urban evil

Chapter 900 Vision

When Luo Lei was browsing Teacher Cang's photo album on the Internet, a dialog box popped up suddenly, with Zheng Nan's video in one corner. He put his hand on the keyboard, entered a string of text, and hit enter.

——Damn it, why are you the director?

——Fuck your hair, you actually swear when you meet the leader, you boy deserves a beating.

——Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to surf the Internet all the time, and I can't accept it.

——Your sister, I’m just 40 years old, why can’t I surf the Internet!Tell you boy, I have a mission here, you have to come here!

——I still have something to do, so I'm going to get busy first. Goodbye, Brother Nan!

As soon as Luo Lei sees the word task, he has to put oil on the soles of his feet. Brother is too lazy to take care of any tasks. The most important task now is to stay in Huadu City, be a good student, and spend time with Sister Bing besides class !

——Don’t worry, boy, listen to me, as long as you complete this task, I will give you a promotion report and promote you to be a senior colonel!The big boy is only one step away from the major general!

Luo Lei thought for a while, and replied: Let's talk at night, I'm really busy, Beibei!

After finishing speaking, he turned off the computer, and said to himself: "Of course it's good to be able to upgrade to one level! But it's definitely not an easy task, otherwise it won't bring out such a big benefit, let's ask Mrs. Weiwei first, She sure knows."


The Navajo landed on a mountain peak, which is only a few dozen kilometers away from the capital.

He carefully took out the crystal skull from his backpack, held it in his hands respectfully, and said to himself: "Huaxia people, Luo Lei, you are about to suffer annihilation, and then the whole world! Luo Lei, how dare you destroy me?" Lich clan, I will destroy your entire Huaxia clan!"

After speaking, he raised the skull above his head with both hands, and the refracted light formed a complex pattern on the ground.

"Hahaha, the stupid people of M country have preserved the skull for more than 200 years, but they haven't discovered the secret!" Navajo smiled arrogantly and said: "The Chinese claim to be the most intelligent race in the world, but they didn't know it in the end." I can find out, this secret is only known to me!"

Following the rotation of his body, the patterns on the ground also began to rotate, and finally freeze into some strange symbols.

Navajo read the symbols in the ancient Mayan language, his ugly face uncertain.

"Hahaha, so it is like this!" After Navajo finished reading, he shouted at the top of his voice: "Huaxia people, wash your neck and wait to die!"

After speaking, he took out his staff, ox bones, animal teeth, etc., and arranged a strangely shaped magic circle on the spot according to the requirements of the symbols, with the crystal skull in the middle.

The sun rises higher and higher until it reaches a position perpendicular to the ground.

Navajo took out a dagger, cut his finger, and squeezed out blood to drip on the circle.

The magic circle suddenly emitted dazzling rays of light, the brightness of which was no less than that of the sun, engulfing the entire mountaintop in an instant.

In the light, he clearly saw that the crystal skull began to shatter, and a ray of purple light shot into the sky, forming a beam of light with a diameter of about [-] centimeters, which quickly broke through the sky.

For a while, all the radar systems around the capital were paralyzed, and the military fell into chaos.

Luo Lei frowned in Huadu City thousands of kilometers away. What has such a powerful energy? Could it be the alien race that Xia Qi talked about?

Impossible, no matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible to make such a big commotion.

Just as he was about to call Xia Qi, Xia Qi called him first.

"Bad boy, did you sense it this time?" Xia Qi asked.

"You don't need to say, even a cultivator can sense it!" Luo Lei said, "Do you know what it is?"

"I don't know. I'm going to ask Mr. Director. I won't tell you. I'll tell you if I have any news!" Xia Qi closed the line without waiting for Luo Lei to say anything.

What Luo Lei said was true, all cultivators above the Golden Core Stage could feel this energy, everyone had different opinions, some said it was a heavenly treasure, and some said it was an ominous sign.

The military believes that this is an anti-radiation bomb dropped by country m, otherwise, how could the radar fail together.

Except for country m, it is impossible for other countries to manufacture such weapons.

"It seems that I really want to go back to the capital to find out what happened!" Luo Lei shrugged and said to Yang Bing beside him, "By the way, help the Secret Service solve the trouble, okay?"

"Okay! Anyway, the matter of solving the case has already overwhelmed Weiwei, so you have to help if you don't want to!" Yang Bing said.

As soon as they said they would leave, the two of them took off with their swords and flew in the direction of the capital.

Ten minutes later, the intense energy disappeared, and the military's radar resumed its function.

However, the bigwigs in the military were terrified. If a war really broke out and the enemy used such weapons, wouldn't Huaxia even have the ability to fight back?

No, start research right away, we must have such a weapon, and at the same time let the spies scattered in country m get the information no matter what.

