urban evil

Chapter 890

Every time Vice Chairman Lin appeared on the TV screen, he always looked energetic, but once he returned to his office, he immediately turned into a sad face, and he looked much older.

The phone rang, and it was Uncle Ma calling, so he quickly picked it up.

"Uncle Zhao, what's the matter?" He asked anxiously.

"Hey, the people over there are unwilling to help!" Uncle Zhao sighed.

"What, why aren't they willing to help?" Vice Chairman Lin couldn't help raising his tone.

Uncle Zhao on the other side was furious when he heard his tone: "Xiao Lin, you are so powerful now! Do you think that you will be the top leader soon, and the humility that you should have will disappear without a trace? Is it? Let me tell you, those are all experts from outside the world. It is your great luck that they want to give you face, and it is right not to give you face! If you annoy these people, you will not be able to secure your seat!"

Vice Chairman Lin realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly explained: "Uncle Zhao, I didn't mean that! I care too much about my son, so don't be angry. In fact, I want to ask why they refuse to help, as long as they help me Busy, if there is anything I can do in the future, I will never refuse!"

"Xiao Lin, it seems that I have really talked about you!" Uncle Zhao's anger has not yet subsided, and his words are still angry, "You are going to use your power in exchange for your son's recovery, is it right?" Is it? I am very disappointed in you, this matter ends here!"

After speaking, Uncle Zhao hung up the phone.

Vice Chairman Lin froze on the spot and put down his phone after a long while. The people over there were unwilling to help, so wouldn't his son be mentally handicapped for the rest of his life?

Send abroad?He did have this idea, but he didn't dare to do it. The situation abroad is so complicated, and it's not the one-acre three-point land under his own jurisdiction, which is prone to problems.

And it will create a handle on public opinion for your political opponents, and you must not do this.

In a Chinese-style farm on the outskirts of Beijing, Uncle Zhao, who was on the phone with Vice Chairman Lin before, threw his teacup on the ground angrily and said: "In the past, some people always said that Xiaolin's city was deep, but I never believed it. Now it seems that he really buried himself. It’s quite deep. It’s been revealed before you took the seat of the first one. You’d better be honest with me. Don’t say that you haven’t taken that seat yet, even if you did, it offends me. I'll pull you down too!"

A few minutes ago, the person over there called him back, and the content of the original sentence was: Except for you, Mr. Zhao, we don't want to have contact with anyone else.

I have to say that this sentence moved Uncle Zhao very much, that is to say, if there are any troubles in the future, those people will still help.

People are selfish, as long as they live comfortably, who will worry about others without any purpose.


It was a big bed, and Luo Lei was fighting with Murong Hanwei, Fang Yin and Xiao Yu on it. Although the three women united, they were not the opponents of Luo Lei's two thieves, and they were eaten by him one after another.

Luo Lei made a tiger pounce and pressed Fang Yin under his body, followed by a forceful kiss.

While they were having fun, Luo Lei's cell phone rang.

Who is it, brother is busy!With a thought in his mind, the mobile phone floated over by itself, how could he be willing to take out the two hands that were respectively inserted into Xiao Yu's and Murong Hanwei's clothes.

The starting flexibility is excellent, wow ha ha.

The caller ID was from Nivena, and he couldn't help frowning. Could it be that something happened at the ancient tomb.

"Nana, what happened?" Luo Lei asked quickly.

"Master, how do you know something happened to me and Sister Bing?" Nivena's voice said.

"What happened?" Luo Lei couldn't help but get nervous, and took his hands out of the second girl's clothes.

The three girls looked at each other, and Murong Hanwei whispered, "It's Nivena and Sister Bing, and Sister Bing holds the most important position in Xiaolei's heart."

Fang Yin had heard the name Yang Bing a long time ago, and knew about the matter between her and Luo Lei. This was the first time for Xiao Yu to hear it. Ears pricked up.

"Master, Sister Bing and I got lost!" Nivena's voice came from the phone: "I wanted to give you a surprise, who knew that the capital is so big, and Sister Bing and I got lost, can you come pick us up? good?"

Phew~~~ Luo Lei breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the second daughter was in danger, but it turned out that she got lost in the capital.

"Okay, I'll pick you up right away!" Luo Lei was about to activate the satellite positioning system, and immediately asked again: "Why did you come to the capital?"

Nivena replied: "Sister Bing is now a cultivator in the spiritual silence period, and I have already surpassed the strength of the blood prince. We all feel that the progress is very slow these days, so we decided to change the environment and say it. There is really no other place to go other than to find you, the master, hee hee!"

It turned out to be like this.Luo Lei said hello to the three girls and asked them to prepare at home, and he went to pick up Yang Bing and Nivena.

