urban evil

Chapter 665 Finding Faults From Quanzhen Sect

Luo Lei was as happy as he got Shang Fang's sword, and naturally had a trademark smirk on his face.

Xia Qi hated her teeth itching, but what can she do?

This kid has already killed a marquis-level nobleman of the blood clan, and the other party will definitely not let it go.Wouldn't it be a big loss if he wasn't given some privileges?

In fact, she would still like to see Luo Lei suffer a little bit, but the director explained more than once that he must ensure that this kid can participate in the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference unscathed.

What can Xia Qi do if a senior official crushes someone to death?

"Beautiful Qiqi, how about I treat you to dinner, hehe?" Luo Lei got such a big benefit, he was in such a good mood, and couldn't help but want to moles-mos-mos-moss and often suffers in front of him. Xia Da inspector.

"Not interested!" Xia Qi snorted, and then said: "Also, please call me by my full name, or something like Xia's classmate! We are not close enough to call me Qiqi, pay attention to yourself identity of!"

Luo Lei nodded quickly, but said in a very embarrassed way: "But, the students in the class think that there is an affair between us. If I call you classmate Xia, will they think that we are doing it on purpose? What about covering up?"

"Ghost, you have an affair with me! They think whatever they like, and say what they like! To tell you the truth, I will leave Huada after the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference is over. You better behave yourself. Otherwise, I won’t be polite to you when we meet next time!” Xia Qi really wanted to come up and bite this blunt guy to death, would my aunt be interested in a little kid like you after so many years of pure-hearted practice? Stop dreaming!

"Xiaosheng must do it! Remember the words of Miss Xia, and send Xia Da's inspector!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

"Did I say I was leaving?" Xia Qi pouted.

Luo Lei quickly said: "Oh, I see, you want to help me dispose of the corpse, that's great! Hey, didn't you say you didn't want to leave, why did you run away? If you do me a favor, you will die. Isn't it just a corpse? , it should be a piece of cake for you to deal with it..."

While Luo Lei was speaking, Xia Qi had disappeared.

He shrugged and began to dispose of the corpse. He dug a large pit of more than ten meters in the ground, threw the corpse in, buried it with soil, and then used meteorite technique to tamp the ground.

Most of the vampires who came to China were sent by the Hidden Alliance, and these people would contact each other every day to report the situation found in a day.I believe that his companions will know about Carli's death in a few days.

Regardless of him, Luo Lei has always had the character of being a soldier. It's better to wait for the enemy to come to him, than to find them like a chicken without a head.

Humming a little tune, this guy went back to school.

There are a few more people on campus whose temperament is very different from that of the students. They walk lightly and treat others politely.

Luo Lei couldn't help but glanced at them a few more times. They were all cultivators. Although their ranks were not high, they all had strength above the recovery period.

This made him feel very puzzled. Although Huada University has tens of thousands of students, there are only a handful of people who are cultivators, and they are all related to Luo Lei. Except for him, there are only a few girls.

Why are there so many practitioners here? What is their purpose?

It shouldn't be here to make trouble, but here is the Suzaku Inspector of the Cultivation Supervision Department, who would dare to make a mistake?

While thinking about this, a cultivator in the mid-stage of reincarnation came over and asked with a smile: "Student, do you know Shangguan Feng?"

Could it be that the person looking for Shangguan Feng was a disciple of Quanzhen Sect?

The old guy immediately gave an affirmative answer, these people are indeed Quanzhen sect members.

"I've heard of his name, but we're not very familiar with each other!" Luo Lei wanted to know their purpose, so naturally he couldn't say he didn't know him.

"Then do you know where he is now?" the man continued to ask.

Luo Lei shook his head and said, "I really don't know about this! It's been a long time since I saw him appear on campus. Do you have anything to do with him? I can ask someone who knows him well and see if I can help him." Find out where he went!"

The man smiled slightly and said, "Actually, it's nothing. I'm his friend. I couldn't get in touch with him for a long time, so I came to him. If you can find out his whereabouts, I will definitely reward you in every way! A tablet computer, How about it?"

It's okay if you can't get in touch. That guy and his master Zhiling were all beaten to death by my brother and burned to ashes.

"Okay then, I'll inquire!" Luo Lei pretended to be very interested in the reward.

"Trouble you!" The man nodded at him.

Look for Shangguan Feng, I think what you are really looking for is the Supreme Spirit Master, the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference is about to be held, but he, the chief disciple of Changchun Palace, has disappeared, how could the master not be in a hurry.

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a great reward. These people not only said certain rewards to Luo Lei, but almost everyone who knew Shangguan Feng heard such words. For most people, a tablet computer still has a lot of meaning. tempting.

