urban evil

Chapter 839

Xiao Yu and Luo Lei's chorus was full of applause, and Fatty, Shen Zhirong and other people yelled endlessly below, as if others would not know their relationship with Luo Lei.

Finally, Xiao Yu sang a few more songs, and the concert ended successfully.

Under Luo Lei's operation, the few of them were allowed to go to the backstage to find Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu changed into a set of home clothes, and the heavy makeup on her pretty face has also changed to light makeup, giving people the feeling of the little girl next door.

"Xiao Yu, we all admire you!" The girl Xia Qi rushed to the front and grabbed Xiao Yu's hand.

Luo Lei couldn't help but began to wonder if this girl was a cultivator. Didn't it mean that cultivators are pure-hearted, and she is still interested in chasing stars?

"Hehe, you are all Lei Ge's friends, go to my dressing room, it's quieter there, everyone can have a good chat!" Xiao Yu suggested.

How could everyone refuse? It's really chaotic here. Apart from a group of staff members, many fans were shouting slogans outside. If it weren't for the dozens of security guards who were still doing their duty, someone would have rushed in.

The dressing room was for Xiao Yu's exclusive use, and the makeup artists left after the concert, and it happened to be a quiet reception room.

Xiao Yu answered all the questions raised by these people with a smile, and she memorized everyone's names very carefully.

"Sister Anna, I haven't had a boyfriend yet!" Xiao Yu said shyly. When she said this, she couldn't help but glance at Luo Lei.

Shen Anna smiled and said, "How beautiful and talented you are, you must be chased by many boys, right?"

"I'm usually busy with various promotional activities, or writing songs, filming MVs, etc. I don't have any spare time, so I don't have a chance to meet boys!" Xiao Yu said.

Shen Anna and Chen Yuyao looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths turned up slightly.

Everyone chatted very happily, Xiao Yu generously took photos with everyone, and carefully signed autographs for them.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Sister Sun opened the door and said, "Xiao Yu, Boss Xu from the organizer has arranged a supper, please let's go there!"

"Sister Sun, I'm a little tired, so I won't eat supper, I want to go straight back to the hotel to rest!" Xiao Yu is not good at socializing, and especially hates eating with rich people with big bellies.

"However, Boss Xu is a very generous person. We have initialed an agreement just now!" Sister Sun said: "At the end of the year, there will be another concert in Huadu City, and they have increased the appearance fee by [-]%. Give it whatever you want!"

Xiao Yu's face showed embarrassment. As an entertainer, she knew that apart from being glamorous in front of fans, she was no different from a nightclub girl who was smiling.Especially for these rich and powerful bosses, they think that you have to smile at the uncle after paying the money, and sometimes you even have to satisfy their obscene practices.

On the Internet, there are not many photos of artists being judged and even kissed by fat guys?

Luo Lei made a cheering expression towards Xiao Yu, meaning don't give in, brother supports you.

Xiao Yu immediately gained confidence. As for how this confidence came about, she herself felt puzzled, but this is not important anymore, she said seriously: "Sister Sun, I am really tired, please tell Boss Xu, please He forgives!"

Sister Sun was a little disappointed. In her opinion, as a female artist, if Xiao Yu could perform better in communication, then her worth would definitely rise to a higher level.

Artist, no one praises you, what kind of star are you?

No rich person is willing to spend money on you, do you rely on a bunch of poor people?

"Okay, I'll go talk to Boss Xu!" Sister Sun nodded, she gave Luo Lei and the others a contemptuous look, and then said, "I'll have someone arrange a car to take you back to the hotel, these friends, You should leave quickly, didn't you hear Xiao Yu say that she was tired?"

Sister Sun regarded these few as ordinary fans, and unceremoniously issued an order to evict them.

"Don't worry, we will leave soon!" Chen Yuyao said with full aura, thinking that compared with the highly respected Boss Xu in your mouth, he can only be regarded as a small fish in Huadu City, a real predator They are standing in front of you, it's a pity you don't know the goods!

Sister Sun was overwhelmed by Chen Yuyao's temperament. She wanted to say a few more words, but she involuntarily left the room.

After a while, there was an extremely dissatisfied voice outside: "Miss Sun, what's going on? Xiao Yu doesn't even give me the face of eating with me. If that's the case, I'll announce the initialed agreement It doesn’t count, you give me the money back, and I will refund it immediately!”

The initialed agreement is equivalent to an oral agreement. Strictly speaking, it has no legal effect, so as long as one party tears it up, the other party has nothing to do.

"Boss Xu, it's not that Xiaoyu didn't give you face. I told her about the end-of-year concert just now, and she was very happy to ask me to thank you!" Sister Sun quickly explained: "But she is really tired, you Think about it, I sang on stage for several hours, even when I stepped off the stage to take a break, I was very nervous about changing clothes and putting on make-up, and it was just going on and on. Please forgive me, please bear with me, please bear with me!"

