urban evil

Chapter 978

The big bed was messy, with a few bright red plum blossoms on the beige sheets.

Looking at Gu Hanyan again, her eyes were closed tightly, she was sleeping very hard.There was no way, the battle just now exhausted all her strength, even if Luo Lei woke her up, she would not even have the strength to lift a finger.

And the premise is, can you wake up?

Luo Lei hugged her who was sleeping helplessly, touched her growling stomach, and said to himself: "It seems that I have to eat dinner by myself. I couldn't hold it back just now. If I had known it, I would have filled it first." Say it on a full stomach!"

He gently moved the octopus-like Gu Hanyan away, tiptoed out of the bedroom, and dialed Tian Xi's number first: "Xi'er, I won't go back at night, you should sleep when you should, don't wait for me!"

"Xiao Lei, you are sleeping at Yanzi's house, right?" Tian Xi guessed it right away, and said, "When Yanzi left the manor today, I felt that she had something on her mind, and it really is!"

"Hehe, Xi'er is smarter! Yanzi is already asleep, tell the sisters, I will take Yanzi back tomorrow, if the old rules are followed, she will have to serve tea to you older sisters, hehe!" Luo said. Ray said with a grin.

"Come on, let's serve tea!" Tian Xi said angrily, "Come back early tomorrow, all the sisters want to see you sooner!"

Luo Lei hung up the phone with a smirk, took out the meal he had made before, ate and drank, and returned to the bedroom after eating and drinking, and fell asleep with the hot ancient beauty in his arms.


In North America, the landing field is about to be built. Commander Kuruk, the big head, has a happy expression on his face. The troops in his hometown have been prepared. As soon as the landing field here is completed, they can land here and start conquering the earth. great cause.

"Commander, our people still haven't found the special operations team that uses the new weapon!" A subordinate came over and said in awe, "We haven't been able to get the new weapon either!"

"You are a bunch of idiots, you can't do such a small thing well!" The commander's previous joy disappeared without a trace. In order to avoid accidents when the reinforcements arrived, he concealed from the commander-in-chief that the earthlings used About the new weapon.

In his opinion, new weapons are nothing, as long as some can be brought back for research, the weaknesses of these weapons can be found, and it will not have any impact on the overall situation.

But now they still don't know anything about these things. If a large army comes and all the people on earth are equipped with new weapons, the balance of victory is likely to be on the side of the earth.

And his person who did not report the knowledge will also be severely punished.

"Why are you still standing still, keep looking!" The commander shouted hysterically: "If you can't find it before the arrival of the big troops, you will all die!"

His subordinates left obediently. After all, he is the supreme commander here, holding the life and death power of all Kuruk people.


The next morning, Gu Hanyan opened her eyes, and seeing herself lying in Luo Lei's arms, she couldn't help showing a sweet smile.

"Honey, wake up, the sun is already rising!" Gu Hanyan shouted.

"Is there?" Luo Lei opened his eyes and glanced out the window, snorting, "Three strokes are left, at most two and a half strokes, I'll sleep for a while, and then let's go to the manor!"

"Don't sleep, okay, I can't even fall asleep!" Gu Hanyan began to tickle Luo Lei.

"Miss Yanyan, you are such a troublesome little trouble!" How could Luo Lei fall asleep again under such circumstances, he said helplessly, "I've thought for a long time that with your personality, it would definitely be very troublesome. That's right!"

"Come on, it's already three shots in the day, it's okay not to get up, husband, you lazy pig!" Gu Hanyan countered.

Luo Lei turned over and pressed her down, and said with a smirk, "Then we had three shots in the day, and now we are only two and a half shots, which means we still have half a shot!"

After finishing speaking, this guy sent the peerless weapon into the valley with ease.

Suffering from the sudden attack, Gu Hanyan said in a panic: "Bad husband, what are you doing?"

"You said, three strokes on the sun!" Luo Lei deliberately put the sun into a flat tone, not explaining what you understand.

Gu Hanyan struggled symbolically a few times, knowing that she is not an opponent, what's the use of resisting?

Fairy music filled the entire room.

An hour and a half later, Luo Lei returned to the manor with her pretty face still blushing undisguised. Several sisters who had completed the girl-to-woman transformation all laughed, which made Gu Hanyan feel very embarrassed.

She reached out and grabbed the soft flesh around Luo Lei's waist, twirling and saying, "It's all about you, a badass husband, who made me unable to hold my head up in front of my sisters!"

"If you want to blame it, it's your own fault. Who told you to wake up your husband's sweet dream!" Luo Lei refused to budge, he wanted Gu Hanyan to remember that brother is not allowed to wake up in the morning, otherwise he will be punished.

Anna Shen took Gu Hanyan's hand and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Yanzi, you have finally become an official member of our family!"

