urban evil

Chapter 833

Of course Xiao Yu would not give Wang Sen face, and said seriously: "I'm sorry, please leave me alone, otherwise, I will call the security guard!"

Wang Sen's face became ugly. Although the previous two strike-ups also ended in failure, it was mainly because of his lack of confidence.With the idea that nothing matters, and the idea that if you want to be successful, don't look for too beautiful ideas to cause trouble, he feels that it is right to change it successfully this time.

But in the end he was ruthlessly rejected, and it was the first time he summoned up the courage to stalk him.

Hearing the word security, his eyes were full of anger. No matter how bad my brother is, he is still a second-generation official. What's wrong with going to a nightclub for the first time? Do you have to be rejected the first time?

He was upset, but he didn't dare to use force. Before coming here, his companion reminded him that the owner of this bar has a deep background, so don't cause trouble, otherwise it will only be a cheating result.

So although his anger was high in his heart, he still endured it and returned to his original position.

The two companions saw him coming back disheartened, and said with a smile: "Why did you lose the battle again? It's normal. It's not easy to strike up a conversation with a girl. The reality is far from what you see in the movies. You should learn more." Son!"

Wang Sen said angrily: "It's just a girl with glasses, and she actually put on a show in front of my young master. I'm going to waste her time today!"

"Brother, don't be impulsive!" The companion hurriedly persuaded.

"Don't worry, I won't cause trouble here!" Wang Sen asked the waiter to bring another bottle of whiskey, filled three glasses, and said, "Let's wait, when the glasses girl leaves, follow! You two can I have to help, get her back, brother must get her into bed today!"

The two guys were laughing and laughing together, anywhere as long as it wasn't in a bar.

On Luo Lei's side, the four of them quickly dried up the eight bottles that came up for the second time. Li Weixiong and Zhou Jinsheng couldn't stand it anymore, and Lin Yang also had a big tongue when he spoke. Luo Lei asked the waiter to help them to the back rest.

He glanced at the glasses girl who was writing something on the paper with her head down, and left the bar.

Just got into the car and was about to start the car when Luo Lei's cell phone rang. It was Zheng Nan who called and asked about the Crystal Skull.

Not long after, the girl with glasses looked up and found that the guests who had been drinking at that table had already left. She shook her head regretfully, stood up and prepared to leave.

With a smile on her face, a new song has just been released, and it seems that she will have to come to such a place to find inspiration in the future.

Wang Sen winked at his two companions, and the three got up together.

Wang Sen parted ways with his companions, and the two companions drove to the side. He ran a few steps and caught up with the glasses girl who was about to reach out to stop the taxi.

"Beauty, what a coincidence, we meet again, how about I treat you to supper?" Wang Sen said with a smile.

"Sorry, it's late, I'm going home!" Xiao Yu said lightly.

"Don't be so shameless, we are all young people, we should be more relaxed!" Wang Sen continued to pester Xiao Yu.

The two companions parked the car beside, and a guy sitting in the back opened the door from the inside. Wang Sen suddenly grabbed Xiao Yu's shoulder and pushed in, and the man inside also grabbed her arm and started to pull in. !

Xiao Yu was shocked, she wanted to call for help but Wang Sen covered her mouth first, she was a girl, how could she be a match for two big men, although she struggled hard, she was still dragged into the car.

Luo Lei, who was on the phone, saw it clearly. He started the car without thinking, quickly put the reverse gear on, stepped on the accelerator with one foot, and slammed the steering wheel with his right hand. The huge military vehicle turned around very nimbly.

His other hand was still holding the mobile phone. Zheng Nan on the other end of the phone heard the violent braking sound and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Lei, what are you doing?"

"Chasing the bad guys, kidnapping them in the street, how could I stand by and watch!" Luo Lei had already shifted the gear to the forward gear while speaking, and the engine roared, rushing towards the car that kidnapped the glasses girl.

"Well, you should be busy first, just find a chance to send the crystal skull over!" Zheng Nan hung up the phone tactfully.


The person in charge of driving in front saw a huge monster rushing from behind through the rearview mirror, and wondered why this guy was driving so fast.

"Hurry up and drive, why are you in a daze?" Wang Sen said, together with a companion, they grabbed Xiao Yu to prevent her from moving.

"Oh!" The driver let go of the brakes and stepped on the accelerator.


The car rushed forward suddenly, and all the people in it slammed into the front under the inertia. The driver hit the steering wheel. He subconsciously stepped on the brakes, but the car still slid forward, leaving black tires on the road. imprint.

It was Luo Lei who drove directly into it. How can an ordinary car be compared with a big killer like a Hummer military vehicle? No matter in terms of weight or horsepower, there is a big difference.

