urban evil

Chapter 930 The Toothless Tiger

Of the twenty Minotaurs, six were already dead, and that number would have been much larger had it not been for two lucky fellows who had escaped with their lives.

In addition to these six, there are seven or eight people who are in dire straits, and it is estimated that not many will survive.

Other than that, only the Bullhead King and four or five people were left in the final struggle.

"Leave these guys to you!" Luo Lei said to several Mahayana cultivators, and he went to help Sun Chunpin deal with the bull head king.

The strength of the Bull Head King was obviously higher than that of his companions. Under the attack of Sun Chunpin, Qinglong and Xuanwu, he was not defeated.

In fact, Qinglong and Xuanwu can easily meet the requirements of the sneak attack. If it is said that the main carrier is Sun Chunpin.

Director Sun is worthy of being the oldest in the inspection department, with rich combat experience and various attack methods emerging one after another. If it wasn't for this, Qinglong and Xuanwu would have been smashed to death by a mallet long ago.

Of course, this is not a one-sided battle. The number of people whose bodies have been destroyed in the cultivation world is twice that of the Minotaur, and this is still in the situation where their own home field and the enemy are surrounded. It can be said that the cultivation world has an advantage.

Fortunately, if the body is destroyed, it can be reshaped, which is even better than the resurrection ability of the Minotaur.

After Luo Lei joined in, the Minotaur King felt a sudden increase in pressure, and it had to roar to the sky again, and the remaining Minotaurs did the same.

The cultivators who were attacking backed up a little without thinking. They had suffered a loss before. Most of the people whose bodies were destroyed were caught off guard by the transformed Minotaur because they didn't have time to withdraw.

The height of the Bull Head King is more than four meters, and the weight of a mallet is more than a thousand gold. It is estimated that no one's true qi shield can bear such a weight on his body.


When the Niutou King swung the mallet, there was an ear-piercing sound of piercing the air, "Qinglong, Xuanwu, step back, you can't help much now!" Sun Chunpin ordered.

Although the two of them were a little bit unwilling, it was indeed a fact, so let's continue.Not only will they not be able to achieve any results, but they will also become a burden to Sun Chunpin and Luo Lei.

The two retreated, but they certainly would not withdraw from the battlefield, and instead went to help the rest of the people and deal with the remaining Minotaurs.

Luo Lei and Sun Chunpin looked at each other, and they nodded at the same time, attacking the Bull Head King back and forth.

No matter how powerful you are, it's impossible for you to have eyes behind your back. Brother likes to hit the sap, so I don't believe that you can carry it all the time.

The frequency of attacks from the periphery is getting higher and higher. Often when a Minotaur lies down, more than a dozen people will cast spells at it at the same time, and the three real fires have not been extinguished for a moment.

"Sisters, let's work harder!" Tian Xi shouted.

So far, half of the Minotaurs have died, and seven others are in between resurrection, death, death, and resurrection. As long as there are no accidents, their death is only a matter of time.

The bull head king was beaten one after another, and one of the bull's horns was chopped off by Luo Leihe, leaving him completely lost.

click... click...

A purple thunder from the sneak attack accurately hit the back of the Minotaur's head, and the guy just turned his head when he was hit by the thunder from Sun Chunpin from the side.


The Bullhead King fell to the ground, but he quickly jumped up again. The scars all over his body showed that he was not feeling well. The reason why he didn't completely fall down was because his subordinates were still fighting.

Those dead subordinates were all resurrected and attacked at the same time, and there was no way to resist. It opened its mouth and said: "The hateful Chinese people, the despicable Chinese people, even killed me with indiscriminate methods! People, you are too shameless!"

To be honest, this is indeed somewhat suspected of bullying the less with the more.

"Bull Demon King, are you mistaken?" Luo Lei pointed to the land under his feet and said, "This is the territory of Huaxia Kingdom, and we didn't invite you here! Your actions are an invasion. Since it is an invasion, what good do we have?" You are being polite, they must be swarming! I will give you a chance to sacrifice your head, this is a decent way to die, otherwise, I will leave you with ashes!"

"Only the Kuruks who died in battle, not..."

"There are no Kuruks who have surrendered, right!" Luo Lei interrupted the heroic words that the Tauren King wanted to say, and snorted, "I didn't make you surrender, I just made you commit suicide!"

"Only die in battle!" Shouted the Bullhead King.

"As you wish!" During the process of "negotiating conditions" with the Bull Head King, Luo Lei had already arranged the flying sword at a tricky angle, and winked at Sun Chunpin, asking him to take the opportunity to cast the purple sky thunder .

So, as soon as the "negotiations" broke down, Sun Chunpin started.

The sky thunder struck on the neck of the bull head king, and his skin was torn apart immediately. The guy's head became two big, and his vision was also greatly affected.

With the sound of piercing the sky, the eight-foot Qiong Qujian slashed the several-meter-long sword light accurately on the neck of the Bull Head King.

