urban evil

Chapter 949 Star Trek

Seeing that the method of simulating purple lightning was no longer available, the Kuruks fired directly, and white energy waves shot towards the three of them.

"Old guy, I should be fine this time, right?" Luo Lei asked, thinking that the purple lightning simulated by more than a dozen nozzles, the old guy can easily carry them all, and the energy wave after dispersion must be strong in strength It's a big discount.

"You'll know if you try it!" The old guy looked relaxed, he didn't take the energy wave that was shot seriously at all, and said: "At most, it will consume a little bit of your true energy shield, wait for the true energy shield to carry it." When you can't stop, you just run away to the side!"

"Damn it, you just escaped!" Luo Lei said unconvinced: "Brother will never run away today, just watch! And I'm going to destroy their ship island, who made my luck always worse than How are you!"

"Your sister, let's take a look!" The old guy was also very unconvinced, and he was still worried about Luo Lei's failure to destroy a few nozzles just now.

"You two stop arguing and cooperate sincerely!" Ziluo said.

The old guy and Luo Lei have long been used to it. Quarrels are quarrels, fights are fights, and they don't affect each other.

The three of them fought against the energy waves hitting their bodies, while attacking the island, looking for weak points.From time to time, a minotaur stepping on a tortoise shell flew over, and the old guy and Ziluo took care of them all.

In contrast, Luo Lei's qi shield was consumed the fastest, and he had to take some evasive measures. Anyway, evading is not escaping!

After an energy wave was emitted from a nozzle in the middle, Luo Lei released lightning there without thinking.

In contrast, the casting speed of ordinary lightning is much faster than that of lightning. The lightning just caught the moment when the energy cannon was recharged. The current was transmitted through the metal barrel, and the energy just transmitted exploded violently. .


The gun barrel was directly blown off, flew out more than ten meters and then fell down.

"Hahaha, old man, you still don't admit your poor character!" Luo Lei laughed and said, "You let me succeed again. May I ask how many cannons you have destroyed in total?"

The old guy snorted, "I destroyed six spaceships and dozens of Minotaurs, how about you?"

"Uh! Your sister, well, I won't quarrel with you, let's wait and see who has the most credit!" Luo Lei has basically mastered the knack, and out of the four lightning bolts released in succession, two of them succeeded.

The energy cannons were killed by him one by one, and he could feel that the people on the ship island panicked.

The metal shell outside the island is very hard, but when the energy cannon explodes, it can still have some impact on the people inside. Several devices have been damaged by the shock. Fortunately, there are spares, otherwise they must be in a hurry.

The Kuruks didn't care about other things, and sent spaceships and more Minotaurs again. Even if they couldn't kill these three annoying people, they could still draw their attention aside. Keeping the island is the most important thing. of.

The ball spaceship and the minotaur stepping on the tortoise shell came in a lot, and they were all black, and Ziluo and the three of them were quickly surrounded.

"They want to use crowd tactics, you two, it's up to you next time, bro, take a break first!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

"Okay, recover your strength as soon as possible. When we clear the obstacles in front of us, we will have to rely on you to take care of the island!" When Zi Luo spoke, she dodged behind him.

The old guy came in front of him, and the two sandwiched him one after the other to ensure that Luo Lei would not be attacked.

The power of the two people's true qi shields was fully activated, and the sky thunder released together was like a huge whip. The place where it was thrown was immediately killed and injured.

The Minotaur's attack method is extremely simple, just the club in their hands, no one can fly within ten meters of the two of them.

The attacking weapons of the small spaceships are one to three energy cannons, and only when dozens of them fire together in salvo will Ziluo and the old guy's true qi shields have a certain impact.

But it is very difficult to shoot a volley, and it is easy to be beaten if the time is slow.

Two people who are as smart as Ziluo and the old guy, of course, would not give each other a chance to shoot a volley. Often the enemy is just ready, and is destroyed at the last moment.

Luo Lei's eyes were closed tightly. He swallowed a large amount of qi invigorating pills, and at the same time circulated the zhenqi in his body, and the depleted zhenqi was quickly replenished.

One after another, the small spaceships lost control and fell straight down, not to mention the Minotaur who stepped on the turtle shell. It didn't take long for hundreds of people to die.

In a spaceship of the Kuruks, there are more than 1000 combat troops, and the remaining supply troops and commanders have lost a quarter of their combat personnel.

On the ship island, a dozen or so commanders with big heads, thin necks and thin bodies panicked. If they continue at this speed, within half an hour, the blood here will flow like rivers.

