urban evil

Chapter 887 Unexpected

Luo Lei fired all the bullets in a big gun, and the werewolf was beaten back again and again, with several circular depressions appearing on his body.

However, when the werewolf roared, his body grew in size instantly, and those depressions disappeared, leaving only a red spot.

"It's strong enough!" Luo Lei called out the Bachi Qiong Qujian, instead of using the flying sword to attack, he held it in his hand for close combat.

This fighting style was the werewolf's favorite. Three sharp bony spurs grew out of each of his hands. The bony spurs on his right hand were two feet long, and the one on his left was slightly shorter, about one and a half feet.


The eight-foot Qiong Qujian slashed on the bone spur in the werewolf's right hand, making a crisp sound of metal colliding.

The fact that the werewolf's claws are very strong, Luo Lei has known for a long time, in order to revive Nivena, he used such things, and the hardness is several times stronger than ordinary steel.

Luo Lei also can't use the sword light, God knows if someone is filming him with a camera, Xiao Yu and the others retreated to the side of the military vehicle at the same time, the trembling Sun sister proposed to drive away, but Xiao Yu refused.

"Xiao Yu, who is Mr. Luo, and what is the identity of that bad guy?" Sister Sun asked.

"Brother Lei has a special status, I can't tell you! As for that bad guy, I don't know him!" Xiao Yu replied.

"Let's go quickly, that villain is not Mr. Luo's opponent, we can only add to the chaos by staying here!" Sister Sun said in a pleading tone.

"If you want to go, you go, I won't go!" Xiao Yu said stubbornly: "With Brother Lei here, nothing will happen! Besides, there are so many policemen, the bad guys will always be punished!"

Sister Sun wanted to leave very much, but who told her to be Xiao Yu's manager, how could she have the nerve to leave if Xiao Yu didn't leave.

Seeing Xiao Yu's reluctance to leave, several other colleagues suddenly looked sad, and Sister Sun said angrily, "If you want to leave, you can leave, no one is stopping you!"

Several people ran away without looking back as if they were pardoned.

Luo Lei swung his sword away from the werewolf's claws and kicked him in the face. This kick was released with great force, and the werewolf fell to the ground on his back.

"Be honest with me!" Luo Lei jumped up high, and the eight-foot Qiong curved sword pierced the werewolf's right chest until it reached the hilt, nailing him firmly to the marble floor.

The werewolf wanted to pull out the long sword, but he couldn't do it. Luo Lei stood aside and kicked him on the head one after another. Isn't your ability to resist blows very strong? I want to see if you can persist when.

At this time, the sound of helicopter propellers came from the sky, and Luo Lei looked up. There were signs of the Secret Service on several helicopters, and a capital "Nine" in seal script indicated that they belonged to the Nine Branches.

"It must be Mrs. Weiwei coming!" Luo Lei stepped on the werewolf's other shoulder, and then flew out two golden needles, and the guy's two arms immediately lost feeling.

The members of the Ninth Division started to descend by rope, and Murong Hanwei was the first to land, and brought the first group of people to the ground and ran over quickly.

"Xiao Lei, how's the situation?" Murong Hanwei waved his hand, and the team members in full armor surrounded the werewolf and Luo Lei.

"I've already subdued him. This guy actually attacked Xiao Yu. It seems that my wife, Wei Wei, has to take him back for a proper interrogation. I really can't think of anyone who pays a high price to hire a werewolf to deal with an ordinary person!" Luo Luo Ray said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely pry his mouth open!" Luo Lei Hanwei turned her head and winked, and four big killers with spear guns in their arms came over.

They looked at each other, nodded in unison, and aimed at the werewolf with the big killer in their hands.

"Puff puff……"

Along with the compressed air, an alloy dart with a length of more than one foot was ejected, with a round hole in the back, which should be used to thread steel wire or something.

The dart passed through the werewolf's limbs smoothly, and he opened his mouth and roared.

Sure enough, the four team members skillfully passed the extremely strong human-shaped steel wire through the round hole, and cooperated with each other to tie up the werewolf.

Suddenly, the two hands of the werewolf stretched out the bone spurs, leaving a gash more than ten centimeters long on the body of one of the team members.

"Md, you're not being honest!" Luo Lei chopped off the werewolf's two hands with a sword. Your claws are hard enough, and I may not be able to do anything about them, but your hand bones are not so strong.

The werewolf fainted from the pain, and the team members hurriedly lifted him up to a helicopter that was about to land on the square.

"Xiao Lei, don't you blame me?" Murong Hanwei asked cautiously.

"Blame you, why?" Luo Lei asked in confusion, "If I hadn't refused to send two teams here last night, there wouldn't be such a big trouble!" Murong Hanwei said.

Luo Lei waved his hand, and said, "What do you think Mrs. Weiwei is going to say! In fact, I didn't expect that it would be a werewolf who came to make trouble. What you said makes sense. Public and private are not to be confused. It's just a little Wolverine ,it's not a big deal."

Xiao Yu trotted over, and Sister Sun followed behind panting.

