urban evil

Chapter 467 Infiltrated into the next base

The security guard who fainted in the morning returned to work after a rest in the afternoon. He held a rubber stick in his hand and looked nervous. He was the only one here who knew what happened in the morning, and he still had lingering fears.

A black shadow flashed in front of him, and he thought he had hallucinations, because he had been thinking about it all the time, and by the time he saw it clearly, it was too late to call for help.

As in the morning, Roy knocked him out with a punch.

Ya Xue followed in, and the two of them used the dark stealth technique to quietly pass the elevator to the B[-] floor.

The guards on the first floor were quickly taken care of by Luo Lei and the four ghosts. When they died, they failed to issue an early warning.More than a dozen equipment maintenance personnel were not spared. To some extent, the production of blood ninja was also related to these people, and it would definitely not work to let them go.

Then, the mountain ghost stayed with Yaxue, and when Luo Lei and the ghosts finished off the people on the second floor, she brought the mountain ghost down again.

The security on the second floor was still resolved smoothly. When he came down, Luo Lei first destroyed the scattered monitors.

In the monitoring room on the third floor, a few ghosts suddenly saw that the monitoring screens on the first and second floors were gone, and one of them exclaimed, "No, someone has invaded!"

"Baga, you are stupid!" Another ghost slapped the screaming companion and shouted: "Who can make all the cameras break down at once? It must be a technical failure. Let the first and second floors Our technicians will check it out!"

"Hayi!" the beaten Oni Shinobu bowed.

At this time, a violent explosion occurred at the elevator entrance on the third floor, and three tall devils rushed out of the flames of the explosion.

"Ah, who is it at this time, report to the Patriarch immediately!" A ghost exclaimed.


power cut!At this time, Yaxue's masterpiece located on the second floor, she asked the mountain ghost to pull down the main power switch.

The sudden power outage, coupled with the previous explosion, caused chaos on the third floor.

The leading Ghost Ninja shouted: "Don't panic, start the backup power, quick!"

The lights above the head were on, but only lasted for less than a second, and then all went out again. Since Yaxue can turn off the main power here, how can it be impossible to deal with the backup power.

The Oni Ninja and Blood Ninja were well-trained and organized a defense in the dark. However, facing the onslaught of the three ghosts, they also retreated steadily.

In the darkness, the sight of the three devils was not affected at all. The task they received was to kill anyone they saw, leaving no one behind.

In order not to leave time for the negative fourth floor to react and transfer, Luo Lei did not stay on the negative third floor, but directly touched the lower floor.

"What happened up there?" Ghost Ninja on the fourth floor asked.

"No matter what happened, transfer immediately!" said the leader Oni Ninja, he was the one who escaped from Oni Nin's lair, that is, the unlucky ghost that Luo Lei installed a tracker on.

If Luo Lei was able to find this place, it is thanks to him.

Dozens of ghost ninja and blood ninja quickly gathered beside the stainless steel tank. There was a button under the tank. Each tank was equipped with a motor and four small rubber wheels. Once activated, the tank could travel to the thick road by itself. In the water pipe, outside the water pipe, a submarine is heard from time to time.

These people had just bent down and before they pressed the button, they heard the sound of "slap... slap" metal objects falling to the ground, and judging from the sound, these objects fell not far from their feet. place.

These people couldn't help but stop their hands and prick up their ears.

"Boom boom boom..."

Violent explosions rang out one after another. What fell on the ground just now were all high-explosive grenades with huge lethality. In order to receive a miraculous effect, Luo Lei also threw out two anti-tank mines with modified fuzes.

Anti-tank landmines are big killers. This thing can lift up the belly of an iron king that weighs dozens of tons, which shows how lethal it is.

After the explosion, dozens of stainless steel tanks were blown into pieces. Most ghost ninja and blood ninja were seriously injured in the explosion, and quite a few were directly killed.

"There are enemies! Form a defensive formation!"

Only a dozen ghost ninjas and blood ninjas were not injured. Together with a dozen lightly wounded people, they surrounded the seriously wounded and formed a circular defensive formation.

In the darkness, a white light flashed, followed by a scream.

Luo Lei held the Bachiqiong Qujian, which perfectly combined dark stealth and snake-like techniques. With the sharpness of the Bachiqiong Qujian, he could use the sword to solve all problems, no matter whether the opponent was a ghost ninja or a blood ninja.

"The enemy is in the south... ah..."

Before an Oni Ninja standing in the north could finish his sentence, Luo Lei came up to him from the opposite side, and with a wave of the Bachi Qiong Qujian, he easily chopped off his head, and his big head shot up into the sky.

"Kill him!" Someone yelled, and a dozen blood ninjas and ghost ninjas attacked at the same time where Luo Lei might be hiding.

