urban evil

Chapter 706 The Kidnapping Incident

Prince Haru hurried over with flowers in his hands, first made a standard aristocratic gift to Princess Haiya, put on a smile on his face that he thought could charm thousands of girls, and said: "Beautiful Princess Haiya , please accept my love for you!"

Otherwise, Luo Lei always said that the nobles are all hypocrites, and pick up girls as long as they pick up girls, so why accept my admiration!

As long as Haiya reached out to take this bouquet of flowers, the grandson named Haru would immediately publicize that he was already the boyfriend of Desert Pearl.

I thought that Haiya had been moved by his sincerity and would accept the bouquet of flowers. Many reporters next to her thought so too. They stared at the two intently, ready to capture the wonderful moment with their cameras.

Unexpectedly, after more than ten seconds passed, Haiya didn't intend to reach out her hand at all.

Haru couldn't help becoming anxious, but still maintained the calmness that a nobleman should have.

"Thank you Prince Haru for your kindness, but I'm sorry, I can't accept it!" Haiya said.

Everyone was taken aback, those who thought Haiya would definitely be caught by Haru became excited, brother still has a chance.

"Why? Am I not good enough?" Haru asked with a smile.

"You are outstanding. You are not only the number one heir to the eagle royal family, but also a business elite. You are already the vice president of the World Bank at a young age!" When Haiya said this, Haru was naturally very pleased. of.

"But, I already have someone I love, so I can't accept it!" Haiya said with a generous expression.

Haru's face changed slightly. As a person who has received strict noble education since he was a child, he can completely make the mountain collapse without changing his expression. With a slight change in expression, he can already have a showdown with someone who has poor restraint. Compete.

"Really, but as far as I know, Princess Haiya, you have never had a boyfriend!" Harupi smiled and said: "You don't say that to perfuse me, do you?"

Although he has been rejected several times, all of them are declined politely. He has never been rejected so thoroughly in front of so many people like this time.

"Prince Haru, this seems to be my private matter?" Haiya's tone became cold.

"Okay, I think everyone wants to know what kind of big man is the one who can fall in love with Princess Haiya, the pearl of the desert?" Haru pressed on step by step: "Why don't you invite him out, Your Royal Highness, so that everyone can see this The demeanor of a great man!"

Haiya's face turned cold, and she said coldly: "Prince Haru, I would like to ask, did you represent the royal family of the Eagle Kingdom?"

As soon as this remark came out, the private matter rose to the height of the diplomatic affairs of the two countries.

Haru didn't expect Haiya to turn his face in front of so many people, and suddenly his old face turned red.

"I represent the emirate, and I am here to participate in the talks, not to accept the pursuit of some people!" Haiya turned to the media and said, "I hope those boring people will stop doing these boring things. I I'm very busy, I really don't have time and energy to deal with things other than work, I hope everyone can respect my privacy, thank you!"

In the Middle East Emirates, the old king was watching a live broadcast. Hearing what his precious daughter said, he smiled wryly and said, "That's all right, I offended almost all the young people in Europe! Haiya said that she already has a boyfriend, why should I say this?" Even the father doesn't know, could it be her perfunctory words? It shouldn't be, I know this child best, and he will never lie in public!"

After Haiya expressed her point of view, she gracefully sat on the seat prepared for her, signaling that the conversation could begin.

Prince Haru's face was cloudy, he had never been insulted like this before, in his opinion, everyone here was laughing at him.

"Haya, you will pay for this!" Haru gritted his teeth and said, he threw a bunch of expensive blue roses heavily on the ground, and left the venue angrily.

Haiya was very satisfied with his reaction, as an example to the monkey, someone must be that unlucky monkey.

Although it was two hours late, the outcome of the meeting was very satisfactory.

After Prince Haru returned to the hotel, he found a slightly blurred phone number and dialed it: "Hello! Is this Prince Giovanni? I am Prince Haru. I need your help with something... Yes, After the matter is done, I will remember your kindness, and when I sit on the throne, I will give you the most tolerant policy of the Giovanni family!"

There was arrogant laughter on the phone, followed by a gloomy voice, saying: "Prince Haru, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter beautifully! Isn't it the princess of the Middle East Emirates, her bodyguards From our point of view, everything is vulnerable!"

"Hehe, of course I don't doubt Prince Giovanni's ability!" Haru did not forget to confess: "However, I hope Haiya will not be hurt!"

"Don't worry, I guarantee that the princess will be sent to the prince without any damage!" Prince Giovanni said.


