urban evil

Chapter 391 The Lion's Big Opening

Looking at the trembling Chi Fen, Luo Lei couldn't help thinking of killing him, so he put on a smiling expression.

The more this happened, the more uncertain Chi Fen was, he would rather hope that Luo Lei would come over with a dark face!Even if you kick him before you speak, he will feel much better.

"Luo... Brother Luo, it's you, why are you talking to me?" Chi Fen was so frightened that his voice changed, if it wasn't for so many people, he probably would have peed his pants.

"Why, can't you?" Luo Lei sat down with a smile, raised his head and said to Chi Fen who was like chaff all over his body, "Master Chi, didn't you check my background, don't you know that I am also a member of the orphanage?" member?"

Chi Fen nodded quickly and said, "I remembered!"

"Then sit down, let's have a good talk!" Luo Lei pointed to the sofa behind Chi Fen.

"Okay, thank you!" Chi Fen thanked repeatedly, for fear of offending Luo Lei. Although this guy is a worthless rich second generation, he also knows how to judge the situation. In addition, Chen Qian's "teaching" before, people who don't know , will definitely mistake this guy for a very polite young man!

"Tell me how you want to compensate us!" Luo Lei said lightly.

Chi Fen hurriedly took out a document and said, "This is the compensation condition that my father made at that time. Of course, this can only represent the past! Now, we have decided to double the compensation for the losses you caused, that is, to It is twice as many as in this document!"

Luo Lei hooked his hands, and Chi Fen hurriedly handed over the information.

It says that the compensation for the orphanage is 100 million RMB, double that, which is only 200 million!In fact, Chi Fen didn't know that the benefits that his father Chi Shiguang had promised to Shen Anna in private had already far exceeded the 100 million.

"200 million! Seems like a lot of money!" Luo Lei said with a sneer.

Chi Fen thought he agreed, nodded quickly and said, "Yes, 200 million, that's a lot of money!"

"Then let me ask, how much is Mr. Chi's limited-edition sports car?" Luo Lei had an unguessable expression on his face.

Chi Fen finally realized that what the other party said was ironic, his old face blushed, and said, "200 million seems to be a little less, if you think it's too little, I can add more!"

"Hmph, just 200 million yuan just wants to send us away!" Luo Lei said bluntly, "The market value of that piece of land has already exceeded 200 million yuan. What you want to develop is a commercial project, and the value of the land is not just the market price. It's so simple! So, the bottom line in my heart is 400 million!"

400!Chi Fen gasped, but the price was acceptable, Luo Lei was right, the land price alone, the land of the orphanage already exceeded 200 million.

"Can we talk again?" Chi Fen said with a bargain in his heart.

"I repeat, this is my bottom line!" Luo Lei said coldly.

Although he only said this sentence, Chi Shi still heard his hidden meaning, that is, don't challenge my bottom line, it is not easy for me to sit down and talk to you.

"Fine, fine, 400 million is 400 million!" Chi Fen hurriedly said, "Then let's sign the contract quickly!"

"Wait!" Luo Lei waved his hand and said, "The 400 million is just for the land! Let's talk about other compensation costs, Mr. Chi, you don't think I promised to sell the land to you, It means that you will not be held accountable for what you did to the children, and the forced demolition of the orphanage!"

Chi Fen was taken aback. To be honest, he really regarded the 400 million as a combination of land purchase and compensation.

"Okay then, let's continue talking!" Chi Shi had no choice but to nod.

On the second floor, Tian Xi, Li Qihan, Wu Wen, Wang Qing, Li Yujia, and Shen Anna were sitting in the small living room, listening to the negotiation below.

"Hehe, it is estimated that Mr. Chi will be brutally slaughtered by Xiao Lei!" Tian Xi said with a smile.

"That's right, Xiao Lei is a guy who only takes advantage and doesn't lose. How could he let go of such a good opportunity!" Wu Wen said that she knew him very well.

Shen Anna sighed, and said: "I don't care too much about how much compensation he can get from surname Chi, I would rather not have compensation, in my opinion, the money is not related to the children, and the orphan left by the father. Compared with the courtyard, it is not important at all!"

Tian Xi held Shen Anna's hand and said: "But the orphanage no longer exists! How about this, after getting the compensation, use it to build a fund, and make some investments with relatively low risk and relatively high return, and earn a lot of money?" The money is used for the children, for them to go to school, etc. If the income is good, it can also help more orphans!"

This is a good idea, but the children are already homeless, so it is obviously inappropriate to live in Rose Garden Villa in the future.

"I suggest sending the children to the orphanage in Huadu City!" Li Qihan said, "The conditions there are much better than those in Jia County. Besides, with this compensation, the children's future life is guaranteed. , Sister Anna can also live with us in the city instead of staying in Jia County alone!"