Luo Lei had long since hid in the spiritual soil vessel, and even laid down a landmine quietly.


When the landmine exploded, the ghost ninja and the blood ninja happened to be around. Even though they were thick-skinned and thick-skinned, most of them ended up being killed directly, with their stumps and arms flying around. In addition to the smoke of gunpowder, the air was full of smoke. The smell of blood.

Flying out of the spiritual soil vessel, he killed the blood ninja and ghost ninja who were injured and survived.

The battle on the third floor is still going on. In terms of combat effectiveness, the three ghosts are no worse than Luo Lei, but they are simple-minded and only like to use their fists to solve problems.

The old guy said: "Boy, there is a small submarine parked outside this pipe. It should be used to transport these metal cans and the people inside to somewhere!"

"Really?" Luo Lei walked to the entrance of the pipeline, reached out and knocked on the steel gate, and said with a smile, "You can use it, ha ha!"

"Boy, don't say you want to sneak into their submarine, let them take you to the next base of Blood Ninja!" said the old guy.

"Hey, that's what I thought!" Luo Lei began to install bombs here. When he returned to the third floor, the battle here was almost over, and then the upper three floors were also filled with bombs. Ya pushes the switch.

"Call the submarine, the base is under attack, please transport the latest batch of goods away immediately! This place is about to explode!" Luo Lei yelled into the communicator for a while in standard island dialect, and then brought Yaxue to the bottom floor , the two got into an unused metal can.

The canister glides down the channel for a few minutes and enters the submarine.

This is a small submarine, and the middle part is the warehouse, which can hold more than a dozen metal cans at a time. Because of the "order" from above, the crew members are highly nervous and ready to go.

"It's so strange, how come only one metal can!" asked the captain.

"There must be a big problem at the top!" After the first officer received the "order", people kept calling, but so far there has been no response.


A violent explosion occurred in the underground base of the shipyard. The sonar detector's eardrums were shattered, and he fell to the floor holding his head in pain.

"Close the door immediately, set off, get out of here!" the captain shouted.

The crew lost the submarine to the predetermined direction. At the shipyard hundreds of meters away, the explosion below caused a series of explosions above. The three hulls under construction were affected, and the entire shipyard was in a mess.

Luo Lei hid in the metal jar with Yaxue in his arms, and no one had any doubts about the jar.

"Reporting to the captain, we have already contacted the tanker. The distance between us is 280 nautical miles." The chief mate reported.

"Rush over there immediately and report what happened at the base!" the captain ordered.

"A report has been made!" The chief mate said: "According to the person in charge on the tanker, they don't know anything about what happened here! The underground base must have been raided, otherwise, how could there be no distress signal?" It hasn't been sent yet!"

"I can't care so much, at least we have successfully received a metal tank!" The captain said in a deep voice: "Close to the tanker at full speed!"

These words were all heard by the old guy, and he told Luo Lei.

"Hehe, it looks like it's very safe here. Get a good night's sleep, get enough energy and fight with the devils again!" Luo Lei summoned pillows, quilts and other things from the spiritual earth vessel, and Yaxue began to make "the bed." "It is estimated that it will take a long time to reach the next base. The speed of this small submarine is limited, generally no more than 16 knots. Even if it is only [-] nautical miles away, it will take more than ten hours to run.

"Yeah!" Yaxue nodded obediently, and the two fell asleep hugging each other.


Kyoto, the Chinese embassy in the island country.

Several black commercial vehicles pulled out and headed straight for the airport. On the back seat of one of the vehicles lay Li Ai with his hands tied behind his back, and his father Li Shiwei.

In the past few days in the embassy, ​​Li Ai lived like this. When the drug addiction broke out, he had to be injected with sedatives.

"Daughter, we are going home!" Li Shiwei said while touching his daughter's head.

"Well, Dad, go home!" A smile appeared on Li Ai's face. Just an hour ago, her drug addiction just broke out.

"This time I really want to thank Mr. Luo!" Li Shiwei said sincerely: "When we return to China, we must thank Mr. Luo for his great kindness!"

Under the intervention of the Ninth Office, the father and daughter boarded the special plane of the embassy's replacement staff.


More than ten hours passed, and the two stretched and sat up together. Yaxue pouted and said, "Master, they don't seem to have reached their destination yet. Shall we go out or stay here!"

"Of course we stay here!" Luo Lei hugged the little girl, kissed her, and said, "They should have put us in the next base of Blood Ninja as it is, and we will kill us when we arrive at the next base." It’s not too late to come out! But, it’s necessary to leave something for them, hehe!”

After finishing speaking, the figure of this guy flashed outside, and installed a very destructive bomb in an inconspicuous place. This submarine can be regarded as a helper, so it cannot be kept!

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