Crack... poof...

The bone was broken, and its evil big head shot up into the sky, but the body did not fall down, and continued to swing the mallet with both hands, attacking Sun Chunpin.

Luo Lei released his avatar in time, kicked the bull's head that was about to hit the ground, and flew it in the direction of his girlfriends.

"Women, don't be polite to it, burn it to ashes, the sooner the better!" Luo Lei's clone shouted.

"Understood!" Qingqing, who was the highest level, responded. Before the bull's head flew to her side, she had already released the Sanwei Zhenhuo, and the bull's head was immediately swallowed by the purple-red flame.

The body of the Bullhead King wanted to chase after him, but it knew it couldn't hold on for too long without its head.

How could Luo Lei and Sun Chunpin let it succeed, they cut off his thick legs together.

"Sanwei Zhenhuo!" Xia Qi yelled, and a fire dragon flew out from the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda. Its color was obviously better than that of other people's Sanwei Zhenhuo.

Luo Lei was a little surprised and said, "Brother Chun, when did Xia Qi's magic weapon become so powerful?"

Sun Chunpin looked up, and replied: "I helped her refine it a while ago. At this time, the three-flavored real fire in the Qibao Linglong Pagoda is hot enough to burn any metal on the earth, unless the body of the Bull Head King is bigger than the most Hard metal is still hard, or it will die!"

While talking, the head of the bull head escaped from the girls' attack, and the two severed legs also flew up. After meeting in the air, a white light flashed, and a new body was born.

And the original body was still rolling in the fire dragon.

"I'm sorry, isn't it? Is this guy a sea cucumber? Cut off a part of the body, and it can grow back!" Luo Lei was shocked by what happened in front of him. In addition to the ability of resurrection, the Bullhead King , It even has the ability to regenerate!

Sun Chunpin was also stunned, and it could be seen that he hadn't thought of it either.

"Huaxia people, if you think you can kill me easily, you are very wrong! Our Kuruk scouts are not as fragile as you think!" The Bullhead King laughed and said, the fireball that had turned into two halves flew into the air. A black thing came out and flew to his feet by itself.

The black thing looked a bit like a huge tortoise shell, and the Bullhead King continued: "Today you have a lot of people, so I won't be as familiar with you. Let's meet again some other day!"

After finishing speaking, the body of the Tauren King soared into the sky, leaving behind the spells that hit like hailstones far behind.

"Damn it, this bastard is going to run away!" Luo Lei shouted.

"We can't let it go away, otherwise our Huaxia Kingdom will not be able to think about peace!" Sun Chunpin knows that such an advantage is only one time to encircle and suppress, once the Bull Head King is allowed to run away, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Catch me!" Luo Lei was the first to chase after him, and immediately increased his speed to the highest level, but he still couldn't catch up with the Bull Head King.

Seeing that it was about to escape, a colorful rope flew over from behind at a faster speed, and wrapped itself around the body of the Bull Head King in the blink of an eye. However, the speed of that guy's escape was not affected in any way. It disappeared quickly.

Bind fairy rope?

Luo Lei turned his head and looked at Qingqing who was following him.

"Master, you succeeded in tying the fairy rope!" Qingqing said with disappointment, "But the Bull Head King was still allowed to escape, but now he has been tied into a rice dumpling, and besides the ability to fly, he should have lost other abilities. !"

"Hehe, it's a blessing among misfortunes!" Luo Lei comforted: "A toothless tiger, no matter how strong its body is, is in vain, it can't run away!"

Indeed, this only fly in the ointment is acceptable. Sun Chunpin immediately dispatched patrol envoys to search for the whereabouts of the Niutou King. Once found, he immediately sent a signal, and everyone rushed to help. Sun Chunpin also spoke highly of the practitioners who participated in the siege Ladies and gentlemen, in addition to reconstitution pills, people who have lost their bodies can also get some high-level pills, and everyone else has their own rewards.

"Xiao Lei, finally strangled the foreign race in the cradle!" Sun Chunpin still had some lingering fears after thinking about the previous battle.

Luo Lei pulled him to a place with few people, and whispered, "Brother Chun, I feel happy now, it's a bit early!"

"Morning? Xiaolei, don't you think there are foreigners coming over?" Sun Chunpin stared and said, "You can't make this joke, do you have any basis?"

Luo Lei said: "Of course! Have you forgotten what the Tauren King said before he escaped? He is also a scout! I don't need to explain to you what a scout is. If you want to know more specific situations, you can only Catch the Tauren King first, and then press for information!"

Sun Chunpin smiled wryly, and had to admit that Luo Lei's analysis made sense, although he was very unwilling to believe it was a fact.

"When will these bastards be the leader!" Sun Chunpin patted his head and said, "The scouts alone are already so difficult to deal with. If Kuruk's large army arrives, what kind of situation will it have to be?" scene?"

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