urban evil

Chapter 381

The robbers were robbers after all. Under the influence of the photosensitive bomb, once they lost their eyesight, they immediately panicked and didn't hear the strong man's order at all.Besides, they were all rubbing their eyes, how could they shoot?

Luo Lei rushed in from outside the door, and when his body was in the air, he fired two shots in succession.

The first bullet hit the strong man's left shoulder, the second shot decapitated the guy inside, and then the third shot, the one that hijacked Li Yujia, also decapitated the guy inside.

Li Yujia had already slumped on the ground before the gunshot, and she couldn't see anything with her eyes. She thought that someone behind her was shooting at her, and her heart sank to the bottom of the ice valley.

Captain Cui rushed in with four team members, and in groups of two, they shot at the rest of the gangsters. They all used submachine guns, and when they fired, the other party got more than one bullet.

For Luo Lei's marksmanship, Captain Cui was convinced. He thought he didn't have the ability to hit with a gun, and it was in an actual combat situation where the situation was ever-changing.

After firing three shots, Luo Lei went straight to Li Yujia. In his opinion, the first shot hit the heart, and the second and third hit the eyebrows. The enemy had no chance of surviving.

"Li Yujia, are you okay?" When Luo Lei took Li Yujia's little hand, the other party resisted fiercely at first, then paused obviously, blinked several times in succession, and then slowly recovered his eyesight. She is still very familiar with the voice, but she doesn't know why he appears here.

With the gradual recovery of vision, Luo Lei really appeared in her sight.

"Luo Lei!" Li Yujia yelled, and threw herself into his arms without thinking, tears streaming down her face. The grievances she suffered before finally found an object to vent, and she became out of control.

"Hehe, don't cry, the bad guys have been beaten to death!" Luo Lei said with a smile, while reaching out and patting her fragrant shoulder lightly.

It seemed that Li Yujia was really frightened, her delicate body trembling violently in Luo Lei's arms.

"It's really all right!" Luo Lei continued to pat Li Yujia's fragrant shoulders.

Li Yujia's mood was gradually improving, and a trace of shyness appeared on her face full of fear, but when she saw the gangster behind her whose head was almost torn off, she almost didn't vomit.

In fact, it was the first time for Captain Cui and the others to perform such a mission. According to the training requirements, after the follow-up personnel rushed in, the first thing to do was to shoot at the enemy who was lying on the ground, so as to prevent the possibility of being caught.

The four team members were a little too excited. When two gangsters were shot and fell to the ground in front of them, they completely forgot this common sense!

Captain Cui forgot that it was mainly because Luo Lei's fighting power impressed him deeply, subjectively thinking that it was impossible for anyone to survive under his gun.

There are always exceptions, and strong men are one.

The strong man fell to the ground after being shot. If it was someone else, the left chest heart was hit by the powerful Desert Eagle bullet, and there was absolutely no possibility of him surviving, but his heart was on the right side, and the center After the bombing, there was a temporary shock, so in the eyes of several people, he had no signs of life.

The reason why the first shot to the heart is because the feeling of shooting is very important. The heart target is bigger and easier to hit than the eyebrows, so Luo Lei made such an arrangement.

The strong man moved his fingers, but without opening his eyes, he reached out and grabbed the Black Star pistol on the ground, sat up suddenly, and aimed the gun at Luo Lei who was comforting Li Yujia.

Luo Lei sensed a hint of danger coming from his back for no reason, but Li Yujia could see it clearly, and called out delicately: "Be careful!"

"Boom!" The strong man's gun rang out.

At the same time, Luo Lei threw himself forward and threw Li Yujia to the ground. The bullet hit his back. The scorching bullet left an obvious white mark on his clothes, and then hit the pillar in front of him.

In fact, even if Luo Lei didn't dodge, it would be difficult for that bullet to penetrate the zhenqi shield that is automatically generated under danger. It's just that it's no secret that he has a unique skill. The most important thing is that if this bullet The bullet was not shot at him, but at Li Yujia, wouldn't that be dangerous!

In the process of lunging forward, he stretched out his left hand in time and placed it behind Li Yujia's head, so that it was safe, otherwise, she would have a concussion.

Captain Cui hurriedly turned around. He was using a long gun. Before he could aim at the strong man, the strong man had already turned his gun and fired a bullet towards him.

The bullet hit Captain Cui's right leg, and he fell to the ground in a flash. The unfinished aiming failed completely.

The strong man turned his gun again and shot at another panicked team member. At this time, there was a loud brake sound outside, and the guy in charge stopped the car at the door, poked his head out and shouted: "Brother, get in the car!"

The strong man knocked down the team member with one shot, and just stood up, before he could take a step, Roy's gun went off.

Luo Lei didn't look back at all, and fired that shot with his back to the strong man.

