urban evil

Chapter 648 Desert Pearl

When Luo Lei took Tian Xi away from Tian's house, Mr. Tian regretted inviting this kid to dinner. It was a meal, it was a mess. I have never seen anyone chasing after someone to ask if they have a beautiful daughter, even illegitimate daughters are fine. !

"Dad, why do I think Luo Lei is a little unreliable!" Tian Feng said worriedly.

"I think so too!" Tian Hai and Tian Lin nodded at the same time.

That bastard Luo Lei almost took the two of them into the ditch. He almost even revealed that he was interested in a few girls when he was young. An illegitimate daughter.

Walking on the road, Tian Xi said softly: "Xiao Lei, this guy is really bad, the second uncle and the third uncle almost missed your offensive!"

"Hey, if they are not guilty, how can they have nothing to say!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "It's still early, where should we go?"

"Let's go to Fragrant Hills. There's a pavilion over there overlooking the capital. It's really nice at night!" Tian Xi suggested.

"Okay, drive!" Luo Lei responded positively.

After a while, the two drove to the foot of the mountain and boarded the pavilion on the mountainside together.

Although it is winter and the wind is biting, it feels really good to see the bustling city under your feet, the twinkling lights, and the passing vehicles.

The gazebo is very small, enough for three or four people to sit inside at most. After the two sat down, several groups of tourists came up, and when they saw someone inside, they all chose to retreat.

After a while, a convoy of several black cars stopped at the foot of the mountain. A potbellied guy with big ears got out of the first car. He looked like an official.

The fat man cheerfully went around to the other side of the car, stretched out his hand to open the door, and said with a charming smile, "Princess Haiya, please get out of the car. There is a pavilion overlooking the capital. Let's go up and sit for a while!"

A pair of beautiful legs wearing boots protruded from the car. The owner of the beautiful legs was a beautiful woman with a Middle Eastern style. She was tall and bulging, with long wavy hair hanging over her fragrant shoulders. She wore a small beige fringed coat on the On the body, the breasts are about to tear apart, and the big black jewel-like eyes.

A Middle Eastern beauty in her early 20s is at least half a head taller than a fat man. Even if she takes off her high-heeled boots, she must have a net height of 1.7 meters.

The beauty is Princess Haiya of the Middle East emirate, whose father is the king of the emirate, who holds more than 60.00% of the country's oil exploration rights, and the wealth earned every second is enough for ordinary people to squander for a long time.

The purpose of Princess Haiya's visit to China this time is to travel, because the country she represents is the main country that imports oil from Huaxia, and the people from the Ministry of Economics and Trade will naturally not give up such a good opportunity. All Hua items.

The purpose is obvious, nothing more than wanting to get more oil quotas and lower prices.

In fact, Princess Haiya is not interested in this kind of bureaucratic style of Chinese people, but she is so enthusiastic, if she refuses, it will hurt the friendship between the two countries!

Besides, these people are not useless. They are very good at itinerary arrangements, hotel accommodation, and recipes, and they don't need her people to worry about it at all.

"Well, I've always wanted to see what the night view of the capital looks like!" Princess Haiya said with a smile.

The fat man's name was Yang Changxun, a director of the Ministry of Economics and Trade, and a cadre at the departmental level. He was not a small official, but he was not really a number one figure in the capital where there were many high-ranking officials.

"You guys are in charge of guarding the place, guarding this place, and no one is allowed to come up to disturb Princess Haiya's elegant mood!" Yang Changxun ordered: "You guys are responsible for clearing the place, and let all the tourists here leave. The two of you stay here to watch Car, don't let those gangsters damage our car! The rest of you, follow me and the princess up the mountain together."

More than a dozen staff members performed their duties, a few guys even set up a cordon, and a few other guys were responsible for clearing the venue, asking the tourists here to leave in an unfriendly tone.

Princess Haiya frowned and said, "Director Yang, it's not good to do this! After all, this is a public place, why ask others to leave, it's so big."

Yang Changxun said with a smile: "Princess's safety is the most important thing. Please let these people leave to ensure your safety! You may not know that the P people in our Celestial Dynasty are very powerful, and they might dare to besiege officials at any time. For your elegance, it is better to invite them aside!"

Although Princess Haiya didn't agree with it in her heart, she didn't have much to say. Before she came to China, her father told her to follow the customs when she went to the country. In her opinion, it might be the customs of Chinese people.

In the gazebo, Luo Lei and Tian Xi embraced each other, admiring the scenery below.

At this time, a few guys in black suits came up in confusion, and one of them said, "Mister and Madam, please get out of here immediately!"

