urban evil

Chapter 464

Mom Sang opened the door, and saw Luo Lei lying on the bed with his upper body naked, and Li Ai sitting on his waist. The two seemed to be discussing something in depth.

Seeing this, Mama Sang grinned happily, and she is about to get 70 island national currency, can you not be happy?


Luo Lei used the dark hold spell on the fat woman. This is a small magic spell in magic cultivation. It is similar to the hold spell. The advantage is that you don't need to bite your fingers.

He quickly jumped up from the bed and quickly closed the door. He really wanted to do whatever he wanted. If he caught this woman, he would be able to ask her if there was a back door here!

After tying the fat woman up with a rope, Luo Lei stretched out his hand to grab the top of her head, and the fat woman came to her senses.

"If you don't want to die, tell me where the back door is!" Before Luo Lei could wait for the fat woman to shout out, he stretched out his hand and grabbed her neck, making her breathless, and then said: "If you want to cooperate, just Blink your eyes and nod your head if you want to die!"

The fat woman blinked quickly, expressing her willingness to cooperate.

Luo Lei stretched out his other hand, grabbed the log bed leg with a diameter of more than ten centimeters, flipped his wrist, and the bed leg snapped, and then said to the frightened fat woman: "If you dare to play tricks, this is your end! "

The fat woman was so frightened that she blinked quickly, and then Luo Lei let go of the hand that was holding her neck.

Li Ai looked at Luo Lei with unusually surprised eyes. She really couldn't understand why her mother Sang just came in and lost consciousness until she was tied into a rice dumpling!There is also such a hard bed leg, how can it be broken easily? You must know that the bed is a consumable in such a place, and the poor quality will not last long at all. Therefore, when purchasing, quality is the first element. .

Originally, the fat woman wanted to be careful, and she was ready to yell as soon as Luo Lei let go. As long as her own people rushed in, she would be safe.But when she saw that the bed leg was broken, this small thought immediately disappeared without a trace. If she really did that, she probably would have broken her neck before she could utter her first voice.

"Where is the back door and how to get there?" Luo Lei asked coldly.

The fat woman quickly replied: "Go out from here, go to the right, go through the iron gate at the end of the corridor, turn right after entering, turn left at the third exit, and then go to the stairs, go upstairs and go out!"

"Are you telling the truth?" Luo Lei's hand holding the leg of the bed suddenly turned into a pile of sawdust.

"It's true, I swear it's absolutely true!" the fat woman said quickly.

"I hope what you said is true!" Luo Lei cut the fat woman's neck with his palm, and she immediately passed out.

Li Ai was taken aback. Although she also hated the people here, Luo Lei's method still made her shudder.

"Let's go, after saving you, we have to find a way to send your father and daughter back to China!" Luo Lei said.

"Thank you!" Li Ai bowed to Luo Lei and said.

"No, this is what I promised your father!" Luo Lei waved his hand, telling the old guy to let go of his sensory ability, and after making sure that there was no one from the Xiongwu Club at the door, he opened the door and took Li Ai out together.

As for the fat woman who passed out inside, if no one finds her within an hour and sends her to the hospital, it will be impossible to open her eyes again in this life.

In order not to attract the attention of the passing guests, Luo Lei hugged Li Ai's waist, while Li Ai put on a dissolute expression, like other guests, the two walked towards the end of the corridor talking and laughing.

Three seconds!

Luo Lei knocked the lock on the iron door, looked back to see that there was no one around, opened the iron door, let Li Ai go in first, and then he also went in, closing the door gently.

"Boy, there are quite a few people here!" The old guy said, "There are still a few people who obviously have the aura of ghost ninja!"

"What? Ghost ninja?" Luo Lei was taken aback.

"That's right!" The old guy analyzed: "If I'm not wrong, this place should also be the property of the Oni Ninja family, but they don't seem to know that the Oni Ninja lair has been messed up by you!"

Luo Lei shrugged, led Li Ai to continue walking forward, and said, "Eavesdrop on what they are saying, and see if you can get some useful information."

The old man focused his attention on one of the offices. He was so distracted that he ignored the investigation ahead. A young man from the Xiongwu Club happened to walk from the front and saw a strange man leading a lady Walking over, he couldn't help shouting: "Who are you, where are you going?"

Luo Lei waved a saber in his hand. Before the little boy could react, he felt a chill in his chest. Looking down, he saw the handle of a saber tremblingly inserted into his chest.

With a tilt of his head, the guy turned upside down.

However, his voice has already alarmed the people here, including several ghost ninjas who were having a meeting in the office.