"Sister Hanwei, you looked so handsome when you got off the plane just now!" Xiao Yu said enviously.

"Handsome?" Murong Hanwei reached out and touched Xiao Yu's head, and said with a smile: "This word is more appropriate to describe Xiao Lei. A werewolf ruined a good signing on the spot. Xiao Yu Don't worry, I will find out who is behind it and vent my anger on you!"

"En!" Xiao Yu nodded.

Murong Hanwei shouted coquettishly: "Retract the team!"

The team members saluted Luo Lei habitually, and Luo Lei returned the salute with a smile.

Sister Sun saw Luo Lei's standard posture, and these special forces respected him so much, she couldn't help but wonder what is the relationship between this Mr. Luo and the military?

However, Xiao Yu's mouth was very tight, she just refused to tell her.

As the helicopters flew away from the square one after another, Luo Lei held Xiao Yu's hand and said, "Let's leave quickly, otherwise, I guess there will be many fans who haven't stayed away and come back, and they won't be able to leave even if they want to!"

"En!" Xiao Yu took Luo Lei's arm intimately, and then said to Sister Sun, "I won't go back to the company. By the way, Sister Sun, this event is considered a success, right?"

"It's okay!" Sister Sun said subconsciously. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it when the words came to her lips.

"Mr. Luo's identity is really too mysterious!" Sister Sun took out her mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey, you cowards didn't go far! Come back quickly if you haven't gone far. You don't need to go after the event." Did you pack it up...what, if you go far, you have to come back!"

When the two of them returned to the villa, the Internet had exploded, and related videos and photos occupied the homepages of major websites. Although those videos were all shot from far away, there were still a few sections that were still clear. .

And most of them are scenes of Luo Lei fighting with werewolves, including his heroic posture when he shoots a gun, and his posture of fighting with a sword.

"Lei Ge, Lei Ge, your popularity is soaring so fast!" Xiao Yu shook her mobile phone in front of him, and said, "Everyone is asking who is the person who fights the bad guys, how old is this?" Ah, you are the No.1 of Du Niang's most searched version, I'm so envious!"

"Envy? Come on, I'm also famous in your live events, can I compare with you?" Luo Lei sat down on the sofa, and let Xiao Yu sit on his lap.

"What I said is true!" Xiao Yu opened another webpage, and said softly, "Look, the title is very interesting—handsome guy, hero saves the beauty, there are pictures and the truth!"

Luo Lei shrugged, there are many idlers on the Internet, this sentence is really not wrong at all.

There is a row of comments behind each video, saying everything.

"That handsome boy is the successor of the Wudang sect."

"Lanzhou biscuits, it is obvious that the apprentice of the invincible in the east has failed in the west!"

"Since ancient times, the second floor has produced evil writing. It is the child of my uncle, his second uncle, third aunt's cousin, nephew, and brother-in-law's family. They grow up with me!"

"Team Chrysanthemum guarantees its reputation. That is Luo Lei, the first brother of our school. If he tells a single word of lies, the whole country will let the people of the whole country come and fuck their asses!"


Luo Lei's name was soon revealed by human flesh, and his deeds of helping the police catch gangsters in Huadu were also brought out by netizens.

In addition, many college students in Huacheng posted photos that they did not know when they were secretly taken. Even the policemen in Huacheng City were unwilling to be lonely and came out to boo, saying that they and Luo Lei were comrades-in-arms in the same trench!

Khan, since when did I become comrades-in-arms with the police, I want to sue you for insulting your personality!

He found Zheng Nan's number and called: "Brother Nan, you have spoken out, otherwise I will be fleshed out!"

Zheng Nan said with a smile: "There's nothing wrong with that, becoming a celebrity can at least increase the popularity of our Secret Service, and when the term changes, those officials and gentlemen will have to give us more policy benefits! That's all right, all right, I'll let someone post a statement on the official website now, those people just want to flesh you out, and they can't produce much valuable things from human flesh, your kid's file is a high-level secret of the Republic, and there are only a handful of people who can see it countable."

Sure enough, within a few minutes, a short-word statement appeared on the official website of the Secret Service, saying that this incident was a foreign invasion, and that Luo Lei belonged to the Secret Service and held an important position.

In addition, Zheng Nan also asked people to notify the cultural department, and asked them to properly guide the direction to other places, so as not to pester this matter.

Of course, there is no problem with the cultural department.

However, the enthusiasm of netizens has not diminished, but they found that no matter how human they are, it is very difficult to find a frontal photo of Luo Lei, let alone a slightly clearer one. Those previous photos were either deleted or marked as evil mosaic.

As for those videos, it is not very clear at all. Unless they are people with particularly sharp eyes, even if Luo Lei is standing in front of them, these people may not be able to recognize them.

Luo Lei heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't want to wear sunglasses, a hat and a mask like Xiao Yu every time he went out.

Murong Hanwei called, saying that the result of the interrogation was unbelievable, that the werewolf's target was not Xiao Yu, but Luo Lei!

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