urban evil

Chapter 822 Surprise

In the northern part of Mexico, at the border with country m, besides liches, there is also a special ethnic group - werewolves.

Werewolves mostly live in Europe. Back then, a werewolf family came to the American continent with the colonists and became the ancestors of the American werewolves. Later, they intermarried with the local natives and formed a group that was clearly different from the European werewolves—the wolf knights.

These wolf knights have the dual blood of werewolves and liches at the same time. Their bodies are stronger and have a certain self-healing ability. As long as the wounds are not fatal, the wounds can heal quickly.

But later, the wolf knight had a disagreement with the Lich family. They watched them being massacred by the colonists but refused to help. The Lich, in a rage, announced that they would sever ties with the werewolves.

Therefore, their living places are very close, but they never communicate with each other.

In order to achieve a foolproof effect, Willis specially sent someone to ask the wolf knight for help, and offered a very generous price.

Wolf King Hopkins was very interested at first, and was about to nod his head in agreement, but when he heard that the organization of supernatural beings had cooperated with the Lich, he flatly refused.

This disappointed Willis, and Congress had already issued an order to reduce the expenses of the superhuman headquarters, which made him even more furious.

"The owner of the White House is simply a stupid pig, and he even committed an official revenge!" Willis scolded the President in front of several of his subordinates: "If it wasn't for my support, how could he have a chance of being re-elected! Since you are so shameless, okay, I will kick you out of the stage ahead of time!"

"Chairman calm down, there is an old saying in Huaxia, that is to take a step back, after all, the president will step down next year!" A subordinate said with a smile: "There is no need to argue with him about this matter, we just need to support another person !"

Willis shook his head and said, "Ninja, that's not my character! You inform the team members in various military conflict zones to prepare for action!"

Although most of the personnel have been transferred back to the protection headquarters, there are still no less than forty team members distributed in sensitive overseas areas. These people have rich combat experience, and most of them have the ability to fight independently. They are a force that cannot be underestimated.

As for what order Willis will issue, everyone is not very sure, but the only thing that is certain is the purpose of the action - targeting the president.


When Luo Lei came to the capital, he said to the public that he was reporting his duties, but he never stepped into the secret service building. Instead, the director personally came to his home to look for him. Who is reporting his duties to whom?

These are not important anymore, after a few days of lingering with Murong Hanwei and Fang Yin, he returned to Huadu City, accompanied by two good friends, Tan Xianwei and Chen Mogu.

Because these two goods followed, he had to choose to fly.

The stewardesses on this plane were of mediocre quality and did not arouse his interest at all. On the contrary, Tan Xianwei and Chen Mogu tried their best to get a phone number of a stewardess.

"Brother Lei, the Zhongnanshan project is almost done!" Chen Mogu cheerfully stuffed the mobile phone with the stewardess number into his pocket, and said, "All kinds of relationships and links have been opened up, just wait for the official announcement. Approval down."

"Yes!" Tan Xianwei continued: "At that time, Lao Chen and I will be able to drive away those nasty Taoist priests with the government's approval."

Those hateful Taoist priests refer to the Quanzhen sect.

"Such a big project, we won't lose money, right?" Although Luo Lei has a business mind, he never pays attention to it. If Zhongnanshan is developed and the money is lost in the end, wouldn't it be a loss?

Tan Xianwei said with a smile: "Don't worry, you can't lose money! After the project is completed, first of all, the contributions of government officials from all over the country will almost be able to pay back! With the help of our network, let them come to travel, who dares to say half No words! Anyway, it’s not their own money to spend, and there are so many travel expenses every year, why not do it!”

"While the project is under construction, we will also carry out all-round cooperation with travel agencies all over the country!" Chen Mogu went on to say: "The big deal is to give them some benefits at that time, and tourists will definitely come in batches. Making money is not a problem!"

Luo Lei was relieved, it was really wise to leave this matter to the two of them in the first place!

Quanzhen faction, you just wait to be homeless!

After arriving in Huadu City, Tan Xianwei and Chen Mogu stopped for a short time, and then drove to the place where Zhongnan Mountain was located.

After Luo Lei ate a meal with Chen Yuyao and Shen Anna, he hurriedly left here. When passing by the sea, he took care of the Yamato no Orochi with few heads left.

The little worm was very sensible this time, it knew that it was not Luo Lei's opponent, so it was better to obey him than to resist meaninglessly.

In this way, Luo Lei felt a little embarrassed. He chopped off people's heads again and again, and they even stretched out their heads for you to chop off. Since you are so polite, I appreciate your kindness!

