urban evil

Chapter 430 I rub it, stowaway?

After a long flight, Luo Lei's helicopter stopped at a place near the sea. A few kilometers away is the vast sea. There is a small pier nearby. Although it is brightly lit, it does not appear busy. .

The helicopter flew for more than four hours. From this, it can be calculated that the distance from Huadu City is more than 1000 kilometers.

Murong Hanwei had been waiting here for a long time. As soon as Luo Lei's feet hit the ground, she drove over in a Hummer military vehicle, shook her head at him, and said, "Get in the car!"

Luo Lei got into the co-pilot, and the helicopter took off again, and soon disappeared into the night.

"Sister Hanwei, what task are you in such a hurry?" Luo Lei asked.

"One of our action teams was completely annihilated in the island country." Murong Hanwei looked at Luo Lei and said seriously: "Their task is to investigate the situation of the blood ninja, and they just got a little useful information, and they were all killed for no reason. Yes! The director analyzed that this must be done by blood ninja, their existence has seriously threatened our country, and it is time to solve it."

"Understood, my task is to take care of their lair, right?" Luo Lei guessed the intention of Zheng Nan, Director of the Ninth Division.

"It's good to be able to get rid of it, but I don't think it's so easy to get rid of Xueren's old nest!" Murong Hanwei said: "According to preliminary estimates, there are more than 600 of them, and most of them are dead. The ones in your hand are much more advanced! What the director means is to find out their composition and structure, including how these people were created, and based on this information, we will formulate an advanced plan!"

Luo Lei waved his hand and said, "Since I'm asked to come forward, I will definitely turn them upside down! How can there be only spying information!"

"I knew you would say that!" Murong Hanwei said quietly, and then threw herself into Luo Lei's embrace.

"Hehe, the so-called high art is courageous!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "Besides, if you cut the weeds and don't get rid of the roots, the spring breeze will regenerate! In case those people come to our place to make trouble again, I still like to put the battlefield on the enemy's side." On the ground."

"Be careful!" Murong Hanwei slowly raised her head, a layer of mist appeared in her big eyes.

"Understood!" Luo Lei lowered his head and stabilized her fragrant lips.

After a wet French kiss, Murong Hanwei pouts in the back seat and said, "Here are the weapons and special agent equipment prepared for you, with instruction manuals, you can take them with you!"

"Sister Hanwei is really thoughtful!" Luo Lei turned over his hand, and a small white bottle appeared, which contained twenty qi-gathering pills. beneficial!"

Then, Murong Hanwei explained the details of the operation to him, and finally sent him to the pier.

"Sister Hanwei, slow down!" Luo Lei waved his right hand until Murong Hanwei, who was weeping silently, disappeared from sight driving the Hummer.

Hey, just like last time, I have to act alone again.

I'm sorry, it's not right, don't you need to take a plane to go to the island country, this is obviously a pier, so it's possible that I need to go by boat?

Luo Lei suddenly realized that this was a very serious problem. It's not impossible to take a boat, the key is that it's a waste of time. I heard that it only takes more than an hour to go by plane, but maybe two or three days by boat?

Moreover, such a small pier does not seem to be able to dock large ships!

Murong Hanwei didn't tell him the itinerary in detail, but only said that someone would pick him up later.

Half an hour later, the sound of the ship's motor came, and from a metal house not far away, a middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth came out. It hadn't been washed, and when it was four or five meters away from Luo Lei, he could already smell the pungent fishy smell.

"Is your surname Luo?" asked the middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Yes!" Luo Lei nodded.

"Come with me, I'll see you on board!" The middle-aged man turned around and left.

Luo Lei followed and asked, "Why is there still a passenger ship at such a late hour?"

"The boats here all set off at night!" The middle-aged man said without looking back: "After getting on the boat, just take care of yourself. Just pretend you didn't see anything else, remember?"

"Eh?" Luo Lei didn't understand what he meant, but he still nodded, thinking that it was due to his special status, which should be a confidential procedure.

Passing through a row of containers, Luo Lei saw only an old ship with a length of no more than 30 meters on the side of the pier, with a boom to fix the trawl net at the rear. Where is the passenger ship?

The middle-aged man did not make a sound, and led him towards the old fishing boat.

Damn, I won't let Lao Tzu go on a fishing boat, will I?Do fishing boats have the function of carrying passengers?

Certainly not, when Zheng Nan wanted to recruit Lao Tzu into his team a few months ago, didn't Wang Sanhu swear that he would be able to fly first-class for missions abroad, even if it happened to be financially tight this time, he deducted Lao Tzu's air ticket, Not to mention a luxury cruise ship, it must be an ordinary cabin of a passenger ship!

