urban evil

Chapter 703 Take advantage of the advantages to the end

However, Haiya didn't seem to have the intention to turn around, and let the water droplets from the shower splash on her body covered with bath liquid.

Luo Lei swallowed his saliva, this beautiful apprentice of himself is really a life-threatening, healthy wheat complexion, graceful figure, can arouse people's most primitive desires.

Turn around, turn around, turn around!Luo Lei said it over and over again in his heart.

Haiya, who was taking a bath, felt as if something was staring at her, and turned her head involuntarily, but she didn't.

But when he turned his head, his shoulders and upper body would definitely move along with his head, which already satisfied Luo Lei, because he caught a glimpse of some of the bright red.

Whoa whoa, go outside for another look!

Just a glance!

He looked at this look for several seconds, Haiya was very sure that she was the only one in the room, but she still murmured to herself in a strange tone: "Why does it always feel like someone is peeping, it's impossible that the badass master is really here Bar?"

Luo Lei's heart skipped a beat outside. He felt guilty, so he quickly slipped out.

He didn't notice that he left two big footprints at the door.

Sitting on the sofa outside with a serious face, this guy is still immersed in the "beautiful scenery" before.

A few minutes later, Haiya wrapped her perfect body with a bath towel, the width of the bath towel was limited, it could cover the two most important places, and the other places were all exposed.

Her hair was dripping with water, and there were crystal drops of water on her slender legs. When she opened the bathroom door, she saw two footprints on the ground at first sight.

But she didn't think much about it, she thought it was just left by herself.

Holding a towel in his hand, he walked towards the living room while wiping his wet hair.

The picture of the beauty coming out of the bath, Luo Lei's eyes widened again!

Even though he had already seen the most important thing in the previous glance, when Haiya appeared in front of his eyes in this way, he was shocked.

"You're really here, Mr. Scoundrel..." Haiya said casually, and the next second she also widened her eyes, pointing at Luo Lei with a smirk on her face, unable to utter a word.

"Hey, I said that I am in Europe, and the master will never lie to the apprentice!" Luo Lei said with a smile, he had to quickly calm down the girl Hai Ya, in case she yelled, The bodyguards standing outside will definitely rush in.

"But, how did you get in?" Haiya was surprised, the towel in her hand fell to the ground long ago, and the bath towel on her body was also slowly sliding down due to the large ups and downs of her chest. A firm and round hemisphere.

Tsk tsk, it's so eye-catching!

Luo Lei was relieved that he agreed to accept this apprentice at the time. Even if he didn't teach her anything in the future, having a student who is a princess and a full-fledged beauty is a pleasing thing in itself.

"Why, are you so excited to see the master?" Luo Lei smiled even more ydly, staring at the two towering peaks with a pair of thief eyes, and said: "Of course I came in through the window, otherwise you How do you think I got in? I said apprentice, you are really not kind, you told me to open a window, but you ignored it, and let Master and I waste a lot of effort!"

Haiya covered her small mouth with her hand, she refused to believe that what she saw was real.

But Luo Lei just sat on the sofa in front of her, making it impossible for her to suspect that it was not true.

"Which window?" Haiya didn't know why she asked such a question.

Without hesitation, Luo Lei pouted in the direction of the toilet and bathroom. He suddenly realized that this might expose himself to peeping, so he quickly added: "The bathroom, because there is only a single window, it is better to open!"

Haiya suddenly remembered the two footprints at the bathroom door, and the feeling that she was being peeped all the time. She pointed at Luo Lei and asked, "Did you peep at me?"

"No! I'm your master, how could I do such a thing!" Luo Lei swore, "And the bathroom door is made of opaque glass, how could I see it, Haiya, you really know how to joke, haha!"

"Oh!" Haiya was fooled, but she immediately said: "No! You can fly in directly, it shouldn't be a problem to see through the frosted glass, you must have peeked! There are two big footprints at the door , are you still quibbling?"

ah?Luo Lei was in a cold sweat. Such a cautious person would leave footprints and make mistakes!

It was definitely a big mistake. I was so absorbed in watching it just now that I forgot such an important thing as destroying evidence.

Seeing him not saying a word, Haiya became more sure of her judgment, thinking about being watched all by one person while taking a shower, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Luo Lei regretted it in his heart. Curiosity really killed the cat. People discovered peeping, and I only saw a little bit of key content!

Just when the atmosphere was a bit awkward, the bath towel on Haiya's body suddenly slipped off, and a graceful body was presented in front of Luo Lei without any concealment.

grunt!Luo Lei couldn't help but swallowed a big mouthful of spit. He could clearly see the trembling shuangfeng, the extremely thin waist, the two round and strong thighs, and the black grass in the mysterious garden!