"Oh? Did something happen?" Tian Xi asked.

"Nothing happened, please leave immediately!" The man said in an unhappy tone, "This place has been requisitioned by the government."

"Government? Still requisitioning?" Luo Lei glanced at the group of people standing below, and said in a strange way: "Since it is requisitioning, then take out the requisitioning documents and let me have a look. I want to see which department is doing this." Niu, if you say requisition, you will requisition!"

The man's expression darkened, and he said, "This is a temporary requisition, please cooperate! Of course, if you don't leave, we will treat you impolitely!"

"Xiao Lei, let's go!" Tian Xi suggested that although the scenery here is very good, the two of them stayed for a long time and had no regrets.

But Luo Lei doesn't think so, who the hell are you? If you want to evict someone, you evict them. Who gave you the right.

"Which unit do you belong to?" Luo Lei asked coldly. He wanted to see what department had such great power under the emperor's feet in the capital.

The man proudly replied: "Ministry of Economics and Trade, the person below is our director, and he is entertaining very important foreign guests. He is an important guest of our Huaxia Kingdom. Let's go quickly! Remember to take a detour, don't scare the foreign guests !"

nnd, what do you mean?I am so handsome, how can I scare the foreign guests?They scare me more or less, a group of foreign devils.

"Ministry of Economics and Trade, what is it, get out of my sight immediately!" Luo Lei said sharply, "Otherwise, I will throw you all down one by one. A small Ministry of Economics and Trade dares to show off here, you think Who are you?"

The reason why Luo Lei turned his face was because he couldn't see the bureaucratic style of the Celestial Dynasty, especially when he met foreign guests, he was closer than his own father, for fear of neglecting others.

What's wrong with foreign guests, when they come to our territory, they should abide by our rules of the game, instead of you guys who only know how to flatter, give them the green light everywhere!

Foreigners with high quality will think that this is the highest standard of reception; those with low quality will definitely think that Chinese people are born to be villains and only know how to please them.

"What did you say?" Several people's eyes widened.

At this time, the intercom rang: "You guys, have you dealt with the matter over the gazebo? You have made Her Royal Highness wait for such a long time. You can't even do this little thing well?"

"Director, there is a little trouble. There is a couple here who refuse to leave..."

"Then you won't drive them away with your own hands. Are you a dry food?" A hysterical cry came from the intercom, and Yang Changxun shouted at the foot of the mountain regardless of his image.

A few people looked at each other, and the leader said to Luo Lei: "You heard it too, our director is angry! Hurry up, don't make yourself uncomfortable, if you really do something, you will suffer! And I guarantee that you will have no chance to report the crime, because no policeman will dare to take care of our affairs!"

Luo Lei stood up and slapped the person who was speaking, nnd, you really think you are the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, the police don't dare to intervene, but I dare to intervene, okay?

The remaining four all stared wide-eyed. In their opinion, after saying such words, no matter how stubborn the other party is, they have to leave obediently. They didn't expect them to do it directly!

Moreover, with one slap, a guy weighing more than 140 kilograms was sent flying several meters away. After the guy landed, he rolled down the mountain.

"How dare you do anything to a government official, you're tired of life, aren't you?" The four of them were gearing up, ready to come up and teach him a lesson.

"I'm not a civil servant, I'm not going to fight yet!" Luo Lei didn't give them any chance. After he came up, he punched and kicked three times, and all four of them lay on the ground. What is not courting death?

Luo Lei hit hard, the four guys either had broken arms or broken legs, they could only let out low screams from the pain, and their faces were distorted due to the pain.

Yang Changxun below didn't know this at all, he thought that his subordinates had already dealt with the people above, smiled at Princess Haiya and made a gesture of invitation, and said, "Dear princess, please!"

He thought his posture was a gentleman, but in the eyes of Princess Haiya, who was born in a noble family, it was full of flaws.

"Okay, let's go!" Haiya nodded, and her female assistant stepped forward to take her arm, and pushed Yang Changxun aside who wanted to take over. What is the identity of the princess, how could such a person take advantage of it.

Yang Changxun has his own plans. This guy just divorced his wife because of his mistress a while ago, but now he is single. If he can get the favor of the princess, he will become a phoenix.

To this end, he spared no effort.

When such a thing happened, he was not angry at all, and he still followed Princess Haiya with a smile. When the group climbed halfway up the mountain, they were frightened by the situation in front of them. The couple still hugged each other and sat in the gazebo , not far outside, lay four people who growled like beasts.

Looking further away, a guy fainted on the ground. Aren't these people all under Yang Changxun's subordinates!

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