urban evil

Chapter 957

The process of doing the same was very smooth.

The other three spaceships were also destroyed on the island, and none of the middle and high-level commanders, including the commander, plus the pilot of the spaceship survived.

The only pity is that when Luo Lei and the three of them were doing these things, the spaceship that took off first disappeared.

Ziluo controlled the Duntian Shuttle to search the surrounding airspace for a while, but found nothing.

"The Kuruks have already mastered the method of space jumping, I believe that ship is no longer in the Milky Way we know!" The old guy analyzed.

"It makes sense, then go back and pack up the other four ships, they lost power and can't run away!" Luo Lei said.

"Okay, go and get rid of those guys who have nowhere to escape!" Ziluo thought, and flew towards the moon.

The four spaceships have long been in chaos, lacking the restraint of the commander, the Minotaurs are just a bunch of mobs.

Although there were surviving Kuruks in every ship, their seniority was not enough to command these simple-minded fellows.

"What should I do?" The Minotaurs looked at each other, and if they had no idea, these people were the most clueless.

"Staying here can only wait for death. The enemy can easily penetrate our spaceship. I suggest that everyone take a small and medium spaceship and go to the earth! It is better to put the battlefield on the earth than in a spaceship!" The inexperienced Kuruk suggested.

Although his qualifications are not deep, this suggestion has been approved by the majority of people. It is true that staying here can only wait for death.

Although going to the earth may also be a death, but you can pull a few backs before you die, which is much better than a wimpy death!

The Minotaurs boarded the spacecraft one after another and took off one after another.

But at this time, Dun Tiansuo came back after killing him.

The old guy was about to make a move, but was stopped by Luo Lei, and said: "Brother changed his mind, let's change the way! Drive these guys to a place other than Huaxia, of course, for those who don't have eyes, they must go to Huaxia Country guy, don’t hesitate to kill him!”

The old guy smiled and said, "I see, you want these guys to go to other countries to find trouble, as long as it doesn't hurt us in China, is it?"

Luo Lei nodded, also with a smirk on his face: "Didn't foreigners say that China's invasion by foreign races was retribution, and I will let these so-called retribution fall on them! Remember to drive more to Europe , the foreign race doesn't care what is an ordinary person, what is a blood race, or a werewolf, I want to use their hands to deal with the grandchildren of Gein and the werewolf!"

Ziluo gave a thumbs up: "Good idea, look at mine!"

The speed of Tianshuo was much faster than that of Kuruk's small and medium-sized spaceships, and those spaceships fled in all directions as they chased after them.

Gradually, the Minotaur and the Kuruk who piloted the spaceship discovered a trick, that is, as long as they don't fly in the direction of China, they won't be chased, let alone beaten.

The pilots and their spaceships who committed crimes have already paid the price. Whoever dares to fly to the Huaxia Kingdom will not be such a simple matter of chasing after them, but will be destroyed directly.

Driven by the sky shuttle, most of those spaceships flew towards Europe, some towards South Asia, and some towards America.

As for the African side of the black sorghum, Luo Lei also took care of it. The life of the black sorghum is already difficult enough, so let's not bother them.

As the saying goes, the sky is falling and the tall ones are standing up. Who will let the Europeans and North Americans be rich and able to fight!

As for South Asia, it is the territory of Asan. Although the people here are not as developed in economy and technology as in Europe and the United States, but who made them become Asan, and key care is indispensable!

"There is one more place I forgot, the island country and the Bangzi country!" Luo Lei suddenly thought of two equally "important" places.

"It doesn't matter, it's still too late to drive them away!" Ziluo said lightly, she followed a fleet of more than [-] medium-sized spaceships, and the old guy threatened them and flew them towards East Asia.

If you want to land in the vast country of Huaxia, don't dream about it. After chasing so closely, half of the spaceships in this fleet were eventually driven to the country of Bangzi, and the other half landed in the island country.

"Haha, I hope the island nation's military team can stand up to these minotaurs!" Luo Lei laughed exaggeratedly, and said, "If they didn't provoke us in Huaxia, those blood ninjas and god toilet monks should be able to stand up for a while. But now, they only have the bastards who sent the ** team, hahaha!"

The fact is indeed like this, when hundreds of Minotaurs appeared in the island country, they immediately became a mess.

You know, these minotaurs are thinking of pulling backs, so how can they be polite to the islanders.

On the Bangzi Country side, it was not much better. The m army stationed there sent reinforcements to help them fight the Minotaur, but the effect was still not very obvious.

Moreover, in less than an hour, the air force of the Bangzi Kingdom and the M Army was exhausted, the ground troops lost nearly [-]% of their tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, and countless soldiers were killed and injured.

Soldiers can't do anything to these foreigners, let alone unarmed ordinary people.