Except for one prince, all the core members of the Nofiler family have died.

When this news reached Holy Emperor Gein's ears, it did not cause much shock to him, because Nofiler did not do well in Huaxia Kingdom, and all the six family dukes he brought with him also died. Sooner or later, the Feller family will decline.

Since this is the case, it is normal to be exterminated.

"But Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, the people I sent found after investigating the scene that those people did not die at the hands of our blood clan!" the secret speaker said in a deep voice.

One more thing he didn't say was that there were hundreds of bombs striding around the pair of ruins.

Those bombs are very ghostly. They don't bomb ordinary people, they only bomb blood clans. As long as they get within five steps, the bombs will explode with a bang.

For this reason, the secret speaker paid the price that several family viscounts were killed.

"Didn't those small families who were oppressed by Nofiler do it?" St. Huang asked immediately.

"It's definitely not!" said the secret speaker: "The situation at the scene was extremely tragic. Many people were burned alive without any resistance! Even if Prince Nofele was not there, there were still two dukes in charge, little How could the family have such strength?"

Gein frowned, and said, "That's strange, you send someone to investigate immediately, and you must find out the truth! Tell me the result as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The news of Nofiler's genocide also reached Benma XIV.

It is said that bystanders can clearly see that the first judgment made by Benma XIV is—why is the revenge of the Chinese people, why is it precisely the Nofiler family and not other families!

The reason is very simple, because it was this guy Nofiler who led people to disturb the Chinese cultivation world.

King Benma XIV has studied the Chinese people deeply. He knows that the Chinese nation advocates peace and usually behaves a little cowardly, but once anyone dares to challenge their authority, they will definitely resist angrily, and let those people feel their hearts feel scared.

"The revenge of the Chinese people will definitely not only target the Nuofeile family!" The [-]th King Benma had detailed information on the [-] major families of the blood clan, and he said to himself: "Which family will be the next one to be unlucky?" What about the Hidden Alliance or the Ghost Banquet Alliance? It stands to reason that the Simmer family should bear the brunt, after all, four of the ten dukes sent to China belong to their family."

However, he is not very sure, because basically everyone can see through it.And there is a prince sitting in Simmel, is it so easy not to destroy it?

"Anyway, the mutual consumption of cultivators and blood races is good for my Holy Church!" Benma XIV was even thinking about whether to help a group of Chinese people at the critical moment to speed up the decline of blood races .


After the meeting, Haiya got into the car under the flashing lights. Her next destination was a company dozens of kilometers away.

The largest refinery in this country, their refining technology is the most powerful in Europe, surpassing the Middle East emirates for at least 20 years.

The purpose of this trip is to discuss cooperation with the refinery executives and invite them to invest in the refinery in the emirate to reduce lang fees.

The convoy has completed several position changes in the urban area. Since these cars are all identical and have the same license plate, even the people in the convoy don't know which car Haiya is sitting in.

This method is to ensure Haiya's safety. After all, she has been assassinated several times in China, and the old king does not allow his precious daughter to have any accidents.

The convoy was traveling very fast, and after leaving the urban area, it needed to bypass a section of winding mountain road.

Not long after the convoy entered the Panshan Highway, a big rock suddenly rolled down from above. The driver of the leading car couldn't dodge it. Although he stepped on the brakes to the bottom, the front of the car still hit the rock, emitting white smoke.

The people behind decided that this was an ordinary mountain rockfall incident. After the entire convoy stabilized, one or two people got off from each car. They wanted to see if they could work together to push the rock down.

There were a few blood-curdling screams in the sky, followed by a few black dots high in the sky, and maniacal laughter.

"Not good, it may be an ambush by the enemy!" The headed bodyguard directly pulled out the pistol pinned to his waist, and directed his subordinates to look for cover, and once they were sure that the opponent was a terrorist, they would shoot!


At this time, Luo Lei was indeed going to find trouble with the Simmel family, and was rushing to their gathering place.

Suddenly, the phone rang in a hurry, it was Haiya calling.

"Hey, Mrs. Ya'er...what's the matter with you?" Luo Lei had just greeted Haiya on the other end of the phone when he heard the sound of gunfire, which was very noisy.

"Husband, someone stopped my convoy!" Haiya said in a terrified tone, "They are all weirdos, they descended from the sky with black wings, and they are not afraid of bullets. Several bodyguards accompanying them have been killed by them, hurry up Can't stand it!"

It's blood!

"I'll go over to help right away!" Luo Lei's mobile phone had already clearly located Haiya's location, so he turned around and galloped towards that side.

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