urban evil

Chapter 653 Bodyguards

Luo Lei had just come out of the spiritual earth vessel when his cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, so he hung up without thinking.

His habit has always been like this, especially at this hour, it's late at night, and he doesn't answer calls from strangers.

The other party didn't seem to give up, so he called again. After Luo Lei pressed the hang up button, he directly brought this number into the blacklist. I asked you to call, so you can try again?

In the hotel, the Minister of Homeland Security put the mobile phone to his ear for the third time, then smiled wryly, and said, "I must have been blacklisted, and now it is restricted!"

The Minister of Public Security immediately asked for the number, but as soon as it rang, he was prompted that incoming calls were restricted, and he was successfully blacklisted.

Haiya was very disappointed, she lowered her head and was unhappy.

"Your Highness, I will visit Tian's house in person tomorrow, and I will definitely see Lieutenant Colonel Luo!" The Minister of National Security could only say, "It's getting late, you should go to bed early, and we won't bother you! Don't worry , it's very safe here, you can rest assured!"

"Okay then, thank you!" Haiya said politely.

After the two left, she took a hot bath first, put on her nightgown and lay down on the bed, but she couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning. The scene of Luo Lei fighting against all the heroes was like a movie, repeated in her mind over and over again. show.

"What kind of person is he, and what is his relationship with that beautiful girl beside him?" Haiya hugged the pillow and said to herself.

At this time, Luo Lei, who had returned to Tian's house, had successfully slipped into Tian Xi's room, and the two had a big fight on the bed.


The next day, Mr. Tian came to the restaurant with dark circles under his eyes, and his three sons were also yawning. The high-pitched shouts came from Tian Xi's room last night, which made them all sleepless.

I also blame Luo Lei and Tian Xi for their negligence. They even forgot to close the windows before the battle. You must know that the family just fell asleep at that time, and after being woken up, they couldn't fall back asleep again.

Moreover, the two battled for nearly three hours. Although Tian Xi's voice became smaller and smaller, it still slipped into everyone's ears as if she had grown legs.

"Hey, what's the matter with the four of you, did you go to steal chickens together last night, why do you all look listless?" Luo Lei walked in full of energy, and laughed at the four of them.

The four of them glared at him with sharp eyes at the same time, thinking that you kid is going too far, it's fine to take advantage of our Tian family girl, but you don't even bother to close the window!

No, why are you so energetic?

The eyes of the four people turned from resentment to suspicion. Who can fight on the bed for two or three hours and wake up the next day with a lot of energy. Could it be that this kid is on drugs?

"Hey, don't look at me with such adoring eyes, okay, as a junior, I'm under a lot of pressure!" Luo Lei said so, but he was not polite at all in his actions, he grabbed a fried dough stick and put it in his mouth Said while chewing, "I have to eat quickly, and I have to take Xi'er's share back when I'm full!"

"I said Xiaolei, did you take Viagra, otherwise how could you be so powerful..."


Luo Lei spit out all the food he just ate, glared at the four disrespectful guys, and said angrily: "Brother doesn't need that kind of thing! Be envious, if you are envious, just say so! I I have a lot of good things in my hand, even if it is you, old man, I can make your dead wood come back to life!"

"Go to hell, grandpa, I'm still a dead tree in spring, thank you for thinking about it!" Tian Guanghua blushed and scolded Luo Lei, but immediately changed the subject and asked in a low voice: "Is it really possible?"


The three brothers fell to the ground together, and the father was already 80 years old, and he was still thinking about it.

"Hey, everything is possible!" Luo Lei said mysteriously.

Mr. Tian waved his hand and said, "Forget it! I'm already quite old, and the right way is to be pure-hearted and ascetic. Let's eat!"

Except for Luo Lei who was gobbling, the other four people all had their own ghosts.

Luo Lei quickly finished eating, and returned to Tian Xi's room with a breakfast.

As soon as he left, the housekeeper walked in and said, "The Minister of State Security asked for an interview outside. He said he was looking for Lieutenant Colonel Luo, but he also said he wanted to talk to you!"

The four looked at each other, and Mr. Tian said: "This kid must have caused trouble again! It shouldn't be, I haven't heard that he has caused any trouble. Take him to the living room, and I will go there right away!"

A few minutes later, hearty laughter came from the living room. The four of them learned that Luo Lei had saved the princess of the Middle East chief last night. This kid's life is too good. After going out to play for a while, they unexpectedly encountered such a Opportunity.

Because of the matter of saving lives, no one mentioned the beating of a group of people from the Ministry of Economics and Trade before.

Mr. Tian thought cheerfully, he had been worried that promoting that kid to colonel so soon would attract criticism.

After all, the tasks he completed cannot be disclosed to the public. This will definitely cause some unhealthy people to attack him, saying that he was promoted so quickly because of the Tian family.