When he was happy, he chopped off all the remaining heads of the little worm, obtained several ancient artifacts, and left the corpses for the old guy to enjoy.

In order to achieve suddenness, Luo Lei deliberately made a detour, and he should have landed on the west coast, but he appeared on the east coast.

It is no secret that the staff of the Secret Service have been collecting information on the organization of supernatural beings during this period, including their cooperation with the Lich.

The reason why it was detected so easily was because the liches refused to live in the base, but scattered in the woods outside. These people were used to being lazy and didn't know what organization and discipline were. At night, several bonfires were lit in the woods, and they sang and danced while eating and drinking.

Regarding Luo Lei's arrival, Willis has not received any news. Of course, he has made careful arrangements from the beginning, so there is nothing to worry about.

In contrast, the defense of the headquarters of the supernatural beings is much stronger at night than during the day. Luo Lei had thought of this earlier. Raiding at night is the first choice of most people, so he wanted to do the opposite.

It was just dawn, and the person in charge of the night shift yawned and changed the guard with the person in charge of the day shift.

Those in charge of the day shift felt that the enemy would definitely not choose to attack during the day. Under the influence of this kind of thinking, their actions were slack, and loopholes began to appear in the defense link.

Luo Lei came in with ease and placed bombs in key parts. It didn't take long for more than 100 bombs to be used up.

He hid in a relatively safe place, and said to himself: "Why don't the people of country M have money? A small supernatural base has actually built so many houses, and most of them are underground!"

According to the old guy's investigation results, the base's underground area exceeds [-] square meters.

In addition to the infrastructure for living and training, there are also many rooms with a high level of confidentiality, some are used to store information, some are used to develop weapons suitable for supernatural beings, and so on.

The area where Luo Lei placed the bomb is at best the tip of the iceberg. The building structure here is mainly reinforced concrete, and many are pure metal structures. When his bombs can explode, they can blow up more than [-] square meters. One-twentieth is already pretty good.

He placed several heavy bombs in more important locations such as ventilation pipes and power distribution rooms, then slipped outside, hid in the clouds, and pressed the remote control at the same time.

Boom boom boom...

A series of explosions sounded, and the cement fragments flew everywhere. There were more than a dozen open fires formed by the explosions. Because the fire pipes were blown out, all the sprinklers failed.

The buildings on the ground collapsed one after another, the people were in a mess, and the alarm was loud.

Willis' office was not affected in any way, and he said in a deep voice, "It's finally here!"

Pressing the hands-free button of the communicator, he ordered: "All units assemble according to the previous deployment, and the signal team fires three green signal flares towards the south, immediately!"

As soon as his order was issued, three green flares went up, and the Witch King Montezuma could see clearly the woods more than ten kilometers away.

Several wizards stood in front of him excitedly, and it could be seen that they were ready to help.

"What's the rush?" Montezuma snorted, "Stay here honestly, no one is allowed to go without my order!"

"But Lord Witch King, the other party has sent a signal!" said a wizard.

Montezuma smiled sinisterly, and said: "So what, let the people of country M resist for a while, and when they are both defeated, we will come forward again, so that we can complete the task and minimize the casualties. Isn't it just asking for trouble in the past?" Do you want to eat?"

Several wizards suddenly realized that there is really no need to work too hard for the people of country m to give so little money.

Luo Lei, who was hiding in the cloud, didn't see the Lich appearing, and smiled and said to himself: "Sure enough, the feelings you bought are worthless. It is impossible for the Lich to have the same heart and mind as the people of country M, so I will try my best to deal with the supernatural power first." By!"

After he flew out of the clouds where he was hiding, he was immediately discovered by the air defense team below. For a while, various laser missile irradiators hit him to guide the missiles that had already taken off.

This method is too old-fashioned!

The accuracy of laser guidance to fixed targets is fine, but Luo Lei is a big living person, so how could he stop at a certain place and wait for the missile to fly over!

He sped up a little, then turned a corner, all the irradiators lost their targets, and the missiles that lifted off became headless flies, spinning and flying to other places, and even exploded directly in the air.

"It's my turn!" Luo Lei had already locked the positions where the missiles were launched, and rewarded them with a few rockets.

All the air defense deployments on the periphery were muted, but Willis was still sitting in the office as firmly as Mount Tai, with a mysterious smile on his face, and said to himself: "Luo Lei, if you think my headquarters of supernatural beings is just so defensive If you don’t, you’re making a big mistake!”

In the building below, there are all kinds of traps, just waiting for him to get in.

ps: 16000 votes of VIPs exploded, Qingshan Lishui is very powerful!

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