On the surface, Shen Anna's words are congratulating Gu Hanyan, but in fact, the deeper meaning is to remind other sisters who have not yet become Luo Lei's women, and encourage them to continue to work hard. At the same time, if Gu Hanyan wants to learn, Luo Lei will not take the initiative. Can't you take the initiative?

Gu Hanyan became red-faced, even though she was a policeman, she would also be shy.

"Xiao Lei, are you there?" Ziluo's shout sounded from outside.

Luo Lei ran to the door and shouted to the sky: "Sister Fairy, I'm here!"

A few seconds later, Zi Luo, who was stepping on the auspicious cloud, appeared in front of everyone. She landed steadily and greeted the girls with a smile like a flower.

Luo Lei let her into the living room, which was the largest living room among the dozen or so villas. Except for a bathroom and a kitchen on the entire first floor, the remaining area was almost entirely the living room.

So, everyone stays here and it doesn't look crowded at all.

"Sit down, sister, what do you want me to do?" Luo Lei asked with a smile.

Ziluo has been living in a cultivator camp in the suburbs of Beijing, but now she has come to Huadu City, she must be looking for him for something.

"The thing is like this!" Ziluo took out a few photos and said, "This is the information obtained by Director Sun. The pictures show that the enemy's landing field in North America is about to be completed, and the construction of landing fields in several other places is also stepping up. Boss, the military means to send planes to bomb, even if they can't completely destroy these facilities of the Kuruk people, they still want to harass their reinforcements, what do you think?"

Luo Lei originally thought that he could live a comfortable life at home for a few days, but he didn't expect the Kuruk people to move so fast, it's really unstoppable!

However, he also heard other meanings from Ziluo's words. This is a matter of the military. Why is the fairy lady so concerned? I'm afraid this is just an excuse for you to come to me, old lady?

"Fight, definitely fight! If you want to defeat the alien race, it is very important to take the initiative to attack, and you can't blindly defend!" Luo Lei said: "However, it is not realistic to use planes to bomb! Kuruk people are not fools, could they Turn the hard-working landing site into a city that is hard to defend? All the planes sent by the military will be shot down hundreds of kilometers away, this method is not good!"

"I don't know anything about military affairs, but since you said that, Xiaolei, it must be reasonable!" Ziluo nodded.

This further confirmed Luo Lei's thoughts just now, and it really was Ziluo's excuse.

This is indeed the case, Ziluo doesn't want to stay in the camp on the outskirts of Beijing, not because the living environment there is too poor, but because without Luo Lei, she feels that she can't cheer up for anything.

Therefore, she made the decision to find him in Huadu.

But Ziluo's character determined that she couldn't come here casually, so she must find a reasonable excuse.

At this moment, someone from the military came to find Sun Chunpin, and she listened to a few words. In fact, Sun Chunpin's point of view was the same as Luo Lei's, and she told the military people at that time.

After the emergence of new weapons and special operations teams, the people on earth at least have a fair chance to fight the Minotaur. If the enemy can prevent the increase of troops, the eradication of alien races is just around the corner.

Of course, it is still unknown whether it can stop the enemy from increasing its troops.

Luo Lei thought a lot. The reason why the cultivation world was able to cause such a huge loss to the Kuruks when they landed in China for the first time was because the enemy didn't understand China and the cultivation world.

Moreover, the loss of [-]% of the masters of the tribulation stage in the cultivation world in that battle is not an advantage.

At this time, the aliens had been on the earth for nearly a month, so it could be said that they knew it well. Even if there was no landing field, they could still land in the most primitive way and minimize the losses.

And once this becomes a reality, it is necessary for people on earth to read Mao Taizu's On Protracted War.

Therefore, destroying the landing field of the Kuruks does not mean that everything will be fine.

What he cares about is that the Kuruk people are fighting another civilized star, and how many troops they can spare to deal with the earth is the key.

"Sister Fairy, did the Supreme Lord send you any new information?" Luo Lei asked.

Zi Luo shook her head and said, "Master didn't say anything! I asked him too, but every time he used the words "Secrets of the Heavens must not be leaked" to block my mouth! It is said that someone in the Heavenly Court was unhappy and regretted intervening. In the dispute between the Chinese people and the Kuruk people. After all, the original purpose of those alien races was only the Chinese country, but now it has turned into the entire earth, and the seriousness of the situation exceeded some people's initial estimates."

"md! This is the heaven that we Chinese people respect as gods!" Luo Lei said angrily, "Is it wrong to divert disasters to the east? I ask you, old lady, in the eyes of those superior people, we Chinese people are like As humble as an ant, isn't it?"

Ziluo smiled wryly, and said: "It's not just Chinese people! Even your elder sister and I are unknown little people in the heavenly court. People in high places don't take people like me seriously, let alone you!"

Luo Lei clenched his fists and said, "One day, I will let these people know the fate of despising others!"

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