urban evil

Chapter 810

Next, he cured three people whose meridians were damaged, and about [-]% of their true strength was left. This morning's treatment ended here, and the second treatment was arranged before dinner.

"Little friend, your golden needle technique is really enviable!" Qing Yun said sincerely.

"Hehe, it's just a trivial skill!" Luo Lei was really humble for a while, and said with a smile: "This is a skill that I have mastered through hard practice. To be honest, I have suffered a lot!"


Island country, Yasukuni Shrine.

There are a group of people with special identities living here. They are monks to the outside world, and they take care of the spiritual tablets enshrined here. They are actually practitioners with special abilities.

In the eyes of Chinese cultivators, these practitioners are basically a combination of Taoism and Buddhism, and the combination is very unsuccessful.

It's like a cultivator who has just learned some superficial skills, feels that he is already a peerless master, and immediately transfers to the Buddhist school to learn the Buddhist practice methods, and turns out to be four different!

Therefore, the world of comprehension has never recognized that the monks in the island country have any connection with the ancient practice of comprehension.

The monks of the god toilet in the island country are complacent and think that what they have learned is the authentic method.

However, after hundreds of years of development, these monks in the sacred toilet have achieved certain achievements, and the most powerful people can reach the strength of cultivators in the transcending tribulation period.

Of course, they had no chance to ascend, and brazenly changed their ascension to have a lifespan that surpassed that of ordinary people. Such people are gods in their eyes.

The monk who was killed by Luo Lei on the island was discovered by the person who came to replace him. The formation had been destroyed, so he could only take the stone with the writing on it and return to the island country.

Now, this stone is placed in front of the monks.

The head of the toilet is the highest among this group of people. His name is Hachiro Inuyang. He now has the strength in the middle of the Mahayana period. He is over 160 years old. He was also a loyal supporter of militarism back then. Go to the god toilet to take up a position.

"What's going on here?" Inuyang Hachiro asked in a deep voice.

"According to our inference, the missing person should have died at the hands of a Chinese cultivator!" A monk knelt in front of Inuyang Hachiro, and said, "There are traces of fighting on the island, and the formation we set up is also the result of a cultivator." Destroyed with spells!"

Inuyang Hachiro said angrily: "Huaxia people bully people too much! Our purpose is just to prevent their people from landing on the island. They actually killed our people and destroyed our formation!"

"My lord, what should we do?" asked another monk.

"Go and find out who did this, and then avenge the missing person!" Inuyang Hachiro said: "Have you found out which organization did it?"

"It must be the Cultivation Supervision Department of Huaxia Kingdom. Ordinary sect members don't care about these things!" said the monk who went to the island to investigate.

"Okay, I will focus on the people in the inspection department, and I will make them pay for their actions!" Inuyang Hachiro said with a sullen mouth.



Before dinner, Luo Lei cured three more people. He deliberately slowed down the pace so that the gang in Penglai Xiange would not think that it was easy for him to make money. Moreover, when he cured the third person, although he still had more than [-]% Despite his true strength, he pretended to be very tired.

Master Qingyun asked Dieyu to accompany Luo Lei back to Cuiyun Island, and a sumptuous dinner would be delivered soon.

Hong Fei, who hid in the room for a day and was wounded, heard that Luo Lei cured seven people in one day, and suddenly felt that it was so difficult to kill him, and he must not do it in the sect, in case the elders I know, but it will be beyond redemption!

"What should I do?" Hongfei began to feel troubled.

In the next two days, Luo Lei cured more than a dozen patients one after another, and there were less than ten people left. Master Qingyun suggested that he should rest for a day to recharge his energy and then continue to treat other patients.

Luo Lei readily accepted, and repeated the same work every day for three consecutive days, which made him feel tireless.

The tone said it was a rest, rather a change of mood. Accompanied by Dieyu, Luo Lei began to visit the Penglai Fairy Pavilion.

Penglai Xiange occupies dozens of islands in the same sea area. These islands are called uninhabited islands to the outside world. There are never ships or planes passing by here, which ensures the peaceful daily life of Xiange.

The style of each island is different. There are twelve sub-doors under the Immortal Pavilion, and each sub-door has one or several islands.

Based on the average number, there are only a few dozen people living on an island. Most of these people adopt the method of cleansing, so there is a quiet atmosphere of a paradise everywhere.

"Die'er, let's go out to sea with a yacht!" Luo Lei suggested.

"Okay!" Die Yu nodded in agreement, her pretty face turned a blush. More than half a month ago, she was on the yacht, and she fell completely.

"Hehe, brother is a nostalgic person!" Of course, Luo Lei guessed what Bingshan beautiful woman was thinking, and said with a smirk: "Then take this opportunity, let's reminisce about it. Little bits and pieces of friends, hehe!"

