urban evil

Chapter 455 Terrible Big Head

Eight powerful shotguns shot out hundreds of projectiles, pouring down on the back of Ghost King's head.

When the ghost king turned around, there was no shadow of Luo Lei, that guy hid in the spiritual soil vessel again, and was calmly loading the shotgun.

"I like this style of play!" Luo Lei said with a smile, the old guy was ordered to pay close attention to the situation outside, so as to choose a suitable direction for his next attack.

Appeared behind the ghost king again without making a sound, hit the back of the head violently again, and then hid in the spirit earth vessel.

Several times in succession, the ghost king was completely stunned. Since Luo Lei chose the same attack direction every time, the ghost king had rough skin and thick flesh, and the back of his head was painfully hit by countless bullets.

It can do nothing but howl in rage.

"Old guy, do you want to give it some ruthlessness?" Luo Lei stretched out his hand, and a depleted uranium bomb flew into his hand on the weapon rack not far away.

"Let's forget it, if the temple is blown up, we will lose money!" said the old guy.

"That's right, forget about that!" Luo Lei laughed dryly, depleted uranium bombs can't be used, high-explosive grenades are the head office!

This time, in addition to shooting 8 rounds of shotgun at the ghost king, he also dropped four high-explosive grenades like a hen laying eggs.

"Boom boom boom..."

The grenades exploded one after another, and the Ghost King was left with a dusty face. This place has existed for thousands of years, and a thick layer of dust has accumulated on the ground. Under the action of the explosion, all the dust flew up.

The ghost king swung the mallet aimlessly, and hit the stone walls on both sides many times, causing the stones to fly.

If you have strength, you can continue to swing. Luo Lei is not in a hurry. He is sitting in the spiritual soil vessel recovering the exhausted energy. A few slices of ginseng are dried in the mouth, and a warm current appears in his abdomen, flowing slowly through the meridians. Then, add to Dantian at last.

The ghost king outside used the mallet for a long time, one of which knocked the steel fork he had planted on the ground flying, and the dust aroused slowly fell down.

Just to be on the safe side, Luo Lei got out of the spiritual earth vessel this time, without firing a shot, and ran away after dropping four grenades.

Boom boom boom...

At the entrance of Nine You Valley, Ghost Ninja and Xue Nin heard the explosion sound from inside, they looked at each other, thinking that Nine You Valley is really terrifying, the ghosts inside are so powerful.

"This also shows a problem!" A ghost said to his companion: "That Chinese man is not easy to mess with. It has been so long, and he is still fighting with ghosts!"

"That can't get rid of the result of being killed!" Another Oni Ninja said in a disdainful tone: "Dare to fight against our Oni Ninja family, the only way is death!"

Several people nodded together.

In the temple, the ghost king was dizzy from the bombing, and the mallet in his hand was broken because he hit the hard stone wall many times, leaving only a section more than ten centimeters long.

In the spirit earth dish, Luo Lei looked up at the old guy floating in mid-air, and asked, "The ghost king should be a very powerful ghost, but why is he so brainless?"

"Let you stay alone in a fixed position for hundreds of years, and you will lose your head!" The old guy said, "I believe that very few people could walk in front of the ghost king alive before, so they were killed." You kid made fun of me so badly!"

"Really?" Luo Lei was skeptical.

"Of course!" The old guy nodded resolutely.

"Hey, haven't you been imprisoned in one place for thousands of years? If you say that, your brain is also very problematic!" This is what Luo Lei wants to say.

"Damn it!" The old guy glared at him and said, "I have a problem with my head, otherwise, how could I have met such a guy as you!"

"Forget it, I didn't say anything!" Luo Lei saw that the fire was about to burn to his side, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "It's not a problem to blow up like this, we have to act like a trick that can kill the ghost king." , what do you say, old man?"

The old guy thought for a while and said, "Spells and hot weapons don't have much effect on him. Why don't you use your pure Yang blood, I think it should work!"

Luo Lei shrugged his shoulders, thinking what a good day it is today, brother actually had to hurt himself twice in a row, well, brother will remember this day, and be careful on this day every year in the future, so as not to bleed every year.

Taking out the knife and a bunch of bullets, he cut his hand.

A dozen drops of blood dripped on Huang Chengcheng's bullet, and the wound began to heal quickly. What good is a good physique? If so, wouldn't he have to kill himself again?

After the blood on the bullet had dried, he carefully pressed it into the magazine and put it into the grip of the Sand Eagle pistol, and put the rest into another magazine as a spare.

Just as he was about to go out to fight the ghost king, he saw some of his own blood on the saber, so he held it in the other hand.

Flying out of the spiritual soil vessel, it was a gunshot to the ghost king's chest!

