urban evil

Chapter 315

Luo Lei resisted the desire to vomit, nnd, this thing looks really ugly.

"Hurry up and hide, kid!" The old guy reminded.

Luo Lei performed the serpentine technique and jumped four or five meters away with agility. With such an ability, if he participated in the long jump competition, he wondered if he could win a world gold medal.

A reddish mist immediately enveloped the position where he was standing before, and the grass leaves on the ground drooped immediately, and the original green leaves turned yellowish.

I'm sorry, the toad python's poison is so sharp that even plants can't resist it!If this is sucked into the nose by someone, it is estimated that the person will die within a few minutes.

"Boy, this toad python is a bit strange!" said the old guy.

"What do you mean? I also think it's weird, it looks so ugly, isn't it weird!" Luo Lei was ready to continue jumping.

"I'm not talking about its appearance!" The old guy explained, "According to my knowledge of the toad python, once this kind of thing finds a lower-level cultivator around it, it will immediately launch a sneak attack and will never stop until it achieves its goal." ! But now, although it has already attacked you, it has not used the continuous attack it is best at, that is, spraying poison - jumping and spraying poison - melee attack."

"Be more specific!" Roy urged.

"Specifically, I suspect that this toad python is not wild, but has been raised by people since it was a child!" The old guy said surprisingly.

Isn't it true that spirit beasts can also be raised by humans?Doesn't it mean that these creatures with high IQs, except for bowing their heads to the gods, ordinary people can't get their recognition at all?

"There are exceptions to everything! Otherwise, why doesn't it use coherent attack methods? How do you explain it?" The old guy said: "The only explanation is that this thing was originally raised by a cultivator, and it has a certain degree of respect for a cultivator." Favorability, and the long-term feeding has made it lose the hostility in nature, and its personality has become milder."

The grass turned out to be someone's pet!However, this guy has already attacked Lao Tzu, so Lao Tzu can't spare him!

Of course, Luo Lei's main purpose is because of what the old guy said before, drinking the blood of the toad python, at least he can advance from the early stage of Xuanzhao to the late stage, which is very tempting.

"How can I kill it?" Luo Lei asked.

"Rush forward, bite it, suck its blood dry, and die!"


"Why, if you don't want to, then run for your life!"

"No, I want to know if there is any other way besides killing this disgusting practice?"


"This can be had!"

"This... really doesn't exist!"



In the boys' apartment, Shangguan Feng was sitting on the bed, fiddling with a laptop.

Wang Qing's votes soared, which made him feel very unbelievable. It must be Xiao Lizi who has adjusted the rate of ticket stealing too high. Isn't this obviously telling others that we are cheating!

Just as he was about to call Xiao Lizi, his cell phone rang first.

"Hey, Master Shang, hello, hello!" Shangguan Feng said cheerfully, "How is the matter going? The toad python has been placed near the laboratory building. I will treat you badly, Master Shang, in addition to the Qi Gathering Pill I promised you last time, how about adding a bottle of Concentration Pill?"

On the other end of the phone was a scruffy-looking middle-aged man, wearing clothes that hadn't been washed for several months, with messy hair, very much like the legendary Brother Sharp.

Brother Xili blew out his snot bubbles with joy, and he was holding the latest icrazy mobile phone in his hand, which made many passers-by sigh.

Brother Sharp shouted into the phone: "Then thank you, Master Shangguan, don't worry, my toad python is close to 200 years old, and it's a piece of cake to deal with a new cultivator!"

After hanging up the phone, Shangguan Feng opened a post on the forum, and there was a photo attached to it. There were four people in the photo, with Luo Lei in the middle, Li Qihan, Wu Wen and Le Shan surrounded him.

"Luo Lei, number one in the college entrance examination, hum! How can you get the favor of so many outstanding girls? So what, you are going to die!" Shangguan Feng said viciously.


Regardless of the ugliness of the toad python, the mouth is indeed extremely flexible. Luo Lei emptied an m9 pistol magazine, and none of the 15 bullets hit. In the use of pistols, no one is more accurate than him.

The pistol is equipped with a muffler, and the sound of firing bullets is reduced to the extreme. However, every time the hammer just falls and the bullets have not been shot out of the barrel, the toad python on the opposite side has already reacted, and the two are also covered with With lumps, he stepped back and his body rose into the air.

Then, the bullet hit the ground.

If it weren't for the fear of alarming the people in the school, he would have thrown more than a dozen grenades long ago, and that thing has a large killing range.

While he was shooting, the toad python was not idle, and sprayed three mouthfuls of poisonous mist at him. Under the old guy's reminder, Luo Lei did not suffer.

Dodging and moving took a lot of his strength.

