urban evil

Chapter 897 The Crystal Skull Changes Owner

Along with the police, there were three middle-aged men with big bellies.

The faces of the policemen are quite normal. Let alone fight scenes, they often see even murder scenes, so in their view, smashing a few cars and injuring a few people is really normal.

The three middle-aged people are different. The three boys with broken legs are their sons. Not to mention that the three of them have a legacy of the ancients. Good friends who go to nightclubs.

Boss Zhou saw Mr. Zhou lying on the ground and his two legs with bare bones, and shouted hysterically: "Who hurt my son? The police, arrest the murderer!"

Boss Wu and Boss Zheng were equally filled with righteous indignation, wishing to go up and avenge their son with their own hands.

Luo Lei stood at the door as if nothing happened, Shen Anna and Chen Yuyao came out of the garage in a car, and greeted him: "Do you need us to stay and help?"

"No need, no need, go ahead!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "You don't need to come forward for such a small matter, my husband can handle it by myself! Your strength is doing business, and my husband's strength is violence." Bao, our division of labor is different, I will call you when you need to go out!"

Yang Bing walked out of the gate, and naturally embraced Luo Lei's right arm.

Feeling the firmness and softness from his right arm, this guy felt very comfortable. As for the policemen and the three bosses, he ignored them.

"Did you beat him?" A policeman came over with a few colleagues and asked. The three beaten guys were already speechless in pain, but they kept pointing their fingers at Luo Lei, and any fool would know Can't get away from him.

The policemen also marveled at Yang Bing's beauty. If there were not so many colleagues and the person involved, it would be difficult for them to keep their eyes on Yang Bing.

Luo Lei didn't bother to answer, and threw his military ID card over.

"What is it?" The leading policeman took it, opened it, and was immediately dumbfounded.

The No.1 policeman who followed behind him immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Director Xiong, he is from the Secret Service of the Ministry of Homeland Security... His name is Luo Lei, and his rank is Colonel... Okay, okay, I understand, I see……"

After the phone call, the man whispered a few words to the team leader, who nodded while listening, and then several people looked at each other and smiled at the same time, but returned the military officer's card to Luo Lei and said, "I'm sorry, Da Shui I rushed to the Dragon King Temple, no wonder I felt familiar when I saw Colonel Luo for the first time! It turned out that Colonel Luo was fighting against terrorists in the capital. I am sorry to disturb you. We promise that such things will never happen again Son, please rest assured!"

"The person you called just now was Director Xiong Xijian?" Luo Lei asked lightly.

"That's right, Director Xiong told us that we must be polite to Colonel Luo!" The police leader nodded and bowed.

"Well, go back and send a message to Brother Xiong, and say that I will meet him for tea when I have time!" Luo Lei said politely, then pouted towards the three beaten guys, and said, "Those How do people deal with it?"

The team leader couldn't help standing up straight, and said righteously: "Needless to say, they must have made the mistake first! How dare you block the gate of a senior Secret Service officer with a car, and it would not be an exaggeration to kill them. Only two of them were broken. Legs, it’s cheap for them! I’ll throw them into the hospital right now, their fathers have the obligation not to retire, and they will be brought back to the police station for strict examination, and if they really pose a threat to national security, they will not be forgiven lightly!”

"Well, let's deal with it like this, then I won't keep you!" Luo Lei said.

"You are busy with your work, don't worry, we promise that such a thing will not happen again!" The team leader made a gesture of please go back to the house. In the phone call just now, Xiong Xijian said that he would set up a police booth at the gate of the community, 24 hours a day On duty, we must ensure that Luo Lei and his family have a quiet and comfortable living environment.

The three middle-aged people quit. What do you mean, if you don't arrest people, you will bring the murderer home!

"Police, are you trying to cover up the murderer? I'm going to sue you!" Boss Zhou threatened, "And I'll complain directly to your provincial department, so that you can't afford to go around!"

"Even if you complain to the Ministry of Public Security, no one will take care of you!" The team leader waved his hand and ordered: "Arrest these terrorists who intend to undermine national security!"

terrorist?When the three guys heard that the other party had put such a big hat on themselves, they couldn't help but thumped in their hearts. Who did they offend?

Boss Zhou didn't care that his son was about to faint from the pain, so he patted his face and asked, "Who is it that hit you?"

Mr. Zhou didn't know who it was, he shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

I didn't know that you came here to find trouble. It seems that this time the trouble is not trivial. Boss Wu and Boss Zheng started to break out in cold sweat. Before they could say anything, shiny handcuffs were already cuffed to their wrists.

