urban evil

Chapter 850 Eight Desolate Giant Elephants

Luo Lei took the elders of Shushan and flew to the place where they "ambushed" the monks in the sacred toilet.

"The most dangerous place is also the safest!" Luo Lei said to the Shushan elder who was grateful and grateful: "You find a place to hide, take care of your body, and then return to China, understand?"

"Understood!" The elders of Shushan thought that Luo Lei had received Xia Qi's order and appeared at the last moment, but they didn't know that what really saved him was the words they cursed at Hachiro Inuyang.

Of course, Luo Lei does not have the ability to rescue the three of them at the same time, just as Inuyang Hachiro does not have the ability to kill the three of them at the same time, the Elder Shushan is lucky, and the real Chunyang and Huban can only consider themselves unlucky .

As soon as Luo Lei took off with his flying sword, Shushan real person shouted from below: "Luo Lei, I will remember your kindness, and when I return to Huaxia, I will definitely tell everyone what you have done to us!"

Luo Lei was so cold that he almost fell off the flying sword!

Fuck me, brother can't afford it!

The place he is going to next is the location of the divine toilet. Didn’t it always say on TV that officials in the island country like to worship? Brother directly demolished that place, and see how you still worship!

In the Yasukuni Shrine, Inuyang Hachiro passed through a tunnel and entered the moss-covered basement. There was nothing in the huge space except an altar.

The altar was carved from dark gray stone, with very rough lines, like a crouching beast.

Inuyang Hachiro walked to the front of the altar, knelt down in a proper manner, and bowed three times and kowtowed nine times.

Because he was missing an arm, his movements were not standard, and then he took out the black key with his good hand, and slowly poked it into an inconspicuous small hole under the altar.

After three turns to the right and one turn to the left, the key is sucked into the small hole with a "whoosh".

Inuyang Hachiro hurriedly knelt down again with his butt pouted, muttering: "Master Shenxiang, please help me solve the trouble, please!"

There were cracks in the stone carvings on the altar, and the small cracks gradually turned into big cracks, and then stones fell to the ground one by one.

Inuyang Hachiro let the stone fall on him, still kneeling very respectfully, motionless.


The altar crashed down, and a black elephant appeared in the rubble. Its body, which was no longer than three meters, suddenly tripled in size.

The elephant is wearing copper armor, two huge ivory over three meters long are shining with a faint blue light, and four pillar-like thick legs support the huge body.

"Why do you wake me up when I am sleeping? You humble human, answer me!" the elephant asked, with strong dissatisfaction in his tone.

Only then did Inuyang Hachiro dare to raise his head, and said cautiously: "The god toilet encountered a powerful enemy, and our side suffered heavy losses, so I came to ask Lord Shenxiang for help!"

"A powerful enemy? What is the identity of the other party?" Elephant asked.

"A cultivator from the East!" Inuyang Hachiro replied: "On the surface, he is at the level of the fusion stage, but his real strength is far beyond the fusion stage. He can easily draw with me! He still uses a powerful weapon , Our people are hard to defend against!"

"Cultivator!" The elephant roared, and its body shrank rapidly, turning into a fat man who looked like a sumo wrestler from an island country.

Inuyang Hachiro kowtowed and said, "That's right, you are a cultivator! Lord Idol has reached the stage of transformation, and I sincerely congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!"

This elephant is called the Giant Elephant of the Eight Desolations, and it is a beast in the prehistoric era. By chance, the demon cultivator, in the era when humans and monsters were not compatible, was besieged and suppressed by the cultivators together with other demons and ghosts, and was almost killed!

Seriously injured, it fled to the island country, eating dozens of people every day to recuperate.Instead of revolting, the ancestors of the island nation enshrined it as a god.

Later, the Eight Desolation Giant Elephant's injury improved. Seeing how docile these villagers are, it became their patron saint grandly.

However, this big stupid elephant is indeed stupid enough. It has been hiding here for thousands of years and has just mastered the ability to change form. You must know that those fox demons back then took at most 80 years to transform into a human form. Woolen cloth.

"Hmph, shape-changing is a piece of cake for me!" The Giant Elephant snorted, "You people are all worthless, and you have no way to deal with it by a cultivator, and you have to ask me to come forward to solve it! "

"Yes, yes, we are incompetent!" Inuyang Hachiro said quickly, he didn't think so in his heart, and he had plenty of tricks to deal with Luo Lei.

Moreover, he has a lot of people in his hand, so the reason why he invited the Giant Elephant of the Eight Desolation was just to save himself some energy, and in addition to reduce the casualties of the monks in the sacred toilet.

In the island country, the monks in the god toilet are aloof. Even if the prime minister comes, he has to bow his head respectfully. The reason why they can have such a status is because of their extraordinary strength and large number.

If the downsizing is too serious, it will have a serious impact on the future development of the monks in the sacred toilet. Maybe they will become extinct in a few decades.

