urban evil

Chapter 712

The Holy Emperor of the blood clan quickly lowered his stance, sent a note invitation to the Cultivation Supervision Department of the Huaxia Kingdom, and expressed his attitude that he was willing to restore the old relationship with the cultivation world.

This made Sun Chunpin feel a little unacceptable.

In his impression, the blood race has always been a very tough race, which is the best explanation from the fact that they refused to back down after fighting the Holy See for several years.

When Luo Lei reported the battle report, Sun Chun was overjoyed, thinking that this is the case!

Within a few days, this kid wiped out three big families, almost a quarter of the strength of the blood clan.Gein had to consider the possibility of facing the pincer attack from the cultivation world and the Holy Church at the same time, so he was eager to end the fight with the cultivation world.

Sun Chunpin made a request that none of the blood clans who came to China were allowed to leave, and all of them had to voluntarily surrender to the inspection department, including that Prince Nofelle who didn't know which mouse hole he hid in and dared not come out.

Gein was ready to bleed, so he agreed without even thinking about it, and ordered those who committed crimes in China to surrender to the inspection department immediately.

In this way, these people all became Gein's abandoned sons, and the saddest one was Prince Nuofele.

Nuo Feile had just received the news that his tribe had been exterminated, and was thinking of killing dozens or hundreds of cultivators to avenge his tribe, but suddenly received such an order.

He chose disobedience without thinking. Anyway, even if he voluntarily surrendered, the family members would not be able to survive.

In this way, he launched a crazy revenge, massacred a small sect in a short time, and when he was about to find the second sect, he was discovered by Dou Xiesheng and Xia Qi. Under the siege of the two, he was injured. run away.

Not long after, two inspectors, Xuanwu and Baihu, arrived, and the four teamed up to successfully kill Nofiler.

Since then, the blood clan rebellion in Huaxia Kingdom has come to an end.

Luo Lei, who was in Europe, received the news that he could go back to his country, so he went directly to the inspection department to report and receive a generous reward.

Haiya also sent back good news. His father promised to give her a visa for up to three years. Within three years, she can freely live in Huaxia.

Excitedly, Luo Lei set up his flying sword and flew towards Huaxia.

Nearly half the distance, the old guy woke up and said: "Boy, I feel very good, old man! Now the sensing ability can reach at least three kilometers, and you don't have to worry about the threat of snipers anymore! I think the world There is no sniper rifle that has such a long shooting distance, haha!"

"That's great!" Luo Lei was overjoyed.

Speaking of fighting head-on, he has never been afraid of anyone. The only thing that worries him is the snipers, especially when these people are not targeting him but the people around him. Isn't it very dangerous!

"Also, with my current strength, I can leave your body for more than ten minutes every day, so that we can fight side by side!" said the old guy.

"Well, not bad, you don't have to hide behind at last!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

There was a sense of contempt in this sentence. The old guy wanted to say something for himself, but he suddenly felt that a plane three kilometers away was shaking, and an engine seemed to have a problem.

"Boy, there may be an accident on a plane, do you want to go over and help?" the old guy said.

"Airplane? How can I help you?" Luo Lei said, "It's so big, it weighs dozens or even hundreds of tons!"

"No, it's a twin-engine small jet airliner, with only ten or eight people on it!" The old guy continued, "It's full of Chinese people, and your old acquaintance is in charge of the air service! If it weren't for this If there are two reasons, I am too lazy to care about it!"

Luo Lei was startled, and said, "The acquaintance you mentioned is the beautiful woman Meng Tian, ​​right?"

"Yes, it's her!" The old guy said with certainty.

Then you can't stand by and watch, Luo Lei turned around.

Soon I saw a small airliner, more than ten meters in length, with a jet engine under each wing, and the one on the right had stopped working and was emitting black smoke.

Due to the failure of one engine, it is difficult to stabilize the fuselage with only one engine. It is wobbly and may fall at any time.

But the surrounding area is full of mountains, and the nearest airport is hundreds of kilometers away. It is really hard to say whether this small plane can persist there.

On the plane, six middle-aged people in well-fitting suits were sitting upright. The leader was a square-faced man in his 50s. Although his brows were tightly frowned, he didn't tremble or sweat like the others.

These six people are all high-ranking officials of a certain department in the capital. They just returned from a certain country in the Middle East. This plane is also their special plane.

Meng Tian was the flight attendant on this special plane. She ran back and forth between the cabin and the cockpit several times, bringing the pilot's situation to the cabin.

"Xiao Meng, don't run back and forth anymore, find a seat and sit down!" The square-faced man in the lead said optimistically: "If God wants our lives, we can't escape! If God doesn't plan to Take us, let alone one engine is broken, even if both are broken, we can still land safely!"

