urban evil

Chapter 942

Holy Emperor Gain was holding a crystal goblet in his hand. As for whether it was red wine or blood, it was unknown.

Falk hurried over, with an anxious expression on his face, but he did not forget to salute Gein first, and then said: "Your Majesty, there is news from the Huaxia Kingdom, and I am in more than a dozen cities including the capital. All members of the clan died overnight!"

Gein's goblet almost dropped from his hands and he asked, "What's going on here?"

Fake replied: "According to the preliminary information, most of our members died at the hands of cultivators, and many of them died of strange causes, which are very different from the methods of cultivators. It is impossible to make a definite judgment for a while!"

"The hateful comprehension world, the hateful inspector, actually attacked our family!" Gein put down his cup and asked, "How about the loss?"

"As of now, seven dukes have died!" Fak said cautiously: "There are more than 30 marquises, nearly a hundred earls, and not too many viscounts and barons, because people of these two levels have not been sent to How many."

Gein was furious, and said: "At least one thing is proved, that is, the resurrected blood race is indeed in Huaxia Kingdom! And they are walking together with the cultivation world, this is the last result I want to see!"

"Excuse me, do you mean that those people who died with strange causes all died at the hands of the resurrected blood race?" Farke was taken aback.

In fact, Farke has already made such a guess, but sometimes, it is much better to pretend to be stupid than to show intelligence, especially when facing a suspicious master like Gein.

"It's not her, is there someone else?" Gein said: "Even someone at the Duke level is no match, which means that the opponent's strength has surpassed the Duke! In this way, you immediately send three princes over there, and you must beat this person!" Kill, otherwise, my blood family will never have peace."

Fake's heart was bleeding, so what if he sent three princes over there and they were not his opponents?

Even if the three princes teamed up to defeat the revived blood clan, didn't you say that she was mixed with cultivators? How could those people refuse to save them?

People at the prince level also had a precedent of dying in China. Falk felt that this was a mission with no return, and whoever was sent there would cause heavy losses to his alliance.

Farke wanted to refuse in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, he could only ask tactfully: "Your Majesty, do you really want to do this? China is not our home field after all, and the initiative of the mission may be taken away by the other party! "

"Of course I know!" Gein said with a smirk: "This is a very dangerous task. I decided to give each participant a cup of devil's blood to improve their skills! With devil's blood, you shouldn't Do you have any worries?"

Farke nodded and said, "My subordinates understand! I'm going to prepare now. At this time tomorrow, I will finalize the list of participants in the mission!"


In a city in South China, several members of the Secret Service opened a security door, and there was a foreigner in the living room inside. There were also two dead bodies in the bedroom inside. There was a faint smell of blood in the air.

The three foreigners were killed by cutting their necks with a sharp weapon. It is strange that there is very little blood on the ground.

As we all know, there is a large artery in the neck of a person. Once it is cut off, the blood will not stop. Such a scene makes the people who come in feel very strange.

A young officer carrying the lieutenant colonel's epaulettes walked in last, glanced at the corpses in the living room and bedroom, and said, "Don't be dazed, move quickly, take the corpse away, and clean up the scene!"

"Clean it up?" A captain officer asked in confusion: "Boss, shouldn't the scene be protected? Why clean it up? In this way, all the clues will be gone!"

The lieutenant colonel said impatiently: "You can do whatever you are asked to do. Why do you ask so many questions? We came all the way here to carry out a mission, not for you to ask questions. Let's do it quickly, so as not to be discovered by others!"

The captain said with a smile: "Boss, don't be a fool, brothers have been with you for so long, what's going on?"

"Yeah, come on, we don't want to be kept in the dark!" another team member said.

The lieutenant colonel looked back and made sure there was no one around, so he lowered his voice and said, "These dead people are not ordinary people! They are all European blood races. Of course, the corpses must be taken away to clean up the scene!"

"Blood race?" The captain squatted down, pried open the mouth of the dead body with a dagger, and immediately saw the four fangs inside.

"My mother, it's really a blood race!" The captain asked again: "Who killed them? I heard that the blood race is powerful in fighting, but I think they didn't resist, so they were killed! Could it be the blood race?" Low class people?"

The lieutenant colonel shook his head and said: "The last of these three guys is also a viscount! The two in the bedroom are marquises, and our team may not be the opponent of a viscount! To tell you the truth, the task Murong Hanwei, the director of our Ninth Division, might be the one who led the team to get the three guys here! Not only us, but the Secret Service has set up more than a dozen temporary teams, which are responsible for collecting corpses for blood races. You all have to keep your mouths in check and strictly abide by the confidentiality policy, understand?"