He took out two half-dried ginseng sticks from his pocket and threw them into his mouth. He began to chew, ready for a long-term war with the toad.According to the old guy's analysis, the toad python can spray poisonous mist at least twelve times.

Suddenly, the slightly dim red eyeballs of the toad python gleamed, greedily looking at Luo Lei who was chewing.

Damn, it doesn't matter if you are ugly, and you still have the habit of looking at your mouth and eating, you think you are a pug!

"Boy, I have an idea!" The old guy said: "Toad pythons like ginseng and ganoderma as much as low-level cultivators. Those elixir can help them advance. Make a fuss!"

Luo Lei immediately understood what the old guy meant, took out a ginseng stick and shook it at the toad python.

The toad python's two small round eyes immediately turned into cross-eyed eyes, turning up, down, left, and right following the movement of the ginseng strips.

Luo Lei threw it generously, and the toad python jumped to the place where the ginseng stick fell, first looked back at Luo Lei, then turned his head and stared at the ginseng stick for a few seconds, then stuck out its tongue like a poisonous snake , rolled up and swallowed into the stomach.

Luo Lei quickly threw out the second one, and the toad python took the same method as last time, making sure there was no danger before swallowing it.

Then came the third, and then the fourth.

When the fifth one was thrown, Luo Lei stopped throwing it. From the fourth one, the toad python gave up its previous cautious approach, and before it hit the ground, it caught the ginseng stick from mid-air, and then swallowed it into its stomach.

And it is precisely these two sticks that hide the mystery - there are several silver needles stuffed inside, enough for you to drink a pot!

After spitting out the fifth ginseng stick, the toad python turned its eyes and looked at Luo Lei with an expression of dissatisfaction.

Luo Lei simply sat on the grass and waited.

The toad python didn't attack again, and squatted on the ground, waiting.

Just like that, time passed by.

Six minutes later, the body of the toad python visibly trembled, and then began to convulse.

Haha, anyone who wants to eat Lao Tzu's food can eat it, and there is a price to pay!

The toad python seemed to be aware of the danger coming from its own body, and opened its mouth wide to spit out what it just ate.

How can there be such a simple thing, the undigested ginseng is better, the silver needle has pierced into the flesh under the peristalsis of the stomach, and the vomiting action made it more serious.

The toad python began to roll on the ground, and the things spit out from its mouth were bloodshot.

Luo Lei didn't rush forward foolishly, but picked up a stone and threw it over.

The toad python jumped up without thinking, and sprayed a mouthful of poisonous mist at the stone, but the poisonous mist had no effect on the stone at all, and the stone hit it accurately.

The toad python was knocked down from mid-air and fell to the ground, causing the silver needles in the stomach pouch to pierce deeper, and one of them pierced the stomach pouch and pierced into the nearby liver.

Seeing this scene, Luo Lei clapped his hands happily, and said, "Wahhaha, I'm making you pissed! You're just a stinky toad, how dare you challenge me. After a while, I will peel your skin, tear your bones, and drink you!" blood!"

The toad python seemed to understand Luo Lei's words, and wanted to escape. It exhausted all its strength and could only jump less than one meter away, then fell down, and its hind legs began to straighten.

The needle had already pierced its liver. The outer skin of the spirit beast was much harder than that of ordinary beasts, but the internal organs were also critical.

"Old guy, is this guy dead?" Luo Lei asked.

"Dead!" said the old guy, "No matter how smart a spirit beast is, it can't escape the category of beasts. If it just stood still, the gastric juice of the toad python bt could melt away the silver needles. , It's a pity that its several actions ruined its own life!"

"Then I will speed it up again!" Luo Lei took out the second M9 pistol loaded with bullets, aimed briefly and pulled the trigger, and a bullet roared out.

The bullet hit the toad python's back bone, and it was pushed far away with great force.

Seeing that the toad python didn't move, Luo Lei walked over with confidence, put on rubber gloves, held a glass for holding blood in one hand, and a sharp saber in the other.

Squatting down, grabbing the toad python's two hind legs with his left hand, he stabbed it into its slightly open mouth with a knife, and messed around inside. When he pulled out the saber, he cut open the aorta in its neck.

At this time, the toad python was not completely dead, and the blood flowed out smoothly, and a total of about ten grams of blood flowed out.

"Drink directly?" Luo Lei asked, looking at Yin Hong's blood in the cup.

"Yes! But it's better not now!" The old guy said: "After drinking, it takes a long time to absorb. It is very important to find a quiet place. I suggest you go back to the dormitory and drink again. After drinking, enter Spiritual soil vessel for digestion, so you don’t have to worry about being disturbed by others! In addition, you just advanced yesterday, you should take it easy, in case of any accident, there is no chance to make up for it!”

"Okay!" Luo Lei flipped his hand, and the cup and the body of the toad python flew into the spiritual earth vessel together.

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