urban evil

Chapter 955

Blood clan, werewolves.

These two races are no longer just characters that only appear in movies or fantasy novels, but actually exist in the world.

Although the comprehension world tried its best to resist, but after all, it was necessary to fight on the third front, so how could it be possible to cope with it.

Among them, there are many people who slipped through the net and broke into the ordinary people, causing extremely bad influence.

In this regard, the inspection department has nothing to do. There are tens of thousands of enemies, and they landed in China from a fixed position. With such a small number of people, it is not easy to resist until now.

The Secret Service, the Special Forces, and the local armed police have all started to turn around. After all, the aliens who appeared in Huaxia Kingdom are not good people. If they were ordinary gangsters, the leaders above would not bother to care about them.

But now it is different, how do foreigners know who is an ordinary person and who is an official, which makes those officials panic all day long. The power in their hands and the seat under their buttocks make them more afraid of death than ordinary people.

Therefore, these people spared no effort to order the military and police departments to encircle and suppress the alien race.

But no matter how bad the enemy is, they are also aliens. Some of them are not even opponents of the Secret Service, let alone the local armed police. Free.

And it coincides with the important moment of re-election, can the official's heart be calm?

As for public opinion, it has been controlled by the government for decades, and they will never report news that they deem unfavorable unless it is absolutely necessary.

But after all, paper cannot contain the fire, and many photos and videos of alien sabotage still appeared on the Internet.

Not only the netizens in China, but other countries are also in shock. Blood clans are vampires in the traditional sense, and werewolves are legendary guys who do everything but good things. People all over the world are panicked.

However, photos and videos of the extermination of alien races soon appeared on the official website of Huaxia Kingdom, which were used to inspire people.

I have to say that this approach is very effective. At least most Chinese people are no longer afraid. In order to achieve this effect, the big bosses in the central government did not hesitate to lie and say that the werewolf corpses in that place were made by the great people's army. from.

In fact, this is what Murong Hanwei, Gu Hanyan and others did, and those armed special forces or armed police standing next to the corpses were simply posing for pictures.

They don't care whether the Cultivation Realm Inspection Division has any opinions, as long as the goal is achieved.

Murong Hanwei and the others have no objection, because they have long known that these politicians are better than professional actors in acting, and they like to plagiarize other people's credit, so let's plagiarize. Treat it as a labor of love.

In Huadu City, Liu Feixu, a sister of the city's TV station, pressed her index finger on her temple. The continuous reports these days made her feel exhausted.

Fortunately, most of what she reported was exciting news. Although she could tell at a glance that it was a staged photo when she went to the scene, she had to follow the script. After all, it was related to the morale of the Chinese people. Who would dare not pay attention to it.

Don't watch her keep saying to the camera that this is the credit of our country's army, but she still doesn't believe that the speeches that have been prepared long ago are correct.

"Who the hell is it?" Liu Feixu put down her two slender hands, and said to herself, "That bad boy Xiaolei can't be contacted! Even Yanzi left Huadu without knowing when to perform a special mission to deceive ghosts." ! The policemen in the entire Huacheng City, you are not on the job alone, and you can perform any special tasks by yourself, but you don’t even say hello to me, an old friend who is also a best friend, you really don’t have enough friends!"

Speaking of this, she suddenly realized a very serious question: "Couldn't these things be done by Xiaolei and Yanzi?"

She stood up from her seat with a huff, clenched her pink fists, and said, "I must find out!"


"Md, the werewolf actually came to join in the fun, I'm really impatient!" After hearing the girls' narration, Luo Lei said angrily, "That bastard Gein went too far, instead of pulling people back, he made things worse. Already!"

Luo Lei didn't expect that he would stay on that unknown planet for eight full days, and during these eight days, so many things happened in China.

The vampires increased their troops, and the werewolves joined forces with them, and the Kuruk people's reconnaissance operations never stopped for a day.

The inspection department can be described as being overwhelmed, and this is based on the fact that Luo Lei's girlfriends took on the main task of dealing with the vampires and werewolves. If the girls hadn't spared no effort to fight north and south, God knows what would have happened.

"Xiao Lei, that's how things are!" Murong Hanwei sighed and said, "There's no way, all we can do now is defend and defend, who let the cultivation world only have so little manpower! Defense is passive, and anyone can do it." I know, but we really can't find the manpower to take the initiative!"