"No, hurry up!" Luo Lei grabbed Li Ai's hand and ran out. The fat woman was telling the truth, and they found the stairs leading to the ground.

Kicking open the door leading to the outside, Luo Lei took out a wad of money and stuffed it into Li Ai's hand, pointing to a taxi not far away, he said, "You take a taxi to the Grand Hotel, your father and my daughter My friend is in room 1025, I'm dead!"

"But, there are many of them, why don't we go together?" Li Ai held Luo Lei's hand tightly, refusing to let go.

"It's okay, I just have something to settle with these people!" Luo Lei said with a normal expression, "Don't worry, those people can't do anything to me, otherwise, your father wouldn't entrust me with the task of saving you , hurry up, I will take care of you when they come after you!"

Li Ai nodded and asked before leaving, "Can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Raleigh!"

Li Ai repeated, when rushing to the taxi not far away, Luo Lei turned and returned to the stairs, closing the door just kicked open.

A group of people just chased here, and they were all taken aback when they saw that the people who had escaped had returned.

"Boy, who are you, you dare to take away our staff, you are so ambitious!" the leader Gui Ren shouted, and with this sentence, the others followed suit.

Among the dozen or so people in front of him, five were oni ninjas, but their levels were all low. The highest was a third-level oni ninja, and the lowest was a first-level oni ninja.

The reason why Li Ai was allowed to leave by himself was because of the existence of these ghosts, but he didn't expect that the level of these people was so low.But after thinking about it, compared with ordinary thugs, these people are already considered masters, and they are enough to run entertainment venues and lead gangsters.

Luo Lei did not speak, but called out the Bachi Qiong Qujian.

More than a dozen people saw each other showing their weapons, and they all pulled out the small swords stuck in their waists. This is the standard weapon of the gangsters in the island country. Of course, there were also guns. Several people with guns automatically stood back. If you shoot, you will accidentally injure yourself.

The islanders rushed towards Luo Lei with screams. In their view, there was no need for so many people to use their guns to deal with a boy who smelled like shit.

However, these people knew right away how naive their thinking was.


Luo Lei chopped off four small knives with a single strike, and left wounds of different depths on the owners of the four knives. Two of them were wounded on the neck and the other two were on the chest. No matter where the wounds were, the result was It's the same - die!

The three people behind were beheaded by Luo Lei's second knife, followed by the third knife, and the same four people died.

A total of ten people had no ability to resist in front of Luo Lei, as if standing there motionless and asking someone to kill them.

The five guys with guns standing behind are none other than five Oni Ninjas. Because they are very low-level, they equip themselves with guns. Generally speaking, Oni Ninja who can exceed Level [-] seldom use hot weapons. .

However, in front of Luo Lei, let alone a pistol, even a bazooka, what can he do?Unless you're holding an atomic bomb!

As soon as the five raised their pistols, they saw a flash of sword light coming, and then felt their hands light up, and then there was a sound of "click...click". On the front of the gun body, it was cut off all together!

The two guys turned around and ran. Before they could turn around completely, they were hit on the head by two stone bullets roaring, and the head was smashed!

"The devil...you are the devil..."

The other Ghost Ninja was so frightened that he passed out!

The remaining two legs trembled, looking in horror at Luo Lei who was holding a knife in his hand.

"Which of you is the leader?" Roy asked.

The two were silent.

Luo Lei flicked his left hand, and the saber flew out, and it was accurately nailed into the chest of the stunned guy.

"He is!" Oni Ninja on the left pointed to Oni Ninja on the right and said, "He is the leader and the strongest among the five of us!"

Betrayed by his companion so quickly, the face of the third-level ghost ninja was uncertain, and the one who betrayed his companion thought he would survive, but he never thought that a saber was shot into his chest.

"Since you're just a minion, there's no need to live!" Luo Lei said lightly, with a chill in his tone, his eyes swept over the face of the only one who was still alive, and said, "Since you are their leader Son, let me ask you, how do you hand over your daily income to Kazuo Kobayashi?"

The man was shocked. It seemed that his identity had been exposed. In order to survive, he had better tell the truth.

"Every day's income will be put into a fixed account!" The third-level ghost ninja said tremblingly.

"So, did you fight today?" Luo Lei asked the second question.

"No, the transfer was not completed yesterday, and the bank showed that the account was abnormal!" The third-level ghost ninja was honest.

"Has no one contacted you?" Rory's third question.

Just after asking this sentence, the mobile phone in the pocket of Oni Ninja rang, and Luo Lei motioned him to take out the mobile phone.

The man obeyed obediently, took out his mobile phone and looked, it was a direct descendant ghost ninja who was in charge of finances.

Luo Lei laughed, what he really wanted!

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