Driving the flying sword, this guy flew towards the little red dot on the positioning system at high speed.

In just three to four minutes, he found them beside an artificial lake in the suburbs of Beijing.

From a distance, he saw Yang Bing wearing a beige gauze dress, with a faint smile on her pretty face, and Nivena on the side wearing a medieval lady's dress, although it looked a bit complicated, it also complemented her temperament.

When he landed, he stretched out his arms, and the two women knew each other. Nivena moved generously, and Yang Bing was slightly shy, throwing herself into his arms from left to right.

Luo Lei hugged left and right so happy, now Yang Bing kissed heavily on the forehead, and then Nivena.

The strength of the two women has improved a lot since the last time he saw them, and Yang Bing has not yet taken the Millennium Plum Fruit, so it is not difficult to surpass Dieyu, the former "enemy". It was very comfortable to be hugged by Luo Lei.

"Nana, Sister Bing, you're not good!" Luo Lei pretended to be angry and said, "It's such a big deal to get out of the ancient tomb, and you didn't call me in advance. Brother Lei is very angry, and the consequences will be serious!"

Nivena asked with a frightened expression, "Then what should Nana do so that the master will calm down?"

"Well, let me think about it!" Luo Lei thought for a few seconds, then said with a smirk: "Well, you two will sleep next to me tonight, and if you say something nice, I won't be angry!"

"Is this sleeping next to you and not doing anything else?" Yang Bing said with her eyes wide open. She knew Luo Lei very well. When she saw a pretty girl, she wanted to tease him a few times. He is not very courageous.

"Hehe, of course, I'm a gentleman!" Luo Lei said this first, and then changed the subject, and said: "But I think it will inevitably happen when the love is strong, hehe, when the time comes It's normal to do some love-doing things!"

"I knew you would say that, little one!" Yang Bing gave him a blank look, not taking this kind of joke to heart.

But Nivena took it seriously, because her face was full of shyness, Luo Lei and Yang Bing didn't notice anything wrong.

"Let's go, there are three sisters at home who are preparing dinner!" Luo Lei called out a Hummer military vehicle from the spiritual soil vessel while speaking, and said, "Brother Lei drove the two beauties home, wow!"

Yang Bing's big eyes were immediately attracted by the rough lines of the military vehicle, and he clapped his hands and said, "It's such a beautiful car, will Xiaolei let me drive it later?"

"I want to drive too!" Nivena said without falling behind.

"Okay, I can drive it for you now!" Luo Lei generously took out the key, but he suddenly realized a very important question: "Have you ever driven a car?"

"No!" The two girls said in unison.

"Ah?" Luo Lei's eyes widened: "I'm going to drive it if I haven't driven it before. What should I do if something happens?"

Yang Bing hugged his arm and rubbed against it with her towering chest, saying, "I've played Need for Speed ​​on the computer before, and the result was pretty good!"

Nivena added: "Yes, yes, Sister Bing can get No.1 every time! I often run first, master, don't worry, we are so smart, we will definitely not drive the car into the ditch of!"

I absolutely believe this, because the main roads in the capital are very wide, and there are no road ditches, and all drainage is done with sewers.

He really couldn't stand the two beauties begging in sweet and greasy tones, so he gave Yang Bing the car keys as soon as his brain got hot.

After getting into the car, Yang Bing was very familiar with the various facilities in the car. Although the set of actions of starting the ignition, putting on the gear, and releasing the handbrake seemed a bit jerky, they were done very standard.

"Let's go!" Yang Bing let go of the brake, put a jade foot on the accelerator, the engine roared, and the military vehicle rushed forward.

The sudden feeling of pushing back made Yang Bing panic. After all, the game is a game and reality is reality. She found that the military vehicle was leaning to one side, so she quickly turned the steering wheel in the opposite direction.

In this way, military vehicles began to draw dragons on the main road, like a top-heavy drunk.

Luo Lei quickly let out his true energy and concentrated on the four wheels. If this girl can't control it, I have to go!

In this way, after hitting the curb three times and rushing into the flower bed twice, Yang Bing finally mastered the driving skills proficiently.

Before Luo Lei could catch his breath, Nivena was replaced in the driver's seat. This girl shouted excitedly while driving, especially when she bumped into a street lamp or a big tree, she was so excited!

The two women took turns to drive the military vehicle back home, which surprised Luo Lei, who had been serving as the co-pilot. Is this all right?

When getting out of the car, Luo Lei looked at the unrecognizable front and rear bumpers, as well as the scratches on the four tires, and thought to himself, who said women are less courageous than men?

Whoever dares to say this again, I will be in a hurry with whoever!

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