The commander in charge of liaison immediately sent a request for help to the other six spaceships, asking them to send people over to destroy the invaders together.

Until now, the Kuruk people don't know how these three people got in.

The six spaceships outside each released dozens of small spaceships, and this ship opened its door wide, allowing those small spaceships to swarm in.

"Fairy Ziluo, the enemy has increased their troops!" said the old man, "They want to drag us down!"

"I still have [-]% of my strength, how about you?" Ziluo asked, "How long can you hold on?"

"It's about the same as you!" The old guy said: "Half an hour should be no problem, but depending on the situation, it's hard for us to kill all these guys in such a short time! When the time comes, the real power will be exhausted, let alone continue. After fighting, even if you want to retreat, it is still a problem!"

"Then slow down the pace of attack! Recover your strength while fighting. Anyway, these people are not your opponents. As long as we can persist, we will win!" Ziluo said.

The old guy nodded, it was not difficult to regain his strength while fighting, but he always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

A few minutes later, Luo Lei, who had recovered [-]% of his strength, opened his eyes. The guy didn't even say hello to the two of them, and rushed directly into the enemy's encirclement, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, causing a frenzy.

It's hard for me to smash the spaceship, but I can handle these minotaurs with ease!

He injected demonic energy into the Bachi Qiong Qujian, and when he slashed at the enemy's body, the demonic energy entered the enemy's body to wreak havoc, cutting off their ability to revive.

Where he flew, the Minotaur fell from the turtle shell one after another.

Moreover, these tortoise shells without their owners all disappeared, and they were put into the spiritual earth vessel by him.

There are hundreds of round holes on the surface of the spaceship, and the reinforcements are still rushing here.

Besides slashing people, whenever Luo Lei seized the opportunity, he would throw a few qi invigorating pills into his mouth. Although the effect was not very good, it also replenished part of the consumed true power, which was better than just consuming it!

The bottom of the spaceship is already full of minotaur corpses and destroyed spaceship wreckage. The commanders on the island are bleeding from their eyes. These people have the ability to attack the enemy with mental power, but the metal used on the island is specially made. , can block all signal sources, even mental power, so they can only worry inside.

The fleet has strict regulations, but when there is danger outside, the island must not be opened.

Even without this rule, the people inside might not have the guts to open the hatch. Although they have strong mental strength, their physical defense is extremely low. It only takes a thunderbolt to kill them all.

The reinforcements that kept coming in became a refueling tactic, and batch after batch were killed.

"We can't go on like this, we will be exhausted by the enemy!" The supreme commander on the island said in Kuruk, "I suggest, start the dangerous plan one, what's your opinion?"

The rest of the commanders either looked at each other or fell into deep thought, but soon someone said: "I agree with the Supreme Commander's suggestion. Only in this way can the rest of the spaceships be out of danger!"

Immediately afterwards, more people expressed their opinions, and in the end most of them agreed with the Supreme Commander's suggestion.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, then I will issue an order!" The supreme commander said to the communicator: "Attention all spaceship reinforcements, immediately withdraw from the battle and leave this ship, we must implement emergency plan one! The combat troops will leave immediately and go to other spaceships to stand by!"

As soon as this order came out, the Minotaur and the pilots of the spaceship, who were red-eyed, all chose to leave here without thinking.

In less than three seconds, the dark group of people all disappeared.

"What do they mean?" Luo Lei asked puzzled.

"I don't know either!" Ziluo analyzed, "Maybe it's brewing a new attack method!"

When the two were talking, the hundreds of bulkheads that were originally opened were all closed in an instant, and the spaceship became a closed space again.

"No, they are preparing to fight to the death!" the old guy said, his worries were finally verified.

Luo Lei flew over and asked, "What's a last stand? Their people are not opponents at all. Is there any point in a last stand?"

The old guy shook his head and said, "You misunderstood! The last stand is not only a choice of desperately fighting, they can't beat us, but we are trapped in the spaceship, and they can take us to a distant place! The big deal is to die together, Doing so will save the people in the other ships!"

Luo Lei suddenly realized, and Ziluo's eyes widened in surprise. She always thought that it was a good idea for her to go deep into the tiger's den, but she didn't think of the most important point!

The old guy's analysis is correct, otherwise, why would those small spaceships and Minotaur leave here in a swarm!

At this moment, the hull of the spaceship shook visibly, and it seemed that it was activated.

"Hehe, it's all right now, you don't even need to buy a boat ticket, you can experience interstellar travel!" Luo Lei said with a wry smile.

ps: The content of the chapter posted yesterday was repeated, causing 5 laces to subscribe repeatedly, I am very sorry.

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