urban evil

Chapter 336

Wang Qing grew up so big, she has never suffered such a loss. Although there were many perverts who wanted to attack her breasts before, none of them succeeded, and those people all ended badly.

She never imagined that Luo Lei, who is a master of ancient martial arts, would use such indecent moves.

There is no way, who made Luo Lei always self-taught, such moves as sap sticks and stumbling blocks, which are despised by people in the Jianghu, are nothing to him, use what should be used, and the best way to defeat the opponent The most important thing is the method and process.

However, this time he really didn't do it on purpose, fists and feet have no eyes, such a physical collision should be inevitable.

But Wang Qing didn't think so. If Luo Lei hit her chest with his palm, it could be forgiven, but it was two consecutive attacks, and he squeezed her chest deliberately!

Luo Lei acted completely subconsciously.

"Luo Lei, I'm going to kill you!" Wang Qing shouted, and the momentum of the attack suddenly increased.

Luo Lei groaned in his heart, he is a master of the third level of the Xuan rank, and he is still an ancient warrior of the ground rank who has not been able to step into the Xuan rank. If he hadn't relied on the benefits brought by his cultivation, he would have been beaten to the ground long ago. .

Wang Qing was very aggressive, she was really not easy to provoke, she put all her energy on the attack, blindly attacking fiercely.

Luo Lei retreated one after another, overwhelmed.

"Old man, come up with an idea!" Luo Lei said hurriedly.

"I have no choice. There are only two ways in front of you. First, be beaten up honestly. I don't think this girl Wang Qing will beat you to death. At most, you will be seriously injured or disabled!" The old guy Those words chilled Luo Lei's heart, "Secondly, you hide in the spiritual soil vessel to reveal your identity as a cultivator. I believe she is not a woman with a big mouth, so she won't spread it everywhere."

Both ideas are bad enough, especially the first one, brother never does anything to get caught, not to mention Wang Qing is already furious to the extreme, let her beat up without any resistance, stupid 13!

In case she was not careful and crippled her brother's vital parts, how would she live a sexual life in the future?

Forget it, I have to decide how to deal with it.

Luo Lei took a few steps back quickly, opened the distance between the two, swung his right hand, and shouted: "Look at the dart!"

Wang Qing quickly dodged to the side, if it was really a dart, it would be easy to get hit at such a short distance.

However, she didn't see the dart, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Luo Lei who ran away.

be cheated!

It's a pity that it was too late for her to change her body shape. When she stood still, Luo Lei had already run several steps away. That guy used the light body technique in the snake form technique, and a vertical leap was five or six meters away.

"Death-wolf, stop!" Wang Qing started to chase, but the start was a bit late, and Luo Lei ran more than 20 meters away, and ran faster and faster.

Seeing that Luo Lei in front turned a corner and slipped to the front of the laboratory building, Wang Qing gritted her teeth and chased after her. When she also turned the corner, where was Luo Lei?

"Where is the person?" Wang Qing looked around, Luo Lei seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Obviously seeing him turn here, how could it be gone in the blink of an eye?

A hundred meters away, a pair of eyes looked at this side. The owner of the eyes was Brother Sharp who had just finished the promotion.

"It turns out that kid is carrying a rare treasure, no wonder he can beat my little guy! Hehe, this time I'll take advantage of it!" Brother Sharp originally only wanted to kill Luo Lei to avenge the toad python, but now it seems , Otherwise, if you want to kill that kid, you have to rob him of his treasure.

Wang Qing stood there for a few minutes, and after confirming that Luo Lei was not here, she left resentfully.

"You wait, I will never spare you!" Wang Qing gritted her teeth and said, this can be regarded as a new and old hatred.

Luo Lei was hiding in the spiritual soil container, and was picking up the dried ginseng next to the red soil.

"Hehe, old guy, I'm the smarter one, I simply got rid of the enemy!" Luo Lei said complacently.

"Is it useful?" The old guy snorted, "Won't you all have to stay in the same campus in the future, and people will come to trouble you whenever they want, so can you hide?"

"Uh, it seems to be the same!" Luo Lei couldn't laugh any more, and then he thought, who cares, the soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth, who is afraid of whom.

Different types of ginseng are in different positions, and in the middle is a pile of A-grade jade. Together, these things are worth over [-] million yuan.

It's just that, as the old saying goes, you don't reveal it, and Luo Lei is not so stupid as to sell them all at once.

"Boy, keep these things!" said the old man.

"Why?" Raleigh asked.

"After leveling up to become a real alchemy master, you can absorb the energy in the jade and use it to improve your cultivation progress!" The old guy said: "Ginseng is a very good Qi-invigorating medicinal material. In addition to eating it directly, it can also be used to refine elixir. "

"Hehe, I see, I never thought of selling them all!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

Since Wang Qing had already left, there was no need for him to hide any longer. After coming out of the spiritual earth vessel, he patted the dust on his hands and was about to return to the dormitory when he first sensed a hint of danger in his heart.