Soon, the luxury yacht appeared on the surface of the sea, and the two landed on the deck together. Luo Lei controlled the joystick with real strength, and when the whistle sounded, the ship began to increase its power and headed towards the deep sea.

On the island, Hong Fei held a telescope in one hand and looked at the yacht going out to sea, while he patted the rock heavily with the other hand.


Zhongnan Mountain, ancient tomb.

Yang Bing, who was dressed in a pink palace attire, opened her eyes, and her eyes flashed. She just finished her weekly routine with a smile on her face, and glanced at the laptop next to her. , Chatting and posting on Weibo are not difficult, Du Niang is really useful!"


Yiyin's fluttering voice sounded, and Nivena, who had just rolled over from the stone wall, stood at the door and said with a smile, "Sister Bing, which station shall we go to for sabotage today?"

Since the two girls don't have much contact with modern things, in order to help them adapt to the outside world as soon as possible, Luo Lei specially asked Alisa, a computer expert, to be their first teacher and teach them to surf the Internet.

But Luo Lei forgot one most important thing, that is, besides being a computer expert, Alisa is also a hacker!

After receiving the task, Alisa thought that since she was teaching Yang Bing and Nivena to use the Internet skillfully, hackers must also be learned, and she accidentally took hacking as the main content and taught the second daughter .

As a result, Yang Bing and Nivena even thought that surfing the Internet was just playing hackers.

Both of them are so smart, they quickly mastered a variety of hacking methods. On the first try, they successfully broke through a certain military computer host in Southeast Asia, and deleted all the files and information inside.

That small country was almost paralyzed because of this, and the computer network has not yet been restored.

Yang Bing thought for a few seconds, and said: "Then hack the large servers in Europe, and find out if there are any websites related to your blood clan!"

"Great idea!" Nivena said happily: "The blood clan's business spreads all over Europe, I believe they must have their own web server, let's look for it and see if we can find the recent information of Holy Emperor Gein!"

Since the day Nivena was resurrected, she was doomed to have a life-and-death fight with Holy Emperor Gein. Of the two of them, only one can survive in the end!

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot contain two tigers, unless there is one male and one female.

It's a pity that the legendary cock has already let Luo Lei get there first.

"By the way, I'm looking for a training method for you to resurrect the blood race!" Yang Bing said with a smile: "When the level of strength can easily defeat the prince-level blood race, let's go out and help Xiaolei!"

"Yes!" Nivena had long wanted to return to Luo Lei's side.

When the two of them were busy cultivating, they inspected the headquarters of the department, and one of them was very busy.

That is Director Sun Chunpin. After Luo Lei's girlfriends came here, he became their teacher, attendant, and handyman!

Since Luo Lei was self-taught, he didn't know a lot of so-called basic knowledge, so how could he teach these girls around him, Sun Chunpin had to start from the most basic.

The most difficult thing is that these girls have been in contact with cultivation for a while, and have formed their own views on cultivation. It is really not an easy task to get them to agree with Sun Chunpin's views.

However, generally speaking, the girls have benefited a lot. Having the boss of the inspection department as a teacher is something that many people dream of.

If it was a group of men, Sun Chunpin would have driven them away long ago.


On the fifth day, all the patients were cured. Luo Lei breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and said to Master Qingyun, "It's finally done, I'm exhausted! It's so hard to earn money these days." !"

Daoist Qingyun said in his heart that five days of hard work, [-] million yuan is in his hands, and he said that money is hard to earn. I don't think the richest man in the world can earn so much in a day, right?

"Little friend Luo Lei will definitely be troubled by many things in the future!" Master Qingyun said with a smile.

"Hehe, Senior Qingyun, if there is anything going on in the future, just say hello!" Luo Lei said this, thinking that you greeted you in his heart, and I would ignore you when the time comes, that would be two words.

"Fresh!" Qingyun said happily, and then brought up the old matter again: "Little friend, have you thought about it? I mean being my guest of Penglai Xiange!"

Luo Lei changed the subject and said: "Instead of being a guest, it's better to be the son-in-law of the Penglai Fairy Pavilion, hehe! As the saying goes, a son-in-law is half the length, Senior Qingyun, when I come to propose marriage, you may absolutely not refuse!"

Master Qingyun didn't realize that he had been fooled. In his opinion, the son-in-law must be more powerful than Ke Qing!In terms of seniority, you are my grandson-in-law, so if I ask you to do me a favor, you won't be able to open your mouth again!

Dear, I must come to mention it, but the exact time is unknown.

Seeing that he had been fooled, Luo Lei immediately said: "I want to take Dieyu to the inspection department to see the chief, and then have a play by the way. Is it convenient?"

His plan is to bring Dieyu back to the Inspection Department or Huadu City, anyway, he can't stay in Penglai Xiange any longer, so as to avoid troublesome things like Su Meng's little girl.

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