"This police officer, may I ask the identity of that person just now?" Boss Zheng asked cautiously.

"You will know when you arrive at the police station!" The policeman said with a blank expression.

"Then what about my son?" Boss Wu asked.

"You don't need to ask, send it to the hospital!" The policeman said in a disdainful tone: "After the treatment, you will also be subject to review! By the way, the medical expenses are paid by ourselves, we don't care!"

Three teams of father and son were taken away, along with the sports car that turned into three discus.


In the middle of the night, in a long-abandoned private house in the suburbs of Beijing, dim lights were on.

It used to be a roadside restaurant, and the business was booming. Since the other road was repaired, there were fewer and fewer cars on this old road. The business took a sharp turn for the worse, and the restaurant closed down.

There were two and a half people standing in the room, the two were Vice Chairman Lin and the secretary, and the half was naturally Mr. Lin, drooling while playing with children's toys.

"How long is it?" Vice Chairman Lin had a look of anxiety on his face.

"There is still half a minute!" The secretary said, "Didn't there be a traffic jam when we came over, Mr. Huo shouldn't be late!"

While the two were talking, Navajo appeared on the opposite road. The two remembered clearly that no car passed by within 10 minutes. How did he get here?

This is not important anymore, Vice Chairman Lin winked, and the secretary trotted out to meet him.

"Mr. Huo, you are really on time!" The secretary greeted with a smile.

Navajo took off his hat and said with a blank expression: "Punctuality is the basic principle of being a human being. I have never been like some people who show off, thinking that being late can show their importance!"

Vice Chairman Lin inside couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he heard this, saying that he was late, but he was good at it, and every time he had a high-sounding reason.

Navajo remained expressionless, and followed the secretary into the room.

Vice Chairman Lin put on a smiling face. After all, it depends on others to cure his son.

Navajo glanced at Mr. Lin and asked, "Is everything ready?"

"Ready!" Vice Chairman Lin nodded and said, "I need to be sure, Mr. Huo can really cure my son's illness, right?"

A trace of anger appeared on Navajo's face, and he said, "If you don't believe me, I'm leaving now!"

"Don't, don't, just treat this as a father who is worried about his son. I have no other intentions!" Vice Chairman Lin quickly explained.

Navajo snorted softly, turned his head to look at the window, and said, "Then take it out quickly! I don't have time to stay with you all the way to this shitty place, hurry up!"

The secretary was a little confused, so Vice Chairman Lin smiled a little embarrassedly, and walked out.

"What are you taking, let me help you!" The secretary volunteered.

"No, I'll come by myself! You can chat with Mr. Huo for a while, and I'll be right back!" Vice Chairman Lin rejected the secretary's offer and walked out by himself.

Only then did the secretary realize that there must be something important in the car. Vice Chairman Lin always sat in the back of the driver's seat, but today he had to drive by himself for the first time, which made him wonder for a while.

Even the leader's secretary has only heard a few words about the crystal skull.

A few minutes later, Vice Chairman Lin walked in with a terry bag.

Navajo's eyes involuntarily shone brightly, staring fixedly at the flannel bag.

"Mr. Huo, this is what you want!" Vice Chairman Luo Lei hugged him tightly, and said to the secretary, "Go outside to let the wind blow, and you are not allowed to come in without my order!"

"Yes!" The secretary went out resentfully, in fact, he really wanted to see what was in the bag.

Vice Chairman Lin just opened the cloth bag, and only a small part of the crystal skull was exposed, and it was already radiant.

Navajo stared at the Crystal Skull intently until it was completely removed from the cloth bag.

That's right, a real guy!

Although Navajo has never seen a crystal skull, he can still judge it from its exquisite manufacturing process and faint energy fluctuations.

"Mr. Huo, do I hold this or you?" Vice Chairman Lin asked, he knew the importance of this item in his heart, and he would not hand it over to others unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Of course I hold it, what's the use of you holding it!" Navajo swallowed and said, "I need it to increase, otherwise, it won't be able to cure your son!"

"Okay then, you must be that good, don't drop it!" Vice Chairman Lin handed it to Navajo with some reluctance.

Navajo smiled. His original purpose was to trick the Crystal Skull into his hands. As long as he got it, he would destroy the skull and impose an indiscriminate disaster on China.

But when he saw Vice Chairman Lin, he couldn't help but soften his heart. Seeing how cooperative this person is, he should treat his son.

Holding the crystal skull, Navajo walked up to Mr. Lin and covered his head with his hands.

Mr. Lin's body convulsed, and at the same time he rolled his eyes violently, drooling.

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