At this time, a hideous guy jumped off the fishing boat and shouted at the middle-aged man, "Hurry up, time is precious! On the way here just now, Lang spent a lot of time avoiding the patrol boats! Dawn If it could not reach the high seas before, it would be easy to be discovered!"

"Then don't be in a hurry for a few seconds!" The middle-aged man took out three stacks of hundred-yuan bills from his trouser pocket, stuffed them into the hands of the person in front of him, and said with a smile, "One person, old price, please do me a favor!"

The hideous guy borrowed the money to take a look, and said, "It's you! If you were someone else, you wouldn't have 5 yuan, so you wouldn't even think about smuggling to the island country!"

I wipe, stowaway!

Luo Lei never imagined that Zheng Nan would send himself to the island country to perform a mission in such a way!

"You, why are you standing there in a daze, hurry up and get on the boat, you won't stay longer than a minute!" The snakehead shouted at Luo Lei.

"Wait, let me make a call first, why is it such a broken ship!" Luo Lei said very unconvinced, anyway, we went out to shed blood for the country, the country can't be so stingy!

"If you don't fall in love, the money will not be refunded anyway!" The snake head turned and left.

The middle-aged man turned his head and said to Luo Lei: "You are stupid, what are you calling, hurry up! Since the above arrangement is so arranged, there must be a purpose, otherwise, why would you appear here instead of AIRPORT!"

Luo Lei has a bad feeling for the cold, and he has a good heart, Zheng Nan, you beat me to death.

"Okay, okay, I can't do it yet!" Luo Lei ran two quick steps, keeping up with the pace of the snake head.

Tongue didn't look at him at all. After getting on the boat, he pointed to a door on the deck and said, "Go in, someone will greet you!"

Luo Lei is so depressed. Why do people enjoy leadership treatment when they perform overseas missions, and I can only smuggle in a broken fishing boat. Zheng Nan, you are not kind, next time you can invite me, I have your last name!

He resentfully went down the wooden stairs to the cabin. There were several big men with their hands behind their backs. Before he could speak, one of them shouted, "Hand over your mobile phone and everything that can communicate with the outside world!"

"Why?" Luo Lei said angrily.

"There is no reason, you have to listen to us when you get on this boat!" The big man said viciously: "Open it, salute and take off your clothes. Your mobile phone, knives, weapons, etc. will be confiscated, and they will be returned to you when you go ashore! If you don't cooperate, my brothers will help you, of course they are all rough people, and there is no guarantee that they will not damage your things when they do it!"

Luo Lei symbolically carried a backpack, which was just a few changes of clothes and a small amount of island currency. If it was placed elsewhere, anyone who dared to talk to him like this would have only one fate, and that would be to be beaten. Looking for teeth all over the place.

But after all, it was a secret mission this time, otherwise there would be no need to use the method of smuggling. Luo Lei put down the backpack very cooperatively, opened it, poured out all the contents, and then took off his coat and pants.

Several big men checked it carefully, and the mobile phone was confiscated. One of them picked up his wallet and said, "We will keep your valuables for you, so as not to be stolen in the cabin, and it will be our responsibility." superior!"

After speaking, the man put the wallet into his pocket.

What they said sounds good, return it to yourself when you go ashore, and at that time, the wallet will indeed be returned to you intact, but there is only a pitiful little money left in it!

Anyway, it wasn't his own money. Luo Lei shrugged, put on his clothes, and walked into the innermost cabin under the leadership of a big man.

There was a smell mixed with excrement and urine in the dark cabin. There was a small light bulb no more than 15 watts above the head, which could not even illuminate the cabin with only a few square meters. Seven or eight people were lying or sitting on the ground. There are mostly men, and there are only two women. From the appearance of their clothes, they are not very good people, and they are probably engaged in some kind of great career.

Md, you can't make money in China, you have to serve the islanders, Luo Lei glanced at the two scantily clad women with thick makeup with disgusted eyes.

Looking at those men again, most of them are young people, there are also two middle-aged men over 40 years old, there is even a guy with glasses, with a bookish face, if it is not for this environment, Luo Lei will definitely Think of him as the beast of a certain university.

There is a small door on one side of the cabin, and the stench comes from there, it should be the toilet, no wonder these people lie and sit as far away as possible from there.

Luo Lei found a place to sit down at random. At this moment, the roar of the motor came, and the boat started to leave the dock.

When two women with heavy makeup saw Luo Lei, one of them even winked at him, maybe it was caused by professional habits.

Luo Lei closed his eyes directly, ignoring their existence.


The toilet door opened, and a man with a fleshy face and a scar on his face came out from inside.

Scarface lifted his trousers and glanced at the two women bewitchingly, then reluctantly turned to the other side, and when he saw Luo Lei, he said angrily, "Boy, who made you Those who are sitting there, get the hell out of here!"

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