urban evil

Chapter 872

Dou Fei is not a fool, things have come to such a point, it is no wonder he will pay the bill.

Luo Lei turned to Li Zhixin and said, "Uncle Li, now you know what the so-called relatives mean. You are his relatives only when he needs you! When you have no capital to curry favor with him , he can treat you as a relative!"

"You don't need this kind of relative!" Li Zhixin said.

Dou Fei glared at Luo Lei with resentment, and stretched out his hand to pull the door of the private room.

As soon as his hand touched the door lock, his body shook and he knelt down on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Li asked in surprise.

Luo Lei smiled lightly and said, "This is God's punishment for unkind people! My surname is Dou, I told you that if you don't pay the bill, you will never get out of here! If you don't believe me, just try again!"

The moment his hand touched the door lock just now, it was like being clicked. When his knee touched the ground, the current suddenly disappeared.

He didn't believe this evil, and put his hand on the door lock for the second time.


This time he knelt more directly and made a loud noise. Li Zhixin and his wife looked at each other with the same doubts on their faces.

It was Luo Lei who moved his hands and feet. He released a small lightning towards the door lock, which was invisible to the naked eye, but it could make a person's body convulse and his legs go limp.

"What's breaking the door, the waiter opened the door!" Dou Fei started to shout, kneeling down twice made him lose face, he didn't dare to touch the door lock again, so he had to call the waiter.

The waiter opened the door easily, and saw Dou Fei with a face of cold sweat. Seeing him standing at the door, he asked, "Sir, do you need anything, do you want to pay the bill?"

"Pay the bill, buy a head!" Dou Fei was about to snatch the way, when suddenly his calf went numb, and he knelt on the ground for the third time.

The waiter was startled, took two steps back quickly, looked at Dou Fei who was kneeling on the ground in surprise, and said, "What are you really doing? Could it be that you have no money to pay the bill? Let me tell you that kneeling for me is useless. I'm not the boss!"

Dou Fei hated his teeth itching, he looked towards his calf, and there was a trembling silver needle inserted between it.

"Who, who attacked me?" Dou Fei's eyes fell on Luo Lei's face.

"It's me, so what? As I said, you won't get out of here unless you pay the bill!" Luo Lei sneered and said, "Of course, you can choose to jump from the window, and I swear I won't stop you!"

Dou Fei thought to himself that this is the eighth floor, jumping out of the window is the only way to die, do you think I don't know?

"Waiter, it's obvious that this guy wants to renege on his debt, you can't let him go!" Li Yujia fanned the flames.

When the waiter heard this, he glared at Dou Fei and shouted: "You want to renege on your debt? Just dream, I'll call the security up right now, and wait for the police to arrest you if you don't pay me!"

Dou Fei felt like crying, I want to renege on the debt, but not on yours, but on the goodness of the few people inside.

"That's right, you can't let him run away, otherwise we won't be able to pay for the drinks!" Luo Lei chimed in.

The waiter picked up the phone without hesitation: "Quickly call the security guard up, someone wants to eat free food, please report to the police!"

"It's okay if I pay the bill, I admit it!" Dou Fei saw that the situation was getting worse and worse, if the security guards and the police really came, how could he hang around in Jia County in the future.

"What you said is true?" the waiter asked in disbelief.

"Of course it's true, what status am I, can I rely on your account?" Dou Fei hurriedly took out his bank card and said, "Swipe the card now!"

"Let's talk about it after the security comes up, in case he has no money in his card!" Luo Lei snorted.

The waiter thought that was the reason, she snatched the bank card, and then continued to call the security guard to come up.

Dozens of fat and strong security guards surrounded Dou Fei bluffing. He was about to explain something when he suddenly found his calf regained consciousness and subconsciously stood up.

"I can't go down with you to pay the bill! She already has her bank card, what else do you want?" When Dou Fei was speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Luo Lei. Some, I'm not going to let it go.

Luo Lei ignored Dou Fei's existence, and told Li Zhixin and his wife to continue eating, and not to spoil their good mood because of what happened just now.

Dou Fei was carried downstairs by two security guards, and when he came to the counter, he watched with pain on his face as 13 yuan was debited from his card.

Walking out of the hotel cursing, he was about to open the car door when his cell phone rang. It was a call from the shop, needless to say it must be his wife.

Dou Fei was upset, and was about to spread his anger on his wife: "What's the matter, didn't I say that when I'm not here, you make the decision... What did you say, all three of our stores were blocked by gangsters?" The gate... what are they going to do? Well, I get it, I'll rush back right away, tell them well, don't provoke those people, they can do anything!"

Running wildly all the way, it took him less than 10 minutes to arrive at the original 4-minute journey, and he couldn't remember how many red lights he ran.

