urban evil

Chapter 720 The Conspiracy Is Revealed

Li Hui was lying on the sofa with his legs crossed. When his unit persuaded him to quit a few months ago, he was in an extremely bad mood.

After years of painstaking efforts, he finally climbed to the position of deputy director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, but he was very unwilling to be wiped out because of a trivial matter.

He spent a lot of money and looked for connections everywhere to help him, but no one was willing to help him. He completely gave up and started doing business.

After all, after working in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau for so many years, he has accumulated a lot of contacts. Although the official airs have fallen, there are still many bosses who give him face.

One of the developers said, "Why don't you just work as a contractor. I happen to have a construction site in my hand, and I haven't found anyone yet! Who will do it for you? As long as you manage the construction site well, there will be no accidents. If the quality is acceptable, it is guaranteed to make money!"

As soon as Li Hui heard that it was true, he did what he said, and immediately found a group of workers and a few technicians to take over the project.

After the first hit, his projects continued, and now besides the one where the accident happened, there are two other projects under construction.

Sitting opposite was a middle-aged man with a coquettish smile, he said while smoking a cigarette: "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law finally let out such a bad breath, the surname Wu is going to be in bad luck this time, as long as you bite tighter, you will be judged." There is no problem in three to five years, and all his property has to be compensated to us!"

This guy was none other than the owner of the small shop at that time, surnamed Yang.

Li Hui looked like a winner, and said, "Of course! I'm just a small peasant. Not only did I drive you away from Jia County, but I also lost my position as deputy director. It's just because of a few A soldier, now the soldier has already left, if you don’t take revenge at this time, when will you wait!”

"Brother-in-law, do you think the Wu family will give me some money after losing the money!" The surname Yang stretched out his hand and said.

"Give it to you? Are you willing to ask for it?" Li Hui said in a displeased tone, "Don't you pay for that old prostitute and those cooks? Don't you pay for transporting the steel twice? You don't need money for storage, storage, and transportation fees. If it wasn't for you, would I lose my position as deputy director?"

The one surnamed Yang quickly sneered, and said, "I'm just joking, ha ha, don't take it seriously! I have nothing to do and I'll leave first, the construction site in the east can't be left alone, ha ha!"

After the person surnamed Yang left, Li Hui said to himself in a disdainful tone: "What! I gave you a bite of food for my sister's sake. I really treat myself like a dish, without self-knowledge!"

When Luo Lei arrived, Yang just walked out of the office building.

Looking at him from a distance, Luo Lei had already recognized him. There were so many coincidences that it was a bit unacceptable.

Then, monitor Yang and Li Hui together.

Luo Lei walked to a deserted place, released his avatar to follow the one surnamed Yang, and the main body continued to Li Hui's office.

Li Hui is lying on the sofa and dreaming of his dream of getting rich. According to this progress, he will become a millionaire next year, which is much faster than being a deputy director.


The door of the office was kicked open from the outside, Li Hui was so startled that he almost fell off the sofa.

"Who!" Li Hui yelled, it was an anti-theft door, even a cow might not be able to break it open.

"Me!" Luo Lei stepped in, and the door was severely deformed by his kick, leaving only a pin connected to the door frame, otherwise it would have fallen on Li Hui.

"Who are you?" Li Hui jumped up from the sofa.

When he saw Luo Lei, he immediately gasped. Although this face had changed greatly in temperament, he was indeed very familiar with it, and he would never forget it in his life.

Because he was the one who made Li Hui lose his official position, how could he forget his appearance.

"What do you want to do?" Li Hui said sternly, "This is my place, why do you want to break in!"

Luo Lei smiled coldly and said, "It's just because of your conspiracy to frame Wu Tianming, Li, you know my tricks, so I advise you to be honest! Otherwise, I'd love to step on you again!"

"Who do you think you are?" Li Hui yelled: "Don't think that once someone backed you up, you will always have someone backing you up! I am now an honest businessman, law-abiding, not only destroying my gate, but also threatening I, I want to sue you!"


Luo Lei's avatar blocked the man surnamed Yang in the material warehouse, and slapped him directly, causing the guy to stagger and lie on the ground.

The one surnamed Yang covered half of his face and looked at Luo Lei tremblingly.

To him, Luo Lei would not be polite. You beat him up, and you dare to show up in Jia County. You are asking for trouble.

"I ask, you answer!" Luo Lei said in a cold tone, "If your answer doesn't satisfy me, I will break your leg. Do you hear me clearly?"

The surname Yang quickly nodded subconsciously. He was no longer his opponent a few months ago, and he also watched them demolish his small shop. The situation at that time left a deep impression on him, so he didn't ask The meaning of resistance.

"What's the name of the woman who took the initiative to seduce Wu Tianming?" Luo Lei asked.

