urban evil

Chapter 910

Navajo was burned to death several times in the three-flavored real fire. Finally, after he exhausted his resurrection ability, he was burnt without even ashes.

Besides, on the side of Little Demon Realm, Luo Lei and Zi Luo separated and walked straight ahead.

There was a strange smell in the air, a combination of smoke from burning something and the smell of sulfur.

Ziluo once explained that before you didn't understand Little Demon Realm, Yu Jianfei's behavior of flying was courting death.Of course, unless you think your strength is so high that you can outshine others, or you think your speed is so fast that no one can catch up.

Otherwise, it is easy not to fly with the sword, especially when it is only you.

Luo Lei was very obedient, but he used light methods, and his traveling speed exceeded [-] kilometers per hour, which was considered very fast.

According to his estimation, the area of ​​this so-called small demon world is only bigger than the earth and not smaller than the earth.

It's just that the population here can't be compared with the more than 60 billion on the earth. It is estimated that there can be several million.

Who made this place a place where the weak prey on the strong? A child has to face threats from all sides since he was born, and if he is not careful, he will be refined as a snack by people with evil intentions.

In such a ghostly place, tens of thousands of people are killed every day, so it is quite good to be able to maintain a population of several million.

Finally, Luo Lei saw the first person.

It is more appropriate to say that he is a beggar rather than a human being. The guy has a stooped figure and wears a tattered linen coat. Except for a pair of eyes that are naked, he can't find any features.

It's no wonder that those who can survive here are either super lucky, powerful, or scheming.

For the first person he saw in this world, Luo Lei didn't want to kill them all.

So, he turned around and headed in another direction.

"Hero, wait!" The hunched guy actually shouted behind Luo Lei.

"What do you want to do?" Luo Lei asked back, it's your honor for me to let you go, don't be shameless.

"Hero, I have no ill intentions!" The guy bent over, pretending to be a senior, and said, "I have some good stuff in my hand, I wonder if the hero is interested?"

Luo Lei was startled slightly, and asked: "What kind of good stuff, tell me!"

The guy stretched out his dirty right hand, and there were three blood-colored beads in it. The energy flowed in the beads, and there was a human-shaped thing floating in the middle one. Needless to say, it must be the refined Nascent Soul.

"Hehe, two primary blood coagulation pills and one intermediate blood coagulation pill!" The man said with a sinister smile, "As long as the hero can afford the price, I'll sell it to you!"

The Blood Congealing Pill seals the refining inner alchemy or Yuanying into a pill, which can be taken directly to obtain the energy of the golden pill or Yuanying in it to improve one's own cultivation.

Trading blood coagulation pills is also a very normal thing in the Little Demon Realm.

Blood Congealing Pills refined from Golden Pills below the Spiritual Silence stage are called primary, those from Nascent Soul to Fusion Stage are called Intermediate, and those above the Mahayana stage are called Advanced.

"Then how much do you want?" Luo Lei pretended to be very interested, thinking that I still need to spend money. Killing you can not only get three blood coagulation pills, but also your Nascent Soul!

The reason why he didn't do anything was not because of the little sympathy he had before, but because he was a newcomer and wanted to understand the "market" here.

"Hey, I can see that you are a person who knows the goods!" The guy stared at Luo Lei with his small eyes shining brightly, and said, "The primary blood coagulation pill, the 100-yuan gold brick, and the intermediate-level 1000-yuan gold brick! If you want them all If so, I can give you 100 yuan cheaper gold bricks at my discretion, and the total of three gold bricks is 100 yuan!"

Luo Lei didn't know what a gold brick was, but he was self-taught in bargaining. He smacked his lips and said, "It's expensive enough, let's make it cheaper! To be honest, I'm not interested in elementary blood coagulation pills!"

That guy is here to sell blood coagulation pills, he is here to collect blood coagulation pills!

Collect the blood coagulation pill in Luo Lei's body!

He saw Luo Lei wandering alone in the wilderness, and walked away voluntarily after seeing him, so he judged that Luo Lei was a young boy, and his high level was nothing. He had already killed dozens of people, many of them are higher than him.

So in his opinion, Luo Lei is already a high-level blood coagulation pill in his hand.

Generally, this kind of kid who is not deep in dealing with things is the easiest to handle.

"Then you make a price!" The man said with a smile, his left hand hidden behind his back was ready to launch a surprise attack.

"300 yuan of gold bricks, I don't want the two primary ones, I only want the intermediate ones!" When Luo Lei spoke, he stared at the man warily.

"Don't be joking!" Seeing that Luo Lei was not very interested in his Blood Congealing Pill and lost the opportunity to sneak attack, he immediately said, "This little brother is really young and promising, otherwise , let me introduce you to a beautiful female cultivator who refines her Nascent Soul after seizing the Red Pill, which is a very comfortable thing!"