The flying speed of the bullet is not fast. Of course, this is compared with a 20mm caliber sniper. However, the bullet penetrated deeply into the ghost king's body, and a puff of white smoke immediately rose from the shot, and the ghost king's roar became There was a terrible scream.

Damn, it's really useful!

Without further ado, let's take another shot. This second shot hits the ghost king's eyebrows. Since it can hit the chest, there should be no problem between the eyebrows. You have a hard skull, and I have bullets that have been wiped with pure Yang blood!

The bullet drilled a hole in the ghost king's head, and white smoke came out.

The ghost king held his neck with both hands, there was no way, who let his hands not reach his head, maybe he realized that he was going to die, so he had to give himself a backrest before he died, he roared and stepped forward. Moving two thick beast legs, rushed towards Luo Lei!

Luo Lei kicked his legs, jumped up high, and cut the saber in his hand towards the ghost king's neck.


With the increase of pure yang blood, Luo Lei was able to cut off the ghost king's head like chopping melons and vegetables.

Dou Da's head fell to the ground and rolled aside with a grunt. The ghost king turned into a headless corpse, and slowly fell limply to the ground, stirring up a puff of dust that had finally fallen.

"Hoohoo, I knew it would be so easy to solve, so why bother fighting with it for so long!" Luo Lei let out a sigh of relief, two bullets could solve the problem, which was beyond his expectation.

Without further ado, he continued to move forward.

We finally arrived at the main hall at the back of the temple, which is much larger than the previous ones in terms of height and area.

The front half of the main hall is on the same level as the entrance. From the middle there are stone steps, and behind it is the altar.Luo Lei counted, there are 33 steps in total, and the first step is about 16 centimeters high, which means that the altar is more than 5 meters higher than the first half.

On the altar, there is a big black stone with sharp edges and corners. You can see it from the side. Behind the black stone is a statue of a woman. The statue is more than four meters high. From the appearance, it is similar to the current island country. Women are very similar.

It is estimated that this is the legendary God Amaterasu, but what is the big rock in front of it, and how did it appear here?

"Boy, there is a great dark atmosphere in that stone!" The old guy said, "If the legend of the islanders is true, I guess it is the head of King Moqi who was beheaded by Amaterasu !"

"Did it take too long and turned into a fossil?" Luo Lei asked.

"Maybe this is not its original form!" The old guy said, "We have all been here, and the most powerful ghost sage has not yet appeared. I judge that the ghost sage is the head of King Moqi, and those ghost generals and ghost kings just now It's just a ghost that it has transformed into!"

"Be the first to strike!" Luo Lei raised his gun without thinking, aimed at the stone and pulled the trigger.

"Boom..." The bullet roared out, hitting the stone accurately, leaving a white spot.

Shit, how could this be? Could it be that Lao Tzu's pure Yang blood had no effect on King Mo Qi's head at all?

At this moment, the black stone moved, and a gloomy voice sounded: "Who dares to disturb this seat, you want to die!"

"Md, grandpa is here to mess with you, if you have the guts, come out, I'll fuck you right away!" Luo Lei scolded.

"Arrogant, I am the most powerful god in the world, killing you is as easy as killing an ant!"

The gloomy voice echoed in the main hall, Luo Lei frowned, a black gas floated from the black stone in front of him, and then white light flashed, turning into a beast head with a bloody mouth. It's a bit like a snake's triangular head, but also like a cow's head, with two basketball-sized black eyes, huge nostrils, and the mouth occupies two-thirds of the head.

"Oh, it turned out to be a severed head, you are 13 hairs!" Luo Lei raised his gun and shot out the remaining 4 bullets in the magazine.

"Humble person, do you think the toy in your hand can hurt me? Don't dream!" The big head said with disdain, just like the old guy's judgment, the highest level of ghost saint is this head.

Then give it a try, when you were a stone, I couldn't stand you, but now you have revealed your true body, and my pure Yang blood is the nemesis of you monsters!

The four bullets hit Gui Sheng's eyes and nostrils respectively. Of course, Luo Lei's marksmanship was perfect.

Ghost Saint didn't take these four bullets smaller than pebbles seriously at first, but when he saw a crimson light flashing on the bullets, he was startled and quickly closed his eyes!

"Ding Dong..." Two bullets hit the ghost king's eyelids and were bounced off, but his eyelids were still injured, as if concentrated sulfuric acid had been poured on it, and the flesh began to rot.

Not to mention the two bullets that entered the nostrils, two puffs of white smoke rose up, the same as the one after the Ghost King was shot.

With a terrifying head, you are awesome. My brother will show you how powerful the Chinese cultivators are, the nasty island monsters. Today next year will be your one-year death anniversary!

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