"It's called... I don't know!" The surname Yang shook his head.

"It seems that you still didn't hear what I just said clearly!" Luo Lei stepped on his right leg, and with a click, the bone broke!

The one surnamed Yang screamed, and the expression on his face was disfigured from the pain.

"I'll ask you again, what's her name? If you don't tell me, you won't be able to keep your other leg!" Luo Lei asked again, and then raised his foot.

"Her name is Xiaohong. As for whether this is her real name, I don't know!" The surname Yang didn't care about the pain, and said like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube: "She is an old prostitute who has been in the flesh and blood business for at least 20 years. Well, very few people know her real name! Even when she acted as the head chef to seduce Wu Tianming, she didn't use this name!"

Luo Lei slowly put his foot down, and said, "I'm quite satisfied with this answer. Your leg is temporarily saved! But in the end, if you can keep it or not, it depends on whether you cooperate or not!"

"I will definitely cooperate, absolutely!" The surname Yang is a natural soft bone.


On Li Hui's side, with a wave of Luo Lei's hand, his mobile phone and landline were all turned into ashes.

This skill made Li Hui feel terrified. He originally wanted to call the police, but as soon as his eyes turned to the landline, they immediately turned into pieces.

"I advise you to be more honest and tell the story of how you arranged for Xiaohong to frame Wu Tianming!" Luo Lei said lightly.

Li Hui's heart skipped a beat. At that time, Xiaohong took over the handicraft kitchen under the false name of Sun Mei. No one knew about it except him and Yang.

For a woman who lives to please men, it is a piece of cake to deal with an old man like Wu Tianming who hasn't experienced the taste of a woman for a long time. Xiaohong really lived up to expectations, and within a few days, the two developed into mistresses.

Then, Li Hui deliberately acted like he valued Wu Tianming very much, in order to achieve the painful effect of being overwhelmed.

Wu Tianming, who received the bonus, was grateful to Dade and repeatedly expressed that he would work hard.

Li Hui followed him with a snake stick, and transferred several people who were working with Wu Tianming one after another, leaving him alone on the night shift.

Wu Tianming felt that it was the boss's trust in him, so he worked harder, and of course he worked harder in bed with that woman named Sun Mei.

On the last night, the woman took sweat medicine during supper, and after Wu Tianming fell asleep, these people all ran away and set up the scene of stealing the warehouse.

"How do you know Xiaohong?" Li Hui asked.

Luo Lei kicked over, kicked Li Hui several meters away, and shouted: "I am asking you, you only have the right to answer the question, you have no right to ask questions!"

Li Hui knelt on the ground clutching his stomach, his image completely lost.


On the Yang side, he told all the things he knew, but many things were handled by Li Hui, and he only knew a general idea.

According to what he said, Li Hui is a cautious person. Whether it was because of the relationship between the two of them, he might have been kept in the dark.

With so many people on the construction site, no one had doubted Xiaohong's identity, otherwise Wu Tianming would not be so easily fooled.


Luo Lei found that it was cool to use avatars, at least he could bluff at both ends.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Li Hui stopped insisting, because as long as he said something that Luo Lei didn't want to hear, or kept his mouth shut, he would be kicked and punched, and he would turn into a pig's head in a short while.

The feeling of being beaten was uncomfortable, so he chose to confess.

It turned out that the batch just now was borrowed at all, and all he had to pay was the fare for two trips of transportation and the handling fee. Such a scheme was set up to frame Wu Tianming, resulting in the loss of more than 200 million steel products in the warehouse.

Therefore, the police could neither find out the true identity of the "thief", nor could they obtain evidence of "disposal". Wu Tianming had to bear all the responsibilities.

"Please forgive me, I can immediately withdraw the lawsuit!" Li Hui begged for mercy: "And I am willing to compensate Mr. Wu for the loss, fifty thousand, how about fifty thousand? No, then eighty thousand...or one hundred thousand !"

Luo Lei sneered and said, "If your plot succeeds, Uncle Wu will have to accompany you for more than 200 million yuan, won't he? But you are only willing to pay 200 yuan. Let’s pay more than [-] million yuan, and I can pretend that nothing happened after losing the money!”

Li Hui's whole body is like chaff, more than 200 million, even if the house is sold, it's not enough!

"You don't want to pay it?" Luo Lei took out his cell phone and said, "If you don't want to give it, I'll call the police and let the police come and judge! It doesn't matter if you can't pay it, you can go to jail as repayment, but if you don't want to give it , that's another matter!"

Li Hui was overjoyed, wishing you could call the police as soon as possible. When the police came, I would say that you broke into my office and threatened me with violence. Let's see who the police arrest!

Therefore, Li Hui did not stop Luo Lei, but watched him cheerfully call the police.

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