"I agree!" Wang Qing went on to say, "The reason why Shi Shi dared to attack the orphanage is because of you, Sister Anna, who is weak! Moreover, we only have a dozen children here. Whether it is rebuilding the orphanage or inviting The teachers who take care of their lives will cause a lot of waste of resources."

"In this way, everyone can take care of each other. It doesn't matter whether it's going to the children, or the children go to see their little brother Lei, it's very convenient!" Wang Qing said, after all, she is an outsider here, and she doesn't speak like Li Qihan and the others are so casual.

Shen Anna nodded and said, "Your words are all reasonable, I will consider it!"


Huada, Principal's Office.

Jiang Yiheng looked very satisfied with Lin Yang's customized security plan for Huada, and said with a smile: "This is the most detailed plan I have ever seen. I believe that under the operation of your company, the school's security work will continue to improve. Floors!"

Lin Yang, who was sitting across from him, said modestly: "Hehe, President Jiang is awesome! Although I have never been to university, I know the importance of knowledge. If a university fails to meet the most basic security conditions, students How can you learn knowledge here! Therefore, security work must not be sloppy. To tell you the truth, my sister who is a sophomore in high school regards Huada as her first choice!"

"Hehe, then I feel more at ease!" Jiang Yiheng said with a smile: "I think Manager Lin will definitely not let his sister down, so let's sign the contract! Although the school is on holiday, I still hope that the staff of your company If I can be in place during the holidays, I will pay your staff overtime pay in accordance with the Labor Law!"

"No problem, the personnel have already been in place, and they can enter Huada at any time!" Lin Yang took out a pen, and the two signed and stamped at the positions of both parties.

According to the contract, Leiyang Company will take over Huada's security work tomorrow. At that time, the original security department will be fully dispersed.

Lin Yang walked out of the principal's office satisfied with the contract, and wanted to call Luo Lei, but he didn't know if his matter had been resolved, so he should contact Song Xuezhi first, and then talk about it after understanding the situation.

However, considering Luo Lei's ability, there shouldn't be any uncertainties. Lin Yang is very optimistic about his future brother-in-law.

"Thinking about it, I have to thank Xiaoxin well. If she hadn't acted like a younger sister and strengthened Xiaolei at that time, how could such a good thing happen now!" Lin Yang glanced at the contract in his hand, and smiled towards Xiaoxin. go outside.


Chi Fen lowered his head and didn't dare to look Luo Lei in the eyes. He had to say that he was ready to be slaughtered. He took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Luo, please tell me!"

Luo Lei pretentiously cleared his throat, first stretched out a finger, and said, "It turns out that the orphanage has several hundred square meters of buildings, and the average size of a child is at least tens of square meters. Now they are homeless. Housing is the first problem to be solved! My requirements are not high. I rent a house according to the specification of 15 square meters per child. Regardless of the size, the rent is calculated according to the ten-year lease period. Based on the current consumption level of Jia County, one square meter is 150 yuan per month. One yuan, ten square meters is 12, multiplied by 8000 months a year, and then multiplied by ten years, it is 3.6 yuan, plus the growth level of gpd, the price will at least double after ten years, that is 50.4 per person Ten thousand! Fourteen children, a total of [-]!"

Chi Fen heaved a sigh of relief, and began to rejoice in his heart. After all, it's only 50 yuan. I'll give it to you!

But then, he couldn't be happy anymore, because Luo Lei started to count other items.

"You have to pay for school expenses, from elementary school to university!" Luo Lei said in an unquestionable tone, "Because what happened the night before yesterday had a great psychological impact on them, and it will also have a great impact on their grades." In case they fail to get into a good university, shouldn’t they spend money to get involved? One person is 12, and fourteen people is 168 million!”

"You have to pay for the treatment of various diseases caused by psychological problems. Children's hearts are fragile. There are not many. One person is 42 yuan, and fourteen people is [-] yuan!"

"The one who is always scared by you has been afraid to go out these two days. What if he gets autism in the future and can't get married? Then we have to prepare more dowry to attract young men to come to the door by themselves. , you can just give 30!"


"Comprehensively, the total is 711 million, you pay it!" Luo Lei stretched out his hand in front of Chi Fen.

Chi Fen was in a cold sweat, he had been stunned just now, and now he heard that the total is more than 700 million, this is not forcing me to sell iron, the accounts of several companies have been sealed, and the liquidity in hand is pitifully small, why? Compensation!

"Well, Mr. Luo, you see that more than 700 million is not a small amount, can you delay me for two days?" Chi Fen said in a low voice.

"Slow? It's okay, according to the interest of one penny a day, it can be as many days as you want!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "Not much, the interest of more than 7 yuan a day, every time it exceeds three days, the interest will be automatically paid." Roll in the principal, you can figure it out!"

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