urban evil

Chapter 329

Thunder and lightning!

A lightning bolt with a length of more than two meters appeared out of thin air, and it succeeded!

Luo Lei was so excited that he almost didn't jump up. You know, this is the first spell he has learned. He has been practicing it for so long. Is it easy, brother?

"Wahhaha, what about old guy, brother's achievements in mastery are pretty good, right? You only said it once, and I learned it!" Luo Lei said complacently, with a smug expression on his face.

"Don't be stinky, what's there to show off after learning this trick once? When I learned this trick as an old man, I didn't have anyone to teach me at all. Do you understand that you can learn it without a teacher?" He can be regarded as an ordinary person, but twice he is mediocre, and three times he is a stupid pig!"

"Fuck, you won't praise me!" Luo Lei muttered.

"Brave? You have nothing to praise. The lightning you release is like a small tree root. You can't be ashamed of it!" said the old man.

However, being able to use the spell Lightning and Thunder that can only be used at the alchemy stage has already explained the problem, proving that the lotus seed in Luo Lei's mind is indeed the inner alchemy.

"How is it possible?" The old guy frowned, puzzled, in the circle of cultivation, he can be regarded as an old man, but he has never heard that the inner alchemy can grow in places other than the dantian .

"Hahaha, it might be impossible for him, brother is already a master in the alchemy stage!" Luo Lei was still so proud, he thought it would take a while to break through the rotation stage, but he didn't expect it to be so soon!

"Don't be complacent!"


"Because from the outside, you are just a cultivator at the revolving illumination stage, and you don't have the aura of the alchemy stage at all! So having inner alchemy in your mind doesn't mean you are a master at the alchemy stage, you... clear?"

"I'm stupid, I don't understand, what do you mean?"

"It means that, strictly speaking, you are a cultivator at the transformation stage, not at the alchemy stage!"

"Then, do you still have to keep your virginity?"

"What I want to say is this!"


Luo Lei burst into tears. He thought he could bid farewell to his virginity immediately, but just now he was thinking about who to dedicate his first time to.

"Then, I can always practice spells, right?" Luo Lei could only settle for the next best thing.


"Then teach me!"

"Didn't I teach it before?"

"Just a silly lightning and thunder? I've taught it. I'm not greedy. You can just teach me ten or eight. Hey, I haven't finished my words yet, so don't go away." ...I'm stupid, you're really leaving!"

The old guy disappeared without a trace, leaving Luo Lei standing alone on the grass.

What do you mean, do you mean that brother can only practice the spell of lightning, thunder and thunder?

God, brother is a talent!

"Fuck me, didn't you say that you can practice magic skills after you have formed the alchemy? You're a liar! You're so disrespectful, you actually deceived the good young people of the new era. I despise you!"

Luo Lei came out of the spiritual earth vessel while muttering. At this moment, it was already daylight. Looking at the time, it was six o'clock in the morning, and there was less than an hour left before waking up. Woohoo, why is my brother's fate so tragic? Ever since I met the old guy, I haven't had a good night's sleep in An An.

These are not important anymore, the important thing is to quickly sleep in this limited time.

He didn't know that there was a disheveled guy outside who wandered around the campus for a whole night without being spotted by the surveillance cameras set up everywhere.

"Could it be that my little guy really had an accident?" Brother Xili suddenly lost all confidence, and yelled in a drake-like voice toward the apartment building where Luo Lei lived: "Wait, I will definitely I won't let you go... you, you, you... I'm stupid, who still has the balloon skin, so uncivil, why is there white liquid in it..."

Not only the t-shirt with the white liquid, but also the leftover bucket noodles, and the smelly socks with a strong smell. Who made this guy so unscrupulous, screaming ghosts under the apartment building early in the morning.


In an extremely secret basement, ten ghost ninjas sat in front of a small table. The leader was Kobayashi Naoo. His cousin was ordered to return to the island country to deal with difficult affairs, and handed over the command of the blood ninja to him.

Naoko Kobayashi took out a photo, put it on the table, and said in a deep voice: "The target task this time is this person, his name is Luo Lei, a freshman at Huadu University, my enemy! He is also our ghost Enemy of the Ninja family, I only ask you one thing, kill him!"

"Hay!" The ten ghost ninja nodded heavily at the same time.

After waiting for more than three months, hiding in the dark basement every day, living a life like a mouse, finally got the news from Luo Lei, how could Naoko Kobayashi not be excited!

Moreover, when he heard that Luo Lei had ostentatiously appeared in Huada without the protection of the nine personnel around him, he had already decided that killing him would be easy, no matter how high his ancient martial ability was, he could never defeat ten Besieged by blood ninja with huge lethality.

The time for revenge has finally arrived!