Hachiro Giant Elephant glanced at Hachiro Inuyang with contempt, and snorted, "Okay then, I'll help you solve this problem! However, I haven't been out of here for hundreds of years, and it doesn't matter what the outside world looks like." I don’t know, you have to let me understand the system first, and then do it!”

"No problem! I think the most important thing is to have a name first. My name is Inuyang Hachiro. How about you call Inuyang Taro? That's my father's name!" Inuyang Hachiro flattered.

"You are paralyzed, dog breeder!" The giant elephant slapped him down on the ground, cursing, "It's fine that you are raised by a tmd dog, and let me also be named dog breeder with you, you think I'm a second !"

Inuyang Hachiro felt as if all the bones in his body had been snapped, so he quickly said, "It's my fault, please don't be angry, Lord Shenxiang, please don't be angry!"

The Eight Desolation Giant Elephant raised its foot and was about to trample it to death, when it suddenly felt the breath of a cultivator.

"There is a cultivator flying towards this direction at high speed. If it is good, it should be the person you mentioned!" The giant elephant put down its feet and snorted: "You are lucky today, and I will spare your life for now, and I will do it later." If you dare to mention the word "dog raising" to me, I will break your neck!"

After speaking, it smashed through the stone walls and soil layers of the basement and flew out.

Inuyang Hachiro put his hands on the ground, sat up with a painful expression, and said to himself: "What's wrong with the surname Inuyang? Inuyang is a common surname in the island country. It sounds better than Iguchi and my grandson's surnames!"

As soon as Luo Lei arrived at the outskirts of the city, he saw a black mass hitting him.

"What?" He used the stone bomb technique without thinking, and six round stones the size of basketballs flew away like black objects.

"Puff puff……"

After the stone bullet hit the black object, it made a strange sound. What was even more strange was that after the black object was attacked, it was unscathed and its speed did not change in any way.

"What the hell, don't you have the face to face people?" Luo Lei scolded while getting ready to fight.

Needless to say, it must be that the visitor was not kind.The black object stopped thirty meters away from him, and the black mist kept gushing out, strange and mysterious.

"Hahahaha..." A nasty laugh came out, followed by a very embarrassing tone: "I haven't seen a cultivator for thousands of years, and you are still the same arrogant and arrogant!"

"What the hell are you tmd?" Luo Lei still couldn't see what the person in the black object looked like.

The Eight Desolation Giant Elephant laughed a few more times, and returned to the appearance of a sumo wrestler before, with a full body and strange big pants.

"Damn it! It's crazy that a dead fat pig can fly into the sky!" Luo Lei yelled exaggeratedly, while secretly launching a sneak attack.

The flying sword pointed directly at the left chest of the dead fat pig, and with the two-meter-long sword glow, Luo Lei was confident that he could stab the fat man who stood in the way until his heart was chilled.

However, Feijian could no longer move forward when he was three meters away from the dead fat pig's body. Although the sword light was long, it couldn't touch his fat body.

The Nine Nether Giant Elephant roared angrily: "Looking for death!"

He stretched out his right arm, which was thicker than Luo Lei's thigh, and with a light slap of his thick palm, the Bafoot Qiong Qujian flew to one side!

Luo Lei found that he couldn't control the flying sword at this moment, and could only watch it fall to the ground.

Of course, he soon established contact with Feijian again, but what the dead fat pig did surprised him. Who is this grandson? He is several times more powerful than Inuyang Hachiro!

"Since you came to the door yourself, let's start with you, I want revenge!" When the giant elephant fled to the island country, it made up its mind to seek revenge from the Eastern cultivator.

The stable life for thousands of years has smoothed this idea, but today it has aroused its determination to take revenge.

"What the hell are you?" Luo Lei asked.

The Giant Elephant of the Wilderness originally wanted to deal with Luo Lei in its current form, but on second thought, since he was about to be killed, why not let him see the real body of the deity!

"Look out!" The giant elephant's body gradually grew bigger as the voice fell, and a long elephant nose grew on its face.

I rub, jj long face dick!

In just over a second, the Nine Nether Giant Elephant returned to its original appearance, with a body length of more than eight meters and a height of more than five meters.

"I'm stupid, brother don't play with guys with jj's long face, let's go first!" Luo Lei put oil on the soles of his feet, and then flew towards the east at a speed of 1000 to [-] kilometers per hour with the flying sword.

The Giant Elephant couldn't help but startled, it thought that showing its original appearance would definitely stun the kid opposite, it didn't expect that kid to run so fast.

Who is Luo Lei, who only takes advantage but not loses money!

When he doesn't know the details of the enemy, he will never attack easily.

Coupled with the defeat just now, he clearly knew that he was no match, so why not run away quickly!

At least go back and find out the details of this elephant, and find a helper or two if possible.

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