Luo Lei said: "When brother is away, such a result is acceptable! Now that brother is back, those conspirators will not be allowed to succeed. Now that the situation has developed to such a serious point, the idea of ​​getting together can only be given up , you continue to hunt down the werewolves, I will deal with the Kuruks first! Let's solve the problems one by one!"

The girls nodded, although they were very reluctant to part with Luo Lei.

Ziluo clarified her position and said, "I'll help you deal with the Kuruks. This time we must take down all their spaceships!"

When Luo Lei appeared in front of Sun Chunpin, Director Sun was taken aback. Eight days ago, that kid was still in the early stage of crossing the tribulation. How come he came back from a mission and turned into the late stage of crossing the tribulation!

In vain, I have been worrying about you for the past few days. If I had known about such a good thing, I would have gone straight to it!

Sun Chunpin is envious and jealous.

"Hey, brother Chun, don't look at me like that!" Luo Lei said with a smile, "This is a perfect coincidence, or it can be said that I am lucky!"

Sun Chunpin thought the same way, your kid's luck is not so good, if it is someone else, it is estimated that there will be no benefit at all, and you will have to pay for your own life.

He briefly told Sun Chunpin what had happened in the past few days, and of course he concealed some content appropriately, such as the incident of hitting countless beast pills on an unknown planet.

There is no way, there are too many people around my brother, and I can't share it with my own people, let alone give it to others.

As the saying goes, a man is innocent and he is guilty. Although with his current strength, he doesn't have to worry about who would dare to fight head-on to snatch it, but it can't stop those guys who are trying to make connections kick off the Luo family's threshold.

Let's just talk about the one in front of you, Xue Ning Dan has the cheek to ask for a lot of them back, let alone a beast pill that is a grade better than Xue Ning Dan.

"Xiao Lei, the recent situation is not optimistic!" Sun Chunpin pouted towards the sky and said, "The Kuruk people seem to have discovered that we look tough but are empty. I think they are about to launch a general attack!"

"That's it, let's act first!" Luo Lei turned to Ziluo and said, "It's not too late, let's set off quickly and try to turn the Kuruk people upside down before they attack. Otherwise, Huaxia Kingdom will definitely suffer!"

"I'm ready!" Ziluo said seriously.


On the dark side of the moon, the six high ship commanders sat in a conference room.

One of them stood up and said: "My scouts told me that the current Huaxia people are strong outsiders but capable only in the middle. Their high-level cultivators were exhausted in the previous two wars. This is a good opportunity for us to attack aggressively!"

The second person hummed: "Is your news accurate? I also sent dozens of scouts to Huaxia, but most of them died there, which shows that the strength of cultivators should not be underestimated!"

"You only sent a dozen or so scouts, and I sent hundreds of them there!" The man before challenged him, "Although less than a quarter of them came back alive, the news must be accurate! Let me tell you Some of them are scared of being beaten by the Huaxia people, and they can't even see the bluff, if this continues, we will miss the opportunity!"

Several other commanders also said that their scouts brought the same news, but the truth of the news has not yet been finally confirmed.

However, most people still agree with the strategy of aggressive attack.

Even if there is only one-fifth of the troops left, the original order must be carried out, otherwise, they will have no face to go back.

"Since you all agree, then I have nothing to say!" The only commander who disagreed said, "It's a big deal to die with the Huaxia people. Anyway, there is no other good choice!"

This is considered to be an agreement, and the oldest commander said: "Then everyone will prepare separately, and the main attacking force will set off together in an hour. This time we must learn the lesson from last time and choose to land from a different position. Be sure to let the Chinese Know how powerful we are!"

The six stood up together and saluted each other.

Just then, the siren on the wall sounded.

"What's going on?" a commander asked, grabbing the communicator.

"It's bad, the Chinese broke into one of our spaceships and are wreaking havoc!" A terrified voice came from the communicator: "It's spaceship No. [-], just like last time, there are three people! "

"What kind of people are the three?"

"Two men and one woman, the girls are very beautiful and have a good temperament, two men, one old and one young!" The voice that was answering suddenly said in surprise: "No, they are the three who made trouble with one of our spaceships. Personally, didn't the [-] good commander say that he threw them on the garbage star, how did they come back?"

"What did you say, repeat!" Another commander yelled over the communicator.

"It's absolutely true, it's the trio from last time! I'm not mistaken, those three people are very special, the [-]th spaceship is asking for reinforcements, asking for reinforcements..."

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