"No, no, I just asked the teacher if I can apply for a student loan. I have money!" Le Shan said quickly, her big eyes filled with tears.

Wu Xingyang snorted and said, "If you have money, pay it quickly. Why ask other useless things? Besides, why do you ask about student loans when you have money? Do you think I'm an inquiry office? I'm busy. It's on, don't you see!"

"I'm sorry! I'll pay in cash!" Le Shan hurriedly bowed to Wu Xingyang, and then took out an old leather bag from the woven bag she was carrying. "Gift", the inscription date turned out to be the 90s of last century.

"You don't have lice in your bag!" Wu Xingyang quickly covered his nose with his hands, leaned back, and the look of disdain on his face was even more extreme.

"No!" Le Shan opened the old leather bag and grabbed a handful of small change from inside, one, five, ten, and the biggest one was fifty.

Wu Xingyang's eyes widened and he was furious. Before he could speak, Le Shan took out more change from her bag. This time there were a few red hundred-yuan bills, but the change was still the main one.

Maybe because she felt that she took out too little at one time, Le Shan turned the purse upside down, and thousands of coins piled up on the table like a hill.

"You...what do you mean?" Wu Xingyang pointed at the "Mount of Money" in front of him with wide eyes, and shouted, "Why are there all small change? "

Le Shan quickly explained: "My father is a vegetable seller. He leaves early and returns late every day. This is all the money he earns from buying vegetables! Knowing that there is still a lot less than the tuition fee, the folks in the village donated generously and collected a set of food for me. 6000 yuan!"

"Then why don't you go to the bank and change it into real money?" Wu Xingyang was already on the verge of getting angry.

Not only Wu Xingyang, but also the surrounding students showed disdain, especially those freshmen who were behind Le Shan.

"I didn't make enough until yesterday afternoon..." Le Shan said cautiously.

"Fake!" Wu Xingyang scolded in a disfigured manner, stood up and shouted: "Did you do it on purpose, did you deliberately embarrass me? Don't you see that other students use bank cards? Even if you If you don't know how to swipe a card, don't use this method to punish people. Damn rural people, besides causing trouble for us urban people and destroying the appearance of the city, can you do something to make us think of you ?”

"Teacher, how can you say that about me, these are the hard-earned money of my father and the villagers..." Le Shan's tears fell from her eyes, very pitiful.

Several freshmen and parents around expressed their dissatisfaction. As a university teacher, how could he attack students with such vicious words!

However, these people dare not speak out, because they are here to report after all, and the child has finally been admitted to Huadu University.

"Why, am I wrong?" Wu Xingyang pointed at Le Shan, without any thought of pity, and said in a more vicious tone: "Look at you, you came here dressed like this, what is this place? This is the whole country Huadu University, which ranks in the top ten, how many people are still in line behind you, can’t you see? Come here with a pile of change, and I can’t count them until dark! I don’t have such leisure time, so I can stay where I’m cool Go, don't affect the people behind, okay?"

The teachers around the registration office all pretended to turn a blind eye and deal with the matter in front of them.

Le Shan cried even more sadly. In fact, she came to the gate early in the morning and was at the front of the line. She was afraid that the time spent counting money would affect the freshmen behind, so she voluntarily queued at the back.


A gust of dark wind blew over for no reason, and someone shouted: "There are people in the sky!"

However, people's attention was all on Wu Xingyang and Le Shan's side, and few people looked up.


When Luo Lei was in the air, he saw the scene below. He changed his mind and landed on Wu Xingyang, who was planning to land aside!

Before hitting it, he kicked hard!

Wu Xingyang heard the whistling wind above his head, and when he looked up, he was dumbfounded. He saw a human-shaped thing smashing towards him, with a white parachute behind it.


Things happened so fast, Wu Xingyang had no time to react, he was kicked and fell to the ground!

This is not over yet, Luo Lei trampled Wu Xingyang under his feet!I pulled the controller on the right with my hand, and the parachute covered the two nearby registration points. Who made the teachers behind these two desks the closest, but didn't stop it!

There was a burst of jumping and screaming, and screams everywhere.

"Damn, it fell from the sky!" A certain student A exclaimed.

"Why is he wearing a military uniform, and there is a logo of the Chinese Air Force on the parachute! What does he do, he can't be an airborne soldier, right? I heard that the airborne army is the most effective force!" A certain student B looked envious .

"You're so handsome, please date!" A certain nymphomaniac's eyes sparkled!

Le Shan was also frightened by Luo Lei who fell from the sky, her face turned pale, she covered her mouth with her two small hands, and looked in surprise at him who was still stomping on Wu Xingyang.

"Fuck, I just heard a bird man down there bbping endlessly in the sky, what a disappointment!" Luo Lei put on a look that he thought he was very annoying, and said, "I thought Huadu University was really a staff with very high quality. As for the high place, I didn’t expect there to be a garbage teacher here, if I had known this, why would I come here in such a hurry!”

After talking for a while that everyone couldn't understand, Luo Lei turned to Le Shan and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, little sister, I will support you!"

Le Shan nodded subconsciously, feeling a little fondness for this dark-skinned person who fell from the sky for no reason.

Several security guards ran over with their batons, and one of them shouted, "What do you do, the one carrying the parachute?"

"Freshman, you signed up!" Luo Lei took out the document bag containing the admission notice and threw it over. The security guard hurriedly called a teacher to confirm that it was indeed a genuine admission notice.

"Help... help!" Wu Xingyang, who was trampled by Luo Lei, cried out in pain.

"Hey, why are you still on the ground?" Luo Lei pretended to see it just now, jumped to the side, and deliberately stepped on his foot when he took off.

Wu Xingyang felt that he was about to be trampled to death, and his face was suffocated due to poor breathing.

"This classmate, why did you come from above?" A security guard asked, pointing to the sky.

Luo Lei said to Wu Xingyang who was "relying" on the ground and refused to get up: "It's not because this grandson has done too many bad things. The Jade Emperor sent me to kick him. After seeing him, he dares to look down on rural people! Rural What about people, there are no rural people, what do you city people eat and drink? Feel your conscience and count up, who the fuck is not the descendant of farmers? And those of you who have the title of teacher on your head, what happened to the change? , You don’t have any change on you? You don’t even care about money, do you think you are the king of heaven? Come and count the money for me immediately, otherwise I don’t mind posting this on the Internet!”

"Brother Tianxiang, I support you!" A freshman wearing glasses held up his mobile phone and said, "I have already recorded the scene just now!"

"Brother Tianxiang, I support you too!" Several nympho girls winked at him one after another.

"Brother Tianxiang, we also support you!" Several parents who were traveling together said with fists clenched.

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