One of Dou Fei's hardware stores is located in the same material market as the building material supermarket. After he got off the car, he was all smiles, and while smoking, he said: "Brothers don't say hello in advance when they come, I'm ready..."

"Who the hell is your brother?" The leader of the gangster was full of tattoos on his exposed arm, his face was full of flesh, and he stopped Dou Fei's words: "You don't take a piss to see who you are, dare to call us brothers, Who do you think you are?"

Dou Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said: "I really don't know where I offended you bosses, if it's my surname Dou's fault, I will definitely admit it! Everyone must belong to the Tiger Gang, in fact, I and your boss Lin Yang We had dinner together!"

"Stop talking nonsense, will we be friends if we eat together?" The gangster in the lead still didn't give face.

"We all ate together, aren't they friends or enemies?" Dou Fei still had a smile on his face, fearing that if he said something wrong, he would cause trouble for these people.

"Hmph! Then let me ask you, what did you do just now?" asked another bastard.

"Eat!" Dou Fei replied without thinking.

"Then let me ask you again, is the person who eats with you your friend or your enemy?" the bastard asked again.

"Of course they are friends, and they are relatives..." Dou Fei couldn't continue, because he already understood who recruited these people, and his expression became ugly, and he asked, "What are you guys doing?"

The gangster in the lead snorted and said, "To tell you the truth, our real boss's surname is not Lin, but Luo!"

Surname Luo!

Dou Fei's eyes widened, could it be that boy named Luo Lei?

He subconsciously took out his cell phone, wanting to call Li Zhixin to intercede.

As soon as the mobile phone was taken out, it was slapped by a gangster and flew out, and fell to the ground and broke into several parts.

The leader of the gangsters waved his hand: "Brothers, Boss Lei has a confession, he must smash his shop in front of the surnamed Dou, and now the people have come, let's not be idle, let's do it!"

A group of gangsters took out iron rods and other objects, and started smashing the store!

But they immediately found that many things in the store were much easier to use than iron bars. This place sells building materials and hardware, and they can get whatever they want.

Dou Fei's wife, relying on being a woman, stepped forward to stop her, but was kicked by the gangster and fell to the ground, and then a chair was thrown over, which made her scream.

"Whoever dares to stop me will beat me to death!" The leader of the gangsters stared at Dou Fei and said this sentence.

Dou Fei's eyes were burning, but he didn't have the guts to confront the gangsters. He kept winking at the shop next door, hoping that they could call the police for help.

However, his popularity here has not been very good, and he is joined by a group of vicious bastards, no one is willing to do him this favor.

The shop was smashed into a mess, and all the goods stored in it became waste.

Needless to say, the other hardware store will definitely not be able to keep it. Dou Fei really can't figure out how a kid who smells like shit can find help from the Tiger Gang.

The leader of the hooligans walked up to Dou Fei, looked down at Dou Fei by taking advantage of his height, and said, "My surname is Dou, I heard that you still have a warehouse. What's the matter, let's take the brothers there!"

"Brothers, hold your hands high, how much Luo Luo paid you to come here, I will pay double!" Dou Fei stretched out two fingers and said, it's no big deal if the store is smashed, just redecorate it, and sooner or later you can earn back.

But there are millions of goods in the warehouse, and many of them are bought on credit. If they are smashed, they will really vomit blood!

"You think it's great to have a few stinky money, don't you? Double! We don't want your stinky money, we only smash your things!" The gangster grabbed Dou Fei by the collar and said viciously: "You bastard! You are so disrespectful to our Boss Lei! To tell you the truth, get out of Jia County far away, and if you dare to let me see you or someone related to you, hit me every time I see you!"

"Yes, yes, I will get out immediately, get out now!" Dou Fei's legs trembled in fright.

"Good idea, Hyundai, let's go to your warehouse!"


Half an hour later, a warehouse on the outskirts of the city was on fire. It was full of boards, finished doors, hardware, etc. If they just smashed it, the gangsters would be exhausted, and they couldn't finish it.

Immediately there is a clever guy who proposes to set the fire on fire, which is worry-free and clean!

Then burn it!

Dou Fei knelt on the ground, looking helplessly at the burning warehouse. The goods were gone, but debt collectors would flock to him.

When his shop was smashed just now, a group of employees ran away and disappeared. It is hard to guarantee that these people will not notify the creditors.

The gangsters clapped their hands and applauded, with them around, who would dare to go up to put out the fire.

Dou Fei was completely paralyzed, and sat on the ground in a very unimpressive manner. He suddenly raised his head and asked, "Who is Luo?"

The gangsters stopped playing, and the leader came over, looked at him with contempt, and said: "There are ten or one hundred people that you can't afford to mess with, remember to be so arrogant in the future! "

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