"I think this matter is okay. Protecting the princess is a big deal, so I will accept it for that kid!" Mr. Tian said with a smile, "I will let him go to the hotel where the princess is staying as soon as possible, so don't worry!"

The Minister of State Security was overjoyed. He thought it would be difficult for Tian's family to talk, but he didn't expect that he would readily agree to his request just now.

On the way here, he was really surprised to learn that Luo Lei was the boyfriend of Tian's granddaughter.

"Thank you Chairman Tian, ​​then I won't bother you, goodbye!" The minister left Tian's house happily, and immediately called Princess Haiya as soon as he left the house, which meant to ask for credit.

Just like that, Luo Lei didn't know what was going on, so Mr. Tian found him a new job.

"Ah? Be someone's bodyguard?" Luo Lei's eyes widened after hearing the old man's words. No matter how bad he is, he is also a lieutenant colonel, and he will be promoted to colonel soon, so he wants to be someone's bodyguard!

"Be content, I heard that Princess Haiya is a beautiful woman!" Mr. Tian couldn't help but said, "I've already promised her, so don't make excuses for me, you kid, hurry up, it's only a matter of a few days anyway, Is it possible that the adult family will still live in Huaxia Kingdom and not leave?"

Luo Lei shrugged and took a look at Tian Xi, meaning that this is something your grandfather found for me, so I can't be blamed.

Tian Xi said: "Work is work, and it cannot be confused with other things, remember?"

"Understood!" Of course, Luo Lei understood what she meant, and he had no choice but to seduce beautiful women in the name of work.

When he arrived at the hotel, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning. Although Haiya didn't sleep well last night, she got up for a long time.

After getting out of the elevator, Luo Lei was immediately stopped by the men in black suits.

"Please show your ID card!" The man who stopped him said expressionlessly.

"Hey, you can figure it out first, okay? I didn't want to come, but your leader begged me to come here, and asked me to show my ID!" Luo Lei said impatiently.

He thought these people belonged to the Ministry of National Security. Since they are his own, why make things difficult for brother, don't you know that brother saved the princess and your people yesterday?

"I'm sorry, please show your ID immediately!" The man said with a dark face, and the people next to him were even more ready to do something. In their view, anyone who came to the top floor was suspicious, even the Ministry of State Security, Neither does the leadership of the Ministry of Defense.

"Damn it, you guys really ate your ambition!" Luo Lei became even more angry.

The person in the lead growled, "Take it down!"

If you want to win brother, you are not qualified enough!

Luo Lei threw a punch lightly, and knocked the man who had been talking to the ground, followed by several other people who rushed over, and they were all easily knocked down.

The few remaining people saw that the situation was not good, and immediately showed their weapons.

Dare to play big swords in front of Guan Gong, you really don't have eyes!Luo Lei's speed was even faster. Before they opened the safety, he had already snatched the weapon, and threw it all on the floor as soon as he let go.

"What are you going to do? If you want to harm the princess, step over my corpse first!" A black suit shouted hysterically.

"Have you read too many online novels? You even stepped over your corpse. If I wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago!" Luo Lei said angrily, "Who is your leader? Why did you send your gang?" The stupid pig is here to protect the princess, no wonder people want me to protect her personally, you people are useless at all!"

Several people were very angry. Many of them were on the mission for the first time, and they wanted to get some credit to go back, but they didn't expect to suffer a big loss when they met the person for the first time.

At this time, the elevator door opened again, and a burly man came out. He was startled by the scene in front of him, and subconsciously touched the pistol on his waist. When he saw Luo Lei, Immediately stopped.

"Isn't this Lieutenant Colonel Luo? You arrived so soon! What's going on with you guys? Lieutenant Colonel Luo of the Secret Service doesn't even know you. It's the first day you came out to mess around!" The man scolded those people first. , Luo Lei felt familiar, and asked, "Are you Deng Xiangzhong from the Raptors Team?"

"It's me, Lieutenant Colonel Luo has a really good memory, but I often think of the scene when you took us to gallop in the Yue Monkey Country!" Deng Xiangzhong said with a smile.

"It turns out that these are the Raptors. When I did it just now, I wondered. When did the people from the Ministry of State Security have such good skills!" Luo Lei gave everyone a step up.

Deng Xiangzhong hurriedly said: "This must be a misunderstanding! I have received an order. From today on, Lieutenant Colonel Luo will personally protect Princess Haiya. The princess must be waiting impatiently. You can go in quickly!"

Luo Lei nodded, pushed the door open and walked into the room. The guys who were beaten could only consider themselves unlucky.

After the last rescue mission, Roy's name was also rumored in the Raptors team. In addition to his deeds in the training camp, almost no one did not know him.

"Lieutenant Colonel Luo, you are finally here!" When Haiya saw him, she stood up happily from her chair.

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