"Oh, is that so, why haven't I heard of it?" Luo Lei showed a very interested look.

The man chuckled and said, "Brother must have just come out from home and experienced experience in the world, right? This is a new way of playing. I raised a group of young girls in captivity, and they all have the level of the Nascent Soul stage, and Guaranteed to be all chicks, I guarantee you will have fun!"

This kind of behavior of first seizing the red pill and then refining the Nascent Soul is not uncommon in the Little Demon Realm. The reason why Luo Lei didn't know about it was because Ziluo didn't mention it.

How could Ziluo open such a mouth?

"How much will it cost for that one time?" Luo Lei showed a smile on his face.

"It's not expensive, I only need 6000 gold bricks. I think you have a great conversation, and you dress so well. You must come from a big family. Six thousand gold bricks must be a drop in the bucket for you!" The guy laughed. Very yd.

"That's right, my young master has plenty of money! As long as I'm satisfied with the goods, let alone six thousand gold bricks, I'll pay even ten thousand!" Luo Lei said, patting his chest.

After hearing this, the guy thought to himself that you are really a fat sheep, I not only want your blood coagulation pill, but also your money.

"Then you come with me, the girl of Shui Lingling is not far away!" said the guy.

"It's not a trap, is it?" Luo Lei changed his worried expression.

"Absolutely not. I, Ma Liuzi, have always done business without deception. This is my golden signboard!" The man swore.

It turns out that this guy is called Ma Liuzi. Luo Lei thought to himself that anyway, he just arrived in the Little Demon Realm. Although he was introduced by Zi Luo, strictly speaking, his eyes are still smeared. Let's see what kind of conspiracy this Ma Liuzi can play. Anyway, brother His level is higher than his, afraid of a bird!

"That's good, lead the way!" Luo Lei waved his hands.

"Okay!" Ma Liuzi walked in front, feeling the wind under his feet.

Naturally, Luo Lei could keep up, after all, he was a whole level above him.

The two passed through a mountainous area, and a small wooden house-like courtyard appeared in front of it, with a gate on the front, and wooden houses on the other three sides, connected together.

"Hey, this is it!" Ma Liuzi opened the door, pointed to the wooden house on the right, and said, "There are two young women in captivity, all of them are double eight years old, and they are tender! One just reached the Nascent Soul stage, and the other is about the same age. It's a little worse than that, just reached the period of spiritual silence, take a look!"

After finishing speaking, Ma Liuzi opened the doors of the wooden house on the right. On the floor sat two girls with thick iron chains on their hands and feet. They huddled in the corner with fearful expressions.

I have to say that the two girls are very good-looking, especially the girl who is only in the spiritual period. Although her face is dirty and her figure is slightly thin, she can't hide her alluring appearance.

The other one can also be regarded as a beauty, but she is slightly inferior in appearance, but she is superior in rank.

Moreover, this high-ranking girl seemed to be more frightened. From time to time, she would raise her head to glance at Luo Lei and Ma Liuzi, her big eyes flickering, imperceptibly revealing her most primitive desires.

"In the Yuanying period, 6000 yuan gold bricks, what do you think?" Ma Liuzi asked.

"Well, the price-performance ratio is very high!" Luo Lei's expression was YD.

Ma Liuzi calmly winked at the girl in Yuanying stage. He thought he was doing a perfect job, but he didn't know that these small actions could not escape Luo Lei's sight.

Ma Liuzi made a vicious expression, stretched out his hand to pull up an iron chain, pulled the girl over, and shouted: "It's your honor to be seen by the guests! Such a young and rich handsome guy is better than Get fucked by those pig-like old men, and if you serve my guests well, it's worth living in this world!"

"No, please let me go, I don't want to die!" The girl's tears dripped on the floor one after another like beads with a broken thread.

The acting skills are good, if this is in the entertainment circle of China, he must be a star!

"If you dare not obey, I will refine you now!" Ma Liuzi threatened, and then changed the subject: "I am doing this for your own good, before I die, let you experience the joy of being a real woman! Don't be shameless, otherwise I will refine you right now!"

After finishing speaking, Ma Liuzi took out a jagged long sword and put it on the girl's neck.

The girl had no choice but to nod, and Luo Lei smiled.

The reason why he laughed was not because of the girl's obedience, but because the two of them cooperated so flawlessly. If I had known earlier, I should have taken it with a video camera and brought it back to Xiao Yu for a look. It would definitely have a great impact on her acting skills. improve.

Another girl shivered in a corner, and Luo Lei glanced at her from the corner of her eye.


No, that girl obviously has the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage, why there is only one lotus flower in the dantian representing the Spiritual Silence Stage, it's so strange!

ps: Lei Ge's new book "Drunken Lying Qunfang" has been uploaded, please come and guide me.

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