Europe, America and South Asia are even more tragic. A while ago, the Three Kingdoms were clamoring fiercely, saying that the Huaxia Kingdom was unpopular from top to bottom. These are due retribution, etc., and they are the real retribution here.

Although the European and American countries suffered heavy losses, under the attack of modern weapons, they have also dealt with many Minotaurs and Kuruks, which can be regarded as losses and gains.

Ah Sanguo's side is simply a one-sided massacre. Those so-called troops who only juggle in military parades can run faster than ordinary people!Except for the advanced equipment bought from abroad at a high price, which can be used for escape, the rest are all thrown in the warehouse.

When the people of country m have eliminated the No. 60 seven minotaurs, Ah Sanguo is still zero eggs.You know, even the most unpromising Bangziguo has managed seven or eight of them!

However, compared to hundreds of aliens, these seven or eight are equivalent to a drop in the bucket.

In fact, even the Minotaur and the big-headed Kuruk felt strange. They just couldn't figure out a problem. Why are the Maohuaxia people so difficult to deal with, and people from other places are so weak?

Just like the supernatural beings and liches in country m, the European vampires and werewolves also signed a non-interference treaty with the local government. The treaty clearly stipulates the obligations of both parties. The vampires and werewolves are obliged to help the government deal with the invasion of outsiders.

Even without this rule, the vampires and werewolves couldn't stay out of it, because the minotaur had already entered their lair.

Gein hurriedly directed the subordinates who stayed in Europe to resist, but because most of the tribe was sent to Huaxia, they suffered a big loss.

The situation on the werewolf side was similar. The angry wolf king Tarbert scolded Gein, saying that he had been fooled. If he hadn't listened to his slander, he wouldn't have sent so many people to China, so that the old den was empty. Being taken advantage of by foreigners.

Back then, in order to get the werewolf to send troops, Gai did not hesitate to lie that he would form an alliance with a foreign race and jointly deal with the Chinese cultivation world.

Coupled with the loss in Huaxia, the werewolf couldn't stand it anymore, and Tarbert ordered the people who were still in Huaxia to withdraw without thinking.

However, those people were trapped by the cultivators and could not leave the country at all.

You must know that there are no alien races in China, and the inspection department put all its energy on the extermination of blood races and elderly individuals.

In Sun Chunpin's words, it is easy to come in, but there is no way to leave.

Those countries that had been sneering at Huaxia before all put down their stance, nodded and bowed and asked Huaxia for assistance.

After all, China is experienced in fighting against foreign races. It was the first country to be invaded, but the degree of loss was smaller than that of any other country that was invaded.

Want to help?

I'm sorry, the troubles on our side have not been resolved yet, and we really don't have the energy to do humanitarian work, so let's all clean up the door!

In fact, many bigwigs in the political world are still willing to show the muscles of Huaxia in front of these countries.Mr. Zhao even personally came forward to negotiate with the inspection department, but Luo Lei flatly rejected him.

Just kidding, a man should be clear about grievances and grievances, only a fool would do the thing of repaying grievances with kindness.

Unwilling to give up, Mr. Zhao found Sun Chunpin again.

Sun Chunpin expressed his support for Luo Lei's decision, and said bluntly, don't make any plans for us in the cultivation world!If you want to help those people, you can send troops there. This is the best way to show the muscles of Huaxia.

The bosses are not stupid, even the European and American armies are no match. Sending Huaxia soldiers over there would be death.

Besides, people may not be willing to let foreign troops enter their territory. At that time, it will inevitably be the result of hot faces and cold asses.

Then, reject the requests of those countries!

Seeing that the Huaxia Kingdom refused to help on the grounds that the vampires and werewolves disturbed the country's stability, the leaders of the European countries immediately expressed that they could negotiate with the leaders of the two tribes and ask them to withdraw their clansmen, promising that they would never harass the Huaxia Kingdom again.

I'm sorry, Huaxia people are capable of solving this matter alone, we appreciate your kindness!

The vampires and werewolves have violated the laws of China, and also violated the bottom line of the cultivation world. They have no choice but to die!

Not only will the vampires and werewolves in China die, but those accomplices who stayed in Europe will also be severely punished.

Moreover, the inspection department made it clear that after the comprehension community settled the domestic troubles, they would send people to Europe to exterminate the vampires and werewolves, without any interference from external factors during the operation.

In other words, not only will the cultivation world not help, but it will also destroy the two races that European countries place high hopes on.

Who let them take advantage of the fire to rob China, you don't care!As the saying goes, you always have to pay back when you mess up, this is called real retribution!

The strength shown by the Huaxia Kingdom made the leaders of these countries frown. If they knew this was the result, they should have supported the Huaxia people in the first place, even if it was verbal!

There is no regret medicine in the world.

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