urban evil

Chapter 738

In the side room of the ancient tomb, Yang Bing's face was rosy, making it hard to imagine that she had been in a coma for nearly ten months.

If there was a doctor present, she would definitely be classified as a vegetable without hesitation.Because on the surface, she is really no different from those unconscious vegetative people, except for the vital signs.

Luo Lei put his hand on Yang Bing's wrist to check the operation of the true energy in her body.

The flow of True Qi is very normal, and the speed is slightly faster than when he came over last time, and the meridians are unobstructed, and there are signs of being widened.

Then check her inner alchemy, the original small cracks have basically disappeared, only a few relatively serious ones are left, but compared with before, it has also improved significantly.

"Nana, tell me quickly! What's going on, how did you feel the energy fluctuation?" Luo Lei asked.

Nivena tilted her head and said, "I don't know too well! It's like the phenomenon of gathering a lot of energy before you use the spell, master. It takes a short time, but it can be clearly sensed."

Luo Lei turned to ask the old guy what was going on. After a detailed investigation, the old guy said, "Yang Bing's meridians and dantian are recovering, and all the organs have basically recovered. A normal person should There is a certain level. I conclude that this is a phenomenon when the cracks in the dantian heal, and when the next time there is a wave that can cause fluctuations, let's go again and see if there is one crack missing, and we will know the result!"

"The analysis makes sense!" Luo Lei said, "According to what Nivena said, the last time it happened was more than a month ago. Based on this time calculation, Sister Bing should be able to wake up on her own within half a year!"

"Well, it's very possible!" The old guy agreed with his deduction.

Luo Lei tried to transport some of the true energy in his body into Yang Bing's body, but because she had regained some consciousness, she was very exclusive towards these true energy.

"Failed!" Luo Lei opened his eyes and said, "I can't even take the true energy, let alone help Sister Bing repair the cracks in the golden core!"

The old guy said: "Actually, there is another way!"

"What way?" Luo Lei asked hastily.

"Pillion!" The old guy said in detail: "This kind of elixir is called Awakening Pill. Even if the dantian is blown up by someone, as long as it is taken within an hour, the dantian will return to its original state. For those who have damaged dantian, It can also restore it to its pre-damage level!"

"Where can I find such a pill?" Luo Lei asked.

The old guy sighed, and said: "Awakening is the same as the Nitian Pill, it is a very heaven-defying existence! In other words, it is something that can be encountered but not sought after, just like the Nitian Pill. It exists in the legend, but you swallowed one in the end! Since the Heaven-Defying Pill exists, the Awakening Pill should also exist!"

Luo Lei clenched his fists and said, "When I see Sun Chunpin, I'll ask him. He should know about Awakening Pill!"

"Master, what are you thinking?" Nivena asked softly.

Luo Lei smiled and said, "It's nothing, I'm thinking about how to help Sister Bing wake up earlier! Nana, I will have to work hard on you in the future. When you have the strength of a prince, if you want to go out, you can go out!"

"No, Nana will wait until Sister Bing wakes up before going out!" Nivena said obediently.

Luo Lei stretched out his arms and held the beautiful blood in his arms, and said softly: "Nana, you have worked hard, and I will compensate you in the future!"

"Nana don't want to make up for it, as long as I can stay by Master's side forever!" Nivena's eyes sparkled, and she said, "Can Master promise Nana that no matter what happens, Nana will not be forced to leave, okay?" ?”

"How could I drive you away, little fool!" Luo Lei lowered his head and kissed Nivena's forehead.

Nivena snorted, and immediately felt her body go weak, her two snow-white jade arms hugged Luo Lei's waist tightly, as if she was afraid that he would disappear as soon as she let go.


The Headquarters of the Cultivation and Supervision Department seemed more deserted than usual. The few clerks all went to the venue where the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference was held, and began to arrange the venue.

Sun Chunpin stepped out of his own palace, holding a blue jade bottle in his hand, playing with it as he walked.

"Luo Lei, Luo Lei, you can't let me down!" Sun Chunpin said to himself: "This Awakening Pill can be regarded as the treasure of our Zhenzhen Supervision Department. Brother will not give it to you!"

A figure flashed at the entrance, and Qinglong appeared in front of Sun Chunpin with a hippie smile, and said with a smile: "My lord, Dou Xiesheng is here to report to you! How about it, I should be filial, and be the first to come back to help!" "

Sun Chunpin reached out and patted Qinglong's shoulder, and said, "You should be filial, boy! If I hadn't covered you, you would have been killed by those sanctimonious guys! By the way, you didn't come out of your defense zone." What's the matter?"

"Fortunately, because of the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, there was a conflict between two sects, and I have already suppressed it!" Dou Xiesheng said with a smile.

