urban evil

Chapter 695 Level Ascension

In the end, Sun Chunpin not only did not ask for Juyuan Pill back, but took out a bottle of Zengling Pill and a pill in the shape of a chocolate pill.

This chocolate-colored elixir is not an ordinary elixir. According to legend, it was the masterpiece of an alchemy wizard hundreds of years ago.On the day when the alchemy was completed, the situation in the ten miles around the alchemy furnace changed suddenly, and the alchemy wizard also died beside the alchemy furnace because he exhausted all his mental energy.

It can be seen from this that this elixir is against the sky. If an ordinary person eats it, he will immediately surpass the stage of first glimpse and become a cultivator directly.

If a cultivator eats it, his strength will be greatly improved in a short time.

"What's the name of this chocolate ball?" Luo Lei asked as if he had found a treasure.

Sun Chunpin shrugged and said: "When the alchemy was completed, the alchemist died, and there was no time to name it, and others have no such right! So until now, there is only a simple name for the alchemy, don't worry about him The name. After going back, find a quiet place to swallow and absorb the benefits of the pill! Three days later, go to the headquarters of the inspection department to find me, and I will leave first if I have nothing to do!"

"Wait!" Luo Lei called to Sun Chunpin who had turned around.

Sun Chunpin felt that his liver was trembling, and he thought that this kid would not want to rob me again, would he?

"Hey!" Luo Lei smiled smugly, and said, "I don't know where the headquarters is, Brother Chun, why don't you tell me before you leave?"

Sun Chunpin heaved a sigh of relief, it turned out that it wasn't the idea to use the panacea, ha ha!

"The location of the headquarters is on a small island in the East China Sea. The specific location is..." Sun Chunpin felt that he was a bit of a villain, so he told him the location of the headquarters in great detail.

"Okay, I'm leaving!" Sun Chunpin said.

Just turning around again, Luo Lei's unique voice came over: "Brother Chun, there should be more things like panacea and magic weapons at the headquarters, you have to prepare them all, three days later I'll go over and pick some, hehe!"

Sun Chunpin staggered and almost fell to the ground. He thought that this kid would accept him as soon as he saw it, but he didn't expect that he had already started to make plans with the headquarters.

No, I have to put away those good things when I go back, so that he can't see them at all.

"Brother Chun, you can't sit on unkind things and hide all the good things!" Luo Lei's voice came again: "You are the head of the inspection department, you must be bold, and you can't be petty!"

Nima!Sun Chunpin cursed secretly, you kid can guess what I think, did my brain get kicked by a donkey, how could I get you into the organization, this is not to share my worries, it is simply to make trouble for myself!

Thinking of this, his figure disappeared in a flash.

Luo Lei held two white porcelain bottles in his hand, plus a separate pill, and said to himself with a smile: "Every girl has a Juyuan Pill and a Spirit Enhancement Pill. It should be impossible to upgrade to a level and a half." It's a problem, hehe!"

After speaking, he disappeared in a flash.

Go home at night and distribute the pills to the girls. As for those who are not in Huadu City, Luo Lei plans to find a time to personally deliver them to them. My brother has a flying sword and also learned the teleportation technique to shrink the ground into inches. , and with the title of member of the Cultivation Supervision Department on his head, it is convenient for him to do anything.

After "serving" several wives, he did not fall asleep as usual, but entered the spiritual earth vessel.

The semi-corporeal old guy glanced at Luo Lei with a tired face, and said angrily, "You are such an overindulgent guy, why don't you take a good rest, why are you here?"

"Practice!" Luo Lei raised his right arm in the pose of a strongman, and said, "What is excessive indulgence? Is this called life and death, okay? It's not easy to get a top-quality pill from Sun Chunpin, don't hurry up and eat it What if it is lost or stolen?"

The old guy gave him a blank look and said nothing more.

Luo Lei sat down cross-legged. He also knew that the previous battle had consumed a lot of energy, so he didn't swallow the elixir directly. Instead, he performed three rounds of the cycle first, and his spirit immediately returned to its peak.

Only then did he take out the elixir in the shape of a chocolate ball, put it under his nose for a while, and an intoxicating fragrance shot straight into the sky.

"Good pill!" He exclaimed.

The old guy next to him said: "Of course it is a good pill, this heaven-defying pill is a rare good thing, it is said that refining such a pill will be condemned by the heavens, and it will do great harm to the alchemist. I originally thought that this kind of elixir only existed in legends, but I didn't expect someone to actually refine it!"

Against the sky pill!

This name is majestic and majestic enough, the alchemist died at that time.

