urban evil

Chapter 959

Except for the advanced Wolverine and Wolf King Tarbert who can fight the Minotaur, the rest of the werewolves are not opponents at all.

It would be easy to deal with just the Minotaur, after all, this is the lair of werewolves. They are familiar with the terrain and can counterattack on the basis of calm defense.

However, there are more than a dozen Kuruks mixed in the Minotaur, and they suppress the werewolves with their powerful spiritual power.

The IQ of the werewolf is not too high. It can be said that it has no immunity to the Kuruks. There is no difference between high-level werewolves and low-level werewolves. Once they are attacked by mental power, they will feel a splitting headache. Lose the ability to fight again.

Even Wolf King Tarbert couldn't completely block the enemy's mental attack. He suffered from no less headaches than the others, but he persisted.

Because he knew that once he fell, the werewolf would be finished.

In fact, the fighting power of the werewolves should not be underestimated, because they still haven't figured out why the killed Minotaur will stand up again, and the strength has also improved greatly compared to before death.

refuses to die!

The special ability of the Minotaur puts a lot of pressure on the werewolves. Facing such an opponent, anyone would be demoralized.

"Clan people, we must protect our homeland! Isn't it just a headache, stand up for me and finally transform!" Tarbert roared.

The werewolves who had been sitting on the ground and rolling around with their heads in their arms jumped up one after another when they heard the order, and the ninja transformed for the last time with a severe headache.

A high-pitched wolf howl sounded, and the strength of the werewolf who completed the last transformation increased greatly, and he started a counterattack, even beating the Minotaur back dozens of steps one after another.

In the sky not far away, Luo Lei looked at the two sides fighting below, and said to himself: "The werewolf is at the end of his battle, as long as the Minotaur can withstand this counterattack of the werewolf, victory will not be far away!"

Sure enough, a high-level Wolverine couldn't hold on any longer. With the exhaustion of his physical strength and the pain in his head that was about to split, he became dizzy before his eyes and fell heavily to the ground.

A minotaur jumped over and smashed the fainted werewolf's head with a mallet, but his head was as hard as a stone, and it was smashed to pieces.

Then several werewolves fainted, and the Minotaurs did the same thing, hitting their heads with clubs.

"It's almost there. If it doesn't happen again, the Wolf King will be killed by the Minotaur!" Seeing that the time is ripe, Luo Lei muttered a spell in his heart and began to attract thunder.

A purple lightning appeared out of nowhere, and struck straight at the wolf king, and at the same time, the eight-foot Qiong Qujian was also flying rapidly.


Tarbert, who had no time to clone himself, was slashed straight on. His attention was all on the Minotaur in front of him, and he didn't even know that there was a sneak attack.

Tarbert arrived as if his whole body had been pricked by tens of thousands of needles, and his limbs were already numb. The surrounding Minotaurs were all stunned, and they were no strangers to Purple Lightning.

Out of the corner of his eye, Tarbert saw a sword flying towards him. He wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't lift his legs.


The sharp eight-foot Qiong Qujian pierced through his left chest, and the heart in his chest no longer existed!

Tarbert lowered his head, glanced at the pierced chest, and knelt on the ground with a thump, and the minotaurs backed up a few steps in fright, instead of stepping forward and hitting him on the head with a mallet.

Because the Minotaur knows too well who the purple lightning and this strange flying sword belong to.

When the werewolves saw Tarbert being killed, they all beat their chests and stamped their feet. The minotaurs all raised their heads at the same time, looking at Roy hovering in mid-air.

"Hey, you guys, go ahead!" Luo Lei pointed at Tarbert's body and said with a smirk, "As long as you don't go to harm the Huaxia Kingdom, not only will I not be your enemy, but I will also help you! "

Most of the Minotaurs don't know it, so the werewolves took the opportunity to start a counterattack.

Luo Lei took off the sword and disappeared in a flash. The next step is to attack the blood clan.

The minotaurs suffered a lot during this period of stupefaction. After Luo Lei disappeared, their fear disappeared, and they turned around and continued to fight the werewolf.

The battle lasted until dark, and ended with the total annihilation of the werewolves.

Except for a few lucky guys who were on missions outside and escaped unharmed, the werewolves were basically wiped out.


Zheng Nan held two documents in his hand, one was the statistics of the number of blood clans and werewolves eliminated, and the other was the statistics of the casualties of the Secret Service.

In a short period of time, hundreds of werewolves and vampires died in Huaxia Kingdom. Of course, their own casualties were also huge.The Ninth Office was better, and the casualties in the other eight offices were about half.

"It's lucky that Xiaolei and Hanwei are here, otherwise, I might already be a poor commander!" Zheng Nan laughed at himself, he was not trying to destroy his prestige to boost the ambitions of others, but a way of seeking truth from facts.

In the death list of vampires and werewolves, 80.00% are due to Luo Lei's girlfriends, and [-]% are due to other cultivators. It is only a mere [-]% that can be attributed to the nine divisions. [-]/[-].

"Tuk tuk..." There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Zheng Nan asked.

