urban evil

Chapter 485 Azure Dragon Suzaku

Liu Yi didn't like Luo Lei either, he wondered if Tian Xi called this kid over to act for him?

"Mr. Luo, I don't know where to get high?" Liu Yi looked at him with disdainful eyes. It's no wonder that Luo Lei usually doesn't pay much attention to his clothes, while Liu Yi wears a famous brand.

"It's Huada!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

"Oh? Why haven't I seen you?" Liu Yi thought carefully about the school's faculty and staff. There must be no such person among the old people, and there must be no such person among the newcomers this year.

Luo Lei took his right hand out of his trouser pocket, hugged Tian Xi's soft waist naturally, and said, "It's normal that Teacher Liu doesn't know me. There are tens of thousands of students here. Can you name everyone's name?" name?"

Liu Yi was stunned for a moment, and thought to himself, who are you, speaking so impolitely!Wait, it costs tens of thousands of people, is it tens of thousands of students, are you a student?

"Mr. Liu, goodbye!" Tian Xi had a sweet smile on her face, but she didn't look at Liu Yi at all when she spoke, but stared at Luo Lei intently.

After speaking, the two walked away.

Liu Yi frowned tightly, and looked at Luo Lei's back with resentful eyes, thinking that you are so arrogant, boy, just wait, when I find out your identity, it's time for you to be unlucky!


A collective food poisoning incident occurred in an elementary school in Huadu City. Fortunately, the children were sent to the hospital in time, and the symptoms were relieved. Several critically ill patients were also out of danger.

The principal of the primary school stood in front of Li Dongxing, the director of the Education Bureau, tremblingly. As the principal, he has an unshirkable responsibility. He finally got into this position, and he might be kicked out because of this incident!

The chef at the school has been taken away by the police for questioning, and the cause of the poisoning is still under investigation.

"I'm talking about Lao Sha, why did such a serious incident happen!" Li Dongxing said angrily, "Hundreds of children were poisoned by food, how did you, the principal, check it?"

"Director, I don't know either. The chefs are recruited through regular channels, and the food that the students eat is also bought from regular wholesalers!" The principal hurriedly explained.

Regarding these words, Li Dongxing was dubious. It is not uncommon to deduct students' food expenses and fill their own pockets these days.

There was a sound of leather shoes, and the two raised their heads at the same time. Li Dongxing immediately recognized that the leader was Wu Xingya, the deputy mayor.

"Mayor Wu, why are you here?" Li Dongxing hurriedly greeted with a smile. Wu Xingya is the deputy mayor in charge of education and urban planning, and Li Dongxing's immediate superior.

"Why am I here, can I not come?" Wu Xingya said with a dark face and an unhappy tone: "Nearly two hundred elementary school students have food poisoning, what a serious incident! Director Li, you have done a very good job as the director. Not in place!"

Li Dongxing's heart skipped a beat. Having been an official for many years, he knew the secrets of the officialdom. When his boss spoke to him in such a tone, it meant that the leader was very dissatisfied with him.

It shouldn't be, an accident happened in a primary school, and the person directly responsible is the principal. What's the matter with me, the director of the education bureau?

However, Wu Xingya didn't seem to have any intention of blaming the principal, and directly fired at Li Dongxing.

This made the primary school principal feel very lucky. Xin Dao was angry with me just now, and I escaped unharmed when the mayor came. Who said that we are not lucky today...

Luo Lei avoided Xia Qi one after another, and did not give her a chance to be alone.

Luo Lei skipped class again. When he escaped from the classroom, he deliberately made some noises to attract the teacher's attention. In this way, it would be difficult for Xia Qi to escape again. When the teacher was not paying attention, he would run away early Far.

Go through the gate, just kidding, brother prefers to climb over the wall.

Just as he walked to the wall and was about to flip out, Luo Lei suddenly heard a voice behind him: "Boy, what do you want?"

Luo Lei was startled, and quickly turned around. What surprised him was that there was someone behind him who didn't even know it!

I thought it was Huada's security guard, but my brother is the boss of Leiyang Security!But when he turned around, he found that it was a young man in his early 20s, wearing casual clothes, with a mustache and a proud expression.

It must not be someone from Leiyang Security, because the security company has strict regulations, and must wear special security clothing when Hua is big.

Moreover, to be able to approach Luo Lei so close behind him quietly, the opponent must have a high level of cultivation.

"Cultivator?" Luo Lei asked, frowning.

"Boy, yes, you can tell that I am a cultivator at a glance!" The young man with a mustache said in a contemptuous tone: "I heard that you are very arrogant and often cause trouble these days, I am here to teach you a lesson. !"

"Which onion are you, to meddle in my business?" Luo Lei said in a displeased tone, the other party's attitude made him feel very uncomfortable, I don't mess with you, so it's your turn to meddle in my business?