These people spared no effort to inquire about Shangguan Feng's whereabouts, including his feud with Luo Lei, which was also used as a weight in exchange for rewards.

In the business suite of a hotel, Changchunzi's third apprentice sat on a chair, and after listening to the news from the disciples, he frowned and said, "What is the origin of that guy named Luo Lei?"

"This year's national college entrance examination champion, you can make a judgment, he is a cultivator!" A disciple said: "And his grade is no less than Shangguan Feng, otherwise, he would not hide in our Quanzhen sect." !"

The three apprentices thought the analysis was reasonable, and said, "Go and find out the identity of this Luo Lei immediately. Shangguan Feng has not appeared in Huada for such a long time, which means that the two of them disappeared after the senior brother left the customs last time." Already!"

"Yes!" All the disciples bowed.

The efficiency of these people was not bad, and it was soon found out that Luo Lei was the descendant of the Ancient Tomb Sect, and there was a grudge between Master Zhi Ling, Yang Bing, and even Luo Lei, which few outsiders knew about.

However, they still judged that Luo Lei had something to do with this incident and decided to interrogate him.

Since he was going to be interrogated, he had to be subdued first. These people, headed by the third disciple of Changchun Palace, began to plan this matter.

After two days of observation, they discovered that Luo Lei would drive to a high school every night after self-study, and pick up a sophomore girl home, and they planned to do something on the way.

For the past few days, people from the Quanzhen Sect have been inquiring about Shangguan Feng's whereabouts, but Luo Lei didn't take them seriously. The death of Shangguan Feng and Master Zhiling was only him and Ni Wei Na knows, who can find out?

That night, as usual, he sent the girls home first, and then went to Lin Kexin's high school.

As soon as he drove out of the villa area, there were a few guys standing in front of him, they were from the Quanzhen sect.

"Why are you blocking the way? You're looking for death!" Luo Lei poked his head out and scolded. He really didn't like the people of the Quanzhen sect at all. These people who preached the integrity of the famous sect all day long did nothing but shame nasty thing.

"You are Luo Lei, come with us!" The guy in the lead said, he is a cultivator in the late stage of alchemy, so he didn't take Luo Lei seriously.

Because these people found out that Luo Lei hadn't been in contact with cultivation for a long time, and his level was definitely not too high. It was enough to dispatch a master in the middle stage of alchemy.

"What kind of onion are you!" Luo Lei said in a disdainful tone, "I'm also worthy of letting you go with you and report your name!"

"We are members of the Quanzhen sect!" Another guy pointed to the leader and said, "This is the third generation of our Changchun sect, boy, if you are sensible, just follow us obediently! As long as you are willing Cooperate, we will see that the two factions are neighbors, and let you live!"

"Quanzhen Sect, haha!" Luo Lei said with a sneer, "What is Quanzhen Sect? In my eyes, it's not as good as a piece of shit! You guys are even worse than shit, and you deserve me to go with you Get out of here immediately, otherwise, I won't be polite to you!"

A few people became very angry. From their point of view, Quanzhen Sect is an out-and-out sect in the realm of comprehension. There are seven sects, and the total number of disciples exceeds several hundred!

What is your Ancient Tomb Sect? It has been passed down from generation to generation. Even if you add your master, there are only two people. How dare you speak rudely to our Quanzhen Sect. You are impatient, boy!

"Junior Brothers, take him down!" the leader shouted.

"Yes, senior brother!" Several people pulled out their swords one after another, and rushed towards Luo Lei who was still sitting in the car.

These people did not intend to use magic. The Quanzhen Sect is also considered a master of martial arts in terms of ancient martial arts. In addition to cultivating the truth, the disciples also practice ancient martial arts moves. When fighting the enemy, they often use ancient martial arts. After all, spells are strictly prohibited. of.

Overreaching!Thinking that someone with a broken sword in his hand is a master of martial arts, what is the difference between this and a dead mouse pretending to be a hunter?

After all, Quanzhen Sect is a great sect, and their disciples have an innate sense of superiority, and many of them have risen to the point of being invincible.

Luo Lei quickly jumped out of the car, slapped each other, several people were blown out before they realized what was going on.

The guy in the lead was not prepared to do anything from the beginning, thinking that a few juniors would be able to deal with this guy who had just become a cultivator not long ago, even if he was very accomplished in comprehension, so what, he relied on fists and feet effort!

However, what happened in front of him made him a little at a loss. This kid ignored the attacks of several ancient martial arts masters and slapped them all away.

As long as their investigation is more detailed, it is not difficult to find out that Luo Lei kicked and disabled an ancient warrior in the previous martial arts conference.

"I said, you are not worthy!" Luo Lei walked up to the three generations of disciples, and raised his hands in a slow and unhurried manner.

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