The secretary opened the door and said, "Director, a person who calls himself Mr. Zhao wants to see you. Do you have time?"

Mr. Zhao?

Zheng Nan was startled for a moment, and immediately thought of the identity of the person who came, it must be the old man who is over seventy years old but still "works hard" for Huaxia Kingdom.

This old man has stepped down from the leadership position for more than ten years, but he has a great influence in the central government. Zheng Nan and his group of young men have some opinions on certain things that Mr. Zhao dictates.

In their view, since a person has already retired, it is enough to find a place with better scenery to spend his life. Since he does not want to give up the little rights in his hands, why did he retire in the first place?

You are very old, and you are still running around for some important national affairs. You look down on us young people and think that we can't handle these things well, right?

I thought so in my heart, but I couldn't say it out of my mouth. If I offended the old man, there might be no good fruit to eat.

Zheng Nandao: "Bring Mr. Zhao into the reception room, and I'll be there right away."

If he could figure out the purpose of Mr. Zhao, he must not have come to see Zheng Nan. If it wasn't for the fact that there was Luo Lei here, it is estimated that the old man would not step into the Secret Service until the day he died.

Sure enough, after the secretary brought tea and closed the door of the reception room, Mr. Zhao got straight to the point, saying that he wanted to see Luo Lei.

Zheng Nan began to practice Tai Chi and said, "Mr. Zhao, since you have come to look for Xiao Lei, you must already know his identity! He is currently on a special mission and is not in the capital!"

"Then where is he? You tell me, I'll go find him!" Zhao Lao asked.

"Not in China either! You don't see him all the time. Even if you come every day, it's useless because he doesn't come often!" Zheng Nan said.

"Presumptuous!" Elder Zhao hit the floor with the crutch in his hand, and said, "No matter how good he is, he is also a member of the Secret Service and a soldier. How can he be so disorganized and undisciplined!"

Zheng Nan said seriously: "Mr. Zhao, he is a member of the Secret Service, but he is also a member of the Inspection Department, and he is also the deputy director! I believe that he does not value the identity of the colonel of the Secret Service. If you I don't want him to completely part ways with the Secret Service, please take back what you just said!"

How could Mr. Zhao not know that Luo Lei is the deputy director of the inspection department, and his approach was not very clever, that is, to put pressure on Zheng Nan, and then let Zheng Nan put pressure on Luo Lei to achieve his own goal.

Who would have thought that Zheng Nan wouldn't take this kind of trick at all, and even came up with a head-to-head confrontation.

A few days ago, he inquired about the meeting between Mr. Tian and Mr. Zhao from his cousin Tian Feng, and Mr. Tian didn't give him any face.

Zheng Nan thinks Mr. Zhao is a senior, if you respect me a foot, I will definitely give you back a foot, but if you want to get this foot, but you are reluctant to give even a foot, then I don't need to be polite to you.

"Xiao Zheng, actually I met Luo Lei mainly to discuss business, don't get me wrong!" Elder Zhao's arrogance immediately shrank by half.

In any case, Zheng Nan was regarded as Luo Lei's immediate boss, and the friendship between the two of them must have been good. If Zheng Nan was annoyed, Luo Lei might not let it go.

And Luo Lei is the deputy director of the inspection department, and even Sun Chunpin obeys him. If he wants to live a few more years, he can only rely on the inspection department.

"Old Zhao, it's not that being a junior doesn't give you old face!" Zheng Nan said solemnly: "Xiao Lei is my subordinate, it's true, let us handle the mundane affairs, you have spent your whole life worrying about the country, what should you do?" Take a break!"

Mr. Zhao's face became ugly. What Zheng Nan said clearly meant that he was meddling in his own business. You have retired for more than ten years. What business can you talk about? Do you need to worry about it?

However, the unhappiness on Mr. Zhao's face disappeared immediately, and he said with a smile: "Xiao Zheng, I like your daring temper! It seems that there is indeed no fate between me and Colonel Luo Lei, so forget it ,Thank you for your hospitality!"

"Mr. Zhao is too polite, I won't give it away!" Zheng Nan said.

If it were an ordinary person, it would definitely be a warm [-]-mile farewell, but Zheng Nan didn't intend to do that, anyway, he was already a little unhappy, so why bother to be polite to you, it would make people feel hypocritical.

After Mr. Zhao walked into the elevator, recalling what Zheng Nan had said, he smiled wryly and said to himself, "I'm really meddling? The old man surnamed Tian said so, and so did the man surnamed Zheng!"


Luo Lei smashed the window glass, flew out of the castle, and cursed: "He nnd, what's going on! This is obviously the old den of the blood race, how could there be no one there?"

The old guy didn't come to Europe with him, but stayed in China to protect the safety of the girls.

The castle is empty, and the furnishings in the room are not messy at all. There are two possibilities for this situation: first, people have already left, so the room is not messy;

Second, people just ran away, and because of the critical situation, they didn't care to pack anything, so the room was not messy.

When he was about to call Nivena, a guy with bat wings appeared in the air in the distance, flying towards this side.

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