"Isn't it just a meal, isn't it more tiring than performing on stage?" Boss Xu had already made arrangements a few days ago. He invited several business partners and wanted to show off in front of them with Xiao Yu. , the other purpose is to solicit sponsorship for the next concert.

If Xiao Yu didn't show up, the effect would be much worse.

"Manager Sun, let me say this one last time. If Xiao Yu doesn't give me this face, I will tear up the agreement!" Boss Xu threatened, "And I can guarantee that no one will dare to let her come to Huadu City except me." Concert, don’t even think about stepping into Huadu in your life! Isn’t it just going out with me to have a meal and drink a few glasses of wine? How about it!"

Sister Sun panicked immediately, seeing that the money she earned was about to grow wings and fly away, how could she not feel distressed.

Moreover, the person surnamed Xu has a certain reputation in the entertainment industry, and it is a small matter to tear up the agreement. If he maliciously slanders in the industry, it will definitely be a blow to Xiao Yu, who is in the rising stage of her career.

The person surnamed Xu spoke at the top of his voice on purpose so that Xiao Yu in the dressing room could hear him.

Everyone in the dressing room turned pale. They had heard before that the water in the entertainment industry was not clean, but now they finally realized it!The surname Xu kept saying that he would not do anything to Xiao Yu, but when it came to the dinner table, she couldn't let her decide.

Even if Sister Sun followed, so what, could the two women be rivals of some old men?

Xiao Yu took a deep breath. She knew that she might not be able to get away with this supper. No matter how famous she was outside, for the entertainment company she worked for, making money was the most important thing. As the company representative and her manager Sister Sun, who is a human being, will definitely not choose to offend Boss Xu.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

"Yes, don't worry, Xiao Lei is here!" Shen Anna took Xiao Yu's hand, patted it and said, "Sister Anna dare not say it in other places, but in Huadu City, no one dares to touch your hair! "

"En!" Xiao Yu nodded.

Outside, Sister Sun said to Boss Xu: "I'll go and persuade her again, Boss Xu, don't worry!"

After finishing speaking, she walked back to the dressing room, and said impatiently: "What's the matter with you guys, why don't you leave? It's your honor that Xiao Yu is willing to see you, so it's almost enough, and I've been hanging on What's going on here, hurry up and go!"

"If you want to tell Xiao Yu about having supper with her surname, then don't open your mouth!" Luo Leilang said: "Because she has already agreed to go to dinner with us, and let her surname Xu eat with you." Destroy this heart!"

Sister Sun looked at Luo Lei with even more disdain, and snorted, "Boy, what are you? You deserve to have dinner with Xiao Yu. Don't think that you are amazing just because you can sing a song with us Xiao Yu on stage! Boss Xu offered 750 million to invite Xiao Yu to come over and hold another concert, what do you have, if you can afford this price, I will refuse Boss Xu!"

Sister Sun doesn't believe that a person who looks less than 20 years old can have a worth of 750 million. Even if he has, he may not dare to use it to hold a concert.Because in addition to the star's appearance fee, there are many supporting projects that cost money. People who don't have tens of millions of spare money, who would dare to play this.

"Hehe, isn't it just 750 million?" Luo Lei turned around and said with a smile to Chen Yuyao and Shen Anna, "Is this amount of money scary? Two vice presidents, I want to ask, if we spend the money in our hands Take them all out, is that enough?"

Chen Yuyao replied: "Only the part of the Chen Group, from the beginning of the year to today's income, is enough to pay Xiao Yu 300 appearance fees! Calculated according to one show per day, Xiao Yu can sing for us for a whole year! Of course During this period, the company can make more money, and if you want, you can let Xiao Yu sing for us for the rest of your life!"

Sing forever?

Why don't you just take it home and let her sing whenever you want, wow, I like it!

Thinking of this, Luo Lei couldn't help showing a hint of YD.

But he quickly returned to normal. In front of so many people, brother's image is important.

"Xiao Yu, aren't you going to hold a national concert tour? How about Lei Ge being the investor? Lei Ge usually doesn't care much about the entertainment industry. How many concerts like this kind of national concert tour can be held? Field?" Luo Lei said with a smile.

Xiao Yu was already stunned, she didn't know if Luo Lei was telling the truth or joking.

Sister Sun was completely stunned, thinking that these few were just ordinary fans, but she didn't expect them to be so rich!

Taking a deep breath, Sister Sun realized that among the few people, the clothes they were wearing were all famous international brands. Standing with Xiao Yu, they didn't look inferior in the slightest. They were really rich people!

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