"You are really arrogant, I want to let you know the price of arrogance!" The young man with the mustache waved his hand, and a burst of energy enveloped the two people's positions, forming something like a transparent protective cover.


Luo Lei gasped. Although he was ignorant in cultivation, he knew clearly that the person who can easily arrange the barrier must at least be a master of distraction!

A few days ago, Xia Qi brought her to the undeveloped area. She didn't even use the enchantment. It must be that she hasn't mastered this skill yet!

That is to say, the guy in front of him is of a higher level than Xia Qi?

Damn, why are there so many cultivation masters all of a sudden? Doesn't it mean that people who can reach the Nascent Soul stage are already rare? In just a few days, I have seen two of them in succession!

"Boy, this guy is a cultivator in the early stage of avatar! There is a devilish energy in his body that hasn't been fully refined. If I guess right, he should be the inspector of the Quartet who makes the cultivation world fearful - Qinglong!" the old guy said. road.

"Fuck, it's the people from the Cultivation Supervision Department again. They have already placed a Suzaku beside me, why is there another Qinglong?" Luo Lei said angrily.

"I advised you not to use spells frequently, but you didn't listen, do you regret it now?" The old guy snorted, "He is a master at the early stage of distraction, three levels higher than you, and he has a thug license, wait Be abused!"

"What the hell, is there no room for retaliation at all?" Luo Lei asked.

"Not at all!" The old guy answered very simply.

The middle stage of alchemy and the early stage of distraction are like the difference between a five or six-year-old child and an adult. No matter how strong a child grows, he is still no match for an adult.

In the classroom, the teacher on the podium would glance back every few seconds. Xia Qi, who was cursing Luo Lei in her heart, suddenly felt a familiar aura. She frowned and whispered to herself: "It can't be Dou Come over here, that dumbass Evil Saint! He must be coming for Luo Lei, no, I have to go and see!"

Xia Qi and other teachers on the podium just lowered their heads to read the handouts, stood up suddenly, and ran out at a speed like a gust of wind.

When the teacher raised his head, he suddenly found another empty seat in the back, and said angrily, "What are the names of those two skippers? You dared to slip away from my nose. Tell me their names. The two of them are unlucky, just wait for the make-up exam!"

The students below were terrified when they heard it, and those who had thought of skipping class but hadn't had time to put it into action called luck. Fortunately, my brother's back is relatively strong, otherwise he would be in bad luck.

At the campus wall, Luo Lei immediately changed his expression, took out a cigarette from his pocket with a smile, and handed Qinglong one with a smile: "I don't know if the inspector is here, what an offense, what an offense!"

"Oh, you know me?" Qinglong raised his eyebrows. The only shortcoming of this guy is that he cares about face, and his resistance to flattery is almost zero.

Especially when he positions someone as an opponent, saying something that praises him from the opponent's mouth will make him feel very face-saving.It's just that, the name of this guy is really too big. When many people saw him, their legs trembled in fright. How could they care to flatter him?

"How can I not know the name of the dignified inspector!" Luo Lei smiled and lit a cigarette for Qinglong, and said, "Brother Qinglong, with your identity, you came to Huadu City, a place where no shit can be seen. Specifically to deal with me? I am a little-known little person, how dare I work for your boss!"

Hearing this, Qinglong couldn't help feeling complacent, took a puff of cigarette, and snorted: "A small fish like you is really not worth my shot, but that girl Xia Qi has been here for so long, and she hasn't been able to complete the task. As the first inspector of the inspection department, I have the responsibility and obligation to help my team members complete their tasks, so it's just a matter of reluctance!"

The reason why Qinglong didn't pay attention to Luo Lei was not because of the huge difference in level between the two, even if he stood still and let Luo Lei attack, and exhausted Luo Lei, he would not suffer the slightest harm.

"Brother Long, you said Miss Xia... No, Inspector Xia, hehe!" Luo Lei said with a flattering expression, "Inspector Xia is a good person. Nothing to say!"

The relationship between Qinglong and Xia Qi's "colleagues" has not been for a day or two, and of course he also knows Xia Qi's bad temper, so he nodded and said: "Yes, girls are like each other, it would be nice to be gentle, learn how to beat me all day long." Damn it, no good! I heard that you have taught many apprentices in a short period of time, young people have a bright future!"

Seeing that Qinglong's wariness towards him had dropped to the lowest level, Luo Lei rolled his eyes, cut his right index finger with a knife calmly, and said with a smile: "Brother Qinglong is absurd, I'm just a little-known little person , compared with you, Brother Long, I can’t even count as a little ant!”

"Fixing Charm!"

Qinglong was praised high, and suddenly felt that Luo Lei was injured and there was a shocking wave, what does this kid want to do?

Before he had time to react, he realized that his body could not move, it was broken, and he had been tricked!

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