Sun Chunpin nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Call Xia Qi and the others, and let them come over as soon as possible! Or you can go directly to the conference site. This Ten Thousand Immortals Conference is different from the past. We have to spend our time recruiting a group of people from inside." What a material to make!"

Dou Xiesheng nodded, took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll call now!"


Luo Lei, who was flying with his sword in the sky, also received a call from Qinglong. He said he would go right away, but he was not in a hurry.

When he arrived at Huada, Xia Qi had already left. Shen Zhirong said that she had asked the counselor for a half-month vacation because of something at home.

And when Xia Qi left, she asked Shen Zhirong to send a message to Luo Lei: Tell him not to be foolish, and take up his due responsibilities.

Shen Zhirong couldn't figure it out, what does this mean?Could it be that Luo Lei made Xia Qi's belly bigger, and her purpose of asking for leave is actually to go to the hospital to have an abortion?

Otherwise, what does it mean to take responsibility?

Facing the questioning from his deskmate, Luo Lei smiled wryly, and said, "Dude, you really know how to guess wildly! I messed with Xia Qi's belly? Come on, brother, is that kind of person?"

"I think you are!" Shen Zhirong said confidently.

your sister!

"By the way, how is your girlfriend now?" Luo Lei began to change the subject.

"Don't talk about him yet, let's continue talking about you and Xia Qi!" Shen Zhirong didn't listen to him at all.

Luo Lei clasped his fists at him and said, "Brother, I'm convinced, you're so stubborn! I'll go and take the responsibilities that I have to bear now, alright!"

After speaking, he lifted his legs and left.

"Wait, why are you going?" Shen Zhirong asked.

"I'm stupid! Yaya, you said that Xia Qi went to have an abortion, and I can't be by my side! I can't pay the bill, I can't..."

"Hehe, that's right!" Shen Zhirong said with a smile: "Men, it is inevitable that you will make mistakes. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. First, you have to be brave enough to admit it... I said don't worry, I haven't finished my sentence yet... Hey, hey , really go..."

Luo Lei walked out of the teaching building, called the girls and asked them to take care of themselves.

Yu Jian flew, all the way to the east.

After flying for more than an hour, there was a scene of overlapping mountains and mountains. Other than that, there were a few cultivators who were not flying fast.

This is the first time that Luo Lei met a "peer" during the flight. It's like drifting alone in the sea for several months, and when you suddenly see another boat, can you not be excited?

With a thought, he lowered his altitude and speed, and followed.

There were a total of six people in this group, five men and one woman. The five men's feet were steady with flying swords, and it could be seen at a glance that they were not exerting their full strength.

Look at the only girl again, wearing a lavender gauze gown, her clothes and headgear are all in ancient costumes, but her feet are wearing white boots with high heels!

Her flying sword swung from time to time to the left, and sometimes to the right, and she almost fell headfirst just now.

Definitely a newbie!

Luo Lei already possessed the ability to control the flying sword very early, but he didn't start to use it officially until he took care of the black bears. At that time, his level was already very high, so he mastered the essentials of flying very easily.

This is like a man and a child learning to ride a bicycle at the same time, adults must learn quickly.

"Junior Sister, I told you a long time ago that you will take the train to participate in the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, and the plane is also fine!" A big brother with a sad face said, "It's all right now, if you can't fly fast, how many of us will fly?" None of them can fly fast, Master and the old man will wait anxiously!"

"Brother, am I flying very slowly?" The junior sister said angrily, "I think my speed is much faster than the train! We set off yesterday, and now we have flown more than 2000 kilometers, and there will be more than 1000 more." It’s only a few kilometers away!”

"Ahem, if we can't even compare to the train, we cultivators will have to be laughed out of our teeth!" The second senior brother said, "If you didn't hold back, we would have seen Master long ago!"

The little junior sister pouted and said, "You bully me! When I see Master, I'll make you feel better!"

"Junior Sister, that's not the case!" The senior brother quickly changed into a smile, and said, "We are doing this for your own good! Look at you, your level is not up to the requirements to control the flying sword. Take a shortcut for the next Flying Pill. This is called haste and waste, as cultivators, being down-to-earth is the most important thing!"

The little junior sister raised her eyebrows and snorted, "Anyway, I don't care! I've been flying for more than 20 hours, I can't go down and take the train again! You can figure it out, as long as you don't worry, I will fly alone. Master!"

Luo Lei listened to it for a while, and felt it was funny in his stomach. The younger junior sisters of the brothers in front are too tough, they dare to step on the flying sword to the sky before they reach the level!

By the way, what is Flying Dan?

No, I have to figure it out. If possible, I have to get a batch back so that all the girls in the family have the ability to fly!

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