"Start action from now on!" Kobayashi Naonan gritted his teeth and said, "Using assassination as the main method, it is best not to reveal your identity and not attract the attention of others. After all, the Ministry of National Security of China is still looking for us!"

"Hay!" The blood ninjas nodded heavily again.


"Whoa, what a tragedy!" Luo Lei got up from the bed, he was the last one to wake up among the four people in 601, and the other three had already finished washing.

"Brother Lei, what's so tragic?" the fat man asked in confusion.

"It's nothing!" Of course, Luo Lei would not explain anything to him, and walked to the bathroom. If he hadn't just become a student of Huada University and still had some scruples in his heart, he would definitely choose to skip class and continue to sleep in the dormitory .

Then, the four of them went to the restaurant together and had a hearty meal. Today, Luo Lei was treating guests. The three of them were quite surprised. As a result, they were in a good mood and their appetites increased greatly. They killed dozens of pieces of him in one breakfast.

As a result, there was not much left of the one hundred yuan that he finally borrowed from Gu Hanyan.

It doesn't matter, although I am poor, I never take money seriously, because I firmly believe that one day money will only be a series of meaningless numbers in my eyes.

"You are Luo Lei!" A guy with traitorous hair combed and looking very unbeatable stood in front of the dining table for four people, with a disdainful expression on his face, his nostrils were raised to the sky, and he wished to grow on his forehead. In the trouser pocket, one leg stood upright, and the other kept shaking.

Luo Lei really wanted to remind him that men are called poor and women are cheap. After thinking about it, forget it. This guy is already cheap enough. If he is called poor again, he will be useless. We have to give Don't people save face!

"Yes, it's me!" Luo Lei nodded.

"I—" The guy who needed to be beaten pointed to his nose with his thumb, and said word by word: "—I want—challenge—challenge—you!"

"Fuck, who are you, so hung up!" the fat man said angrily.

"It doesn't matter who I am, besides, I didn't talk to you!" The guy who needed a beating kept staring at Luo Lei's face and said, "Are you brave enough to accept brother's challenge?"

Luo Lei stood up slowly, he was seven centimeters taller than that guy, it was worthless, looked down at him a few times, and said: "Your boy is that onion, is it bad weather that put you from Scraped from the gutter? You still challenge me, what do you want to challenge?"

The guy who deserves to be beaten is called Chen Kang, a little-known second-generation official. It is said that his father is the head of some bureau.The people I saw the most since I was a child were people who came to his house to flirt and give gifts. Under the subtle influence, I developed an incomparable character.

Among freshmen, people like Chen Kang are not uncommon.

But when they learned that Li Qihan, the school belle, had a boyfriend, they were all furious.

"I want to compete fairly with you!" Chen Kang proudly said: "I really don't understand why Li Qihan, the school belle, fell in love with you, this useless guy, I want to compete with you!"

"Hey, take a pee and take care of yourself!" Luo Lei dropped this sentence, waved his hands at the three of them, and said, "This guy is really not here at the right time. If you come here 10 minutes earlier, brother can save me A lot of money for food!"

"That's right, it's unappetizing enough!" The fat man stood up while picking his teeth.

I'm stupid, you can stuff your teeth after breakfast, and you, fat man, can be considered a wonderful flower!

The four walked out together, and Chen Kang shouted arrogantly from behind: "Brother Tianxiang, but that's it, you dare not even accept my challenge, have you given up the right to be the boyfriend of the school belle? "

Egg, if I say one more word to a person like you, I will lose face!

"Hahaha, brother Tianxiang dare not accept my challenge!" Chen Kang became even more arrogant.

The four came to the playground and started queuing up.

That kid Chen Kang wasn't originally from this phalanx, but he stood behind Luo Lei. This was where the fat man was. Just as the fat man was about to get angry, Luo Lei said with a smile, "It doesn't matter. He can stand wherever he likes. You Stand in front of me, I want to see how long this guy can last!"

Originally, he was already ready to get on the military vehicle and continue to play cards against the landlord with the three bad friends. Since they have already been bullied to the head, let's compare and see.

Chen Yunfei and the others were also ready to play cards, but they never saw Luo Lei coming over. He got out of the car and came to check. Just as he was about to speak, Luo Lei winked at him first, and then made a few sign language gestures.

Chen Yunfei understood and made a reassuring expression.

"Everyone is here, stand at attention!" Chen Yunfei shouted, and the students in this phalanx immediately stood at attention.

"Junzi, one hour, from now on!" Chen Yunfei said blankly, "If anyone feels that he can't hold on, he can say hello in advance, and I will take care of him!"

Luo Lei glanced at Chen Kang behind him, and whispered, "Don't you want to challenge me, why don't you compare?"

"Bijibi, I will prove to everyone that I am better than you!" Chen Kang still had that arrogant look, and he deserved a beating.

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