It's really a top-quality elixir. Luo Lei is glad that he chose to join the Cultivation Supervision Department, and even more glad that he stalked Sun Chunpin. Otherwise, how could he come up with such a good thing.

Opened his mouth and put it in, Nitian Pill immediately turned into liquid, and went straight to the stomach palace along the throat, as if drinking a glass of old wine, it felt warm and comfortable!

Immediately afterwards, a powerful energy was generated. Luo Lei didn't dare to be careless, and quickly led the energy to disperse in various meridians, and then performed a cycle. After a cycle of cycle, the energy really changed. became his.

At the beginning, the energy absorption was very smooth, and the Nascent Soul in the dantian "swallowed" the energy eagerly, and the reduced version of Luo Lei gradually changed during the absorption process, and unexpectedly grew up a circle.

Luo Lei knew that this was the performance from the early stage of the Nascent Soul to the mid-stage of the Nascent Soul. The Heaven-Defying Pill is really against the sky, it can so easily raise the masters of the Nascent Soul Stage to a higher level.

The energy emanating from the Stomach Palace was continuous like the Yangtze River, and Luo Lei continued to absorb it.

According to his estimation, if this energy can last for an hour, it will be able to reach the late stage from the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Five or ten minutes have passed, and the generation of energy has no intention of stopping.

After an hour and a few minutes, he successfully entered the late stage of Nascent Soul.

And that energy not only didn't mean to stop, but it seemed to produce more.

A group of old guys were also taken aback, and said to themselves: "Anti-Heaven Pill, you deserve to be called an Anti-Heaven Pill! This thing is really against the sky, Luo Lei is really lucky!"

The reason why this Heaven-Defying Pill can be preserved to this day is because its previous masters did not know what its function was. After using spiritual power to spy on it, they found that the energy contained in it was difficult to control, so no one dared to take it.

Luo Lei didn't think much about it at all. Since Sun Chunpin gave it, it must not be poison, so eat it first.

An hour and a half passed, and it seemed that he was about to break through the Nascent Soul stage and enter the distraction stage, but that energy was still being produced continuously.

Is it possible to directly rely on the energy of the pill to enter the distraction period?

Luo Lei is not very sure about this, because he has heard the argument about the elixir more than once. In the eyes of cultivators, the level obtained through self-cultivation is the right way, and the use of elixir is a shortcut.

Although shortcuts are very attractive, but if you take too many shortcuts, how can you compare with people who take one step at a time?It is obvious that among people of the same level, those who rely on self-cultivation are much more powerful than those who use pills.

This is like an athlete who has taken doping. You may perform well at a certain time, but it is not a long-term solution after all.

At this moment, the old guy suddenly said: "Boy, send the energy to the demon cultivator Yuanying in his head!"


Luo Lei hurriedly followed suit, with energy continuously rushing towards his head.

This time it was the Nascent Soul's turn to be happy, devouring those energies frantically, and after a while, it went from the early stage of distraction to the middle stage, and continued, and after another hour, it actually entered the late stage of distraction.

It's so powerful, I didn't expect that a small pill can bring so many benefits!

No wonder the cultivators say that cultivation is important, but they praise the elixir so much. They just say one thing and think another thing!

At this time, the energy production began to gradually decrease, and after ten minutes, it began to dry up.

The old guy let out a sigh of relief, and thought that if all these energies were transferred to the dantian, Luo Lei would probably be a cultivator in the later stage of distraction. to regret.

In fact, even the result of Yuan Ying's late stage can surprise Sun Chunpin. If I knew this stuff was so good, I would eat it first!

When he opened his eyes, Luo Lei's brown eyes looked very lively.

"Wahhaha, old guy, my brother's strength has improved to a higher level!" Luo Lei laughed and jumped up from the grass.

"Don't be complacent, after all, these energies are not obtained through cultivation!" The old guy said earnestly: "During this time, you have to work harder, lest the energies you eat make you puffy!"

Luo Lei waved his hand and said, "Don't worry! I know what to do, by the way, didn't you say you want to get another snake head to satisfy your appetite? I'm going to Europe in a while, we can take a turn around ,How about it?"

"That's a good relationship!" The old guy said cheerfully: "When I finish digesting the nine snake heads, I might be able to restore my previous skills, and I won't have to parasitize your body anymore!"

"Hehe! That's good, with you as an old yd, brother is very stressed!" Luo Lei said while gesturing, "Yalishan is big!"

"Fuck! How much I have helped you!" The old guy said angrily, "You actually said that, you boy is ungrateful!"

"Mao! It's true that I helped, who knows if you, a shameless old man, peeped when brother and wife were making love!" Luo Lei snorted.

The old guy has a dead heart, and I spy on you?Come on, I have no interest in live performances at all, I...

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