"Understood!" Several people shouted in unison.

"Okay, hurry up and get to work!" The lieutenant colonel said: "Put the corpses in bags, and then transport them back to the capital for unified cremation! These damned aliens, not honestly staying in their own country, come to our country to find Uncomfortable, death is not worth it!"

In different cities, members of the Secret Service do the same job.

Moreover, the efficiency of these dozens of corpse collection teams is far behind those who killed these blood races. They often receive orders to go to the next location just after they arrive at a location and have not had time to clean up the scene.

When Nivena and the others set off, Luo Lei explained that the matter of collecting the corpses would be handled by the Secret Service, so he might as well disclose the news to Zheng Nan, saying that Murong Hanwei was leading the team this time.

Yang Bing led a team composed of Wu Wen, Xiao Yu, and Meng Tian to appear in the largest city in the southwest, and took out the investigation report that Nivena had made earlier.

Nivena first arrived at the city where each team was going to carry out the task, to find out the hiding place of the blood race, and at the same time judge the strength of the enemy. If necessary, she would stay and wait for the arrival of the team members, and then act together.

If it's just a bunch of easy-to-handle characters, then she'll just go straight to the next city.

In this city, the leader of the blood clan is only a marquis, plus a dozen earls and a few viscounts, which are relatively soft persimmons. Yang Bing only needs to stand aside. Easy to do.

They quickly found a blood clan hiding place, and the three girls formed a triangular formation, with Wu Wen at the front and the first to rush in.

Yang Bing hovered in mid-air, sweeping the formation for Wu Wen and the others.

In fact, before this operation, most of the girls had never seen a dead body, let alone a murder. If it weren't for the sudden arrival of a foreign race, Luo Lei would still be very willing to be treated as a delicate flower by them and raised in the greenhouse.

Before the girls set off, he specifically confessed that it was not important whether the task could be completed, the most important thing was his own safety.

Yang Bing, Murong Hanwei, Gu Hanyan, Die Yu and other people who have experienced life and death served as team captains, responsible for the safety of the team members, and organized them to complete tasks.

After these two days of baptism, the girls have been able to achieve peace of mind.

After rushing into the room, Wu Wen killed an earl with a flying sword, and immediately attacked the second person. Xiao Yu and Meng Tian followed closely behind and killed the third person together.

In less than two seconds, three blood races died.

Yang Bing took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said, "XX Community, XX Road, Donghu, [-]th Floor, Building X, come here to collect the corpse!"

Then, they rushed to the next location.

The previous actions went well, and the last remaining blood in this city was the leader—Marquis.

Marquis is not a high-level person in the blood clan, after all, there are dukes and princes above him, but here, he is indeed the old one!

Since he is the oldest, of course the food and lodging conditions must be the best. This guy lived in the hotel in a grand manner, and it was a business suite.

The reason why I put him at the end is because the hotel is a public place, and my actions are greatly restricted.

If a girl's face is captured by a camera, trouble will inevitably arise.

Yang Bing planned to do it himself, flew in through the window, and left quickly after completing the task.As for whether it would cause any trouble to the corpse collection team, that was out of her consideration.

Arranging Wu Wen and the others in another place, Yang Bing set off.

The windows of the business suite were closed, and the Marquis was sitting on the bed watching TV. Suddenly a gust of wind blew up, and he jumped up vigilantly from the bed. In the process, he completed the first stage of transformation.

"If you don't want to die, don't move!" A cold voice came, followed by a powerful coercion.

The marquis immediately became wilted. He could feel that the coercion came from the blood clan with the same identity as him, but the other party's level must be much higher than his.

"Excuse me, who are you?" the Marquis asked cautiously.

"Why do you care so much?" A voice came from behind him, saying, "Keep watching your TV, don't make people suspicious! Let me tell you the truth, except for you, the rest of the blood clan members in this city Everyone is dead! Someone will come to kill you in a while, don’t worry, I won’t let this happen!”

It sounds good to save him, but it sounds bad to use him as bait.

The Marquis hurriedly sat down again, thanking Dade and saying, "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, I will definitely cooperate!"

"How do you know I'm the prince?"

"The duke's aura is not so strong, so I judge you to be a prince!"

"You're smart, don't worry, you won't die today!"

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