The bullet accurately hit the strong man's temple, and he looked at the smoking gun in disbelief, how could it be so accurate, and then he slowly fell limp on the ground.

"Brother!" The guy in the car picked up the micro-gun on the passenger seat, and was about to shoot inside.

Of course Luo Lei would not give him a chance, and fired again!

Still between eyebrows!That guy never had a chance to pull the trigger, so he died!

It wasn't until this moment that the policemen outside reacted. They raised their guns one by one and surrounded the car. A more courageous guy opened the door and turned over with the body of a micro punch in his hand.

Only then did Captain Cui realize that his mistake had hurt everyone a little bit, and he didn't care about the sharp pain from the retreat, and shouted: "Fix the gun, hurry up!"

Two uninjured team members picked up their guns and shot at the head of the dead body on the ground.

Luo Lei was still lying on Li Yujia's body, and their bodies were close to each other. Since it was summer and the clothes were thin, he could feel the exquisite body below trembling slightly. Looking closely, Li Yujia's pretty face without any thoughts With wet tears hanging down, his pitiful appearance made him feel caring.

"Xiao Jia, are you okay? Did I hurt you too much?" Luo Lei asked softly.

Li Yujia shook her head, with a hint of shyness in her words: "No, I'm not hurt! Your hand must have been hurt by my head, I...you...can we get up?

"Of course!" Luo Lei stood up reluctantly, stretched out his hand to grab Li Yujia's little hand, and pulled her up as well.

Li Yujia didn't know that her legs were already numb, which was caused by high tension and panic. She tilted her body and was about to fall. Luo Lei stretched out his right arm in time, and hugged her in circles. The slender willow waist.

"Lean on me!" said Raleigh.

"En!" Li Yujia surprisingly didn't refute, leaning against Luo Lei's broad chest obediently, feeling a sense of security spontaneously.

Captain Cui was helped up by two team members, with a sorry expression on his face, he said, "I'm sorry, Major Luo, I was negligent, and it almost caused a catastrophe. Fortunately, you reacted quickly!"

Luo Lei waved his hand and said, "If you want to talk about negligence, I was the first to be negligent. If it was the first, there would be nothing that happened later! Captain Cui looks seriously injured, go to the hospital immediately!"

The ambulance was already ready, and several nurses dragged the stretcher over, and Captain Cui lay on it.

A man wearing the epaulettes of the third-rank police inspector came in, saluted Luo Lei first, and then said, "Major Luo has worked hard, thanks to your help this time!"

"You're welcome!" Luo Lei said modestly, if it wasn't because Li Yujia was controlled by gangsters, I would have stood by and watched.

"I have already reported the situation to Director Hou, he is already on his way here, please wait for Major Luo, hehe!" Level [-] Simplified said with a smile, with a polite expression on his face.

"Okay, I'll wait for him!" Luo Lei could imagine that since Hou Yufeng came, Gu Hanyan would definitely not be absent, she was a person who couldn't stay idle.

However, thinking about what happened that night, he felt a little embarrassed to face the policeman Gu.

The third-level police superintendent glanced at Li Yujia who was nestled in his arms, and said, "Major Luo, do you want your friend and my people to make a record? Although this matter is over, it's time to go." The procedure still has to go!"

Luo Lei looked down at the reluctant little pepper, and asked softly, "Is that okay?"

Li Yujia shook her head without thinking about it. She didn't know when, her two arms also hugged Luo Lei's waist, and now they hugged him even tighter.

"I'm sorry, she was frightened. Even if I reluctantly go with your people, I'm afraid it will be difficult to make a satisfactory record! How about this, when she is in a better mood, I will accompany her to the police station, how about it?" ?” Rory said with a smile.

The third-level police supervisor showed dismay, but he still agreed, saying: "Okay then! Don't bother Major Luo, I will deal with other matters first!"

"Hehe, okay!" Luo Lei nodded with a smile.

When the man walked away, Li Yujia opened his small mouth and asked, "Luo Lei, why did you appear here? I remember that you are just a military officer, and you don't seem to have anything to do with the police, do you?"

Luo Lei originally wanted to say that I happened to come to withdraw money, and it was completely by chance. Then I thought, why not take this opportunity to tease Xiaojiali, if it can resolve her resentment towards herself, that would be great!After all, everyone is an alumni from a high school, so it's really annoying that they are always at war.

"When I woke up this morning, I counted my fingers and figured out that Jia Jia was in trouble, so I ran out of the house!" Luo Lei swore, "Then I followed you. I am determined to take you as a hostage, of course I will rush in to save you!"

"Really?" Li Yujia's pretty face flushed, her heart beat faster, and her heart was extremely happy.

How did Luo Lei know that Xiaojiali's feelings towards him have changed in the past few days, otherwise, he wouldn't have said such nasty things if he was killed!

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