"Ah!" Haiya screamed, and hurriedly bent down to pick up the bath towel on the ground, but because her center of gravity was unstable, she stepped out with her foot, and the bath towel on the ground tripped her, and she fell to one side.

"Be careful!" Luo Lei rushed over without thinking, reaching out and grabbing her who was about to fall to the ground into his arms.

As if grasping at a straw, Haiya made the choice that anyone would make in an emergency—cling on to the straw!

As a result, the two hugged each other in a very ambiguous posture. The most important thing was that Haiya was completely naked, not even an inch of hair!

After a brief shock, Haiya came to her senses a little bit. When she realized that the current situation was more serious than before, she immediately had a sign of yelling, and a small mouth was already opened!

You can't let her scream, maybe the sound just now has attracted the attention of the bodyguards!

But Luo Lei's two hands are "busy". One hugs Haiya's willow waist, covering it on one of the extremely elastic peaks, and the other wraps around her thigh, with the palm finally falling How could you be willing to let go of it on your perky buttocks?

Then there is only one way!

Without even thinking about it, Luo Lei moved his big mouth closer and kissed Haiya's small mouth. In this way, I'll see how you still shout.

Wow, it's so fragrant and soft!

Haiya was stunned at the time, feeling as if she was being shocked by an electric shock, and her body also became stiff. The resistance movement that was about to start was immediately killed in the cradle.

Luo Lei couldn't help sticking out his tongue, prying open the beauty's white teeth, grabbed the little sweet tongue, and kissed wantonly.

Anyway, we are all acquaintances, brother saw it, hugged it, touched it, and kissed it as it should be, hehe!

Since Luo Lei has made great progress in magic cultivation, more than once he has found that his self-control in front of beautiful women is getting worse and worse. In the past, when faced with this kind of temptation, he could always deal with it calmly, but now Well, I can't wait to pounce on it immediately.

Naturally, the two hands would not be idle, walking back and forth on Haiya's perfect body, and within a few seconds, all the most important parts of the beautiful princess were "taken care of".

Haiya's mind went blank.

After a long kiss, Luo Lei smiled.

Haiya finally regained consciousness. She didn't yell, and she didn't cry like those girls who felt that they had suffered a big loss. Instead, she pouted her mouth and stared at Luo Lei's eyes with big eyes.

This made Luo Lei, a veteran of the flowers, a little confused. He may have made preparations to coax Haiya, but he didn't get angry or cry. Our buddies' preparations were in vain!

"Hey, hehe... Why don't you say something, Haiya?" Luo Lei said awkwardly.

"Will what I say work?" Hai Ya said softly: "I can't beat you, I can't even talk about you, you have taken such a big advantage, is it useful to resist? Since there is no use, let you Badass master, let's get a little bit cheaper!"

Wow, that's too open-minded, I'm a little embarrassed to say it!

"That...it was an accident..." Luo Lei said with a dry smile, "Did you drop the towel yourself? Are you about to fall? I didn't think about anything at the time, I just wanted to save you! What happened later?" ...It's just a stopgap measure. It doesn't matter if those bodyguards rushed in and beat me to death, but in this way, wouldn't more people see your body? In order to avoid such a serious situation, I kissed you as a last resort... hey-hey!"

Haiya rolled his eyes at him with a charming expression, and said coquettishly: "I knew that you, a badass master, would find excuses for yourself, take advantage of others, and still be so high-sounding!"

In fact, after Luo Lei saved Haiya for the first time, she had already secretly promised her, otherwise, how could she be jealous of Tian Xi.

By the time he was rescued by him for the second time, he was basically unable to extricate himself.

Although she knew clearly that she must be emotional, but because she was a nobleman, a princess of a country, and Luo Lei had a girlfriend, she was ashamed to be a third party.

Then the only option is to worship him as a teacher and take this opportunity to get close to Luo Lei.

If such an ambiguous incident happened, it was something she had always imagined and hoped for, and she didn't feel that she was at a disadvantage.

"Hehe, who made you a princess!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "In my opinion, aristocrats have always been synonymous with hypocrisy, doing dirty things behind their backs!"

"What do you mean, even I scold you!" Haiya quit: "Sneak peeking at other people's bath, take advantage of them, and say such nasty things, I won't do it!"

"Okay, okay, I was wrong!" Luo Lei quickly admitted his mistake, and said with a smirk, "I will make up for my mistake with an extremely sincere kiss, how about it?"


This is Haiya's answer.

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