"Who the hell is so short-sighted, dare to bump into my car!" Wang Sen scolded, Xiao Yu took this opportunity to escape, but was still pressed on the chair by him.

Wang Sen said viciously: "Girl, don't resist, otherwise, I'll fuck you in the car! Go down and see what's going on!"

The driver nodded and opened the car door. Before he could get out completely, he was kicked and flew to the side of the road, and he fainted at that time.

Luo Lei pulled open the slightly deformed back door, pulled the other guy out like a chicken, and punched him in the face, which also knocked him unconscious.

Wang Sen screamed in fright, but his hands still held Xiao Yu firmly.

Xiao Yu started to shout: "Help me, they are bad people!"

"Of course I know they are bad people, otherwise, how could I drive into them!" Luo Lei grabbed Wang Sen's arm, and the guy immediately yelled like a pig.

Brothers are here, you still dare to hold on to the girl, okay, I will let you never have a chance to catch anything in your life!

click... click...

Wang Sen's forearm and two hands suffered comminuted fractures. Unless he can grow a new pair of hands, he will be a disabled person for the rest of his life.

Then, with one arm, Luo Lei picked up the glasses girl who was shaking violently, and carried her out of the car.

The two arms of the glasses girl hooked his neck involuntarily. At this moment, she felt a strong sense of security, and even fantasized that it would be great if she could be hugged by this strong arm for the rest of her life.

"Girl, you are safe!" Luo Lei said masculinely.

"Thank you!" Xiao Yu said sincerely.

"You're welcome, you dare to block my face and kidnap people, bad luck for these guys!" Luo Lei held the glasses girl with one arm, and could only use his other hand to take out his phone, ready to call the police.

Seeing him pressing the three numbers 110, Xiao Yu hurriedly said, "Can I not call the police?"

"Why?" Luo Lei pointed at Wang Sen who was still screaming in the car, and said, "This guy has committed a heinous crime. Although he has been punished, it is not enough to offset his actions. He must be punished by law!"

"But I... I don't want to see the police, please?" Xiao Yu knew that once this matter was exposed, her acting career would be greatly affected. Although she was the victim, but Once it gets out, I don't know what it will be like.

Xiao Yu's rapid fame has made many people jealous. In the dark environment of the entertainment industry, she has made many enemies for herself.At that time, these people will definitely use various methods to maliciously slander her, and people who don't know the truth will definitely be fooled.

"Well, then you leave here first, and I'll take care of the rest!" Luo Lei said with a smile, he didn't know why he was willing to help this stranger with glasses.

"Is this okay?" Xiao Yu asked, blinking her big eyes. Although she was wearing a very rustic black-rimmed glasses, she couldn't stop the agility in the glasses.

"No problem, those policemen still give me face!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't let them bother you. If they ask, I'll just ask them and leave quickly. Bar!"

After he finished speaking, he let go of his arms, and Xiao Yu realized that she had been hiding in her arms for so long, and her pretty face immediately flushed.

Luo Lei stopped a taxi for her, and said with a smile, "Let's go quickly, the police will come soon!"

"Hmm!" Xiao Yu was in a state of confusion. After getting in the car, she reported the destination, and the taxi drove away.

Luo Lei turned around, looked at the Humvee military vehicle with a damaged bumper, and said to himself: "Looks like we have to find the ashes, the Huadu Military Division should be able to find such a bumper, a military vehicle is a military vehicle, it is strong enough !"

Looking at the car that was hit again, the entire trunk was out of shape.

After a while, the siren sounded.

Luo Lei shrugged his shoulders, thinking that this time he really had to ask a lot of questions. What was the name of the girl with glasses and what did she do, I didn't even have time to ask!

But this is also good, save the lie to deceive the "respectable" uncle policeman.

Two police cars stopped one after the other, and several policemen came down from above. Luo Lei didn't bother to say anything to them, and directly showed his military ID card.

"Oh, it's Colonel Luo!" Seeing that it was the ID of the Secret Service, the policeman immediately nodded and bowed to Luo Lei and said, "The car in front must have violated the regulations. You accidentally bumped into it, right?"

Luo Lei shrugged and said, "That's really not the case! I hit it on purpose!"

"Ah?" The policeman's flattery patted the horse's leg.

"The three boys in this car kidnapped a girl, and I forced them to stop by crashing the car!" Luo Lei said flatly, "Just follow the rules, and don't let these people have a hard time!"

"No problem!" The policeman nodded quickly.

He had no doubts about Luo Lei's words.

Wang Sen in the car shouted hysterically: "He lied! He hit our car on purpose and beat us. We didn't kidnap anyone at all! You arrest him quickly, my father is the director of the Huadu Environmental Protection Bureau !"

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