"Vice Chairman Wang, you are in such a good mood!" Meng Tian said sincerely. After hearing this, the anxiety in her heart was reduced a lot.

This person known as Vice Chairman Wang is the most likely successor of the next chairman of Huaxia Kingdom. He should hold several positions now, including the same position as Vice Chairman of the Military Commission like Tian Guanghua.

This time I went to the Middle East to negotiate a secret business, and all the links went smoothly, I didn't expect something to happen on the way back to China.

Since there is only one engine left, the pilot has to increase the horsepower to the maximum and maintain a certain altitude, so that in case of any accident, everyone can have more time to respond.

"Hehe, I have experienced too many strong winds and slangs in my life, and I am used to it!" Vice Chairman Wang waved his hand and said with a smile: "Even if I can't escape, there is nothing to regret! On the contrary, you, Xiaomeng, It would be a pity for you to die with us uncles at such a young age! Don't worry, God won't be so ruthless, by the way, have you talked about a boyfriend yet?"

"En!" Meng Tian nodded, her pretty face flushed slightly.

"Hehe, yes, such a pretty girl, how could there be no boys chasing her!" Vice Chairman Wang said with a smile: "What does your boyfriend do? Is he a pilot? I heard that it is very common for pilots to find flight attendants." Woolen cloth!"

"No, he's from the Secret Service!" Meng Tian replied.

The two talked in a homely tone, which eased the tense atmosphere in the cabin, and the other five people were not as tense as before.

"Oh, the people of the Secret Service, they are elites! I know that the Secret Service is composed of young officers selected from the army!" Vice Chairman Wang said: "I have had a few meals with their chief Zheng Nan. What about the next meal, what rank is your boyfriend, and how old is he this year?"

Meng Tian's face turned even redder, because Luo Lei is only 19 years old now, and she is already in her 20s, if she said it, she would definitely be regarded as a sibling relationship.

But facing Vice Chairman Wang with a kind face, she really couldn't tell a lie, and said truthfully: "He is 19 years old! The colonel who was just promoted is the honorary director of the Ninth Division!"


Six people including Vice Chairman Wang stared wide-eyed at the same time, a 19-year-old colonel?That's right, becoming a captain at the age of 19 is already a great thing!

Wait, or the honorary director of Secret Service Nine?

Zheng Nan, their director, must have been the director of the Ninth Division before, and he had stayed in that position for several years, but he had just been promoted for a few months.It's unbelievable that he would hand over such an important position to a 19-year-old young man!

"Xiao Meng, are you sure?" Vice Chairman Wang, who was used to seeing strong winds and loud noises, couldn't help feeling suspicious.

Meng Tian nodded and said with certainty: "It is indeed so!"

Vice Chairman Wang thought to himself that if he survived the catastrophe this time, he must meet the 19-year-old colonel when he goes back.

The secret service's promotion system is stricter than that of the army. If you don't have the ability, no matter how strong your background is, you will never get a slight promotion in your position. This is something that the top leaders of the Republic know.

At this time, the voice of the captain came from the sound above the head: "Leaders, there is a problem with the oil pump of the engine on the left side of the plane, and there is a phenomenon of poor fuel supply. Leaders, please be prepared. If possible, I will choose A suitable place to make an emergency landing... Before that, please call your home or work... Xiao Meng, you come to the front and get a satellite phone. Everyone takes turns calling, and everyone tries to control the time within 2 minutes... ..."

Everyone's hearts suddenly sank. Although the captain didn't make his words too clear, everyone knew that this might be the last phone call in their life.

Vice Chairman Wang still had an optimistic expression, and said with a smile: "Xiao Meng, take the phone!"

Meng Tian stood up and went to the cockpit. After a while, he brought the satellite phone and handed it to the highest-ranking Vice Chairman Wang.

Vice Chairman Wang shook his head and said, "You are the youngest, and you are a girl. You should make the first call! And I have specially approved that you can make two calls, one to your boyfriend and one to your family!"

Meng Tian bowed gratefully to Vice Chairman Wang, and she dialed Luo Lei's number first: "Xiao Lei, I'm Tian Tian!"

"Beauty Tiantian!" Luo Lei's lazy tone came over: "I know what you are going to say, listen to me first! The plane you are on has broken one engine, and the second engine has also failed. There is a problem, if there is no accident, you must have no chance to land safely!"

"How do you know so clearly?" Meng Tian was taken aback.

"Hehe, because I'm right beside you! Open the curtain on the left and look outside!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

The window on the left?

Meng Tian subconsciously ran to the left, stretched out his hand and opened the curtain that had been closed tightly.

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