On the top of the mountain, after the light disappeared, Navajo, who was panting on the ground like a dead dog, slowly raised his head. The previous energy almost killed him.

The magic circle is still there, but the crystal skull has turned into a pile of debris, and it has lost the luster of the crystal, no different from a stone.

"Successful, successful! Huaxia people, you have only one dead end, hahaha..."


Mr. Lin hid in a ward. He took out his mobile phone and found a number: "Hey, it's Xiao Sun! Who am I? Don't worry about who I am, I need you to do something for me. Well, yours The number was given to me by Director Ma, and Director Lin also told me about you!"

Sister Sun, who was sitting in the office watching the event arrangement, jumped up from the stool like a spring, Director Ma, and Director Lin?One of them fell to his death, and the other fell into a fool. Suddenly someone said that they were friends of these two people. Can you not be shocked?

"What do you want from me?" Sister Sun asked, she had the urge to hang up the phone, but she couldn't make up her mind.

"Hehe, I'm looking for you because of Xiao Yu!" Mr. Lin said with a smile: "I might as well tell you, my surname is Lin! Those two guys should have mentioned me to you before, how about it, are you willing to do me this favor? "

Sister Sun's hands began to tremble. Of course, she had heard Mr. Lin's name. The two directors surnamed Ma and Lin both told her that the future prince was interested in Xiao Yu, and hoped she could do her a favor.

But before she could help, the prince disappeared, and the two supervisors also had accidents one after another. In addition, Xiao Yu fell in love with Luo Lei, so she gradually forgot about it.

"Mr. Lin, I feel very honored that you can call me!" Sister Sun knew that she couldn't offend Mr. Lin, and she couldn't offend Luo Luo, so she could only say, "But I'm just Xiao Yu's manager. , how could I possibly affect her?"

Vice Chairman Lin didn't let anyone publicize the fact that the person surnamed Lin became a fool.

Mr. Lin smiled and said: "Sister Sun, you are welcome, what I need you to do is very simple! As long as you help me get Xiao Yu, I will give you 500 million as a reward, so that you can eat and drink for the rest of your life, how about it?"

"This is..."

"600 million!" Mr. Lin immediately added another 100 million, and at the same time changed into a threatening tone: "If you don't want to help, I will let you go around! 600 million is a lot, you are a broker How many seeds can you earn in a year?"

Carrots and sticks, on the one hand, Sister Sun was under pressure, on the other hand, she really wanted the 600 million yuan, so she said to the phone: "Okay, but how to do it, you have to give Mr. Lin an idea."

"No problem, wait for my call!"


Luo Lei and Yang Bing flew to the place where the energy was released, searched around, but couldn't find anything.

Those guys who asserted that it was a heavenly treasure had already plowed this place several times. Even if a single stone was not spared, how could Luo Lei, who came from afar, find any clues.

"This is really strange, with such a strong energy, nothing is left behind!" Luo Lei stood on the flying sword and looked around, and there was indeed nothing. He said to Yang Bing: "Forget it, go home first, it happens When Weiwei's wife gets off work, let's focus on the Secret Service first!"

During the meal, Murong Hanwei told the two of them about the scene in detail.

The three of them decided to go to the scene in the afternoon. Luo Lei even thought of asking the old guy for help, but he didn't believe that the murderer left nothing behind.

The murder scene has been under the protection of the Nine Offices. When Luo Lei came here, the first thing he saw was the big hole in the roof.

"What's the matter, Xiaolei, is there anything strange?" Murong Hanwei asked.

"This is man-made!" Luo Lei pointed to the hole and said, "And it wasn't made by ordinary people. From the shape, I can imagine how it was formed!"

The two women looked at him suspiciously together.

He smiled and made a motion of jumping up.

The two girls, Bingxue, were smart and immediately thought of what he meant.

Being able to break open the floor with your body is indeed not something ordinary people can do.

When they came to the roof, they didn't leave any footprints, which basically ruled out the crimes committed by the ancient warriors. Although the ancient warriors can easily penetrate the floor, they always fall down.

"Could it be a cultivator?" Murong Hanwei analyzed, "After breaking through the floor, he fled with the flying sword."

Luo Lei shook his head and said, "How could the comprehension world know about the crystal skull! Except us and Sun Chunpin, no one knows about it. Besides, marksmanship is so clumsy, it shouldn't be the real style of cultivation! Xia Qi He once told me that he sensed the aura of a clan here in the capital, and I think it is more likely that it was done by a foreign race!"

"It makes sense, but how did the foreign race get in touch with the deceased!" Murong Hanwei expressed her doubts in her heart: "And I also became good friends with the director of Bureau S, so could it be that my previous analysis with Director Tan was wrong? "

Luo Lei's judgment has also reached a deadlock. Werewolves, vampires, and liches are all alien races, but who is it?

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