Could it be that Wang Qing didn't go far and hid somewhere nearby?

No, the breath is wrong.

"Hahaha..." There was a burst of wild laughter.

Luo Lei looked around, and saw a beggar in tattered clothes walking towards him, shaking every step, the clothes couldn't see the original color, and there were strips of them, and his face was black as hell, except for the whites of the eyes and Except for the teeth exposed from the split mouth, the shapes of other facial features can hardly be seen clearly.

"Brother Sharp?" Luo Lei was taken aback.

"Little baby, hand over your treasure, old man, if I am in a good mood, maybe I will let you live!" Brother Xili said in a voice like a drake, and at the same time stretched out a dirty dog ​​that was not much cleaner than his face. hand.

"I don't understand what you mean!" Luo Lei took out a steel coin and threw it over, saying, "Take it and buy a steamed bun!"

"Boy, the other party is a cultivator! A master in the late stage of Lingji, be careful!" the old guy said.

"What, a master in the spiritual silence stage?" Luo Lei's eyes widened. Even a beggar can cultivate to such an astonishing height. Doesn't it mean that the threshold of this profession is very high?

Didn't you remind me earlier, brother should hide for a while longer!

"There's a point, when you hid in the spiritual earth container, you were already discovered! So, as long as you hide, he will wait until that time!" The old guy said: "Remind you, this guy With the residual breath of the toad python, if I guessed correctly, he should be the owner of the toad python. That is to say, it is not surprising that he appears here, and he has probably already set his sights on you!"

I'm sorry, I just tricked a Wang Qing away, and immediately there is another sharp brother, I'm in a bad luck!

Brother Xili held a spell in his other hand, and said coldly: "Little baby, stop playing sloppy with me, the old man, and hand over the treasure obediently, or I will beat you to death!"

Brother Xili didn't do anything directly because he was afraid that he would damage the treasure while killing the other party. He was going to use coercion to make Luo Lei hand over the treasure on his own initiative, and then kill him.

"Hehe, so it's a senior!" Luo Lei arched his hands, with a smile on his face, and he was ready for a fight in his heart.

"Senior doesn't dare to be so, quickly take out your treasure!" Brother Sharp shouted.

"Hehe, this junior knows that he can't protect the treasure well. It's not impossible to hand it over to the senior, but you have to prove to me that you have enough strength!" Luo Lei said with a smile. This is to confuse Brother Sharp. He handed over the spiritual soil vessel, dream!

Brother Xili pointed his nostrils at Luo Lei and said, "Old man, I am already a master in the late stage of Lingji!"

"Late stage of Lingji!" Luo Lei pretended to be admiring.

"I just met such a kind person like me. If it were someone else, I would definitely kill you and grab the treasure!" Brother Sharp thought that Luo Lei would obediently hand over the treasure to him, so he looked complacent.

"Okay, I'll give it to you!" Luo Lei nodded.

Brother Xili was happy in his heart, and he was ready to be ruthless when he got the treasure.

"Lightning and thunder!" Luo Lei spat out these four words.

Brother Xili was taken aback for a moment, thinking that the name of the treasure was Lightning Lightning and Thundering, but when a flash of lightning appeared in the sky, he realized that he had been fooled.


A lightning bolt with a length of about four meters accurately struck Brother Sharp's head. White smoke rose from his messy hair, and his shape was even more exaggerated.

The electric current raged on Brother Sharp's body for a while, and then disappeared.

During this process, Brother Sharp was trembling all over, his eyes were dull.

"Boy, why are you using spells again? You will be targeted by the Cultivation Supervision Department!" the old guy said.

"It's okay, didn't you say that lightning and thunder can only be used by people at the alchemy stage, and I seem to only have the power of the rotation stage, even if someone comes to check, they can't find me, hehe!" Luo Lei had already said Think of countermeasures.

"That's true, but it's better to be careful. It's hard to guarantee that the old guys in the inspection department have supernatural powers. If they find out the clues, you will suffer! People in the later stage are not very effective, unless you release lightning that is more than ten meters long!" said the old man.

"I'm stupid, what should I do?" Luo Lei asked quickly.

"Use the holding spell, at the cost of your blood!" The old guy immediately told him how to use the holding spell.

He had just memorized the method when Brother Xili just woke up and cursed: "Boy, you actually did something to the old man. You really should hit me. Look at my fire king spell, I must burn you to death!"

"Slow down!" Luo Lei immediately changed back to his previous smiling face, and said, "Senior, I just wanted to give you a try just now, and a test will prove that you are indeed a master in the spiritual stillness stage, and you can even withstand lightning and thunder." I can live with it, so I can rest assured!"

try me?Brother Sharp frowned.

"Yes!" Luo Lei took out the spiritual soil vessel and walked over with a smile.

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